So so upset...

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited 21. May 2012, 10:44 in Living with Arthritis archive
Yesterday I got my DLA decision. I cried when I read it. I am so upset and fed up fighting for everything. They awarded me lower care indefinitely. My previous two awards were higher mobility and middle care! I don't understand. Did I get better? Did I start running marathons? Stopped having problems with mobility??? I have horrible RA that was never controlled and is getting worse all the time. They said that I only have difficulties with walking and taking care of myself, therefore I'm fine! What about when I have a flare up and can't lift my covers or get out of bed to go to the toilet? What about when I'm in so much pain I want to scream and jump of the nearest bridge? Why do they have to make my life more difficult? I am already suffering enough. The indefinite award is a joke as they will be reviewing everyone next year for the new benefit. More for me to worry about. I'm going to appeal of course but I wish I didn't have to. I have done it before when they didn't award me anything (!) but they changed their minds and gave me high mobility and middle care. It didn't even get to the tribunal. I'm afraid that this time it might. I don't know what to expect and I am scared. They will see a pretty 33 year old looking not too bad (unless they take a good look at my hands and feet) and will think that there is nothing wrong with me. I'm sorry to moan like that but this made me so upset and I am not strong enough to fight everyone. I'm going to go now and cry more.


  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Big hugs Nesia.

    My tribunal is early this year.

    Take Care

    Pink xx
  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 302
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    so sorry to hear youve had to go through this. ive been there and got the tee shirt.
    sadly as disabled people we are being classed as a %
    ive said it for ages but its the honest disabled person that will suffer and the scumbags that lie through their back teeth will get as much money as they want thrown at them.

    the last time i had to appeal there was a page that you get you gp or rhumy to fill out. first time the gp filled it out which was a waste of time. the last time it was my rhumy and after that i was awarded it for life.

    but as we all know life doesnt mean life anymore with the new re assessments on the horizon.

    good luck and i hope they see theve made a mistake and award you higher.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    it looks like they are doing this to lots of people at moment and it does make you wonder why and what are they up to please fight it if you can val
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi nesia
    Im so sorry, its disgraceful what they get away with, if it was me I would get in touch with your MP, I am not sure who it was that did this, but I do know they were a big help.
    I do wish you well with everything xxx
  • PollySid
    PollySid Member Posts: 343
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Nesia,
    I hope you are feeling a bit better now after your upset at the DLA decision. Try to find the strength to fight it as it sounds as though you should be getting it.
    I do not know much about it all, only what I have read online. I am only just starting my own claim and I'm going into it not expecting too much after reading about the knock backs people have been getting.
  • Colin1
    Colin1 Member Posts: 1,769
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just a hug i cant understand the system as we give billions away we let our own people suffer.
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm so sorry.
    I don't what has happened since the days when I first claimed in 2004.It seems like an uphill struggle to get DLA even though we provide DR reports, xrays, take copious amounts of meds and have all sorts of handles stuck to our walls!It never used to be so soul destroying.

    Get all those tears out. You will then be stronger and ready for the appeal.

    Take care
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Nesia

    I don't know why they have to make it so difficult, I really don;t but hope so much that you are able to run with it.

    Take a couple of days to calm down and regroup and then challenge it and hope they will just do what is right! A Cyber ((( ))) and a hope is all I can do but also get some help via something like the cab or Dial. Cris x
  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ohhh Nesia, poor you!!!

    These people have got no idea have they!!!

    You probably had several different people dealing with your claim and each one makes a different decision!! Send them the letter that someone has posted on here explaining about arthritis, as none of them seem to understand what it's like!!!

    I hope you find the strength to keep fighting as they are banking on you giving up and just accepting the decision!! It will be worth the fight now so that you can secure your future!!!

