Total Hip replacement pain - THR



  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    Hi @WendyDales thank you for this, your physio's info is helpful. Although I consider myself at 12 months to be almost fully recovered and living a good life I do still feel I've a little more recovery in me and this makes sense. I saw my chiropractor this morning and he was really happy with my progress but agreed that there is just a little more improvement as I still find I need to rest for a few minutes after an hour on a longer walk, to avoid limping and aches in my front thigh/groin area. He did say there are two reasons, it could be that I haven't as yet got full recovery from the surgery, or my muscles could just need a little more time. The hot water bottle sounds a good idea - I think I like that!

    I've just googled IT band exercises and my chiropractor has already given me some of those to do so that's a great help and confirmation of what I'm aiming for. I laughed at 'forgotten how to effectively work together' - let's hope they start to remember.

    It's good to hear that things are improving for you and that you're feeling better.

    We're heading quickly into Spring now so hopefully much better days ahead 😊

  • Antonia
    Antonia Member Posts: 5

    @Janlyn hello, thank you for you reply. I can relate to a lot of what you're saying.

    One thing I didn't realise before surgery was all the work that needs doing to muscles and tendons etc after surgery. Wow, it's certainly been an eye opener that's for sure. Now I understand why it's important to do the pre surgery exercises!. I will know now for the next hip and will also not be so worried about the pains and niggles that I have experienced due to all the muscles and tendons that have been traumatised during surgery! No one mentioned this to me who I had spoken to about the surgery and let me tell you, I had spoken to quite a few people who had gone through this surgery.

    Anyway, I had my 6 weeks check up. I asked the questions and didn't really get much explained, I think my surgeon was in a rush to get home!. He said that things will settle and he's happy with my recovery after examining my hip. He moved it around a bit while I lay on the bed. I asked about the leg length, he checked them and said they are the same length, he said it's probably a tilt in the pelvis due to the other hip needing to be done. I also have a very tight hip flexor which I've come to realise, after seeing the surgeon, is what's making me feel like the leg is longer. I saw the physio and he said I have chronic shortening of the hip flexor and I just need to stretch it. so after a few days of stretching and walking it seems to be improving which I'm very happy about. No X-ray was taken which I thought was strange! Oh well, at least he's happy with my recovery and my body feels like it's improving everyday so that's a good sign. our bodies will soon tell us if there's something wrong!

    One more issue I have ( god, I feel like a whinge bag!) is I have this awful pain in my rhomboid which has now moved to my neck, it's so painful. My physio said it's common after surgery, it's from a bad posture whilst walking with crutches. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping it will settle soon.

    Thank you for all your messages, it's always a great help reading them. xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    @Antonia Oh I can identify with all you say. It now makes absolute sense to me that some people make quicker recoveries. I really couldn't understand how a relative was on a motorbike in the Himalayas a few weeks after surgery, but he had been super fit, had an accident and emergency surgery. I'd hardly been able to walk for months, if not years before.

    I do think the surgeons seem to only look at whether they've done their job right and not our true potential. I am now walking an average of 11,000 steps a day which is almost back to my 'normal' but had my normal been much less I think I could have settled for less of a recovery if that makes sense?

    I found the checkups were really only so the surgeon could check my X-rays (which he did) and that I was happy - he really didn't seem to expect the questions I had wanted to ask.

    And yes, leg length/pelvic tilt/tight hip flexor - still not completely right but I have been seeing a chiropractor and he is determined to get me back to my normal, if not better and I do seem to be 'getting there'.

    And yes, it does affect all areas I think. I'm still struggling with my posture, still struggling to stand up straight and I'm putting that down to my neck ache and stiffness - a bit of heat and exercise is improving it. I also developed carpal tunnel syndrome from leaning too heavily on one of my sticks before and after surgery. A steroid injection seems to have sorted it, at least for now.

    I do think you're doing well and am sure you'll concentrate on your exercises and strengthening your muscles to put yourself in the best possible place for your next surgery. We do learn a lot as we go, don't we?

  • @Antonia I had my x-rays in the 12th week visit. My consultant has never spent more than 3 minutes with me. He checks I'm alive and without infection and that's enough 😂

    Many of my pains come from the posture walking with crutches. I've tried to avoid the pain when walking, leaning too much over the "good" leg. With my first surgery, I developed a "somatic tinnitus" and I blame the muscle tension in my neck and shoulders due to the crutches.

    About flexors, abductors and bands, our body has been overcompensating here, undercompensating there for a long time, so the readjust is very hard.

  • Flossie
    Flossie Member Posts: 2

    Hello. I have just signed up . My name is Flossie. I had a total Left Leg Hip Replacement on the 23 Dec 23. It has all gone well. I stopped doing my regular regime of leg exercises which i was given by the Hospital about 10 Months ago. I walk every day . I recently decided to restart all the Leg exercises . Now my left leg really hurts!. Have I been a bit idiotic?

  • PJoanne
    PJoanne Moderator Posts: 236

    Hello @Flossie

    Welcome to the forum!

    Do you think that its the exercising that has created the pain. I beleive that if you have pain a few days after exercise this would be classed as 'to be expected' but longer term pain not so much?

    Best Joanne

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  • Flossie
    Flossie Member Posts: 2

    I believe the fact that i launched into a a full scale stretching exercise on my left leg, that the muscles and tendons etc , i'm no expert went into some kind of shock after not doing them for so long. It made me feel a bit kind of imbalanced .