
I received pip during a really bad flare (couldn’t walk) after years of it being under control. 2 hip replacements later and medication I’m feeling back to normal. I rang the PIP line to declare my health is better and the woman on the phone said you’ve just started to receive it (been over a year) and I should just wait for the review next July 2021.

I took a screen shot of the phone call as evidenced that I tried to phone and declare changes but I’m worried.

What should I do?


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 16. Jul 2020, 08:57

    It is nice to see someone being really honest compared to all the lead-swingers, thank you. I would suggest that you write to them as well and keep a copy of the letter. It could well be that if you wait until next year some "jobs worth" may try claiming that you did not let them know and impose penalties. If they still do nothing put your PIP payments into a separate savings account just in case you have to pay it all back.

    Mike, while some have had experience of bad dealings with various public bodies it is wrong to class all workers in the same light. Almost all are hard working and want to do their best for their 'customers' all the time. In my day I worked in a UBO (Unemloyment Benefit Office) and it is a hard, sometimes heartbreaking job.


  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi @danm2010

    It would be best to write a letter, keep a copy with your PIP documentation and then you are covered. Also if you are on the phone it's a good idea to always ask for the name of the person you are talking to, and then record details on your PIP documents (just so you don't lose any piece of paper 😊

    Take care

    Yvonne x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241


    I would contact them again not by phone rather in writing. It's not a risk worth taking. The number of people you read about getting 'done' for claiming when they aren't entitled anymore......

    I am so glad you are so much better 🙂