Folic acid with Methotrexate


Hi. I started Methotrexate in July and have gradually increased the dosage. I'm now at 20mg per week and my psoriatic arthritis has gone. Psoriasis improved but still have some patches.

As advised, I was taking 5mg folic acid a week to begin with.

I had no Methotrexate side effects until about a month ago when I started to feel very tired. Rheumatology nurses advised increasing the folic up to as much as 5mg daily apart from Methotrexate day. This helped with the tiredness.

I have now noticed some slight hair fall. My hair has thinned with age already and the current loss isn't yet that noticeable but if it carries on I am sure I will have some bald patches before long.

I will need to consult the Rheumatology Team but in the meantime does anyone know whether I can increase the folic acid any further than 5mg x 6 days per week?

Thank you.


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 763

    Welcome @Linda_D to the online community.

    You have been taking methotrexate since July and whist adjusting to it you have noticed some hair loss. You also wonder if you can increase the amount of folic acid that you have been prescribed. You are right to ask your questions to your rheumatology since we are not medically trained. However I do attach some useful information from the Versus Arthritis website which can help you in your discussions with your team

    Our members have a wealth of advice and experience of arthritic conditions and their treatments and you can find their support in many areas of the community. There are also a range of activities and discussions about how to cope with living with arthritis and we hope that you will browse round the community and join in .

    Do let us know how you get on with your discussions with your Rheumatology Team.

    Take Care


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • helpline_team

    Hi @Linda_D

    Sorry for the delay in replying. Decisions about the use of folic acid really sit with the rheumatology team. I hope you can either email or ring the nurse specialist to support you with this one.

    If there's anything else you'd like to talk over, do feel free to ring us on 0800 5200 520 9-6 Mon-Fri.

    best wishes

    Guy - Helpline Team