Pets' Corner



  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    @Mike1 How sweet! I love toads. I’m amazed Vixen brought it in, I think their skin tastes nasty. Did you manage to make a ladder for it?

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I put a ramp in the pond as a temporary measure but when I started to measure up for a proper ramp there was no sign of the toad so I presume it hopped out and went home, I understand that toads have a sort of homing instinct so that they go back to the pond in which they were born. I don't know where she got it from, a couple of neighbours within her stomping ground have ponds but neither of them have toads.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    I do “toad patrol’ during the breeding season in March, escorting them across roads to a local canal. They do go back (usually) to the same pond etc every year. They have a little bonkfest for a few days, then we help them back across the roads to go back to land living for the rest of the year. Sometimes it’s not easy to tell which direction they’re headed so they end up back in the canal anyway! I expect your little fella was glad of a dip in this hot weather at least.

  • wazz42
    wazz42 Member Posts: 233

    Well it is hot. I've organised water for the birds, hedgehog and any other visitors. Lynx and co are still eager for a cuddle - I wonder if their coats insulate from heat as well as cold!


  • wazz42
    wazz42 Member Posts: 233

    I think you are right Toni, 3 monthly drops will now be the way to go, just got 1 more set of vials for the 1 monthly, then I'll get to the vet. I have Lynx asleep in the sun and I'm just wondering - would now be a good time ??? Maybe not, she needs to be able to dream without the worry of sticky stuff appearing on her neck!


    Mike, I'm working on a ladder of sorts for the pond visitors, like you mine is raised, I can sit on the edge of the pond and admire, well, the water for now!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Wow!!! Get it done dreckly @Mike1

    How brilliant is that a toad!

    Photos if you can get them! I hope Fred and Ginger don't ind too much having a new houseguest🙂

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Fred and Ginger have their pond to themselves again, Terry the Toad legged it a few days ago.

  • Sh8ron
    Sh8ron Member Posts: 15

    Mike1, very interesting about Vixen perhaps being immune to fleas. I've noticed the same with my Boris (also black + white) because he won't let us put flea treatment on him. I tend to get the vet to do it whenever he needs to go (jabs, nail clipping etc). He's also a talented mouser! But I check Bobo's fur every day and no sign (cross fingers). Regards Sharon.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Keeping an eye on the neighbours (probably wondering where its head has gone!)

  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 308

    We couldn't use the spot on stuff on any of our cats as we had one Mitten who would start to fit if you put it on her or the others.But it wasn't too much of an issue as they were house cats unfortunately my nightmare neighbor killed one of our cats years ago and now I feel happier with them as house ones.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    So sad @stellabean . Some humans are horrible

  • Raedigger
    Raedigger Member Posts: 4

    I love this thread! I'm new here but hoping that in a little while I'll be able to post a picture up of a dog - we lost one over the rainbow bridge 2 years ago and it's been tough without her! Once my surgery is done my husband has promised we'll find another rescue dog to love - one reason to be cheerful about the pending trapeziectomy!

    Meanwhile, thanks for all the gorgeous pictures of your pets! 😍


    And you, what will you do with your one wild and precious life?

  • Hello my Name is Eugene, I am 2 years old. I love my mummy so much, it upsets me when she is in so much pain, I always help her by giving her comforting cwtches. Mummy loves animals, we have enjoyed looking at all your fluffly babies. Xxxx

  • wazz42
    wazz42 Member Posts: 233

    A cwtch is always good, he looks very happy there x

  • Hello I'm new and recently diagnoised with osteoarthritis.

    Anyway, enough of that ... Here are my cats! 😺

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    This is our Ted, he's 3 years old and we love him to bits.

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 363
  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 363

    My lovely rescue dog Maddie. She’s about 12? Arthritic like me. We bumble along together.

  • kayemm
    kayemm Member Posts: 8
    edited 10. Apr 2024, 08:04

    Hello everyone in pets corner. This is my boy Jackson

    We’re always out on adventures, love to hear about yours. Paddling yesterday what di you do ?

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148

    Hi @kayemm, your Jackson is a beautiful boy! I don’t have a dog but I do enjoy walking with my friend who has one - his name is Jango. It’s great meeting all the other dog walkers every day too, although we only know them by their dog’s name!

    I’ve moved your post to Val’s cafe - hope that’s ok with you. They’re a very friendly, chatty group of members, and I’m sure you’ll be very welcome there and enjoy the chats.

    Best wishes,


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • kayemm
    kayemm Member Posts: 8

    Thank you Anna, yes it’s true we get to know dog names long before their humans 😉

  • PeterJ
    PeterJ Administrator Posts: 1,011

    @kayemm I've added your post to Pet's Corner

    Best wishes Peter

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm