Wrist osteoarthritis

Matthew Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hello & wishing you all well.

I am diagnosed with bilateral SLAC wrists and the Ortho specialist indicates that they are both at the full fusion stage. The first stage of treatment will be to try steroids then possibly deinervation. It is extremely daunting. I would be very grateful for any advice. My IT knowledge is not terribly good so apologies in advance if I am slow to reply. Many thanks and really hope things improve for us all.



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  • CarylW
    CarylW Member Posts: 274
    edited 10. Mar 2023, 16:18

    Hello @Matthew

    I am glad you have found our online community, and I hope that members will be able to share their experiences with you.

    I hope that this information from our website will be helpful to give you a bit more information:

    Do keep in touch and let us know how you are.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 3

    Hello Caryl. Thanks very much for your welcome & link to the advice. very helpful.

    I hope to look into the prospect of total wrist fusion which I find quite daunting. I am told by the Ortho Hand specialist and the Hand physios that it largely removes the wrist pain.

    Best wishes Matthew

  • Ange66
    Ange66 Member Posts: 9

    Morning Matthew. I appreciate the prospect of surgery is daunting but I would suggest "don't delay!". I have OA in both thumb joints. It's excruciating and debilitating. I work as an operating department scrub and anaesthetic assistant. I know the business well. I was offered surgery to my thumb back in 2019 and decided against proceeding, one reason being my fear of surgery (even though I'm a health professional, familiar with the routine). I am now suffering excruciating pain and extreme difficulty in managing daily tasks. I'm sitting on a seemingly never ending waiting list for surgery. My advice, for what it's worth...take everything you are offered and definitely say "Yes" to the operation. You are probably already coping with a lack of dexterity and movement in your wrists but the pain will never get better. Good luck Matthew.

  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 3

    Dear Ange66.

    Thanks so much for your comments. Really sorry to hear about your thumbs. Greatly appreciate all your hard work in theatres. I worked in the NHS and have seen how hard you work.

    I think I will take your advice though it’s likely to be a hard journey as both wrists are affected (+one knee). A rock and a hard place.

    Hope very much that you get the operations you need as soon as possible. Thanks again & God bless.


  • rubysdad1
    rubysdad1 Member Posts: 7

    Likewise I have a date for trapeziectomy but prefer to avoid surgery.Are there any supplements eg Devils Claw that really do work to greatly reduce inflamation and pain?

  • gazrobbo
    gazrobbo Member Posts: 25

    Im the same with my wrists, cant grip things properly, my hands are just there for show, got occupational therapy soon about my wrists but don't want surgery as ive heard bad things

  • Good morning Matthew ive had a bilateral wrist fusion my right in 97 and left 2005 im still doing my job as a plantsman gardener still ride my bike my other sports stopped when my knees went...

    They take your ilac crest ie top of hip to put in your wrist 5 or 6 screws and a plate 36 clips in plaster 2-3 weeks...

  • IanS
    IanS Member Posts: 6

    I also have this issue as a result of an unresolved fracture. I am meant to receive an annual cortisone injection but this has been delayed due to the NHS waiting lists. I am seriously considering wrist fusion, as the pain has become difficult, but I am very nervous of surgery.

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Hi, Welcome!

The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!