Trouble with working out a baseline

Is there anyone out there that followed along a baseline method devised by the NHS Pain Management Course that suggests you cut down more than half of the exercises you normally do? The reason for asking is that it has made me a lot worse as I have lost so much more strength that I have never been able to recuperate it and I am in more pain too. I would like to know if anyone has also suffered in this way as it would be interesting to know.



  • PJoanne
    PJoanne Moderator Posts: 115

    Hello @froggie

    I don't have any experience or knowledge of the course, but instinctively this doesn't sound right, you are going in the wrong direction here. Is there a contact for the course that you could discuss this with? I've put a link to the VA information about pain below, if you read to the bottom there is a section about what to do if your pain control is not working.

    best, Joanne

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • froggie
    froggie Member Posts: 6

    Hi Joanne,

    Thank you for getting back to me, sorry in the delay I thought I might have had a reply via email I did not realise I would have to return to the community board.

    You are right I am going in the wrong direction but it is too late I just have to build it up again as I have done this before but due to my anxiety over long covid I can't always see straight.

    The link you sent me is helpful and the bit about getting too close to the issue too as I need to step back. I seem to concentrate on the excises too much too and missing out on other forms such as house cleaning and I love walking too. I am in a complete muddle. It's stopped me from socialising too.

    In addition to the issue I have made a complaint to PALS as this is stopping me getting back some quality of life.

    Best wishes,
