
Just joined ! I have osteoarthritis! Had both my knees replaced in 2015 and my right hip in 2017.. I was told my left hip should have been done already and my right a few years prior. I still went skiing twice a year until last year .. I need an ankle replacement ! in 2022 went skiing , was quite painful so 2023 was missed ! I had my pre op in jan 2023 still waiting ! Also told I need the 3 Center bones in my foot fusing to correct high arches , so two ops on my right foot ! Told both could mean loosing movement in my foot .. ! Both ops mean a cast for 3 months then a boot for 3 months . So a whole year in cast or boot .. any thoughts on this would be useful please


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Good morning @collo welcome to the online community

    There's a coincidence I spotted another new person this morning @sarajscott on this thread with a not dissimilar issue:

    Might be worth a read of their thread and my reply as I think I linked several other older threads in too.

    You are clearly a very active person and might struggle with enforced inactivity for such a while. Having said that a pre-op in January '23 needs chasing it seems very unusual to wait quite so long after a pre-op. Chances are it will need at the very least repeating, but my fear is you have been 'lost' in the system.

    I am very glad you've found the forum and hope you'll decide to keep posting. We have some people here the 'hippies' who have very kindly posted diaries on their hip replacement surgeries and recoveries. I don't believe we have anything comparable for your proposed surgeries unfortunately.

    Best wishes
