Shiny New Hip Day 20 May 2024

Day Zero

So here i am. It's almost midnight and so far i feel brilliant.

Went down to theatre at 16.15 and back in my room at 18.50.

Had my first spinal which was exciting. It took them several attempts to get it right but were very kind and patient. Said my arthritis didnt help get it in first time. Apparently this is what i will have in future due to my bronchiecstasis.

I havent got out of bed yet but i can now feel my feet and happily pumping my ankles which hopefully will earn me brownie points with the physio when she comes early Tuesday morning.

Waiting now on my blood thinner injection and painkiller recap (do i need anything yet?) Before hopefully some sleep.

I have happily eaten and drunk everything they've put in front of me with no reaction.

The last couple of months have been horrendous and I'm looking forward to a better life, my life and not that of mr arthritis, hiding from life curled up in a corner. .

I know days will be tougher before they get better but they will get better otherwise im not the stubborn fighter my parents brought me up to be.

Had a lovely voice message from my eldest granddaughter, aged 10 and what more inspiration you do you need if its not an excited granddaughter for your recovery.

Love and hugs everyone

Trish xx



  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    Hi @Trish9556 pleased to hear everything went well for you. Recovery will start today and your life will get so much better, it's a slow process but you will get there. Best of luck.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,773

    Well done @Trish9556

    keep up the good wok and i think contact with that adorable Granddaughter😊 what more does anyone need than that sort of encouragement?

    Best wishes


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Thank you. I couldnt get much sleep last night, only about hour and half but have just demolished my third plate of food. Cant remember last time i ate so much!

    Trish xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Thank you Ellen

    Shes a wonderful caring girl and i can imagine her going into the medical profession. She always makes sure nanna is ok and i expect she is busy making stuff for me instead of her homework lol

    Trish xx

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 375

    Happy new hip day! Welcome to the club. I'm happy you are having a good experience. From now, you're life will be much better everyday. X

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    And my grandchildren cannot wait for their nutty nanna to be back!

    Trish xx

  • ozzy62
    ozzy62 Member Posts: 18

  • ozzy62
    ozzy62 Member Posts: 18


    Glad all went well for your operation hope you will soon be feeling a lot better and getting out and about take care


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    So do i! Thank you

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Day One 21/5/24

    Tired today due to not sleeping last night but a busy day.

    Catheter out

    Two sets of physio, one this morning and again after lunch. I hate not using my crutches to help me get out of bed or my chair. They have been my safety net and it's so painful making that standing transition to my sticks. But i pull up my big girls knickers and tell myself not to be so stupid. Whats a bit of pain when its pointing to the rest of my life.

    I also dont like maneuvering myself up my bed unaided but it has to be done.

    This afternoons session was longer, managed to walk out of the ward in a slow but normal and exceedingly painful wsy. My surgeon says the quicker you go the less it hurts, hmm. I also forget and try to take steps that are too long. This will soon sink in

    My eldest came to visit and brought chocolate which was nice.

    Both my surgeon and anaesthetist are pleased with my progress, the pharmacist also came. Changing my meds a bit to see if they can find something better suited to my needs.

    Tomorrows agenda should be another physio session including stairs, dressing change and providing all is well. Home by lunchtime where the hard work begins.

    My blood pressure has been the best its been for many years. Im goimg to ask my gp to start the process for the other side when i get home. Just had my post op xray to check it for going home tomorrow. Good job hadnt had dinner yet. Uncomfortable to say the least!

    Always get painkillers before i start moving or physio which is good.

    Food is amazing, clearing every plate.

    Onward and upward.

    Trish xx

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 242

    @Trish9556 so glad that everything went well for you and I admire your positivity. Hopefully from now on each day you will improve bit by bit and will soon be home and enjoying being with all your family. Take care.🙂

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,214

    Hi @Trish9556 good to hear it went well. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Bevdav123
    Bevdav123 Member Posts: 60

    Welcome to the club, I’m 4 weeks post op, speedy recovery to you, hope you’re home soon, you can rest more when you’re in your own bed .

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @Trish9556 - wow, you're doing well and you'll soon be making slow but steady progress, I'm sure. Isn't it strange how hungry recovery makes us?

    Your granddaughter will be so glad to see the improvement in you. Take care.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Day 8

    Well the last four days have been awful.

    Had diarrhea since thursday so any recovery has been dependent on how close to the bathroom I've been. Not pleasant but it is improving and i now have a load of physio to catch up on due to lots of sleep in my chair during the day but not at night. Slowly does it I suspect this is caused by a dr changing all my long term painkillers without thinking of the consequences.

    Im a side sleeper and find it virtually impossible to sleep for more than an hour at a time on my back. Roll on week six when i can ask permission to revert.

    Getting on ok with the daily injections.

    On the plus side i can mobilise fairly well with chairs and stairs. I think more by necessity.

    Today starts a new week so lets see what happens.

    Love n hugs

    Trish Xxx

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 242

    @Trish9556 sorry to hear your news. Hope you will soon be feeling better and improving day by day. Take care.🙂

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @Trish9556 Oh I'm so sorry to hear, that sounds awful. I found it bad enough getting backwards and forwards to the bathroom without added issues. I sympathise about your sleeping, or not as the case may be, as I had the very same. I was allowed short times on my side before the six weeks were up which definitely helped - just being able to move helped as it's really not natural to sleep so rigidly. Take care.

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 375

    I hope you feel better now. Painkillers can mess up with digestive system and we take a lot during our recovery. Sleeping on my back was the worse of my recovery but time flies and so soon you'll be able to sleep on your side. X

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Day 9

    I am feeling much better today (does a virtual happy dance) and managed to sleep last night sat up with lots of pillows. Whether it was this or that i was so tired after virtually no sleep since before surgery remains to be seen but 8 hours is unheard of!

    Trish xx

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 375

    As the pain is dissappearing and you are getting more tired doing more things, you'll sleep better. Just trying to walk with the crutches is a whole workout!

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @Trish9556 Wow - well done - eight hours! However it happened well worth a happy dance, albeit virtual 😊

  • Bevdav123
    Bevdav123 Member Posts: 60

    8 hours ! That’s fab, I can only dream of that, well done!

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    I was sent home with a pair of walking sticks. I did already have crutches but as i have an outstanding issue with my left wrist, it was decided sticks would be better for me. Not allowed to lose one either until I'm told.

    I still have my crutches for if i have really bad days though.

    Trish Xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    3 nights in a row of 8 hours sleep…i must be doing something right! Seriously though i do feel incredibly stiff from not moving overnight when i get up!

    Trish xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Friday 31/5 day 12

    Had the staples out today and it feels so much better today. Nurse has re-dressed and added a couple of steri strips for a couple of days while it settles down again then i can take it off and leave it off. Bliss!

    I am hoping that my swelling will start to ease off now. That has given me the worst pain so far as i cant take anything for it and ice packs not really helped.

    I can start gently rubbing E45 into my scar once the dressing is off and that should ease discomfort too and also refuce scarring. (The stuff in a tub, not the lotion)

    Onwards and upwards

    Trish xx