Seen Anaesthetist

elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
edited 25. Oct 2012, 13:11 in Living with Arthritis archive

Ive had to make two trips this week to Wrightington before my admission for TKR on 25th October 2012. One was for therapy education session, one was for anaesthetist as I have auto immune disease.

TES went good although I was youngest by some margin, but most other attendees hadnt had admission dates yet only pre op ones. I found out a few surprises that I would have PCA for pain, drip for fluid, oxygen via mask or nasal and catheter when I awoke. Also got told they would get me up 2-4 hours after surgery even if its just for quick stand up and sit in a seat. The other thing that was a surprise is will have to inject myself with anti blood clotting medication up to 10-14 days post surgery...Im no good with needles and though people said they are like epipens, well ive never seen one but even tiniest needle make me wince, they said there may be tablets can be used instead....
Anaesthetist was lovely today, took my dad as he insisted on coming, let myself down and got a bit teary...He told me everyone hates operations that I'll be fine and if I want to opt for general instead of spinal I can...Also told can have pre med as been told couldnt have that at TES......I wish I was so much more easy going and relaxed but im not...



  • JuliaHod12
    JuliaHod12 Member Posts: 456
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elaine

    That all sounds pretty standard.........but i didnt have a catheter.
    I was supposed to be out of bed the same day, but was not out of bed until day 2 as the Spinal Block hadnt worn off enough.
    They will get you up as quick as they can..........its all about building your confidence that you are able to do it! :-)

    The anti clotting injections...........hmmm, i had tablets..maybe you could have those as an alternative if you asked?

    all systems go for you now girlie! xx

    ps........what is PCA?
  • RitaW
    RitaW Member Posts: 83
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think PCA is patient controlled analgesia.I had this after a hysterectomy.You push the button and it releases a measured amount of painkiller.(mine was morphine) Wishing you all the best Elaine for your op.x
    R.A. FMS IBS RLS IGD with honours.
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,725
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I agree with Julia. It sounds fairly standard apart from the catheter. I've never had one nor has it been suggested I might but all hospitals do things their own way. I've also never done the anti-clotting jabs. At my local, they just fix you up with things round your lower legs that keep squeezing them to keep the circulation going. Last lap now, Elaine. You'll soon be running around again.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    PCA is the morphine pump thats attached to you after surgery, its either that or tablets, depends on the consultant, think mine prefers the PCA....
    Ive never had a catheter in my life but take it once its in wont feel it and its there just for convenience at first......The up out of bed same day is not set in stone if cant do it that day then will do it next day, it just sounded quick to me and I understand theyre doing it for good reasons...
    Tablets were mentioned too for anti clotting and think they would be for me as I am hopeless with needles....
    It really is all systems go now for me and wish wasnt so fretful but if the two members of staff ive seen this week are like that on ward etc, I will get through it...They have made me feel human, not like im being a nuisance, over worrying, they get why im anxious...The anaesthetist today at one point squeezed my hand and gave me a huge piece of blue tissue from a bed and said "here's a man sized tissue for you"...

    Hope youre doing well Julia was wondering how long since your op this week?

    JuliaHod12 wrote:
    Hi Elaine

    That all sounds pretty standard.........but i didnt have a catheter.
    I was supposed to be out of bed the same day, but was not out of bed until day 2 as the Spinal Block hadnt worn off enough.
    They will get you up as quick as they can..........its all about building your confidence that you are able to do it! :-)

    The anti clotting injections...........hmmm, i had tablets..maybe you could have those as an alternative if you asked?

    all systems go for you now girlie! xx

    ps........what is PCA?
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Youre spot on with that description...I dont want too much of it as have heard it makes quite a lot of folk sick afterwards, plus have only ever had tramadol for short period of time, thats my limit of morphine...

    Thanks for best wishes..

    RitaW wrote:
    I think PCA is patient controlled analgesia.I had this after a hysterectomy.You push the button and it releases a measured amount of painkiller.(mine was morphine) Wishing you all the best Elaine for your op.x
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Yes I will have the things on my legs too to keep the circulation going as well, not the cradle type thing my dad had to get the 90 degree bend.....I think the catheter is only going to be in for day of op and part of next day, its just going to be another new thing to me....
    It is the last lap, cant believe this time next week will have a new knee....Just hope dont make a twit of myself...Or let folk down...