    Good luck, let us know how things go x
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. I just phoned them and asked for the appeal form. I again read the letter they sent me and it makes me cry and laugh at the same time. I said in the form (I have a copy so I know) that I can walk 0 minutes without feeling severe discomfort, they replied that I can walk for 10 minutes! I said I can't walk indoors at all when I have a flare-up, they said that although I have difficulty I don't need help to move about indoors! They call my complete inability to walk - difficulty! Unbelievable. And this goes on and on. They ask whether my condition changes and then they completely ignore this fact and treat me as if I was fine! What about those days when even my duvet is too heavy for me and changing position in bed is so painful that I cry? They are simply a bunch of ignorant people who know nothing of RA and try as hard as they can not to give any awards to genuinely sick people. It makes me so angry.
    If any of you went through the tribunal I would very much appreciate if you could tell me how it works, what questions they ask and what evidence they require. I want to be prepared. I appreciate any advice. Thanks guys.
    Emma, which letter are you talking about? I would definitely like to read it.
    Cris, your cyber hugs are very comforting. Thank you.
    Elizabeth and Val, there is something in what you say about them making it more and more difficult for us to claim. They are trying to spend as little as they can, so the best way for them is to hit the disabled.
    Barbara, thank you for your advice. I have no idea how to contact my MP and I never thought they could be helpful. The worst thing is the time - I have less than a month to appeal... It is hardly fair as they took 3 months to review my claim!
    PollySid, I wish you nerves of steel and lots of good luck with your claim. And thank you for your kind words.
    Colin, thanks for the hug. I needed it:). You are absolutely right, money is spent but not on those who need it most. Poor get poorer.
    MrDJ, you are so right. We write the truth in our claims and get refused and the scumbags lie though their teeth and get awarded. If you ever have time could you PM me and tell me about your tribunal, please. I want to know what to expect.

  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Nesia, it's the thread that says ' an open letter about arthritis'.

    It probably won't help your appeal, but it is worth a read!

    Good luck with it all!! :)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Emma!
    I noticed it as soon as I posted my post. It is really good.

  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 302
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    all i had to do was fill out different forms and get my consultant to fill out another page. consultants,surgeons and physio's said i should be getting it indefinitely but for the first 6 years they would only give it me for 2 years at a time so i couldnt apply for motability.

    if i were you i would contest it to the fullest and also add the stress their reply had caused as they couldnt even get the facts correct that you had put on the form.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks MrDJ. When I appealed last time I only had to fill out a short form but there was nothing for the doctor to fill out. They must have changed the forms. My appeal never got to the tribunal as they themselves changed their mind and awarded me both components. That was 4 years ago, I think. I'm afraid that this time they might drag me to the tribunal. You are absolutely right that I should tell them how much stress they caused me. And in my case with stress comes a flare-up. Thanks for that DLA...
  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Nesia
    this sounds so much like me, i appealed and appealed then had a visit to my home by a heathcare Dr, worling for ATOS.... be warned about these canieving pieces of dogs mess....they try to catch u off guard

    this one came to my house and called me by my christian name errr my own Gp who has known me for the last 24 years or so NEVER does!!!

    he picked up on me lifting my hadbag up taking my purse out and giving him my driving license, he didnt see any visual aids in my front room, i said was i sposed to have my upstairs aids brought downstairs??? my sock puller on, my grab handles, my reacher grab staick, my crutches under the stairs in the kitchen????? my taps have been changed to help me....he even commented on my two great danes who i had shut in the kitchen as they are so noisy, he stated i could manage them fine, er i got them out prior to him coming.... he didnt see them at all,

    i have had dla for several years and last claim i got unepectedly a higher rate so i used my daughter as my carer and got disabled road tax for my car, didnt need motobility as my husband is a car mechanic so he takes care of my cars..... they gave me higher rate mobility, middle rate care, it was such a bonus for me and my family which helped me to get the help i needed, i have now started with cab, the lady there read up all my stuff and she said there was no more we could do with it but she advised me to redo claiming my condition had gotten worse.... still waiting to hear but wont hold my breath,
    if there is anything i can help you with let me know via inbox good luck xx
    love and hugs
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Liesa,

    It is appalling how they treat us but they are brazen because they are allowed to be and can get away with it. They might as well state that anyone with children shouldn't get DLA because how do we cope looking after them! The fact our lives are compromised by pain doesn't seem to matter anymore.

