The Budget and its meaning for us as a group.



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,828
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hear hear Joseph!


    Toni xx
  • thisledome1
    thisledome1 Member Posts: 45
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    What i would like to know is i was 63 when i was awarded HRM ,after having to see a DWP dr .As i am now approaching 66 and my award is still classed as DLA ,HRM .In 2013 i will be (if i live long enough that is LOL) 68 will the people like me still be included in this new system ,iam sure i will be i just want it claryfing .

    I worked from being 15 to 60 when i retired i will be blowed if i am going back to work .
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,828
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I hope you will still get the higher rate mobility :shock:

    Used to be if you got it before you were 65 (e.g 64) you kept on getting it :shock:


    Joseph - you sussed out this one?

    Toni xx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Yes thats all I know about it...if you got it before 65 you kept on getting in....but now????????????????????????????Who Knows??
    Hope you do

  • lavenderlady
    lavenderlady Member Posts: 409
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dreamdaisy wrote:
    Surely established claims should remain unaffected. It's the new claimants that will have to establish that they are eligible. DD

    I totally agree with you established claimants should not have to have a medical if they gave it to them originally, why should they think they no longer deserve it, I have multiple illnesses all acumalate to me getting DLA and all of them will only get worse, I really dont need the worry of claiming again or seeing a medical person I see enough of them as it is, I depend on it as my husband often has to take time off when I need help (hes self employed) or even my mum helps me and I'm 49 but still need my mum, I think we should we should not let this rest, yes I know of claiments who get full DLA and yet she manages to walk freely and carry very heavy shopping, I was happy with my DLA it meant I could relax about not being able to work ( I felt guilty ) I get it indefinalty, surely I should be left alone along with every other existing claimants, :(
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    frogmorton wrote:
    Used to be if you got it before you were 65 (e.g 64) you kept on getting it :shock:

    Joseph - you sussed out this one?

    Toni xx
    If you claim and qualify before you are 65 you will continue to receive DLA for as long as you continue to satisfy the disability rules.

    The new rules will not come into force until 2013, you can safely guarantee that no-one will be allowed to see them or object to them until well after they have been bought in and 'PROVED TO BE SUCCESSFUL AT ANY COST TO THE HEALTH OF DISABLED PEOPLE'. No way that the non-jobsworths at DWP/Atos could get anything wrong which may affect their excessive bonuses.

    Joseph 8)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,828
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Joseph - that will be a big releif to those who are now over 65, but had already received it :roll:


    Toni xx
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Im still waiting my appeal it should be june and they got back logs. This terrifies me and the new medicals not again!!!! The people are prats i dont want em near me again ive had twp medicals. I am trying to ignore the waiting and trying to rebuild shattered confidance now . This was mainly caused by all this :mrgreen: :x When are they gonna sort the scroungers out leave us alone we dont need it :x.
    The child tax credit thing is a worry and freezing child benefit carnt belive it sorry ranting from joanne
  • zechariah
    zechariah Member Posts: 222
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Unfortunately in the process of weeding out fraudulent claims some very worthwhile applicants get caught up in it!

    I was very fortunate and had no problems, but, I know that many of you have been to hell and back to get the help you rightly deserve!

    Yes I have 2 daughters and get child benefit for them, so what, what is wrong is there is no cap according to earnings and so someone earning 6 figures will still get it.
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just had a quick browse.....
    re someone mentioning atos and the other providers and saying why dont they accept consultants word....yes.....but think about it...what a nice money maker for these providers....they are not specialists like the consultants that pateints are seeing...yet their word is taken ......its money.....nice little earner...
    everything , think...nice little earners....
    going after disabled etc...easy to administer than going after benefit scroungers...e.g. say family of scroungers mentioned above...get chucked out of council home (what a lovely thought) and told if you cant be ar@ed to work youre literally just wont happen cos the govt would have to do something to put them somewhere..too much hard work...
    easier option leave the scroungers who then vote for whoever in charge cos they love getting benefits...and then much easier to knock some money ffrom disabled...
    its all corrupt.....
    if you work, are disabled, decent person, a pensioner, law abiding motorists your stuffed.....
    if youre some scroat you have nothing to loose, cos you got nothing and theyre not going to have their house taken off them....
    It could be sorted from today;
    say anyone who hasnt paid in (dont mean anyone who is unable through health etc) gets nothing,nada, nowt....child benefit restricted to 2 kids only..stop em breeding worthless brats who make no contribtuion to socieyt.

