Any tips or advice on Revitive machines please

Hi I’m waiting for a total knee replacement. I have severe OE in one knee and Moderate OE in the other. I’m having a pre op assessment later this week but I’m worried I’ve not lost enough weight to reduce my BMI to 40 and they may delay due to this.

I have severe pain in both knees and i take CoCodamol to help this and I also use Voltarol 12 hr gel on both knees. I’m worried as my mobility is reducing more all the time due to pain. I can’t ride my bike as my knees won’t bend enough to do this. I was attending aquafit classes twice weekly but unfortunately due to over subscription of the classes it’s hit and miss whether I can book on.

I’m thoroughly miserable as my life is becoming smaller all the time. My husband and family are fantastic and supportive I’m just tired of the pain and the wait for surgery plus the added complication of weight loss. So I’m and look into ways of alleviating pain i was looking into the Revitive machines. There are several models and they are expensive so I’m just looking for anyone who’s tried this and how helpful they found it. Thank you for your help


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hi @Ellie13 Welcome to the online community.

    I see you have Osteoarthritis in both knees and are awaiting TKR surgery. You are wondering whether the Revitive product will help at all.

    I am linking in some short threads on the subject:

    It is very tough to have to lose weight prior to much needed surgery and this subject comes up so many times here. I know it is extra hard as exercise (your bike for instance) becomes much harder to do.

    This might be of interest to you?

    Do have a look around the site and join in anywhere you feel comfortable. Our members are very supportive and will support you in any way they can.

    Best wishes


  • Ellie13
    Ellie13 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks so much Ellen. I’ll certainly have a read of the posts x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    Someone told me that they do work in the short term at least they seem to, but not longer term. The online reviews don't look great 2.7 out of 5 isn't very high.

    and if they were so great how would Eamonn Holmes have been in so much pain🤨

    I really hope the Dr is more sympathetic than you think about your weight I think I can feel your anxiety about your appointment already.

    Make sure you let us know how you get on. ((()))

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Save your money. Revitavive gets abysmal reviews on Trustpilot though, oddly(?) brilliant ones on its own site.

    As the owner of two replaced knees I'd say exercise(s) is/are the key. You certainly won't be pain-free but they do make life easier. Exercising to keep knees in good nick is different from exercising to lose weight. Personally, I'd go down the diet route for that.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright