Feeling ill on methotrexate

I’ve taken my first dose of 15mg today (3rd dose overall) and I feel like I’ve got a bad cold without the nose troubles. I’ve had a headache for hours and slowly increasingly feeling like I’m burning up but I’ve got no reason to be ill. I don’t have any infected cuts or anything and I’ve not knowingly been around anyone ill. Should I be worried or is this just side effects


  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,284

    Hello @samozoa take a look at the side effects in the following article.

    If in any doubt though get in touch with your GP or Rheumatology Team to make sure.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Welsh1
    Welsh1 Member Posts: 89

    EArly days you could have this for a few weeks before body adjusted

  • Cara123
    Cara123 Member Posts: 31

    @samozoa - Sorry to hear you are feeling ill, I have had similar symptoms after taking Methotrexate.

  • hubahuba
    hubahuba Member Posts: 1

    took two doses of 15 mg MTX and was in agony during night.scared stiff. of this weeks as up to 20 mg.

  • SarahA16
    SarahA16 Member Posts: 1

    I am new to this group, but the reason I joined was that I have been on methotrexate injection for around the past 8 months, and the last 2.5 months was upped to 10mg in an attempt t get me to 15mg, I have honestly never felt so ill in my life, and thats no exageration. I finally saw the rheumatologist yesterday, and he told me that altough 80% of people on methotrexate are fine, the remaining 20 can have serious side effects, even on low doses. I felt majorly depressed, had constant hot flushes, severe water retention, in the evenings and night time only I experienced really sore throat and such heavy mucous infection that I spent most of the night trying to clear my throat as felt I couldnt breather properly, but those symptoms mysteriously cleared up during day time to reappear the following evening, and also I have never experienced such fatigue throughout my body and breathlessness. The rheumatologist has to me to come off it, and is going to try me on Leuflonamide instead. Sympathies to anyone else who has also struggled with this medication.

  • PJoanne
    PJoanne Moderator Posts: 208

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • JoMcc
    JoMcc Member Posts: 3

    I initially felt like this when I started methotrexate. A little like flu, but not, if that makes sense. My consultant advised me to stick with it as my body would adjust. It did settle a little, but not fully, so after 6 months, they prescribed 25mg sub cut methotrexate. Now I only get a headache for 24 hrs after injection, but I can cope with that.

  • D1eseld0g
    D1eseld0g Member Posts: 1

    I have been taking 20 mg of methotrexate for 4 weeks now, I do get slight headaches which soon go first thing in the morning. The main thing I have noticed is an improvement in my cross country times. 7.5 miles in just under the hour. I am on the verge of 65 I use the gym at least 5 times a week for circuit and cross training. And have done for many years.

    I feel like a fraud, my hands are like claws until I get moving and using, however if I stop they soon go back to stiff limited movement. I know every one is different but I ask myself “do I really need this drug” other people remind me of the sleepless nights and the flares where my hands look like I have puffy gloves on. Do many people suffer with just the hands or can I expect every joint to go eventually.

    First post 🥺👍