THR for right hip now really close (Feb. 11th)



  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    Well done, @Wobblylegs but so sorry to hear about your seizure, thank goodness you had help. You sound to be doing incredibly well and holding it all together - onwards and upwards, best of luck and hopefully each day will be a little easier. 'A bit fragile' is a familiar feeling for the first few days.

    Take care.

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 14. Feb 2025, 08:36

    I’m so sorry Trish that you have to suffer like that. My seizures took a long time to be diagnosed as they seem to be associated with damage the MS has done. I probably have one every 5 years which is about how often I had relapses. It’s often followed by a period of other symptoms from the MS but this time I seem to have got away with a shortish one (less than 2 minutes) and just a few hours post ictal. So fingers crossed onwards and upwards.

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142

    Slept about 5 hours last night without any painkillers but was glad of them this morning. Ice is wonderful. As is having my other half who’s currently doing some boiled eggs and toast for my breakfast. Then it’s up, washed dressed, exercise, elevate, rest! Had a call from the Enhanced Recovery team at the hospital yesterday who just said don’t rush just 5 of each exercise is enough for first couple of days and elevate a couple of times a day. But mainly put less pressure on yourself. So far so good. Xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 818

    I don't really know anything different, I think that's why I have the attitude that yes I can do as council wanted to lock me up age five in a special school.

    Make sure you continue painkillers for the next few days regularly



  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    Five hours sleep is really good so soon, well done. All sounds to be going well, but yes, a good reminder not to put too much pressure on yourself, take care.

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 17. Feb 2025, 11:52

    Day 6:

    okay so maybe I’m just shattered but managed 6 hours sleep in all last night so on I’ll count that as a win. Increased ROM exercises very slightly yesterday and walked a little more. But not much more. Anti inflammatories now all finished so down to paracetamol only today.

    Quick question for anyone that knows I have an TKR on the same side as my hip replacement and today the knee is swollen too which seems to be forcing my knee inwards and making me limp which hasn’t happened until today. Is this normal? Can I expect swelling for a while yet.
    It’s not painful just making walking awkward. The main pain is still around my hip and thigh which are also swollen.

  • MaryL44
    MaryL44 Moderator Posts: 165

    Hi @Wobblylegs I've just read through your progress. You're doing amazingly well. I remember when I had my hip done overhearing my daughter telling my husband she thought they'd sent me home too early!

    Regarding your question about your knee. I had a TKR then a THR on the other leg so not exactly the same experience as you but I do think that your walking changes when something else changes - regardless of which side it is - so the THR is bound to have an effect on your knee. However, if you can, I would suggest you discuss it with the Physio or your GP to check all is OK.

    Best wishes


    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 17. Feb 2025, 14:50

    @MaryL44 thanks for replying, I think your probably right about the realignment of joints. I’ve just spoken to my osteopath about the swelling and it seems it is normal as long as it’s not red and/or not! She said ease back on exercises and elevate more often to help lymph drainage. . Which all makes sense.

    I just keep reading these stories of people without pain on day 6 and thinking wow! I feel weeks away from that!
    Thanks again

    Pat x

  • MaryL44
    MaryL44 Moderator Posts: 165

    I agree @Wobblylegs It is really useful to learn about other people's experiences (It's what this forum is all about!) but when we start comparing them like it's a competition we're not helping ourselves are we??

    I have a terrible habit of doing that and worrying that I don't feel the same as someone else but I try to remind myself that everyone is different and you need to keep your eye on the prize. Why did I have that joint replaced? It was to start a recovery journey towards reducing pain and not to enter a competition with someone else with whom the only thing I have in common is we've both had a joint replacement!

    Mary x

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 17. Feb 2025, 18:41

    Okay so after doing so well until today, pain has suddenly hit me. I'm so allergic to so many opioids that up until today I've managed with just paracetamol and an anti inflammatory. But I was only given 5 days of anti inflammatories! I had to do the whole recovery from my TKR with just paracetamol and that was hell! So I accepted the 5 days of anti inflammatories with the THR and I've been doing ok just feeling very sick on them.

