Bionic girl: The second THR



  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 185

    @Nurina it sounds like you are doing really well and making good progress much earlier than before which is fabulous. So pleased that you are only on paracetamol now and walking around so well already. You will be more than ready for celebrating Christmas and feeling so much stronger. Keep going, you are doing great. Julie x

  • Thanks @Fran54 and @JPT I'm very happy indeed. I hope you celebrate Christmas strong and fabulous. X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Nurina How lovely to read this. You are doing well. I bet you feel taller too?

    It's good you recognise your bad limp as that way you can train your brain, it's been doing its own thing for so long it's forgotten it's you that's in charge!

  • @Janlyn My brain is my worst enemy! I have to make it realise than I don’t need to lean on my left leg. Bad boy. Yes. I walk much straighter and I don’t feel I’m walking like Quasimodo. It’s amazing my body feel free because nothing is pulling it down anymore. Now that the pain is fading, the exercises are very easy. I can lift my legs laterally wide open without any effort. I can’t believe it. I don’t even mind to sleep on my back anymore, Janet.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Nurina - that's such good progress - even not minding sleeping on your back. Compared to last time it's all incredible. But no surprise really because this time you're all ready to get your muscles toned, recover from surgery and get back to living.

    I know what you mean about training your brain. I keep thinking I'm standing up straight and then I catch myself on my ring doorbell camera and I'm hunched over!

    Well done with the exercises and I'm looking forward to what you get up to next!

  • Week 3

    I’m so happy with my recovery. After all the pain and disability I’ve been living for years, I can’t believe I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have very tight muscles all around my hips and I feel very stiff but nothing compared with the hell I was living before.. My other leg is learning again a new posture and it’s also very sore so I feel two tennis balls on each side of my buttocks. I’ve seen myself walking, reflected on a shop window and my legs are completely even and straight. I’ve had knocked knees for months, due to the tilted pelvis and the leg length discrepancy, and I thought my legs would be like that forever.

    I can slowly do stairs grabbing the hand rails. I can use a normal toilet Yay!. I can walk without crutches at home but I still have a big limp. I use one crutch outside and two if I’m walking longer. I don’t want to walk much until my muscles are stronger and my limp is corrected. Anyway, it’s wet outside and I don’t want to slip and fall over. I struggle during nights with stiffness and hate, HATE! sleeping on my back. I booked in January the same private physio that helped me with my first leg, after getting permission to drive from my consultant.

    I went yesterday to the cinema on my own to watch the movie Wicked which is almost three hours long. I sat on the first row, the closest seat to the exit door so, in case I wanted to leave earlier, I wouldn’t need to climb down stairs in the darkness with crutches. I had to move a lot and stretch my legs though. When I stood up I had to unfold like I was made of cardboard.

    My two scars are astonishing symmetrical but the new one is better closed than the first. I’m using E45 as @Trish9556 recommends.

    I wish my fellow recently replaced a good healing. Every will pass soon. X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    Oh wow, @Nurina it's wonderful your legs are completely even and straight. I'm so happy you're making such good progress now, you really suffered last time so it's so good to hear now it's all good news.

    I agree you don't want to be walking in the wet and risking slipping and falling over. I admit I'm still a bit cautious a year on.

    Well done with your cinema trip - not long now until you're driving and side-sleeping!

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 185

    @Nurina this is wonderful to hear! So pleased you can see the benefits already and a trip to the cinema is amazing!

    Definitely be careful out in the wet, I am still paranoid about slipping up even at nearly ten months.

    Have a great Christmas pain free. You know the aches will go, mobility will keep improving and normal sleep will happen soon enough. Julie x

  • @Janlyn @JPT Thanks for your support.

    I'm now starting my 5th week and I'm feeling the expected soreness of the "overdoing things". My first leg didn't fully recovered months ago and now it has to catch up. I can walk without crutches as straight as a Queen but if I'm walking longer, I prefer to use one crutch. I've started some light exercises doing squats and lunges and it's amazing how strong and flexible I feel after getting removed the arthritic pain and stiffness. I don't think I've ever felt as good as I feel now because I've had dysplasia since I was 5 years old. I've been even dancing salsa in my kitchen when I was cooking! My blood thinner tablets will end in 5 days. I've started sleeping normally, using a cushion between my legs. I'll see my consultant in 10 days and my physio the day after, driving my own car. My life is as "normal" as I dreamed and even better which is a great reward after living in hell for years. My THR experience has come to an end and it's a happy ending. I don't think it's necessary to bother you with more updates. I hope my story has helped others that were/are as afraid as I was a year ago.

    Good luck all X

  • Hi Nurina

    That's great news especially about the dancing!, I'm Just over 3 weeks since 2nd hip op & so looking forward to walking normally without crutches, best wishes x

  • I'm thinking about week 8th to get fully free of crutches but if not, that's fine. I'd still need them if I'm walking more distance or I feel sore. I prefer to walk well using crutches than walking in a wonky way without them. Quality over quantity. We'll be able to walk again @anxioussarah Very soon!

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Nurina such good news and well deserved. Your hard work and patience has paid off. And definitely you have helped so many following along.

    I hope you're going to pop in from time to time, but so happy you are doing so well, especially so soon, x