Advice dealing with RA knee flare

Hi all

I was diagnosed with JIA at 18months old, which transitioned into rheumatoid arthritis I'm not 36 and really struggling with a right knee flare, in alot of discomfort, limited movement in that knee. I have a guided ultrasound cortisone injection boomed for 29th May which I've been waiting months for.

My emotions are all over the place due to pain and discomfort and difficulty walking due to the flare.

Currently taking salfasalazine due to trying to conceive.

Tried hot and cold compress nothing seems to be elevating the pain/swelling.

Anyone been in a similar situation be great if you could reach out, any advice ?

Would be good connect with anyone struggling with RA as it can be very isolating😭


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hi @Chery102

    Just to let you know I've replied to your post in the young people's category.

    Wishing you all the best
