groups for "younger" people

colinb Member Posts: 66
edited 11. Dec 2008, 17:10 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all, am asking a question on behalf of my wife..she wonders if anyone knows if there is/are any groups around the glasgow area for people around her age bracket(43..oops..i'll get some stick for putting her age in). She went to our loal Arthritiscare group, but felt a little put off by fact that she was about 20 years or more younger than everyone else there. :D


  • jennywren
    jennywren Bots Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi colinb I can emphasise I went to a group and it was not my scene as they played bingo and had raffles with first prizes like talc powder and they had talks on things like crochet, I felt so out of it, you could try contacting Arthritis Care there might be self help group near to you.
  • tracys
    tracys Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin, I can sympathise totally I went to a challenging my arthritis course in March and I also was the youngest by about 20 odd years - which was ok but I would have preferred to have spoken to someone my own age. I am off to Glasgow next weekend with Arthritis care to train to become a trainer staying at the Menzies, I know that there is a couple of young people coming from the glasgow area so I can ask for you and get back to you after the weekend if that is ok? If your wife wants to talk to someone of a similar age she is welcome to email me or send a private message - I know exactly how she feels!! Regards Tracy
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    If you get your wife to look on the who are we roll call post she will see that lots of us are in out 40's. I'm not ageist either, but some of the issues faced by people of our age (kidsetc) might be a bit different.
    Hope you get sorted! Glad to see such a supportive husband!! :)
  • kate21
    kate21 Member Posts: 24
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin,
    I suppose it does depend a lot on the other members of the group. I am part of the York Arthritis Care lot and certainly the youngest as I'm only 21, although we do have a few members in their 30s and 40s. I get on wonderfully with our older members and it hasn't been a problem. I'm always trying to arrange things suitable for everyone. We often go for drinks in bar's and cafes.Your wife would be very welcome. Unfortunately I imagine York is a little to far for your wife to travel?

    I would certainly reccommend talking to Arthritis Care as someone may be able to help or at least give some sound words of advice. If you ask to speak to your regions volunteer coordinator they may reccommend becoming involved with arthritis care yourselves and helping create a group for younger members in your area.

    If there is no alternative to your local group I would reccommend persevering. Once your wife gets to know everyone I'm sure they would be very happy to let her get more involved in the group. This could involve suggesting and organising alternative activities or just promoting the group to younger members, as this might not have been something the others have though about. The york group advertise at all the local universities and colleges, swimming pools, sports centres etc.

    She needn't go alone either, everyone's welcome at AC meetings so you could go along for moral support, or one of her friends or family.

    Hope that helps. x
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thanks all for taking time to reply, and yes Tracy, we would be grateful if you could ask that and get back to us.
    Colin :D:D
  • michelle22
    michelle22 Member Posts: 93
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin

    The age thing is one of the reasons I don't go and I am in my early 40's as well so I know how your wife feels. I know of a couple of people who are from the Glasgow area myself I am from Stirling you are welcome to get in contact with me if you are in the area and we could all meat up.

  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Colinb & Margaret,
    I am 39 but don't know what group I qualify for??????
    I live in Uddingston, near Glasgow and I must admit I haven't looked into going to any meetings-didn't know there were any in Glasgow!!!! I'm at the stage where I don't know myself what help/support I'm looking for. Sometimes I like to suffer in silence :) Hope that makes sense.
    Scarlet x
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi scarlet, we are just up the road from you in east kilbride. arthitiscare has local branches all over..we have one here in ek, but as i said it is like a pensioners club and margaret felt really alone there as it were. maybe if we can find enough people around the area and get a little support, we could even get a group up n running close to us. margaret did find the information available etc really good, but felt the group didnt paticularly offer anything aimed at her age, dealing with issues like kids, work etc etc, so maybe that's something which ould be addressed, and even just having a support group of people around the same age would be a help.
  • tracys
    tracys Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin and All, I have often thought that there is something missing for young people with arthritis - I got ra when I was 27 and had no one to turn too then , im now in my late 30's and if it hadnt been for this forum I would have no where to go, I have one friend who has RA so we often text and meet up for a good old moan but feel that there are no social groups for people in their 20,30's or 40's - we do have different issues from the older generation and it would be good to be able to meet as a group and discuss . I will bring this up at arthritis care next week and see if we can achieve something- I live in fife getting the train to glasgow or edinburgh to meet up for lunch or something even if it is just 3 or 4 times a year.
    Let me know your thoughts
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi All
    you know that bit at the top of the page that says 'user groups'?

    what's it for and could we use it to start a group for youngish people? Or would that be too divisive?
    toni x
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    no idea how the groups thing works..but was kinda meaning a branch, rather than group if ya know what i mean, although a web based group isn't a bad idea at all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin and Maggy'
    Don't know if we could do something if ithers were interseted? Would probably need to talk to the webmaster person!

