A specific type of feet pain, do U experience this too?

creAte Member Posts: 39
edited 3. Feb 2025, 10:12 in Living with arthritis

Hello x S plural :)

I experience this 'fact' which I don't understand...

Relatively still new to RA/diagnosed 6 months ago but affected & damaged in multiple body parts&locations.

Now feet pain: not quite sure how to translate this into words, named by own brain as 'travelling pain'. (Which can be experienced else where too/knees but more regularly into feet)

It hurts a lot out of nowhere even when not moving, it is like the super flash of thunder. A close cousin could be 'a cramp' while is not a cramp. Also a bit like razor blades.

When that type of pain flashes while walking it makes it super hard to walk/extremely painful.

I can't understand the type of pain I am trying to describe but is there anymore that may grasp & experience what I am trying to describe?

And if yes, as this got a name, a diagnosis? a reference point?

Thank you in advance for any form of reply x

(Yes I have read the foot link/versus arthritis but it did not cover what I am trying to understand)

Gentle smiles



  • Eeyore
    Eeyore Member Posts: 37

    Yes, yes, yes! I have that too. An agonising flash of pain deep in the foot (either foot) which makes me a) yell and b) stagger. Comes out of nowhere. Haven't been able to get an explanation from the health professionals…….

    I am ridiculously pleased to know I am not alone, but so sorry you are suffering too. (Also relatively new to R.A., diagnosed a year ago.)

  • creAte
    creAte Member Posts: 39

    @Eeyore ‐'ridiculously pleased ‐ that makes me giggle! it's funny and a lovely bit of writing.

    Here: no a) yelling but aa) Hahoo verbalise quietly or aaa) no sound but facial expression of pain popping up as flashing pain pop up.

    And b) yes! yes! yes!

    As for c) really really went to know what it is because it is a very weird puzzle.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,169

    Shooting pains!! I hate them!!!!

    The worst thing is you can unwittingly cry out in public!!!!😳

    I always thought it must be nerves?

    Toni x

  • creAte
    creAte Member Posts: 39


    Yes, I tend to think it is nerves related ... but how & why?

    (For it's highly in feet/here but also at times other body parts and why less there then and why a lot in feet and why does it happens and not happens… ??? ??? ) !

    Gentle smile

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,169

    No idea at all @creAte but it's always a shock and so painful! For me it's often foot but I have had it elsewhere too.

    Bodies are weird that's all I can say🙄

    Take care

    Toni x

  • Hermione
    Hermione Member Posts: 22

    Me too! Very intense sharp stabbing pain, only lasts a second or so and travels up from my foot, right up to my arm so I assume this is a nerve pain. Used to get this frequently but (touch wood) not lately and it only happened when I was sitting or lying down, never when active. Mentioned to a doctor and to a podiatrist, who both looked blank and had no explanation. Not sure if it has gone away because these days (OA in feet as well as RA for 15+ yrs) I can't wear any of my old "smart" shoes, and heels are a distant memory; I live in supportive lace-up trainers outside and Birkenstock slippers round the house.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 131

    Hi CreAte I also get those pains in my feet I've just had an alful burning pain just under one of my toes and I had to lift my foot off the ground really painful felt like crying stupid bodies I hope yours settles down for you.