Bionic girl: The second THR

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited 29. Dec 2024, 10:12 in Living with arthritis

I had my 2nd THR on Tuesday and I arrived home today. Stress reduced to a half thanks to the experience in the field 😜. Zero problem with spinal anesthetic or IV. Slept soundly during the procedure and woken up like nothing ever happened. The best: My consultant has fixed my leg discrepancy which was my biggest concern and I can now stand on both legs without leaning to the bad side. I haven't measured myself yet but I'm sure I've regained the 5cm lost. I was fitter this time. This leg was less painful than the other, which was in pure agony at the time of the surgery. I've been able to go to the NHS "Prepare for surgery" in a leisure centre run by NHS physiotherapists and I've been doing exercises at home. The effort is paid off. I feel strong climbing stairs, getting in and out of the car and bed. If you are having a surgery soon, I'd recommend to do one of these NHS programs previously.

I'm currently not having much pain. We'll see what will happen the following days. I remember 3rd and 4th days like the most painful days. The worst thing is the stiffness, like having a wooden leg. This time I don't feel a tennis ball inside. The pain goes down from the groin to the thigh. I'm taking Paracetamol during the day and one tablet of Codeine at night but it's is messing with my digestion and I suffer from brain fog so I think I'm going to give it up tomorrow or the day after.

I'd heard that NHS staff in my hospital were nice but it has been incredible. I have to confess that I was slightly afraid after having the other done in a private hospital with a private room but this experience has been very good and in some points, even better. The nurse, who was in charge of my admission in the first day, was working in other department today and she came to say good bye to me, giving me a big hug. I couldn't believe it. Patients there, mostly old women and rugby players were so funny. I could heard their laughter from the other room. It was contagious. When I was in the private room sometimes I felt a little bit isolated. Maybe it's just me but I feel better when I'm surrounded by people. On the other side, food in NHS is not going to receive a Michelin star soon.
Arriving at home, everything was much easier than it used to be with the other leg. Knowing what to do and what not to do is a big advantage. I have less concerns about sleeping on my back or breaking the rule of 90º. It looks like it's a natural thing for me after the 6 weeks of "camp training" last January.
I don't think I'm going to write a daily update like I did with the first THR because it'll be too much intense and repetitive. I couldn't find much about staged double hip replacement in the VA website and it could be useful for others.

Take care X



  • Twig
    Twig Member Posts: 9

    @Nurina good luck with your recovery at least you know what to expect I am not sure that makes it any easier but I wish you well and thank you for sharing your journey on here it has been so helpful to know the experience of others. Take care and look after yourself

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 599

    @Nurina thank you for starting this post, it will help such a lot of people. So good to hear how well you are doing and what a difference this time, presumably because you learned with your last hip and now know what to do and what is ahead of you.

    Well done, and looking forward to seeing progress made - I'm sure it will be quick.

    Take care, x

  • Hi !

    That's good you got on well

    Good luck with your recovery

    I got a call yesterday my 2 is hip op is next weed wed 4th Dec! Feeling emotional also my daughters birthday that day but know what to expect with the operation! Take care x

  • That's great @anxioussarah We'll both have a fresh start in new year. How is the other hip? I couldn't totally enjoy the benefits of the first due to the bad leg but now that I have both done, it's fantastic. My kids are very happy to see I'll feel better soon. I suppose ypur surgery is a good birthday present for your daughter. My consultant said that there is no reason for not to have the same outcome with the second but the recovery would be different. It's great our brain forgets the pain quickly so I don't recall it well. I know I used a strap/belt to raise my left leg and I don't need it now but it could be just experience and less fear about the 90º rule . It's not like I'm breaking it but I know better where are the limits.

    Thanks @Janlyn and @Twig for your kind words. I'm living a "Groundhog day" now. It looks like it was yesterday when I was taking the blood thinner tablets. By the way, I'll end them on 31st of December. Perfect timing! Seeing all the Christmas ads makes me feel it's very close.

    The physios at the hospital asked me if I wanted physiotherapy because they don't refer to it directly. They gave me a phone number to get an appointment but it's good to know I have the choice. I think I don't need it now so I'll save the sessions for the secong round of pain, when I'd start moving better. At the moment, I have more enough with the basic exercises from the booklets.

    Here I am at 5am. I forgot yesterday to bring some food upstairs and I'm very hungry now. Another Groundhog day.