    I agree with Julia. It sounds fairly standard apart from the catheter. I've never had one nor has it been suggested I might but all hospitals do things their own way. I've also never done the anti-clotting jabs. At my local, they just fix you up with things round your lower legs that keep squeezing them to keep the circulation going. Last lap now, Elaine. You'll soon be running around again.
  • RitaW
    RitaW Member Posts: 83
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elaine,You are bound to be nervous,I think everyone is before an op.But I'm sure you will sail through it.I was always a jibbering wreck before an op but the last one,which was major,my husband kept telling me beforehand to think of it as an adventure.I was really calm in hospital before the op and surprised even myself. :) I took a little fabric angel in with me and it somehow gave me comfort,so take something with you to give you that comfort. :) They can put anti-sickness meds in with the PCA which worked really well for me.The staff are used to people being nervous,it's only normal and expected so don't worry.We will all be thinking of you.I'm sure you will be fine and will be thinking afterwards,what was all the worrying about.x
    R.A. FMS IBS RLS IGD with honours.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 8,987
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Elaine
    you are doing well i think you will sail through the op
    i dont like needles when i was told last year you can go home if you can inject your self i thought i will think i'm injecting an orange it didnot hurt if you hold the skin between your fingers
    and do it. i had to do it for 13 weeks i'd had a tripple fusion on my foot and my big toe straightened my leg was in plaster for 13 weeks it was after 7 weeks i could weight bear a little.
    good luck i will be thinking about you.
    take care
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Gosh wish I had your attitude and confidence!
    Im getting emotional replying here so pretty sure everyone isnt like this. Hysterectomy is major surgery isnt it?
    Im taking a cuddly in with me, already told them I wont be alone, I need my comfort....Im trying to be calm believe it or not but I cant seem to put it out of my mind and enjoy my weekend....So worried im going to be a pain to the staff and other patients making such a fuss and getting so upset, thus upsetting my folks too...
    I feel hellish and annoyed with myself too for feeling like this...

    RitaW wrote:
    Hi Elaine,You are bound to be nervous,I think everyone is before an op.But I'm sure you will sail through it.I was always a jibbering wreck before an op but the last one,which was major,my husband kept telling me beforehand to think of it as an adventure.I was really calm in hospital before the op and surprised even myself. :) I took a little fabric angel in with me and it somehow gave me comfort,so take something with you to give you that comfort. :) They can put anti-sickness meds in with the PCA which worked really well for me.The staff are used to people being nervous,it's only normal and expected so don't worry.We will all be thinking of you.I'm sure you will be fine and will be thinking afterwards,what was all the worrying about.x
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joan

    I dont know how im going to get on, right now I feel like limping for the hills! Stupid isnt it but im so worried!
    Even small needles make me wince to will need the tablets Julia mentioned before, Im no good however small they say they are!
    Thanks for message and advice..

    dachshund wrote:
    Hello Elaine
    you are doing well i think you will sail through the op
    i dont like needles when i was told last year you can go home if you can inject your self i thought i will think i'm injecting an orange it didnot hurt if you hold the skin between your fingers
    and do it. i had to do it for 13 weeks i'd had a tripple fusion on my foot and my big toe straightened my leg was in plaster for 13 weeks it was after 7 weeks i could weight bear a little.
    good luck i will be thinking about you.
    take care
    joan xx
  • JuliaHod12
    JuliaHod12 Member Posts: 456
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elaine

    ok, got it..........yes i had PCA too! ;-)

    I didnt have a catheter, but had a bed pan for the first couple of days,then was able to get up to the loo myself (with some supervision at first)

    Its now 13 weeks since my TKR and I have just completed my first full week (40hrs) back at work, although i have been back on a phased return for the past 6 weeks!

    Its been a bit hard going this week as I havent managed as much exercise time at home, but on the whole i still think i am doing well.

