Member Posts: 7,099
Sorry to come on to moan but I havent felt as down as this for a long time.
This past 2 or 3 days my "fractured pelvis" is giving me much more pain....about a week ago I was using crutches for support and a bag slung over my neck to carry things from one place to another but now....I can walk about 5 steps with crutches and then one side almost gives way with the pain.{it would give way if I hadnt the crutches}
I know...rest. I am....but if I have to go to the loo....from the setee to the toilet downstairs is only about 7 steps away and by the time I'm coming back I can hardly make it....the other place I'm going is from the setee to the computer on the dining table.....Thats only 3 or 4 steps. I havent been upstairs all day {deleberatly}
I dont see the doc until Wed morning. I dont know what to do....something to support my pelvis a bit or something so that I could walk a bit more or the same distance but with more comfort.???? I know it will take a long time to heal and if I cant walk at all....I just dont know what to do
Sorry about this
Sorry to come on to moan but I havent felt as down as this for a long time.
This past 2 or 3 days my "fractured pelvis" is giving me much more pain....about a week ago I was using crutches for support and a bag slung over my neck to carry things from one place to another but now....I can walk about 5 steps with crutches and then one side almost gives way with the pain.{it would give way if I hadnt the crutches}
I know...rest. I am....but if I have to go to the loo....from the setee to the toilet downstairs is only about 7 steps away and by the time I'm coming back I can hardly make it....the other place I'm going is from the setee to the computer on the dining table.....Thats only 3 or 4 steps. I havent been upstairs all day {deleberatly}
I dont see the doc until Wed morning. I dont know what to do....something to support my pelvis a bit or something so that I could walk a bit more or the same distance but with more comfort.???? I know it will take a long time to heal and if I cant walk at all....I just dont know what to do
Sorry about this
Hi Hileena..
Sorry to hear your feeling so down.. it happens to most of us luvie at some point..So here are some much needed hugs for you (((((X)))))
You are resting as much as you can , and the trouble is going from one place to another..like you i find this can be very painful.. my toilet is just ahead of my bedroom so not too far for me and oh helps me if i'm really bad..Have you thought of buying a support.. my friend used one once when she was pregnant to support her pelvis.. it was a nurse that gave it to her.. she said it was a great support, maybe worth ringing physio on monday see if they can advise..Have you tried heat patches?? I can't think of much more other than keeping on top of your meds which i am sure you are already doing..
I really hope you feel a bit better soon.. and don't be aplogising for moaning.. we all do it lol..xxTracyxx
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Hileena, I'm so sorry you're in such pain and feeling so low. I do have some idea how it might feel as, about 13-14 years ago, I managed to break my hip without realising it and was trying to walk on it for a week. by the end of the week I was just using my wheelchair to get myself round the house - like you, it was just chair to loo to bed - and my husband had to lift me off it every time.
If you have a wheelchair it might help but otherwise maybe you shoud ring NHS Direct. This can't be doing your pelvis any good. Or you. I am thinking of you. Take care.If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright0 -
Hi Hileena, Im so sorry your suffering like this & so down.
I really dont know much about pelvis's but if your struggling to walk can you not get a wheelchair from somewhere so you dont have to walk?
Sending you much needed ((()))) & a bucket of cope.
luv debs0 -
i think you are being so brave it must be awfull at the moment the frustration worry and pain enough to bring the strongest man down so even a woman would feel low by it wed is a long way off and you do not know what they are going to do then so you will worry we all would so come on and share that worry it what we are here for to help you get through this .
i am leaving buckets of hugs for you and sending positive thoughts your way
and this little one to look over you valval0 -
Dear Hileena
I am so sorry to read your thread. No wonder you feel as you do with all that you have been through. It must be so very painful. I really think that you should get advice from a doctor before Wednesday. I would have thought you should not really be moving about with a fractured pelvis, the pain must be excruciating and I can feel your pain in your message. When my mum fractured her hip she was in an enormous amount of pain and it was bedrest in hospital before she had an operation to rectify this. Have you been told that it will eventually mend on its own?
