THR finally done Day 1 11th jan

Dear all

I have found @Janlyn recent hip replacement diary very helpful (many thanks) so thought I would post some comments about mine in case it was of use to others.

So - today was the big day - After being some what of a nervous wreck for the past week !

Like many others, I was given a spinal anaesthetic with sedation for my surgery . I was then wheeled into the theatre and don't remember anything until they were waking me up.

After approx 1 hour in recovery I was taken back to the ward and monitored closely for first few hours.

I won't lie , there has been pain (mainly in my bum cheek) but I have found that as long as I take regular pain relief (every 4hrs) it makes it much more tolerable.

I have managed to walk out to the loo and back twice this afternoon and get myself into bed this evening.... so I am please with that.

I am very glad that it is all done - hopefully can focus on recovery now.

For anyone else waiting this surgery - hang in there. The waiting and ruminating thoughts are the worst part .

Hang in there & be kind to yourselves ...

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  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Shellbeth it is lovely to hear you are now on the road to recovery and that awful worry and waiting is over. And well done for your report of day 1 which will definitely help others. I remember how you describe the pain in your bum cheek so well. The good news is that it should reduce over the next few days althogh don't forget your painkillers.

    Please keep us updated as to how you are doing and remember to be kind to yourself too, sleep, good nutrition and your exercises will make such a difference. Well done!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Wahay! It's done @Shellbeth 😊

    I am so pleased for you and thanks for doing your own story honestly they do help others as you know.

    Keep up the good work and remember now you are working through and pain to get better

    Take care

    Toni x

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    Grand news! You are now well on the road to recovery! 🤞😍

  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    @Shellbeth glad you've got to the recovery stage. As others have said, following the exercise regime diligently and keeping up with the medication in the early days has certainly been of benefit for me (I can't remember what day I'm on but I was two days behind @Janlyn having my Op)

    Things get better quickly in my experience, mainly knowing that any aches and pains are part of getting better not a sign of getting worse is a massive psychological boost.

    Good luck with your recovery

  • Good luck!. I'm on my way to the hospital now. I'm absolutely frightened but reading all the good experiences here, makes me feel more confident. When I woke up I thought it was just a bad dream, but no. It's very real. I'll join you in your journey, @Shellbeth .

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 882

    Hello @Shellbeth welcome to the online community

    We are so pleased that you have posted your first post in the hope that it might help others. Pleased too, that you are through surgery and on the road to recovery and also posting a big thankyou to @Janlyn for her useful diary that helped you along your journey.

    We are a group who support each other and are here to listen when we have good and bad days affected by living with arthritis. So @Shellbeth keep up the good work and listen to your body, sleep well, eat well, and exercise gently. We are all different so don't expect to follow a "pattern" of recovery .Often post surgery there are ups and downs, so stay positive and keep us posted with your tips.

    Take Care


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • Smashing, well done and good luck with your new hip journey, I know my life has changed beyond belief, love my new hip, I've even named it David, after my surgeon. Rest up but also do your exercises, I hope you soon start to enjoy being pain free x

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15

    DAY 2 - BACK HOME !

    Thanks @Teresapescado glad to hear your doing so well.

    Been a busy day .

    Won't lie - first night sleep after surgery was rubbish - but to be expected I guess. Definitely needed regular pain relief !

    Fortunately, after a sore and stiff initial start I did find I was mobilising pretty well (all be it slowly) with my crutches for day 2 . Managed to get dressed with minimal assistance.... was pretty exhausted afterwards though 😄

    Several Physio visits, dr visits, xrays and bloods followed and they agreed that I could be discharged this afternoon..... with husband at home to help me.

    Currently sitting here with ice on my hip.... early night and see what tomorrow brings.

    Best wishes all x

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Teresapescado love that you've named your hip David!

    @Shellbeth You're doing well. I have to say I still find sleeping at night difficult but everything else is so good it's a small price to pay. I found pain relief definitely needed in the early days, but I got a bit of nausea/constipation from the stronger painkillers and probably all I'd been given in surgery/just after. It made me decide to stick to paracetamol only after a couple of days which worked for me but we're all different so listen to your body and doctors.

    I'm remembering exactly where you are now, the soreness, stiffness, then the mobilising slowly. I remember having to have a lie down after washing/dressing!

    Well done for getting home Day 2.

    Take care, x

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Nurina hoping all went well for you today and you're now recovering. Take care, x

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202




    Hope all went well.

  • Well done @Shellbeth I hope I follow your steps! (pun intended 😂)

  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    Glad it went well for you and that you are at home. I remember well those first few days, as Janlyn says we're all different and will heal and recover at our own pace but I have found progress comes almost as a surprise, a very pleasant one to be sure.

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15
    edited 14. Jan 2024, 11:37

    Day 4

    Not a great night's sleep last night (but to be expected I guess).... and felt very stiff and sore initially on waking (bum cheek on the operated side particularly)

    However, after taking some pain relief and slowly (and somewhat awkwardly) manoeuvring myself off the bed and mobilising a bit with the crutches it feels like things started to relax a bit.....