    Take care X

  • @Nurina i'm so glad it went well. Every day will be so much better now.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 772

    Hi @Nurina

    I'm so happy you've had a good experience with your second hip replacement and hopefully you will be well on the road when Christmas arrives and you can enjoy it.

    Don't forget the E45 for your scar :)

    best wishes

    Trish xx

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 281


    thank you for sharing your second hip replacement progress and I am so pleased for you that it is going well. The physio exercises that we all do/did religiously are paying off dividends for you so keep up the good work!

    All the best.🤗

  • Thanks @Trish9556 and @Fran54 I will follow the physio instructions and I'll use E45. X

  • @Nurina Pleased it is going well..

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 599

    @Nurina Oh I do remember 5.00am - at least you know now what is ahead of you and what a start to the new year - that'll be fantastic. And for @anxioussarah too - best of luck for next Wednesday.

    Good to hear you can choose to have physio - it's so important isn't it?

  • Day 4,

    Things are much easier than the first THR. Crutches, grabber, washing, dressing, undressing. I don't need any help. Even stairs, are almost easy peasy. This leg was bad but much better than the other. I barely have pain. I stopped taking codeine because it was making my life insufferable in too many fields: stomach, dizziness, sickness, constipation. I'm going to take tonight Paracetamol only. I hope it's enough. If not, I have three boxes of codeine 😂. I feel very stiff, very uncomfortable. This pain goes down to the knee and I feel the thigh like it's made of wood. Nights are awful, but expected. Reading my old post, I'm not far from my nice 8 hours of sleeping. Just patience and every night is one less.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 599

    @Nurina this is lovely to read. I hope paracetamol is enough. I remember I couldn't cope with codeine and took only paracetamol from around day 3 - any pain was easier than pre-op and it was fine. I hope it is for you.

    What you say is bringing back memories - you sound to be just like I was at the same stage. Amazing how we forget isn't it? I bumped into a neighbour today who remarked that it was almost a year, and I really didn't know what she was talking about until I thought about it, as it'll be a year for me on 16th December.

    Take care and I look forward to hearing your next update, x

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 182

    @Nurina it's so good to hear how you are doing and you're doing great 😃

    You'll only forget to take things up with you once ! I hated codeine and relied more on paracetamol in the end. In hindsight I should have dropped the codeine earlier as it didn't help feeling sick and nauseous all the time.

    Keep up the positivity, not long now until you can sleep more comfortably again. Big hugs. Julie xx

  • Thanks @Janlyn @JPT @distantshores

    It's been 7 days from my surgery day and I feel really well. I was living in agony last weeks before my surgery so I feel much better than before My length discrepancy has dissappeared and with it, the big limp. I feel my leg heavy, stiff and uncomfortable but almost painless. I don't have any bruise or swelling in the leg but I feel all my body swollen. I weight 6lbs more than last week. For 5 days I couldn't eat due to the nausea so it has to be water retention due to the wound, medication and inactivity.
    I went for a short walk yesterday. 1500 steps. It was bliss. I can't believe I'm now heading out for a coffee with my husband like a normal thing. I love the cafes with the Christmas decorations, don't you?.

    Take care x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149

    I also love Christmassy cafés @Nurina

    Gosh though you are progressing well I am so pleased for you. 7 days and off out for a coffe?!!

    Well done☺️

    Toni x

  • @Nurina Incredible that you have been able to recover so quickly. I have found the whole thing very traumatic and the pain last night was terrible. I wasn't in pain before the operation. There is no way I could go outside let alone to a cafe. I can only move about the house and haven't been upstairs. In fact I regret having it done at the moment.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149
    edited 3. Dec 2024, 12:30


    I am so sorry you are struggling so much. I know it's not the same, but when I had my back surgery i regretted it for a long time, but now I absolutely do not.

    I couldn't sleep, was all swollen up like the Michelin woman in agony all the time and so very weepy. we are all different we all recover at our own rates and all of our joints, muscles and tendons were in slightly different conditions when we have our surgery.

    It still is really early days for you you will get there I'm sure sending you some ((()))

    Toni xx

  • @frogmorton Thanks. I hope in the long run it will be worth it. I was not prepared for the level of pain or the fact that I wouldn't be able to do much for myself and at the moment I can't think beyond that. As I wasn't in much pain before the op the pain has been absolutely terrible. For me the operation was a last resort and I managed to avoid it for 14 years and live my life generally how I wanted to but it was making walking difficult and putting pressure on other joints (it was stage 4 apparently). I think the surgeon was surprised I was able to get to Greece on my own in October and go to 3 exercise classes the week before the operation so I was quite fit and the muscles quite strong. In other words the operation has been a huge shock.

