Working from home: Sit-stand desks

Jazzy Member Posts: 12
edited 26. Mar 2023, 13:59 in Work and financial support

Hi, just seeing if anyone out there who works from home, who has OA in the hips, is using a sit-stand desk ? and whether they've really benefitted from having the option to stand whilst working rather than being seated all day ?

I spend 95% of my time WFH, my work is PC based, nose to the screen 8/9 hours a day. My OA is relatively mild, but I know its there and being seated, even with an break each hour for a cuppa etc, and a walk 20-40 walk at lunchtime, I'm starting to notice discomfort/pain in the hips. I've just done a DSE risk assessment, for my home office which is being reviewed by my employer, and I have asked whether I could be supplied a sit-stand desk, as I expect it would help.

Interested to hear - anyones experience of sit-stand desks and have you found it of benefit for managing the condition.

Thanks !


  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member Posts: 223

    Hi @Jazzy I got a sit- stand desk some years ago and found it was a great help with the back problems I had back then. My hip OA became a problem later on and I had a hip replacement in 2021 and the sit-stand desk is even more beneficial although I no longer do long working hours. I've also got a kneeling chair which also helps.

  • Jazzy
    Jazzy Member Posts: 12
    edited 26. Mar 2023, 20:08

    Thanks @RogerBill

    Appreciate your reply and good to hear you found the sit-stand desk beneficial.

    I had not thought ahead to hip replacement - I guess that will be required eventually, so really useful to know it helped you then too.

    Kneeling on a floor I find particularly awkward and painful in a short time, so would have to think hard about a kneeling chair, possibly seek some advice.

    My hip OA was diagnosed following back pain, for which I went to a physio to try and fix, I was a self employed gardener then and the repetitive kneeling down on my right knee ( the side I eventually found to have hip OA) so I could stand back up using my good left leg, the physio seemed to think that imbalance (using one side more) was causing the back pain, he quickly suspected OA after a couple of sessions and suggested I contact my doctor - they were pretty useless tbh, although the Physio was good.

    Back pain and OA pain largely stopped when I stopped the gardening. So big change in my activity level from physical job to desk job.

    If I do get a sit-stand desk, even if my employer doesnt agree (I'm going along on the basis "you don't ask you dont get"), I'll let you know how I get on !

  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member Posts: 223

    Hi @Jazzy If you can find a shop or someone with a kneeling chair perhaps you could try one (not ideal as they take a little time to get used to). It's very different to kneeling on the floor as body weight is distributed between knees and bottom. Also my chair is something like the Varier Variable Plus which because it rocks means you can vary the angle of your back and weight distribution between knees and back. The problem is that they're not cheap! One of the triggers I find for pains due to hip OA, replacement hip and back is remaining too long in one position for which the rocking motion helps.

    Good luck with your employer negotiations.

  • Jazzy
    Jazzy Member Posts: 12
    edited 28. Mar 2023, 20:19

    Hi @RogerBill Thanks for the info 👍️ , as you say an expensive chair but interesting design, I watched a few videos on it. Still keeping my fingers crossed on the sit-stand desk

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Cheapest help I ever got was my wedge cushion

    like this a bit it is higher at the back.

    Standing hurts my back a LOT!

    I think it has to be suck it and see really.

    Best of luck

    Toni x

  • Jazzy
    Jazzy Member Posts: 12

    Thanks Toni - I had one of those wedges and did use it on a dining chair when I first started working from home more, and then got an office chair so stopped using the wedge and never used the two together, maybe something I could try again.

    I also know what you mean about back ache when the past whenever I attended anything like a networking event where you can virtually be planted to a spot whilst chatting, that always caused me back pain, but moving on my feet no issues. So I'm hoping mixing periods of sitting/standing, doing neither for too long (which I'll need to figure out) will help, time will tell - and I'll feedback how I get on.

    Company said no, as technically I'm contracted to an office. Reality, I go in once every couple of month so have just bought my own sit-stand desk from Maidesite. That's this weekend's task - building it 🛠️

  • MoWW
    MoWW Member Posts: 75

    Hi @Jazzy glad to hear you are considering your workplace health, I hope your employer supports you by providing the equipment you require. Using a sit/stand desk can be helpful for many people. Having an anti fatigue mat to stand on can also help. I am sure you will have read all the information available on the website. However you may also be interested in this piece of research on the use of sit/stand desks.

    good luck


  • Jazzy
    Jazzy Member Posts: 12

    Thanks @MoWW - I bought my own desk in the end. I'm strictly classed an office based but I rarely go in (once every few months), and so was easier to get the desk rather than have to commute everyday back to the office at great time and money expense. I've had the desk for a couple of weeks , I mainly sit -down but do stand for a bit each day: you can set an alarm on the desk I have, but I dont use that, I prefer to change depending on what I'm doing or when I feel I need to change position. I'm on a hard floor so may look into a cushioned mat, as could see those being of help

  • Weeyin
    Weeyin Member Posts: 21

    My employer has supplied me with a tabletop desk riser. I use a proper sit/standing desk when lm in the office. Both are a big help. I tend to stand approx 50% of the day

  • Jazzy
    Jazzy Member Posts: 12

    Sounds good employer helping you .

    I think desk riser would be a good option if just a laptop but I have two big 4k monitors. Am slowly increasing my standing - which I'm tending to do if in a meetings. Am not noticing the hip as much as when I was sat all day

  • JC1978
    JC1978 Member Posts: 22

    Hi Jazzy,

    I work in a control room for an emergency service. We have sit-stand desks. Lots of people find them really helpful because sitting for 12 hour shifts really hurts your back but the desks really help. I have psoriatic arthritis and get pain in my hips and lower back, the desks are a god-send! I don't stand up for long because I also get pain in my knees and feet and standing for too long hurts, but I stand up for about 2 minutes in about every 30 minutes or so. The shift in position brings a lot of relief to the pain.