    arrh......feel annoyed now, cos whoever in in power does nothing to tackle this lot......i dont understand why......
    start at beginning.....
    schools educate teenagers, work, if you dont and decide to get pregnant you get NOTHING, you stay at parents, if you cant live there you go into sheltered type housing for young mums where you are educated, have a nursery and MUST do 5 hours work a day...
    then there should be apprenticeships for young lads straight from education, employers should be made to take them on, then they get the equivalent of jobseekers allowance......
  • vikki30
    vikki30 Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    zechariah wrote:
    dreamdaisy wrote:
    I have never understood child benefit - why do we pay people to breed? Have children if you can afford to support them: if you can't, don't.

    In my opinion that is very harsh and extremely ignorant!

    I agree it is harsh, when I had my children, I was married and working full time. You cant see into the future and see what is going to happen, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am now a single mum, I had to give up my job because I worked 8-8 and couldnt get childcare, my parents live too far away to help out. I retrained as a teaching assistant and just finished my course and have now been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, whos going to employ me.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I didn't explain myself very well. I'll try again. If you are working (either single or double income) and have children, then you are responsible for paying for them. If you lose your job and therefore have to seek benefits, then some form of allowance should be paid.

    There are many families who do breed like rats in order to claim every single benefit under the sun, raking in thousands and thousands of everyone else's hard earned cash. You can bet your bottom dollar they will have a better telly than you, all the latest games consoles, the latest gadgetry in mobiles and computers whilst not paying a penny in rent or council tax etc. One poor sap (claiming a total of £35 grand per annum) moaned recently that he could not work due to his 'temper and alcohol' problem. Me thinks that the latter causes the former!

    Benefits are there to assist, they are not a career option in their own right. This is where the system is so rotten. People expect them now, they have rights! Well, so do the rest of us - the right not to support the feckless and work-shy. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,828
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Vikki

    Please dont worry.....

    no-one is getting at you.

    I too was a single parent not so long ago with two kids....

    Did my back in and ended up having surgery....

    They are now 15 and 12 (remarried too), but work WILL become an option for you again soon.If that's waht you want.

    With a postive attitude and the right treatment I think you will get something, but for now don't beat yourself up.

    Just get yourself sorted first.


    Toni xx
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    vikki30 wrote:
    zechariah wrote:
    dreamdaisy wrote:
    I have never understood child benefit - why do we pay people to breed? Have children if you can afford to support them: if you can't, don't.

    In my opinion that is very harsh and extremely ignorant!

    I agree it is harsh, when I had my children, I was married and working full time. You cant see into the future and see what is going to happen, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am now a single mum, I had to give up my job because I worked 8-8 and couldnt get childcare, my parents live too far away to help out. I retrained as a teaching assistant and just finished my course and have now been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, whos going to employ me.

    And the welfare state should help you...but because it is paying out to loads of wasters the amount you receive is smaller.....the welfare state should be there for people in your situation....the welfare state wasnt there for my friends husband who lost job, as she worked they thought they could manage on one income, nope,now sold house etc etc.........its all so wrong........

    p.s hope you dont think i was getting at you, i certainly wasnt. You are genuine and should be supported...i have friends who have been in similiar situations to you, two lost homes - that gets me so mad......
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I agree there are so many scroungers out there that get every penny they poss can but there are so many genuine ones.
    I dont know what ages you are really but......when I worked you paid insurance {I know you still do LOL} it was called "the stamp" and when a woman got married she could opt to pay the married womans stamp....this was a lot less but she couldnt receive sickness benefit/maternity allowance etc....when they get to pension age they dont get a full why should those of us who{ even though married opted to keep paying more }not be entitled to claim child allowance etc...Not having a go at anyone....this popped into my head,,,,,,,my neighbour received pension at the same time as I did and couldnt understand whyI got so much more....I paid a full stamp she opted to pay a lesser sum but expects to get the same amount LOL LOL
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just spotted another little bit that they have kept quiet about.

    If you live in the European Economic Area, (ie. all of the EU) plus Switzerland, then you can apply to Britain for DLA and you have the same rights as a British citizen to claim it. Under EU rules they cant stop anyone from claiming, even if they are a foreign citizen they have to be treated equally, ie. same as British. It is why the bill is so high, we must be paying half of the EU's disability claims!!!!