    Just hoping for the best and hope I won't regret it later on.

  • Our circumstances are different. I feel good because I know what to expect. I didn't feel the same with the first. I felt depressed and hopeless. I had to pay a lot for a surgery that maybe didn't work. With this new one, I know I'll feel better in days, everything will pass in weeks and I'll be a new person in months. I'm ADHD but with this situation, I've developed a patience that it's surprising me. I have in my mind just the next milestone, not further than that. My next milestones are stitches off next week, and then, the 6 weeks appointment where I will be able to sleep on my side and to drive. From here, we'll see. Day by day, step by step. For a year and a half I've been in agony, fully disabled so a surgery is almost nothing compared to that. Once you feel more recovered you'll notice the difference. X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 599

    @Nurina it's so good to hear how well you're doing and out and about already. I can't wait to see how you go on from here. I really felt for you last year as you had such a tough time, and knowing you had to go through it all again. Onwards and upwards from now though.

    @distantshores I hope you do find it was worthwhile soon. It really is early days and I think I can remember having some similar feelings myself, but it is nearly twelve months since now and my memories of those days are fading. The difference was that I was in pain and had no quality of life before my op, it happened very quickly, and so I knew I had no alternative, for you it's different. You still had a quality of life and no pain. I do hope another week or so and you'll feel much better. It isn't easy being on your own and restricted I know. I hope you'll soon be able to think of going to Greece again. Take care.

  • @Janlyn At the moment I don't care whether I ever go.anywhere again as long as the pain goes. I don't think I can even get next week as my foot has swollen up and I can't put a shoe on. They have said they can arrange for.district nurse to come to house. It is odd that I.had very little pain before as the hip was in a very poor state..I have had someone staying with me and could not have coped otherwise.

    @Nurina my immediate target is to get out of bed to go to the toilet!. For longer is to.get.upstairs..

  • @distantshores Things can change a lot in a week, don't feel frustrated, please. I have to go next week to the GP to get my staples out and I don't know what I'm going to do but I will not decide until the day is closer. Meanwhile I'm keeping my legs raised and applying ice.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 599

    @distantshores I hope the swelling goes down soon, that must be so unpleasant. I can't remember now how long my swelling lasted but I do remember not being able to get my shoes on. A good idea for the district nurse to come to you. A good idea to ask the district nurse for ideas to reduce the swelling - are you able to keep your leg raised? Have you tried ice?

    I was told the level of pain bore no relation to the state of the hip - some hips in a very poor state don't give much pain, as seems to be with yours, whilst others may be at a mild to moderate stage but give a lot of pain. I have found that it has been getting my muscles working again that has been the problem and I do think my hip wasn't really causing me pain but walking awkwardly was - maybe once you can get outside and up and down the stairs, and exercise properly the pain will reduce?

    Hope you're feeling better soon. As Nurina says a week can make a massive difference.

  • Week 2

    I got removed my staples today. The scar looks much closed and nicer than the first one that I think I got staples removed too soon and it looks awful.

    I’m almost painless and the swelling has disappeared. I’m only taking Paracetamol to help me sleeping through the night. Just 4 weeks more and sleeping on my back will be history…again.

    Today I went out with just one crutch and I reached 4000 steps with no problem. For months I couldn’t reached more than 800 steps using two crutches. I still have a bad habit of leaning on the good leg and I don’t need to do that anymore but my brain doesn’t understand this.

    I can go upstairs and downstairs at home holding the handrails. I’m trying to walk at home without crutches but I have a bad limp. Anyway it’s not even close to the horrible Trendelenburg I had before. It’s amazing to finally walk straight feeling both of my legs even. My son said yesterday that I look taller. I’m looking forward to enjoy a Happy Christmas I haven’t enjoyed for two years.

    Take care X

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 281


    It sounds like you are getting on very well with your recovery and no doubt relieved that the staples are gone now for good! I know how you feel about walking straighter and am myself walking a lot better than before.

    I hope that you enjoy your Christmas, you certainly deserve it and that you will not overdo things. Have a lovely time.🎄

    Take care🙂