    Today I can barely walk for the pain, I'm doing it but it's horrid! Any suggestions guys for someone who's allergic to opiods?

    Very little pain when resting, managing ok with ROM exercises but walking omg!

    Grateful of any thoughts? I can force my way through the pain as I've always had to I just want to know if it's normal. I know it will hold up recovery too.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    @Wobblylegs you really are doing well - it might feel like forever but it's really so soon it's amazing how well you are doing.

    But it must be really difficult to have your pain and the discomfort of your swollen knee to contend with. Regarding your knee I haven't had a knee replacement but my knees were more swollen than my hip and my physio said it was the change in alignment and gave me exercises to get me walking properly. Eventually they helped but it really took time. Time well spent though and I hope the same can be true for you.

    I'm really sorry I've no suggestions for your pain. Eventually you will be healed enough to not feel the pain but I am sure that feels a long time away. It doesn't seem worth pushing your way through pain - it sounds to be your osteopath or surgeon or physio could be of help?

    Take care.

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 17. Feb 2025, 21:00

    Thank you @Janlyn for answering. That's the problem unfortunately, it was NHS so no access to surgeon until 6 week check up, no physio just a print out and it seems that's now NHS protocol for hip replacement and my private osteopath has no appointments until next weekend.

    But reassurance is important so thank you for that I really appreciate it. I think part of the pain maybe because the knee that's swollen is artificial and there's not much room for swollen tissue in there.

    I know when I had my knee replacement I had to push through the pain as there was no other way. I would just ice, exercise, rest in that order but walking was painful for sometime. Seems I'm here again and just hope it's not quite as long as the knee as I've been told hips are easier. Pat x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241
    edited 18. Feb 2025, 11:11

    Hi @Wobblylegs Pat you are doing so well. I hope your knee settles down too now you are doing the old elevating and icing to help? Knees are definitely more tricky than hips knees are far more complicated and you want to look after it.

    If it's any help when I had my back operation everything from the knees down swelled up so I do think it's normal.

    Sending you some ((())) and a pat on the back.👏

    BTW you can buy anti-inflammatories over the counter too if you feel you still need them?

    Toni x

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 18. Feb 2025, 13:00

    Thanks @frogmorton I know about the antiinflammatories over the counter but my stomach won't take them the ones the hospital gave me were gentler on the stomach. I think much of my knee problem is referred pain from the hip. Most of the arthritic pain I had from the hip I felt in the knee and an exploratory hip injection made my knee numb 😂. So I think I'm feeling pain from my hip in my knee too as I have all along. I'm icing and elevating several times a day. My routine each time is walk, rom exercises, elevate, ice. In that order but I really appreciate the input as it makes me think. Thanks for much though for the reassurance too.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 818

    Hi @Wobblylegs

    Have you thought about a tens machine? I swear by mine when I'm in pain. It is a wired one sold by the "wet weather shoe" company that has tens, ems and massage options with 10 different strengths for each. On really bad days I keep mine attached to my offending area tucked inside an I phone size cross body bag so I can turn it on as soon as I need it. Not cheap but I've had two over 20 years so not bad.

    Worth it's weight in gold

    Trish xx

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142

    @Trish9556 what a great idea. I have a Tens and use it lots but never thought about it for this. If I use it over the main nerve in the thigh from hip to knee it helps the referred pain. I've been using it until the op and never thought about it for after. Thank you x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 818

    Hi @Wobblylegs

    It will also help with the swelling on your knee if it has a massage option. Also the magic bag of frozen peas alternated with a wheat bag/hot towel xx

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142

    @Trish9556 just wanted to let you know the tens machine worked a treat. I placed it across the track of the nerves from hip to knee and it's stopped a good 50% of the discomfort in the knee. So it's onwards and upwards Day 8 and a much better day today. Also the swelling reduces overnight and after elevation so that's all positive.

