My hip is done



  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    hi @alwayssewing

    I'm glad you got on ok today! 30 Reps? I'm only doing 10 a time but do repeat my physio as I can throughout the day.

    Well done on the driving too! Both my physio and surgeon said I must, and was ready to, start driving again at 6 weeks. However I haven't driven since 2020 due to my trapeziectomy, neck surgery and then the hip went. I haven't tried yet, I'm still getting into the car sideways on and swizzling myself round and need to get in the right way first. Think I'll find a field somewhere when I do start.

    Well done on yur recovery

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing I agree with cutting your repetitions down but still doing the exercises, at least until Monday when you can maybe get other advice and exercises. It is frustrating when you are trying so hard but not making progress. I found that and then suddenly progress would happen again when I was least expecting it.

    And driving is amazing isn't it - so much easier than we think. I found even getting into and out of the car easier than it had been for a couple of years.

    Wishing you good luck for Monday!

  • I thought I would add a little update. Tomorrow it will be 13 weeks since my second THR and as far as that's concerned all is well and I'm able to do my exercises with very little pain in the hip now.However my knee is playing up big time. I've have swelling, cramp, crunching and clicking. It is as bad as my first hip.

    Exercises help a little and I saw a video yesterday on the rolled up towel behind the knee trick. I did it years ago whilst standing which isn't safe for me now but this is done sitting on the bed. It opens up the joint a bit to allow fluid to flow round the joint. The private physio I saw last year did a bit of traction but it would not be a good idea with my new hip.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing I am so sorry to hear you are having pain in your knee now - is it your knee on your recently operated leg side or the one you had operated on first?

    I have found the knee on my opposite side has been a little swollen and stiff since around 5 months post op. I am trying to exercise and raise it when I'm sat down and it isn't too bad as yet but it does seem to be a warning sign.

    Maybe you need to see a physio - not for traction but for advice/appropriate exercises?

  • @Janlyn both my knees are worse than my hips were and arthritis has been in them for many years longer. I do have exercises for them but relief is very short lived. I knew they were at the stage of needing replacement but opted for the hips first.

    The knee that hurts the most is on the more recently operated leg and it's not helping that I have a bakers cyst behind the knee.

    I did tell the physio about it on my last visit but he said it's just another symptom of other things going on with the knee.

    On a more positive note all the exercises are paying off as far as my back is concerned. I have noticed a difference in the way I stand and less back pain the last few days.

  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 116

    Good to hear your back pain is decreasing. Fingers crossed it will be the same with your knees. Let’s hope things get sorted for you very quickly. Sending you very good wishes

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing I am so sorry you've such pain with your knees. I hope the one on your operated side improves as your hip gets stronger, it must be all so frustrating and tiring for you. Will you have your knees replaced?

    I'm so glad your exercises are paying off and your back is less painful.

  • @Janlyn my right knee definitely but I don't know yet about the left, it isn't quite as painful as the right but i think that's because there is no cyst behind it.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630
  • I had my appointment today with the consultant and he is really pleased with my progress. Both legs are the same length , the scar looks good. We discussed my knees and he asked me if I wanted him to do them so I said yes please. I have to wait four months to give both hips more time to get the muscles stronger then he wants xrays of knees and hips before my appointment.

    I am happy and a little scared at the same time. I know knee replacement recovery is a bit tougher. I figure if a nearly ninety year old friend can cope with both knees replaced then so can I.

  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 116

    so pleased for you what great progress on all fronts.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing that all sounds like such good news. Of course you will be a little scared but excited too and after having both hips replaced you will know it will be worth it.

  • @alwayssewing How are things? It's been a while since your last post. I'm having my 2nd THR in three weeks and I've been thinking about you. X

  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 99
    edited 11. Nov 2024, 08:54

    @Nurina I am not too bad thanks. My hips are great, my right knee is getting worse as my knee cap seems to move and pop at times now. Very painful when it happens and makes me feel a bit sick sometimes. Not long now till 10th of December and I will know more about the knees and possibly when it can be done.

    My first scar is almost all silver now and just a fine line. The second has a bit to go but its only nearly six months ago since it was done.

    I hope all goes well for you and will be thinking of you. Take good care of yourself.

  • @alwayssewing I'm happy to see your improvements and I hope you can get good news about your knee.

    My scar is terrible, big, dark, bumpy and itchy. I'm worried about developing a keloid scar. I'm thinking about visiting the GP to have it checked before it's too late. My Physio said that it happens because I have too much collagen and I'm olive skin so maybe it's not a keloid but a big scar. In my opinion my staples were removed too soon, on day 10th. When the nurse removed them, the wound was opening and the side of the hip is a place with a lot of movement. Anyway, it's not like I'm going to do a beauty pageant but I wouldn't mind to have a less noticeable scar.

    I'll keep you update soon

    Take care X