    I expect your dogs are great company and can make you feel safe if alone so they are a bonus.

    It seems we must sit in the corner and not have any life but then I suppose we'd be accused of not making an effort.

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Liesa,
    It is appalling the way they treat us. Trying to 'catch us out'. Can't they see we are genuinely ill? I had 3 surgeries on my left foot and they said I can walk just fine and took away my mobility component. It should be enough for them to look at the drugs I'm taking and all the surgeries I had to go through. I can't believe how they treated you! You can't even pick up your handbag! We are sick but also we want to cope! Elizabeth made a very good point with looking after children. They seem to not care that we are in constant pain and always tired. They don't recognize the fact that we can have better and worse days. If we manage to do something, to them it's like we're fine and there is nothing wrong with us. What about when another time we're not even able to hold a glass or change position in bed? Disgraceful. That's all I can say.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi everyone,
    Sorry I haven't been around for a while but I just had too much to deal with. I finally sent my appeal to DLA people. I haven't heard from them yet but after seeing my consultant I am not expecting much. She filled out my form (finally) and asked me whether I noticed that they changed rules for awarding DLA. She said that now it's virtually impossible for me to get any mobility (I was on high mobility before) because according to new rules I just don't qualify! They don't any more care if you are in pain when you walk. You must be either completely not able to walk or need guidance or supervision. Any walking you do in 'severe discomfort' is ignored. Shocking! She took her information from carersuk website if you want to check it out. So basically this government decided that people with ra and I am sure many other long term illnesses don't get anything. Can't work, don't qualify for disability, what is there for us? I fell like I just got hit by all the politicians, who take money from those who need it most. I am shocked that people are not protesting about it and if they are I want to join them. Sorry for the rant but my only source of income, my payment for numerous drugs, petrol, car upkeep (I need it for my mobility needs and never ending trips to hospital, oh joy!) and many other things was just practically taken away from me and I am left with £20 a week, that is until PIP comes which is going to be another farce. I am actually starting to save money on food now. And not just buying less and cheaper but getting less meat and fresh fruit because I can't afford it any more. Somehow you can buy a bar of chocolate for 30p but can't buy for that strawberries or grapes. This will do my health good.
    I feel like crying now so I'm going to finish.
    Love to all of you,
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've just read through this. So sorry you're having to go through this. As if you haven't enough to deal with. I'm not too bad and am only now thinking of going on meth. As I live alone and get a very low wage, I have, up till now, not had to pay for prescriptions. After renewing the form last week, I have been told I now have to pay for everything because I am now earning £4 too much. I don't mind paying but, if I go on the meth, it'll cost me a fortune. Don't know if I can afford it now. Seems like they are cutting back everywhere.

    Hope you get the result you want. (((hugs)))
  • barking1
    barking1 Member Posts: 185
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Nesia really sorry to hear about your dla. i hope you have the energy to fight there discision, i am fortunate enough not to need help yet but dont know how i will be later ,its always a worry my husband has fibro and gets dla for life but im sure he will be called up soon as everything changes ,dont know what we will do then as i am lucky at the moment working 19 hours a week but i wouldnt be able to do the 24 needed for working tax credits, as it is they took it away last week and i had to contact them to reinstate it because hubbie is disabled so i only need to work 16 or more hours to get it . they dont realise how much stress they are putting on people in these positions, try to keep positive and put your energy into your apeal and keeping as well as posible xx Jane
  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Nesia
    god to have u back even tho i havent been on here for a while, trying not to use the laptop much have taken up knitting, i cant knit very well am making a patchwork quilt, am doing squares with 30 stitches... lol probably 35 length so not really squares, i enjoy it have made all my little grandkids 'nanny Liesa blankies' theyre so funny, its only plain and purl and not very good but they love them... trouble is its a killer truely... my elbows and shoulders scream at me to stop it but if i do what have i got left? i'm 51 years old with a lovely husband 6 children and 9 grandchildren, i;m not ready to give up living yet....