    Lots of hard work but it's going to be worth it. Moved from walking frame to crutches, increased ROM exercises and walked more.

    So thank you again x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 818

    You're doing really well @Wobblylegs

    It may be that your knee got pulled about a bit more than it should've done during surgery - do you have a big bag of frozen peas in the freezer? I keep one for using as an icepack and everyone knows not to use it.

    Remember it's still early days and there will be bad days ahead but you will get through them. Well done with your progress so far - next is having your staples out?

    love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 20. Feb 2025, 08:30

    I'm afraid it's nothing to do with what they did. This whole process has been referred pain. From the first indication of hip arthritis my pain was in my knee. An exploratory hip injection made my knee go numb. The pain relief they put in my hip during surgery numbed my knee. So this is the pain from the operation being felt in my knee via the nerves.

    But, yes I do have bags of peas too. The Tens machine helped me walk since that pain was in my knee from my hip. Most people looked shocked when I explained but consultant said it's common.

    No staples out just a wound check, all stitches are dissolvable!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement it's what I need right now. X

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142
    edited 22. Feb 2025, 15:04

    Day 11 and I actually feel like I’m making progress. Made it outside to for a walk around the garden in some sunshine which was lovely. Still have lots of pain in my knee but that’s just the way I’m wired I think 😂 but the tens machine on the knee was a revelation thank you @Trish9556. Managing to sleep at least 6 hours, doing regular ROM exercises and walking lots of short walks, less than 5 minutes each time but lots in the day plus all the trips to kitchen, bathroom etc. Took ages to find a chair that was a comfortable position but I now have and can spend about half an hour before retreating to recline. Wound check on Monday but today it feels like I’ve turned a corner and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It may just take me a little longer as I’m 70 and dealing with MS and epilepsy too. Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement in those early days which always feel a little dark.

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 292


    you seem to be doing really well and should be very pleased with yourself, especially having to cope with other illnesses. The days are gradually getting lighter and slightly warmer which will be a great positive for you. 🌼🙂

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    @Wobblylegs this is so good to hear, well done. It's amazing how we tootle on day after day and then suddenly realise we've made progress. Best wishes for your wound check on Monday, and more trips outside in the sunshine!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    Well done you @Wobblylegs things are going on so well. Keep up the good work and yes a good luck from me too with that wound check tomorrow ((()))

    Toni x

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 142

    Hi everyone.

    Day 15, Disappointed that progress seems to have slowed but I suppose everyone is different. @Janlyn recorded baking a batch of scones and having a 20 minute walk just a few days further on than me and that feels like a distant dream at the moment.

    I also have to be super cautious as I’m very prone to trips and falls with a slight drop foot from MS on my opposite side and proprioception issues too. So I guess I’m scared to do too much too soon. Going for longer walks is difficult here as we live on a hill so nowhere flat except our own garden and walking up and down the garden for more than 5 minutes is just frustrating 😂. We have to drive somewhere to find a flat walk. Maybe I’m just having a down moment about it 😞.

    Biggest achievement was having a shower and washing my hair. Yeah that felt great 😃.

    The referred knee pain is still so much worse than the hip pain it’s the crazy impact of my hip nerves. The leg is still swollen but it’s early days I guess, if I try to keep moving around more and resting less will it go down faster? I’m walking about 4 times a day for about 5-10 minutes plus normal trips around the house, doing ROM exercises 3 times a day and still elevating and icing 3 times a day too. Any advice or comments around this would be great 😊.

    Sleeping fine but still on my back which wakes me around 5am with sciatica from arthritis in my back but hey ho time to get up for a cuppa! Lay on my side to have dressing removed and it was very uncomfortable. Wound check was yesterday and skin totally healed scar is very neat and not very long either so healing well. I was very pleased with that.

    thanks all Pat x