    In some circumstances, people who live in another European Economic Area state or Switzerland may be able to claim DLA from Great Britain.

    It doesn't say that you have to be a British or even an EU citizen, just live in the EEA. I'll bet that atos doesn't send for them, to check on their medical condition.

    Joseph 8)
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    This is truly staggering. Unfortunately not surprising, but utterly bizarre. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,828
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    That is dreadful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love Hileena
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I don't know anyone who is receiving benefits who feels good about it and I know several. All of them, without exception, would rather be supporting themselves, and that includes people receiving DLA too.

    When people go on all the time about 'benefit scroungers', 'fraudsters' and the like it prevents people who really need it taking it up. That is why some universal benefits, like child benefit, are good. Often, women who have many children come from backgrounds deprived of love or good parenting and have a pathological need to have more kids to shore up their inadequate feelings. It is all very well sitting here passing judgement on people when we don't even know their circumstances. I find it deplorable quite frankly.
  • silverbreak
    silverbreak Member Posts: 46
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    zechariah wrote:
    Unfortunately in the process of weeding out fraudulent claims some very worthwhile applicants get caught up in it!

    to turn the topic on its head slightly - do people think it would be fairer to means test DLA rather than hand it out like someone once said to me as a reward for being ill
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    All my child benefits,child tax credits goes ALL to my children, clothes,school trips, all of it.
    I object that I go out to work, pay tax and national insurance and girls/women half my age are sat on their back sides getting benefits and houses,when theyre fit incidentially!! - i am not making this up as i see it everyday.
    If i am the only one that thinks this i will stand alone with my thoughts.!
    If you work, loose your job you can loose your house - i have seen this too. If you dont work,get benefits (work shy,not disabled,elderly i mean) you never loose your house.
    It isnt a fair system at all.

    As for DLA being means tested I dont think it should be. It will be the ones who have been v careful with their money and may have some reserves who wont get anything and the feckless ones who dont bother get the lot. I am not meaning ones, though,whos earnigs are low and cannot make any provisions for rainy days etc.

    I would like my house paid for by the state then, then no problem as we would be equal.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi No you dont stand alone.....I know a couple of people personally {probably more if I was to think about it} who are quite happy to be on benefits and never want to work...example of one {a few years back} she wanted a child but didnt want a husband. So became pregnant, had the child, got a council house, and benfits that were supposed to be for that child {dont mean child benefit} all the other buy a cot etc and the child never saw any of it. Or should say it didnt go on things for the child. Sher lived on her own with this child and WANTED {not needed} a dish washer so bought a small one with some of that money....Its things like that that make me mad. I remember talking to her about getting a job and she said she had been for interviews and was getting more on benefit so why should she work???
    As for DLA being means tested.....definately not!!!!...As was said before it is the careful people that save and then would apply and would have "too much money" to be entitiled to it. So no.......DLA should be kept and not means tested.....By the way...I dont get DLA so I'm not saying all this because of doest apply to me
  • lavenderlady
    lavenderlady Member Posts: 409
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I would really like to work if only part time but know with my multiple health problems its not likely to happen , I had 5 kids hubby works self empoyed, he use to have 3 jobs but had to give up on 2 as he collapsed through exhaustion, was on the sick benefit for 6 months but still did his stint as a special constable with the DRs ok, he said he had to do it for his own peace of mind and to put back what he was being given, I was very proud of him, for not just sitting around expecting it for nothing, he then had to give up his new job after i was taken ill, again he was a SC putting in hours during the night knowing i was ok and in bed, why can it not be that anyone who can work but wont be made to do this type of voluntary work, we even had someone report him for working as a security guard while on benefit at the appointment to explain this they were horrified that some one could report some one who is actually working for nothing ,
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    to turn the topic on its head slightly - do people think it would be fairer to means test DLA rather than hand it out like someone once said to me as a reward for being ill
    A 'reward' for my 40+ working years of paying tax and National Insurance is being in constant pain and a pay cut of 80% on what I used to earn. No!

    Having gone without, worked several jobs, including all day Saturdays and Sundays, scrimped and saved to buy a house, will I have to sell it off and be declared homeless to claim DLA. That is what will happen if means testing is enacted.

    Today's news reports talk of downgrading everyone's ESA. As I said recently, complain to everyone you can think of.

    Joseph 8)