    I think you might get something for you (in real life!) and Maggy because Scarlet and Tracy are near to you (ish), I hope so.

    I'm down in the midlands (Going to be in Perthshire, Aberfeldy for new year - my sis lives in Dundee), Luckily for me I have already met someone who has RA my age whos was the dinner lady at my daughter's school! She was only diagnosed this year too.

    Anyway if you or others think there might be mileage in an on-line group for younger people (30'-40's) I don't mind looking into it.
    Keep up the quest - I hope Maggy is doing ok

  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    arthritiscare have told us of a group based in glasgow south hich they think may be more suitable for maggy, and have suggested we both get in touch with the volunteering development manager about maggy and i perhaps doing some training and volunteer work, which we would be glad to do. maggy herself would opt more for a physical rather than online group, and would be happy if allowed to help run one aimed more specifically at her agegroup, even if it is only on a quarterly meeting basis if people are perhaps more spread i see we have fife and stirling mentioned here already. obviously there is a lot to look into..such as what, if any, specific materials, courses etc are available for her age , but look into it we shall. i'm hoping that at some point maggy will post here herself, but her hands/wrists are amongst wors affected joints, so she normally avoids using the computer . take care all and leave us word in message or whatever if you think a group like that i mentioned would be of any use to you.thanks colin
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin and Maggy
    Good news that you have hopefully got something started!
    I hope it works out for you both.
    Maggy I hope you are reasonably well at the moment. I hope your hands are not too sore.
    Take care both :)
    Toni x
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Sep 2008, 17:56
    Hi Colin and Maggy,
    How's things? Hope Maggy feeling better. Are you still looking into trying to get a group up and running?
    Scarlet x

    PS Is it Margaret or Maggy?
  • tracys
    tracys Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin and Maggie - just to let you know that I had a great time at the training weekend at the Menzie glasgow - I did ask about a group for younger people and there does not seem to be one for anyone in their 20's, 30's and 40's although they do recognise that there is a need for this. I note that you may be intersted in becoming a volunteer , I went to the Challenging your condition course last march and offered to volunteer so i am now trained to teach this course so it has happened relatively quickly- i know that they are always looking for volunteers and one girl that was on the course volunteers in the glasgow office so you could contact them or attend one of the courses. I have to say that everyone on our course were great at the weekend with the age range from mid twenties to 60 - I was so pleased that there were young people on the course and we are definately going to meet up again - I am so glad I decided to volunteer as it has given me a lift, I was worried that there was going to be a lot older people on the course but that wasnt the case- if you need any further info let me know - I know that challenging your condition is taking place in stirling in october if that is any use
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi scarlet..firstly it is margaret, maggy, mags..she answers to just about and secondly yes we do still hope to get something up and running..we will be speaking to the volunteer coordinator this week to see about training and volunteering, and hope to take the idea forward from there..will keep in touch n report any progress.

  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi tracy. just to say thanks for remembering to ask on our behalf, and as you can see from above post we are looking into training/volunteering. course in stirling n october would likely be a bit short notice..especially if it over a weekend..i work every weekend and we have kids etc to be considered too. i'm sure maggy would love to do the course, and i hope we can find a way to get her onto it.

    thanks again,
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi everyone..update time. we are having a meeting with arthritiscare volunteer coordinator next month, and now have to try to establish if there is sufficient demand in the glasgow/central scotland area for a group branch aimed specifically at younger folk with arthritis, people with young kids to deal with etc. if you would be interested please let me know so we can discuss this at the meeting. thanks all...colin
  • kezzo1
    kezzo1 Member Posts: 171
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    groups?? never hear of this can i join one in the cannock/staffs area??
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi kezzo...there are a few branches around your area..check out list here
    if that doesnt work..try searching your area on the "In Your Area" tab up top.hope this helps
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin,
    I would be interested :)
    Magenta (used to be Scarlet)
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi magenta, and thanks for expressing interest. we will be discussing doing something suitable with arthritiscare soon, and will let you know soon as we hear something. i have to ask tho, that if they look for others to come on board as it were to get something up and running would you be interested?
  • tracys
    tracys Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Colin

    I would be interested too- although im in Fife , im doing some voluntary work for Arthritis care - re fundraising and awareness and self management- so I am happy to travel to glasgow or edinburgh to meet other younger people with arthritis
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    excellent news tracy..and i'll ask the same question as i did of Magenta..would you be willing to get involved with set up and running?...soon as we have had this meeting , and we see what is thought of it we will let you know..perhaps arrange a meet up between ourselves to see what everyone things next step should be?maggy is really keen to get something going here, she feels, as you do that there is a need for something like this to start.
