Total Hip replacement pain - THR



  • WendyDales
    WendyDales Member Posts: 21

    @alwayssewing Thank you! I will look for this on Amazon. It would really help if I could just tone the muscle pain down a bit.

    That's a good tip. I tend to walk out at speed (I used to walk very fast in the good old days!) and perhaps I should just walk slowly and time myself rather than worry about how far I'm going. Quality over quantity haha! Thanks, great tip.

    As it happens a colleague bought me a colouring book! As a child I loved colouring books. I should try it! I do a lot of photography and social media so I can spend hours on my laptop but these are still kind of work stuff. Maybe something like you suggest will help. I hope you have had a good day and enjoy your lovely hobbies x

  • WendyDales
    WendyDales Member Posts: 21

    @Fran54 Bless you, thank you. Surgical stockings and blood thinner injections? Both sound horrendous! Well done for that. I was lucky not to have socks and I'm on tablets.

    Thank you, these are good tips re the walking. I decided to not do the physio today as I wanted to see if it would make any difference. It seems to be causing the pain but I don't want to stop doing them for obvious reasons. I think my muscles and walking ended up being quite poor before the surgery. I have pain in the same places I had arthritis and still walking with a bad gait. Would you recommend keeping going with the physio, does it get easier?

    How far along are you now, Fran? I hope you had a good day 😍