    Have found that regular ice pack use has been very helpful during the day and in bed at night (I bought a big flat/square one online) certainly helps take the edge of the aching and swelling.

    Hope you are getting on well too @Nurina ....

    One step at a time !

    Definitely think I'll be having a nap this afternoon ...

  • That's great @Shellbeth my bum feels weird and the raised toilet is torture but we'll be fine. Getting in the bed is easier for me, just bending my good leg and pull up. I struggle more when I get out because there is a moment I have to leave the leg hanging and I don't know if it's all right

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Shellbeth Oh I sympathise with you. Hope you got a nap this afternoon. I'm still finding it easier and more comfortable to sleep during the day than at night. Anything that takes the edge off the aching and swelling is good, and getting mobilised should get better day by day. Keep taking the pain relief and being kind to yourself.

    @Nurina you sound to be getting there, especially as it's such early days for you, well done.

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15

    Day 6

    Good morning all. Hope everyone is OK.

    So felt like I had a little progress last night .... getting in and out of bed feels slightly easier and took a little less time. Also, using the loo feels a bit easier too ! (All about the little wins at the moment). I guess it might be where the muscles are a little less tense and its a bit easier to sit down....

    Did some of my physio exercises too. Some of them certainly easier than others that's for sure.

    Still finding I'm in need of a nap by about 1 ish, so take to my bed with my ice pack for an hour.

    All in all .... not too bad 😊

    See what today brings !

  • That's great @Shellbeth it's not even a week since your mayor surgery. Pain and swollen are getting more in control and everything is easier. Today I got up very positive and noticing these little changes you talk about. Toilet is now easy peasy and leg in and out of bed, stronger. I've tackled my staircase on my own like a brave girl. Out of codeine the world looks brighter!

    You are doing very well and I'm happy to read about your progress. :)

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15

    Afternoon all 😊

    Day 7 today

    Currently resting on bed with leg elevated and ice pack for an hour. Am going to try and implement this little habit a bit more regularly for next few days as my leg felt pretty swollen and achey by yesterday evening. I could definitely see some swelling in my ankle which I'd not noticed previously. I won't lie it did make me feel a bit on the grumpy side as my foot and knee felt sooo achey. I had been using ice alone, but think combining it with the elevation ( x2 pillows seems to work for me) is certainly even more helpful.

    Other than that no major changes to report since yesterday .... Still trying to work out the best regime / combination of pain medications for me and forcing myself to do my physio exercises.

    I think the bruising at my incision site has reached its peak now. Nice shade of yellow and purple - but less extensive than I thought it might be.

    Debating about trying to wash my hair over the sink tomorrow ..... Will be an interesting experience I'm sure !

    Best wishes all x

  • Don't be grumpy 😂. We are behind others that were in the same situation than us and now they are having a normal life. Remember the marathon comparison😜. Elevation and ice are better than any medication. How about mobility? Do you feel you move better? I'm still wobbly but I move much better. Sometimes I forget the 90 º rule 😬 What medication are you taking? My pain is at bay with just paracetamol in the morning but the pain at night is much worse, maybe because I have to be still on my back. I had to have a codeine and a ibuprofen in the middle of the night, after a granola bar to protect my stomach. X

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15
    edited 17. Jan 2024, 14:43

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15

    Hi @Nurina

    I'm in pretty good spirits in general. It was just the pain last night that made me grumpy for a while....

    Mobility and movement is pretty good overall I think.

    Currently taking paracetamol and ibuprofen (2-3 times daily) for pain plus dihydrocodeine (once a day seems sufficient) . Also taking omeprazole for my stomach and aspirin (once a day to prevent clots for next few weeks)

    Sounds like you struggle with the impact of the medication on your stomach??

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Shellbeth you're doing incredibly well - remember this day last week it was all ahead of you!

    Moving around better, getting in and out of bed, managing the bathroom better, planning hair-washing, even forcing yourself to exercise - all brilliant.

    Elevated leg and ice pack sounds a winner for you and I'm sure you'll work out your pain relief to suit you - we're all different aren't we? I think I was about the same stage as you when my bruise peaked - I was amazed how quickly it turned to yellow/purple and although swollen was much easier than I'd imagined. These surgeons are miracle workers.

    Take care all, xx

  • @Shellbeth It's good to see you were grumpy only for a minute 😜 I've been always very sensitive to medication. I fell ill with all Covid jabs. You know how sick I was after the surgery. You wouldn't believe my hands are shaking because of the last night codeine 😬. I've heard that plain water with a drop of apple vinegar helps to low the stomach acidity due to medication. I don't lose anything if I try. Keep up the good work! X

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15

    Thanks @Janlyn & @Nurina - I can't believe it's nearly been a week since the surgery ! The time has flown by so quickly.

    Definitely feel like I'm making progress every day.... I've even graduated from the garden chair to the arm chair now ! 🥳 😂 As you say these surgeons are miracle workers. I'm so very grateful.

    I think the fact you've been recovering at home alone is amazing @Janlyn - pretty sure that gives you super hero status now 😃 !

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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!