


  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    angel1 wrote:
    annie_mial wrote:
    I'm taking a break now, hubby has made a cuppa. Will have to hook myself up in a minute for the night session, but will have 5 minutes first.

    I am having the horrors, though cos they've said snow in the week, it's really bad in America...hope it's not coming from that way!


    Is this going to be all over th country Annie? Don`t think I could survive another "lock-in"!

    Hi Ange

    I think it is going to be nearly eveywhere. If it comes from America that would be across the Atlantic, so it would mean it might come say Dover and Kent might get it.

    I suppose it can go anywhere then. Fingers crossed. Can you imagine us having that lot?

    Trish xx
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    valval wrote:
    they said it not as bad as that this time but they often wrong
    going now need some sleep have good night all sleep well

    Nite nite Val hace a nice sleep. See you tomorrow.
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodness knows what happened. I don't remember hitting the button twice. tried to cancel the first one and my machine crashed.
    Took ages to get back on. Something really went funny there.

    I really should read up more on all these breakthroughs. They print at lot of them in the Lancet don't they. Then some bright spark reads them in DWP and says, great they have found another cure for arthritis. They don't need any payments any more. Something along those lines anyway. At the end of the day it all comes down to money. The govenment won't put any funds into research, but are prepared to put the funds into their own back pocket. Sorry, I am going to get up on my soapbox again.

    Prob talking a lot of nonsense anyway.

  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    angel1 wrote:
    annie_mial wrote:
    I'm taking a break now, hubby has made a cuppa. Will have to hook myself up in a minute for the night session, but will have 5 minutes first.

    I am having the horrors, though cos they've said snow in the week, it's really bad in America...hope it's not coming from that way!


    Is this going to be all over th country Annie? Don`t think I could survive another "lock-in"!

    Hi Ange

    I think it is going to be nearly eveywhere. If it comes from America that would be across the Atlantic, so it would mean it might come say Dover and Kent might get it.

    I suppose it can go anywhere then. Fingers crossed. Can you imagine us having that lot?

    Oh well, batten down the hatches again, order from Asda online, and go quietly mad!!

    So sorry you`re having such a bad time Trish. Are the new AB`s not doing the trick with the chest?

    Don`t let them kidnap you again, although we`ll all leap to the rescue if they try........Ange/
    Trish xx
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You know we did this extraction of Trisher and Cris from hosp. Well, do you think we could do an extraction of CDM when it comes through. How can we find that out?

    I'm not even asleep yet. I'm not having nightmares honest.

    Goodnight girls and boys
    Have a lovely long sleep in in the morning
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Joy the fear of losing CDM....... :shock: :shock: :shock: :wink: You sleep well x

    Annie........ Oh Annie..... Please let them be wrong....x

    Hi Trish ar but is he telling you where his perfume is coming from?..... Its quite strong and not cheap...... and well he is micro-chipped so ...... xx

    Hi Ange come and sit by the fire and we can go mad together :wink: xx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Nite, nite, Val, Joy, Jan....

    Time for another builders and a sit by the fire if there's any room left...........I don't think I could bear another lock-in, either, Ange.

    I wouldn't go quietly mad, it would be the kicking, shouting and screaming fact, I'd spit out my dummy, big time!

  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Cris and Ange looks like it is just the three of us at the moment.
    I do hope I sleep tonight and not planning Norway all night long.
    I was going to go on a painting day today, but felt too battered and bruised after my chiro session. Will settle down in a day or two.

    Right, I'm for that stairway to the stars. whatever.

    Hope we all have a lovely day tomorrow. Don't worry about the CDM. The yanks won't dare change it. They know they won't get the sales if they do.

    Not fare mentioning CDM. I'm still walking on by down the choccy at Tescos.

  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good night Jan, Have a peaceful one

    Trish xxx
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Not yet. The nurse is coming back sometime tonight, I sppose they do the Diabetics firt and put them to bed.

    I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow, I hope.

    Trish xx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OK, Trish, we hope to see you shortly when the nurse has been........

    Another builders for me.........and some cherry madeira cake......oooh yes........

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    trisher wrote:

    Not yet. The nurse is coming back sometime tonight, I sppose they do the Diabetics firt and put them to bed.

    I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow, I hope.

