Weight support group

carol101 Member Posts: 584
edited 14. Nov 2009, 09:37 in Community Chit-chat archive
It seems that many of us have a few weighty issues, so as suggested, here is a place for us all to help and encourage those who are trying to loose weight.

I'm thinking maybe we should have a weekly weigh in?

I believe the only way this might help is if we are honest about our weight...........so i'll start the ball rolling a080.gif

I am 5'5 and today i weigh 20st 5lb g035.gif

I have been overweight all my life and have never been into exercise but now, with arthur on my back, i can't do much even if i wanted to!


Lets see if this new topic can help us cuddly people!

Best wishes

Carol X


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    ok am 48 but will get weighed tomorrow as scales do not work. i know i am over weight and need to get back to loosing some weight
    did loose some before hols but not been very good since getting back so this will give me a boot up the u know where
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    so glad u told me lol would never have guessed lol will loose some more weight but it slow going
  • jaspercat
    jaspercat Member Posts: 1,238
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I am 5ft 2ins, was 21 stone, now I am 18 stone :cry::cry::cry: : I would like to lose alot more love Jaspercatxx
  • carol101
    carol101 Member Posts: 584
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    A quick fact: Exercise is the most effective treatment for arthritis

    Fact: Arthritis is a disease of the joints

    Fact: Your joints support your weight

    Fact: If you are over weight your joints have to bear the extra load.

    Fact: Lose weight, save your joints, ease the pain

    There is no charge for this advice :D

    Exercise is fine as long as you can actually move to do it :?
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    jaspercat wrote:

    I am 5ft 2ins, was 21 stone, now I am 18 stone :cry::cry::cry: : I would like to lose alot more love Jaspercatxx

    well done, u r doing great. it slow going when moving difficult would love to swim but pool here to cold gives me cramp not good
  • bigmomma
    bigmomma Member Posts: 291
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, everyone. This seems like a good idea to me - we share our struggles with good ole Uncle Arthur, and it helps, so why not share the weight struggles as well?

    I've had a running battle with my weight ever since my GP put me on steroids to save my life back when I was in my 20s and suffering from asthma so badly that I could not walk across my bedroom without gasping for breath, and wound up in hospital on oxygen several times, turning a delicate shade of blue. I figured it was worth the weight gain, since it meant I was still around to watch my kids grow up. And my grandkids arriving, and starting to grow up nicely as well.

    Anyways, I managed to lose about 3 stone over the last winter, going from 18st 1lb down to 14st 7.5 lb in around 7 months, and went swimming twice a week, notching up 60 lengths of the baths each time. Then the rot set in - hubby developed a hernia, for which he was eventually hosptialised and operated upon. Then I developed inflamed kidneys, and spent some time in hospital. Then I had a ferocious deadline to meet to get my thesis in on time. Upshot of all this is that I have put 2 and a half stone back on. Today is hubby's birthday. After the cake is gone (wheat free and sugar free, of course), it's back on the diet for me!

  • carol101
    carol101 Member Posts: 584
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    carol101 wrote:
    rehab44 wrote:
    A quick fact: Exercise is the most effective treatment for arthritis

    Fact: Arthritis is a disease of the joints

    Fact: Your joints support your weight

    Fact: If you are over weight your joints have to bear the extra load.

    Fact: Lose weight, save your joints, ease the pain

    There is no charge for this advice :D

    Exercise is fine as long as you can actually move to do it :?
    I think you are confusing exercise with exercising

    Exercising can be as easy as lifting you arm above your head, or raising your heel off the ground whilst sitting down
    I attend a Tai Chi for arthritis class, we have people in wheelchairs that exercise. Everyone can exercise no matter how bad their disability. I would recommend the Exercise and Arthritis booklet which you can download off this site

    Ah i am with you now! I do have back stretches from the Dr which i do when i can which is most days but i do get the odd few days where it is just too painful. When i'm having a good day and am at work, i have a very physical job, on my feet for 8hrs a day, heavy lifting and a lot of running around (well, sometimes hobbling around!) I will download the booklet though, thanks for that!
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    well i think this is a good idea ..... or I did until I got to trying to type in my weight.

    need a few glugs of something from the cyber bar to get the courage up.

    hope you don't mind but I can't work in stones and pounds, as it makes me feel so bad - I got fixated on having passed a certain level and I got into a terrible state about it - used to weigh myself so often that I couldn't walk past the scales without hopping on, and I never lost any weight so it just became stupidly self-defeating. So what I do now is I know what I was at my heaviest, and I work backwards, to try to find a postive from it. keeps me from reaching for another packet of biscuits!!!

    I am 5'8" was 126kg at my heaviest (2 1/2 years ago) -
    just had a surprise when on the scales - now 110.6 kg :D:D:D

    I never get on the scales when I'm feeling down ... only when I know I am in a positive frame of mind so that I won't reach for comfort food (my main vice) :wink:
  • carol101
    carol101 Member Posts: 584
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Wonkylegs wrote:
    well i think this is a good idea ..... or I did until I got to trying to type in my weight.

    need a few glugs of something from the cyber bar to get the courage up.

    hope you don't mind but I can't work in stones and pounds, as it makes me feel so bad - I got fixated on having passed a certain level and I got into a terrible state about it - used to weigh myself so often that I couldn't walk past the scales without hopping on, and I never lost any weight so it just became stupidly self-defeating. So what I do now is I know what I was at my heaviest, and I work backwards, to try to find a postive from it. keeps me from reaching for another packet of biscuits!!!