    back to the dla, im going through on appeal again first time for this claim been fighting DLA for a year + now and i WONT give up... these people need to walk the walk in our shoes... i went to see Matt Cardle in Brighton 2 weeks ago... i didnt dare have a drink before during or after the show and when we were leaving i couldnt hardly walk... my knees were BOTH killing me, left one is a new knee 5 years old in june, the other is MY knee, yet the pains are the same... its murder,
    i have so much trouble talking on a phone cant hold it... i need a hands free but my funds wont stretch that far.... my hands are aching big time now, wanna send hugs Nesia, we are here for you and we DO know how exactly that ur feeling,
    love and hugs
  • Folara
    Folara Member Posts: 568
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Nesia

    The whole system for DLA and ESA are a farce.

    6 months ago I applied for DLA and got refused. Everything I said I couldn't do they said I could. I was in a bad place mentally at that time and I didn't Appeal. However I began reading up on how to complete the forms and how you need to word your answers.

    I recently re-applied and this time I got HRM and HRC, which is true to what my needs are.

    The difference was that I had worded my problems in a negative note. What you need to do is: don't say I can just about walk 20m before it becomes too difficult, say: I cannot walk 20m as the pain is too severe and my joints have restricted movement and collapse on me.

    Don't lie but tell them only about you worse day. Never say: sometimes I can put my own socks on. Always turn it round ie my husband has to put my socks on, then where it says amount of days/times put say 6 days as you can allow the one day for being a good day. Does that make sense?

    I am currently fighting the ESA as I should be in the Support Group but been put in WRAG again. Mind you I don't even seem to get a reply from them so I will be getting my MP involved as of next week.

    It's tiring and hard work to go through all of it but I now strongly believe that I bloody well should get what I am entitled to.

    The whole 'computer says noooo' script comes to mind.

    Good luck and if I can help in any way I will

    Fols x
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    please don't give up Nesia. Keep fighting.

    I do wish the people who make these decisions could live in our shoes for even a week. A whole week not being able to move your quilt, to stagger to the toilet in pain (and often not get there in time), to have to ask others to post a letter and do the housework, shop and cook for you.

    Good luck to all of you fighting an appeal.

    elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for your kind words, guys. I am definitely appealing as I sent my appeal form off and I'm waiting for reconsideration. Not so sure about going to the tribunal though, if it doesn't go my way now. It is so stressful and I always get flare ups when I'm stressed. Like I mentioned before they have changed the rules completely, so they can basically take most of us off DLA or at least the mobility part, which I find is crucial. Now you have to be either mentally disabled or have no use of your legs at all to get mobility. Being in constant pain is just not good enough for them... As to the care component, I, just like you Folara, was told that I can do everything when I clearly said in the form that I CAN'T! They simply turned everything around! They only said that I can't prepare my meals and gave me lower care. Apparently I can do everything else fine! They also said, and this is brilliant, that I need help to use a bath or shower but I don't need help to wash myself!!! I wonder how that works.
    I don't know what's going to happen to me if they don't award me DLA like before. I don't have any other income. I can't work. My husband earns so little that I don't know how we are surviving, yet apparently we can't get any benefits. I don't think I can live on £80 a month from my lower care. I hear lots of you are on ESA - I don't even know what that is! I can't get JCA cause I already took it for 6 months some years ago and now I don't qualify. I feel like I just got thrown with the bath water...
    I hope something will change soon because I can't live like this. I'm on the edge of a breakdown so it's a good thing I'm seeing a psychologist...
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Nesia I'm so sorry the tribunal has not helped you and given you straight DLA. But don't give up, you keep fighting for what is rightly yours. Other wise you will never get it what is owed to you and all these benifit fraudsters will just take what is owed to you! So you get angrey and fight them!!