You poor love, I wish I could do or say something that would take the pain or at least some of it away from you.
Thinking about it, I feel you should get emergency advice tonight. You cannot continue to be in this kind of pain and moving about may well not be helping at all. You or preferably someone close to you do need to talk to a medic now really if you have not already done so.
I am thinking of you dear Hileena,
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Sorry to hear you're going through it so much at the moment ; can't be of any use but sending heaps of positive vibes to you . Jillyb0
Hi Tracey
I'm keeping on top of my meds yes. One of the things that worries me is its not arthur pain.....am I doing this fracture any harm by moving but I cant think of any other way....and when Peter is at work....I'm going to have to move a bit more....make sandwich/coffee or something like that.
Thanks for your reply
Hileena0 -
Goodness, Hileena, no wonder you are struggling. (((hugs))) I am unfamilair with your story, so why you are coping alone at home without support is not clear to me.
You need a frame, a zimmer frame to get around the house, crutches are not enough support. You need to get emergency advice, from OT, physio and the docs. You should be provided with specialist equipment.
I am really sorry to hear that you are in this situation. Can you not get to A & E or call NHS direct or an out of hours doc for advice.
I really feel for you.
(((hugs)))0 -
Hi Sticky...that must have been so painful. oooohhh!!!!
I've been moving as little as possible but will have to move a bit more on Mon when Peter goes back to work
As for a wheelchair....havent got one ...just a scooter....but i| dont know how I could cope with it in this house to be honest...do you have big wide rooms?
I've got in touch with out of hours docs by ringing the surgery number so we'll see what happens.
Hileena0 -
Hi Debs
Like I said in the post to sticky....not sure how i would cope with a wheelchair in the house....got a scooter but that would be just as hard
Got a long narrow hall which leads to the loo....have to reverse back up and hope I wouldnt bang into the walls LOL
Thanks for the hugs and the cope
Hileena0 -
Hi Val and Jilly
Thanks for your messages
Elna ....I've replied to yours. thanks
Hileena0 -
Hi Suzy,
I've got Peter here and he's been doing everything for the past few days...but he cant go to the loo for me LOLNever thought about a zimmer.....you know its a fractured pelvis I have? doc just rang me on Wed morning with the result of x ray and then she did blood tests and i've got to see her on Wed again.She has been good.....Got the crutches off my own bat before she diagnosed this....I just knew i was very sore and need support and rang the physio and asked if I could have crutches....got them that afternoon.
Just rung the docs surgery and got the out of hrs number so am waiting for a doc to call me back.
Thanks for your suggestions
Hileena0 -
Hi Hileena,
I'm so sorry to hear how much pain you're in. I don't know what to suggest for you, soory. I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and hope things improve for you very soon.
Take care,
love Eileen x0 -
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all your suggestions......
The oromorph the doc prescribed said 2.5ml to 5mls on the label and Peter said take 5 mls each dose. i said NO......I tend to start at the lowest dose I'm told......I'm taking 5 doses each day.....and now {3rd day} take 2 lots of 5mls and 3 lots of 2.5mls.
Right the doc that rang me back said my own GP seemed to have everything under control...diagnosis etc everything except the pain and with it being the w/end she wasnt about.
So this doc said take 5mls each dose....to which Peter said I told you soMEN!!!!!!!!!
She said take it easy, but move a little bit with the crutches....its not the easiest joint to immobilise.
If you dont have any left tomorrow ring us back and we'll fax a prescription to the nearst chemist for your huysband to pick up.Or if that still hasnt got on top of the pain ring us back. Then she said if the 5mls each dose got on top of the pain my doc could probably go from that to a slow release one to be taken a couple of times a day
She said something I didnt know before.....dont worry about getting addicted to it.....you dont get addicted to morphine if you are taking it for pain...only if you take it as a recreational drug??? Lots of people with cancer take it then maybe they get some sort of injection........ nerve block..... and are taken off the mrphine immediately with no drastic results???