    I am sure you will be fine in hospital, and never forget we are all right behind you and will be here waiting for your news! xxx
  • pegleg
    pegleg Member Posts: 139
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just popping in to wish you the best of luck on the 25th , we are going on holiday for two weeks on Mon so I won't be here . You will be fine though , don't be a hero and take any pain killers they offer you . Make sure you have plenty of help when you get home and don't do too much and get lots of rest . xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elaine
    Please dont think you are on your own, has you know I have such a dread of surgery, this is why we get the pain, I suppose without that we wouldn't get anything done.
    We will all be here for you , has for the pain drip, my brother loved it, because he was in control of it, and dont worry it wont let you have too much.We will soon be hearing all about your recovery.
    You take care xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jullia

    Thirteen weeks and youre back at work, that's good isnt it?

    Im just still fretting im going to be miss ultra nervous on the ward and that I will make an **** of myself....Ive tried talking to myself (I know crazy) that I will be okay and if im positive it helps me but it keeps creeping back in....
    Im just going to hope they are ready for a big 44year old baby!

    JuliaHod12 wrote:
    Hi Elaine

    ok, got it..........yes i had PCA too! ;-)

    I didnt have a catheter, but had a bed pan for the first couple of days,then was able to get up to the loo myself (with some supervision at first)

    Its now 13 weeks since my TKR and I have just completed my first full week (40hrs) back at work, although i have been back on a phased return for the past 6 weeks!

    Its been a bit hard going this week as I havent managed as much exercise time at home, but on the whole i still think i am doing well.

    I am sure you will be fine in hospital, and never forget we are all right behind you and will be here waiting for your news! xxx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Thanks for your message and I hope you enjoy your holiday (wish it was me instead)? Have been told to tell the staff if I have any pain or discomfort or even a headache as soon as possible and not to suffer...

    pegleg wrote:
    Just popping in to wish you the best of luck on the 25th , we are going on holiday for two weeks on Mon so I won't be here . You will be fine though , don't be a hero and take any pain killers they offer you . Make sure you have plenty of help when you get home and don't do too much and get lots of rest . xxx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Barbara

    You know I knew in the past you werent keen on surgery but for personal reasons etc. Im sure I can outdo you on the feardy cat status....Im trying to quell it really but not doing so well....
    Just got too many unknowns and feel many times a day "I cant do this" but then try and walk any short distance and cant face a future like that too....Im stuck between rock and hard place...
    I'll shut up now cos think Im already making a fuss and Im not even there yet....

    barbara12 wrote:
    Hi Elaine
    Please dont think you are on your own, has you know I have such a dread of surgery, this is why we get the pain, I suppose without that we wouldn't get anything done.
    We will all be here for you , has for the pain drip, my brother loved it, because he was in control of it, and dont worry it wont let you have too much.We will soon be hearing all about your recovery.
    You take care xx
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,725
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've had it easy for all my surgeries in that they were all no-brainers. No way could I have carried on without them so it was never as if I'd taken a decision that could possible be reversed.

    I deal with any pre-op nerves by eliminating any possible options for error on my part. I make sure I tell the surgical team anything that might be relevant, I make sure all is as easy as possible for my husband (and formerly family) before I go in and stuff's ready to make life easier when I get out again ie high chair, raised loo seat frame in from the garage, one or two emergency ready meals in the freezer. Finally, I make sure I don't watch any hospital programmes in the week before. After that, I just refuse to think any negative thoughts and distract myself from them with music, books and puzzles. You'll be fine.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I admire your attitude so much wish could bottle it and take it immediately....Im being a baby by thinking I can carry on without surgery, the cowards way out and the painful way too....When Im trying to walk and get about the house I know I cant carry on like this either....I was calm up until this last week so Im annoyed at myself for that....

    Its funny you saying about watching hospital programmes - was watching Island Hospital last night and a woman was seeing about her TKR but didnt have the surgery yet.....I do like Casualty and Holby City but get what you mean...Do keep talking to myself saying ive got to pull myself together then have moments of panic....

    Thanks for your lovely advice and sorry for being my school nickname - Elaine The Pain!

    I've had it easy for all my surgeries in that they were all no-brainers. No way could I have carried on without them so it was never as if I'd taken a decision that could possible be reversed.