    Trish xx

    Oh Trish I sending a shed load of hope that you will xx
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Have we still got lots of eggs Cris? Just fancy some scrambled eggs on

    toast. You joining me? Annie, you too?......Ange
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ange I can eat that please :D Can we use the blue eggs :D xx

    Loads of eggs which reminds me I must go and wash some.........
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Scrambled eggs, oh yes, with cream? The blue ones taste good!

    another bucketful of tea, please

  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    angel1 wrote:
    annie_mial wrote:
    I'm taking a break now, hubby has made a cuppa. Will have to hook myself up in a minute for the night session, but will have 5 minutes first.

    I am having the horrors, though cos they've said snow in the week, it's really bad in America...hope it's not coming from that way!


    Is this going to be all over th country Annie? Don`t think I could survive another "lock-in"!

    Annie - you said almost exactly what my hubby said when news was on!

    Ange - you said exactly what I said after he said ....... !!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All Hi Wonky

    Hubby must feel better id he is making tea.

    You have a sit down, would you like a drink wonky while you are here.

    I'm back now the nurse said she will ask one of the day nurses to come in the morning.

    It is not cold is it? I will have a coffee please.

    Trish xxx
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi all,

    I had an omelette for tea but I'd love some scrambled eggs if there are still some going .... and maybe some toast too?

    hubby has gone to bed ...... though how he can be tired I do not know as he has done nowt but watch tv and cuddle the dog. I am feeling mean and moany but I know he felt awful ........ just hope he is ok tomorrow.

    Was supposed to go to see dad tomorrow but hubby won't be up to driving and dad is ill and won't let me go in case I get something from him .... so a lie in I guess, and then who knows what I'll get up to! :wink:

    Cris - I really hope you get a good sale and good weather too.

    Trisher - I really really hope that you feel a bit better soon .... the new AB's should be working soon eh?

    Val - i love it ..... meadowhell .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: just what it always felt like to me! I used to pop in on way home from work as they were the only shops still open. Hated the place .... & dad reckons he is prob the only person in sheffield who has never yet visited the place :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Rehab - found your mac yet? :wink:

    Ange - don't worry if the snow comes littlelegs is on snow plough duty and has put you top of her list :D

    crikey .... who else is here .... Annie? you ok on your meds? erm ........... brain is fading ........... hugs to anyone I've missed ((((())))))
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    right, seems I'm on my own in here so have filled the flasks, let Marigold in & cuddles out ( :? is that the right way round :? ?)
    heaped up the fire & stocked up on energy, hugs & lavender cow pats.

    see you tomorrow folks
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Those blue eggs are delicious. Bring some more tomorrow please Cris.

    I will sleep so much easier now that I know Handsome Harry, and Lovely Littlelegs will sort out any probs with snow.

    Nighty night lovely girlies. See you all tomorrow........Much love.....Ange.
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I do hope that your hands and wrists get better for you soon.

    I hope you get a lot of help from the OT's so you an get relief.

    I'm sending you some ((((())))) for you

    Trish xxxx
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry guys

    Lost track of what's mean happening here as haven't been able to log on. Grrrrrr!

    Sorry you still feeling poorly Trish, do hope you are feeling a bit better tomorrow. (((( ))))
    Cris good luck with the sale tomorrow, am at work too, why do we do Sundays :roll:

    Sorry Ange but the forecast is for another dollop of the white stuff next week here so hope it doesn't last as long as last time.
    Wonky hope you are fairing a bit better and have left some of your now famous warm hugs.

    Will grab a quick brew before I go.
    Hope you all sleep well, will hope to call in after work tomorrow.
    Chris xxx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Night night Ange and Wonky........

    One last builders, Trish, and I will have to go and put my head down again..........

    Just sit by the fire for a moment or two.......think I've done everything..........

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That's me done in I think..... I hope you all have a good night and will build up the fie for you in the morning.... there shouldn't be a 5 am :?

    Chris cus we have to flower I think :lol: Hope you have a good day there xx

    Hi Wonky,

    Hugs and slurps and he seems to have a set of keys....... I wonder which one will drive.... I hope its Little legs cus you know he wouldn't be safe :wink: xx

    Hi Trish,

    I so hope you have a decent night and a better tomorrow ((( ))) xx

    I am really done in so ((( ))) and hopes you all have a good night.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xx
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A quick coffee and I willl go. I will wash the cups for Toni and Val.

    Wonky we take Marrigold in her shed and cuddles in her basket I bought for her/him.

    I hope you all have a nice sleep Cris xx Ange..xx

    It won't snow here. I have just seen Sky News and they say we will not get it. Although it looks like it will come but other weather make stop it.

    Trish xxx
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