Anyway I'm sorry this is very jumbled....hope if you read it a couple of times you can make it out
I'm off to bed now....thanks again
hileena0 -
Hi hileena.. Sorry you got no further wit the doc. I think you definately ring your physio monday, there must be something they can do to help you. Seems so unfair. . Hope you manage to get some sleep. Thinking of you.
0 -
Morning Everyone
The doc from the "out of hours" was very good. I feel more reassured now even if i still have a fair bit of pain.
Took 5mls last night instead of 2.5mls....dont think it made a lot of difference.
Took 5mls at 6.30am this morning but I had started taking 5mls then anyway.....its the rest of the day that will tell.....taking 5mls each dose and knowing that if I ring the same number she will fax a prescription to the nearest open chemist.
I took my first dose about 30 mins ago and am still sitting in PJ's at the computer just catching up and hoping that dose will start working....About 7.30 or 7.45am I'll start getting washed and dressed...after that.....nothing much today
Thanks for putting up with my moaning last night
Love Hileena0 -
Poor poor YOU
One of Lucy's friend's Dad did this....l bet he founf 'other' ways of getting to the loo though....which you can't.
I am convinced you doing nothing is the right thing to do.
Shall l try to get in touch with himand find out how long you can expect this pain for?
Toni xx0 -
Hi Toni
I bet he did find other ways of going#
Yes ....find out anything you can.
Hileena0 -
Morning Hileena
oh dear your pain sounds really terrible and uncomfortable. I hope by now 9.30 your medication has started to reduce your pain.
I think it is wise that you take it easy, (still it probably isn't an option eh?)
Take care
Love Juliepf x0 -
Morning, Hileena,
I'm glad you now feel a bit reassured if nothing else and, as an old hand at this forum, you know very well you're not allowed to apologise for 'moaning'. For heaven's sake, woman, if you can't moan a bit with a fractured pelvis when can you????? Consider your wrist well and truly slapped. (Hope it didn't hurt.)
I think I share your view on strong painkillers but, in this case, I have to agree with your husband. It's very temporary so take as many as you need (not forgetting the vast amounts of fruit, veg and liquids to ensure no stoppages at the other end). To tell the truth I disagree with the doc - I've seen people addicted to prescription meds. They mightn't buy them in an alleyway but they still end up needing more and more to get the same result. However, you won't, partly because this is a temporary solution to a temporary problem and partly because you are too sensible.
I hope they do work and you do feel better but, even if they work brilliantly, remember you're in sick bay and Peter's in charge. OK? Otherwise I'll round up a posse and we'll come and sort you out.
Take care.If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright0 -
Morning. . Just wanted to send you hugs(((((x)))))
0 -
Hi Hileena
Thanks for getting in touch again, have replied by PM.
Elna x(())The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Hi Julie..
No its not really an option
Hi Sticky,
Yes ...I dont really agree with the doc about lack of addiction either.
I've been on the full dose the doc said all day today but its not much better.....bit better yes but still cant go very far. Tomorrow afternoon will be interesting when Peter had to go and do some work :eek:
Hi Tracy
Thanks for the huggs
I've answered your pm's
I think I am going to have to go back onto the prune juice etc.......she prescribed the oromorph and laxitives...2 morning and 2 at night......not working at all
I suppose i'm not eating a lot nor am I getting any exercise
Hileena0 -
Evening Hileena
I am so sorry things are so bad for you at the moment and that you are feeling so down about it all.
I can't think of anything to add to what the others have said, but sending lots of ((()))s your way and hoping so much that things improve for you soon.
Thinking of you.
Lots love Tilly xxx0 -
Oh Hileena Im sorry I missed your thread, this is not fair leaving you like this, but I suppose you know that by now, I really do feel for you.
I am hoping you are now dozing and pain free.
And I really hope they do something very soon, or else I will come and sought them out.
You take care my love
And dont you dare appoligise or I will defiantly be round.Love
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