Recent OA diagnosis

KBU Member Posts: 2
edited 9. Jan 2025, 09:06 in Coffee Lounge


Last month I was diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis of the knee, where my xray displayed bone on bone with the complete wearing away of cartilage. There are also bone spurs growing on the joint (not sure what this means.) 😥 My gp has started me on Naproxen twice a day and I am due to start physio in a couple of weeks. There has been the mention of steroid injections if the pain persists and then potentially surgery if all else fails. This is all a bit overwhelming at the moment and so I am bit by bit trying to get my head around it. I have joined this group to get advice from fellow sufferers, as the internet is a bit of a minefield. Is or has anyone been in a similar position where your first indication of OA is straight at stage 4 ( in hindsight I should have sought medical advice sooner) and does the treatment plan sound normal in your experience? I obviously want to avoid surgery, but the fact that it has been mentioned by my gp suggests it is likely at some point. I am 44 so want to delay this as much as possible.

Any advice would be massively appreciated,

Thanks ☺️


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 508

    Morning @KBU and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your concerns about OA in knee.

    The following links maybe of interest to you….

    I am sure others with the same complaint will connect with you soon.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 113


    I have been on the same route as you. That is the normal way of dealing with knee arthritis a stage at a time. Do your exercises as they will help with mobility. I refused Naproxin, as it had weird effects on me, and just used Dri-codamol and anti-imflamtories that I was given.

    When the damage is severe the only route is replacement. It makes a huge difference, if after the surgery you do your exercises. I have had my right knee replaced for a number of years now and the difference is stagering.

    Spurs - these are boney growths that your bady produces to protect joints etc. They can cause mobility problems. However a replacement knee gets rid of these painful growths.

    Do be afraid - go ahead with it - it's a great solution to the pain and immobility.


  • KBU
    KBU Member Posts: 2

    Thank you so much for your response and reassurance that this is manageable and given me hope that I can eventually be pain free. I am still in significant pain, even with the naproxen. There are some days where I can barely move and I can’t remember the last time I slept well and spent the whole night in bed (I usually have to go onto the sofa at around 3am due to pain and discomfort.) I am looking forward to starting physio next week and am thinking it might be best to contact my gp regarding other pain relief options.
    fingers crossed 🤞

  • Eli
    Eli Member Posts: 1

    First time post here! O-A in both knees and awaiting TKR. Like you I was on Naproxen, but stomach cldnt take it any longer. Got moved on to pain relief patches (butec) and paracetomol which have been massively helpful to me. Def helps me better than tablets.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,894

    Just a quick welcome to @Eli

    Good to meet you I hope you will decide to keep posting. We have had a year of hip surgeries we need to have some TKR posters on board as well.

    I am glad to read that you have had some good pain relief from your Dr and hope it won't be too long before you have your surgery.

    Best wishes


  • Hi,

    I’m new in here. This is my first post. I have two bad hips, I got told a year and a half ago that I have osteoarthritis in my hips then I got told only six months ago after another X-ray just how bad it is. It’s stage 4 and I need two hip replacements. I have just received my letter to see the surgeon at the hospital. I am so nervous and (like you) I’m in so much pain through the night especially. I also think I should have sought medical help sooner. I am 44 as well. I don’t have much advice to give you except do what the physiotherapist tells you regarding exercises. I just wanted to post as I can relate.

    Good luck


  • PJoanne
    PJoanne Moderator Posts: 214

    Hello @hips_dont_lie44

    Welcome to the forum.

    Here is some information about hip replacement surgery:

    These disscussions may be interesting to you as well:

    Best Joanne

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm