
Hi guys

I had Arthrosamid injected into me right knee last Tuesday and am interested to hear peoples experiences week 2 and 3 of what to expect? I have AO and bone on bone on the outside of knee plus a bulging meniscus and arthritic bone spur. Use to be majorly active, netball couple times a week, 8 classes at the gym and then sadly I tore my cartilage 13yrs ago and had micro fracture surgery as I had a big divot out. Never been amazing since then and told no more high impact stuff, have slowly started to put on more and more weight (extra difficult when menopause kicked in to lose!)
Was recommended to try Arthrosamid as I’m 56yrs old, and consultant said I too young for replacement just yet as only lasts 10-15yrs (which I didn’t want replacement anyway😳)
Week 1 done, no major swelling but lots of stiffness and tightness above knee. When do people start the physio sessions that are recommended on the website?