    I deal with any pre-op nerves by eliminating any possible options for error on my part. I make sure I tell the surgical team anything that might be relevant, I make sure all is as easy as possible for my husband (and formerly family) before I go in and stuff's ready to make life easier when I get out again ie high chair, raised loo seat frame in from the garage, one or two emergency ready meals in the freezer. Finally, I make sure I don't watch any hospital programmes in the week before. After that, I just refuse to think any negative thoughts and distract myself from them with music, books and puzzles. You'll be fine.
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elaine,

    The hospital have seen it all and won't think you are a 44 year old baby. Pre op is a difficult time with all thoughts going through your head and made worse by having to stop eating and drinking the night before or very early in the morning.

    The only way you can get that knee is to go through surgery so just start to focus on all the things you will be able to do afterwards.

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    You are right...What I am doing at the moment is when I get a panic moment I tell myself a positive answer to it...I still have times where I get teary but if someone can tell me something funny or cajole me I am okay within about 5 or so minutes....
    I just have to tell the staff I am a bit jittery and I hope I can squeeze someone's hand as well as have my cuddly with me too.....Im doing me best!

    tkachev wrote:
    Hi Elaine,

    The hospital have seen it all and won't think you are a 44 year old baby. Pre op is a difficult time with all thoughts going through your head and made worse by having to stop eating and drinking the night before or very early in the morning.

    The only way you can get that knee is to go through surgery so just start to focus on all the things you will be able to do afterwards.

    Elizabeth x
  • Helenbothknees
    Helenbothknees Member Posts: 487
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Elaine, I'd forgotten how soon the 25th is, so I just dropped in to wish you well. Please do try to stop worrying, and instead think about what it'll be like three months down the line. And I tell you, it'll be so, so, so much better. It's a little over three months since my TKRs, and I've gone from constant pain, huge amounts of drugs, and hardly being able to walk to the car, to only taking paracetamol and walking for fun, going to large supermarkets, extended shopping trips, swimming, name it, I can do it, for the first time for years. It should be the same for you, and all the rest of the stuff running round in your head really doesn't matter.
  • arfaitis
    arfaitis Member Posts: 155
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Elaine, you are worrying because it is new to you, I had a spinal 4 times and they were a piece of cake. The anti clot injections were the easiest I have ever had, so I know you will find they don't hurt, just look away and you will ask have you done it yet, I am pretty sure about that.
    Good luck keep us updated.

  • Jo90
    Jo90 Member Posts: 68
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elaine
    Just wanted to say good luck and focus on the outcome - you'll be running around like a spring chicken in the new year :D
    Wrightington has a great reputation, not too far away from me and I have been there a few times. If you are seeing the lovely Mr Gambhir (or Dr Gorgeous as I always like to think of him :lol: swoon) you are in very capable hands. Even my GP has recommended him for joint replacement work.
    Just take calming deep breaths and imagine how great it is going to be when you can get around without all the pain you currently have.

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Bless you for thinking of me...Thanks very much..
    Im trying my hardest at moment to remain positive as best as I can. I know my worrying wont help but it is in my nature....
    I know I will not know the everyday pain my knee gives me, I will be stiff and it will be a big hurdle for me to cross....
    I really do apprecaite your kind words..

    Elaine, I'd forgotten how soon the 25th is, so I just dropped in to wish you well. Please do try to stop worrying, and instead think about what it'll be like three months down the line. And I tell you, it'll be so, so, so much better. It's a little over three months since my TKRs, and I've gone from constant pain, huge amounts of drugs, and hardly being able to walk to the car, to only taking paracetamol and walking for fun, going to large supermarkets, extended shopping trips, swimming, name it, I can do it, for the first time for years. It should be the same for you, and all the rest of the stuff running round in your head really doesn't matter.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    It is the unknown and new to me, afterwards I can say ive done it and not been a big scaredy cat....Still kinda wish someone would hit me on head with a mallet but I am trying to see things in a more positive light...The anti clotting well I can have tablets if they arent for me eh?

    Thanks for good luck..

    arfaitis wrote:
    Hello Elaine, you are worrying because it is new to you, I had a spinal 4 times and they were a piece of cake. The anti clot injections were the easiest I have ever had, so I know you will find they don't hurt, just look away and you will ask have you done it yet, I am pretty sure about that.
    Good luck keep us updated.