    I am 5'8" was 126kg at my heaviest (2 1/2 years ago) -
    just had a surprise when on the scales - now 110.6 kg :D:D:D

    I never get on the scales when I'm feeling down ... only when I know I am in a positive frame of mind so that I won't reach for comfort food (my main vice) :wink:

    Well done you! I also went through a time when i was consently stepping on the scales, and if i'd put on, or even stayed the same, i would eat to make myself feel better! Now i limit myself to once a week, usually on a Friday morning
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I find I am usually getting weighed in the evening. Do you think it makes any difference? not thought about that before!
  • carol101
    carol101 Member Posts: 584
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just for the conversion, i am 129.2kg or 20st 5lb.

    When i was obsessed with the scales, i found i always seemed to put on as the day went on which is why now i weigh myself 1st thing in the morning. My Dr weighs me every 6 - 8 weeks and i take his reading as 'gospel' and just use mine as a guide, after all, it's him who's recording my weight on my medical records! I'm sure you all know this, but it's better to weigh yourself naked (not recommended in front of the DR if like me you are young and female and you Dr is young and male and rather good looking!) :oops: since wearing different clothes can give you different readings. When beeing weight at the DRs, i always wear the same clothes, washed inbetween i might add!
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I didn't mention that bit about my getting weighed at night in case rehab was lurking :wink::lol::wink::lol:

    I know what you mean about getting weighed on different scales. I use mine as the right ones, after a crazy week some time ago. I was weighed on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the same week, each time in a different hospital. There was a whole STONE difference between their readings :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: although they all claimed that they could not be wrong :roll: I was certain I couldn't have put on all that in two days :lol::lol:
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    oops knew i was going to boots for something . will go monday then let u know bad news.
    rehab do the exercises off this site through out the day as helps to keep me going do tia chi as well as mum a black belt with two gold stripes has a name but can not think of it at moment but some days things just so bad need all my energy to cope with work(only do 4 hours a day) was much easyer on hol. with nothing else to worry about
  • debbierose
    debbierose Member Posts: 403
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'll join the fat club #not sure what I weigh till later today,
    but I'm 5'7" and size 18 on top and 16 on the bottom.
    i walk every day except really bad days, I try and walk for a half an hour. I ride or try to once a week, (thats Horses rehab)
    and intend going to the baths once a week.
    I think thats okish,
    I do feel very sick and light headed and go very pallid if I don't eat something every 4/5 hours
    I do comfort eat and believe me when I say in the last 6 months I've needed alot of comfort.
    so I'll post my weight later.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    right just got back 15 stone or 95.5 in foren
    5ft2.8'' or 1.60m
    got wieghed in trainers cords jumper socks and undies(this for me so can wear same next week) have put on weight but not as bad as i thought so good girl from here on in lol
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    There is a twitter thing going on where people put down what they have eaten each day to shame themselves!
    Hope you use this thread to support each other and swap tips.Good luck to you all
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • bigmomma
    bigmomma Member Posts: 291
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ok, I'm having a crisis. I was very good yesterday, kept to sensible food, with fruit for snacks. Today, someone has opened the tin of Roses bought for the trick or treaters at the weekend. It's sitting there, looking at me. OH and son are out now, but have had alarming phone call to tell me my learning disabled son has gone AWOL from his training course again, so there will be a family row again this evening. I'm on my own, worried, and in need of a bit of comfort. The bl**dy tin is calling to me. Help!!!!

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi AGYG,

    Its difficult to ignore the 'eat me' from these things, especially if you worried, but I put them in a different room and than you have to physically get up, go to the other room open the door etc and it gives the will power a chance to try and stop you. Sending you a cyber hug and a hope there will be good news on your son soon. Cris x
  • debbierose
    debbierose Member Posts: 403
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    had a good start in the fat club.
    had fruit and fibra for brekki and a champagne chocci for dinner
    walked a lenght of the footy park.

    might ride later today good programme on tv at lunch time called the diet doctor. they put all the food the girl eats in one day in a clear bowl and mixed it all together yuk it made her cry when she saw how much she had eaten.
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi AGYG

    don't panic!!!!
    move the offending articles into a cupboard where you cannot see them,and if necessary tape the door shut! :wink:

    but even if you do give in, well it is not the end of the world ..... worse things are happening, so try not to leit get to you.

    hope you get your other problems sorted out.
    sending hugs (((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    did u eat any if u did it does not matter just a set back not the end . been quiet good today but do tend to eat to much toast so will try to eat better breakfast walked into town today and had fruit so not to bad a day
  • carol101
    carol101 Member Posts: 584
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Having worked night shift last night which totaly took it out of me, i have slept for 12 hours today and only had time to grab a ham sarnie!
  • debbierose
    debbierose Member Posts: 403
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    today I've had fruit and fibre for brekki 2 champange choccies for dinner. for bread bun for 3 oclock and then venison roast veg and boiled new pot for tea. 1 class of red wine and thats it
    not sure if thats good or bad but tea was lush.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    debs/rose tea sounds great and so long as u do not over do it enjoy it that what food for think if u feel guilty about what u eat that where probs come from i eat what i want so long as have plenty of fruit and veg. i dry fry or grill where possible and am trying to be good with the butter everything in moderation only way to change habits of a life time
  • carol101
    carol101 Member Posts: 584
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well i think it's time for my weekly weigh in guys.

    Last week i weighed 20st 5lb

    This week i weigh.................19st 13.75lbs (i have digital scales)

    So that's a loss of 5.25lbs!

    Whoop Whoop

    Carol X