Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone🙂 It's chucking it down here hope it stays rain and doesn't turn into snow at least.

    I thought you'd have made a start on the new diorama already Mike. Well done. Have you tried mitre bond glue? It's amazing, but might not be suitable at you have to be very quick. maybe on a day when Sue is there or your baby sister. I hope the cakes arrived in time and Sue and you enjoy a good old natter - not too much hoovering for Vixen's sake🙀

    Morning Kitty. Maybe the name 'Kitty' was already taken on health unlocked? That can be the case - thanks for letting me know as you know I post rarely, but sometimes someone knows the answer to my query. That's if you don't know the answer of course.

    I enjoyed that 4 lives last night on telly i thought it was really good I think it was on BBC1

    How are you doing energy and pain-wise? You haven't said much and Sleek only goes 'thin lipped' when I ask her.😐️

    Joan we too have had a load of rain a real load of it and it's still happening🙄 still I am happy as long as it stays rain not snow! Sending ((())) to you and Sue and the carers xxx

    Barbara your beans! So sorry! I gave them to you on toast instead yesterday we were getting issues you now with Brexit😁

    I am going to try to get through to the wedding venue today to see what restrictions they have put in place in case they want covid passports or anything like that I would hope lateral flows for everyone of course.

    I am trying not to get too anxious.

    So far Kari and her DIL are doing ok and will hopefully stay that way they are 5 days after being at the hairdresser's so hoping danger uis retreating.

    I am not going to go to choir for a couple of weeks now to minimise my contact with others before the wedding it would be great if we could all self-isolate, but that's not realistic is it?

    I asked Kitty the same yesterday we need an allotment update don't we?

    I bet that curry was LOVELY!!!

    Oh Dear me Reshmi the fall was on the stairs! That would have been scary. I bet your shoulder isn't happy with you hanging on to the bannister like that. Sounds as though you did well to save yourself at any rate. Slippery socks and going to fast on stairs I suppose an accident waiting to happen. I hope you can still manage your phyiso and stretches in spite of any aches and bruises.

    Oh my Lord A I had to laugh at him! Little boys are so funny they get obsessed with words like poo don't they? I am still sure he is actually picking these words up at nursery with other little boys. I think it's ok to say words like that as long as it's in conversation and not aimed at anyone here. We all know little children and I bet we've all smiled about Lord A and his antics. See how clever making up songs at his age even if they are a bit naughty🤭 I don't imagine he will enjoy Baby R's birthday much - although there will be cake if he gets any after his Dad spots it!!!

    Your poor mum having a tumour even if it is benign she really has been unlucky with diabetes and cataracts too🙄 Absolutely ther is a balance between not exercising at all and overdoing it. I am sure she does her best.

    How is H-Vesuvius? I hope not too bad ATM.

    I never thought about whether MTX might clash with any of your mental health meds. next time you go to clinic it must be top of your list to discuss. To be fair though it is a pretty strong (but effective) medication and lots of us struggle a bit with it. It's good you are self-aware though and can avoid conflict knowing you might be feeling a bit ratty and out of sorts. Not everyone is so considerate!

    I might just start dismantling some of our Christmas decs....... maybe.....

    Right breakfast!

    back eating healthy to shake off some Christmas weight!

    Fruit it's what P always ate you know possibly helped her do as well as she did.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni how are you ? I just wanted to say that the socks and things may be me just trying to over analyse it, the hunger might of been the main factor I was avoiding kitchen to conflict anyway whatever ever happened if we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t have accidents I’ll just be careful all the time now thank. Xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara ((())) it's nice seeing you how is everything there. Have a good day curry just right for to day snow tonight for some. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Kitty ((())) have a good day love to everyone

    Toni ((())) I hope everything is alright there love to everyone

    Reshmi (((())) sorry about all the problems ((())) have a good day

    Mike (((())) and vixen

    Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning my lovelies

    I thought you might like to see this recipe for those with high blood pressure, from

    How To Make Salt-Free White Bread

    Enjoy a mess-free bread-making process with this Salt-Free White Bread recipe. A delicious, white bread low in sodium is a healthy and delicious alternative to store-bought bread.


    10 mins 


    3 hrs 20 mins 


    3 hrs 30 mins 




    • 1 ½ tsp active dry yeast
    • 3 cups bread flour
    • 1 tbsp sugar
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 cup warm water


    1. In a bowl, dissolve your sugar in water. Then add the yeast to the mixture.
    2. Place the flour, olive oil, and sugar mixture in the bread machine.
    3. Select ‘Basic Bread’ setting and press start to bake.
    4. Let the bread cool before slicing. Enjoy a delicious bread for a healthy, salt-free breakfast!

    for picture, visit the website.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni how are you? today I am aiming for a brief reply here which may or may not answer all points raised.LA calls me Mima instead of auntie we’re not sure where he got this name from but it’s very cute. By the way baby R pushed his older brother out of the way because LA has stolen his Toys again so he’s taking vengeance - yes! Luckily bruises et cetera not too bad thanks did some stretches not the whole thing did N physio also went on a very tiny walk because weather was horrendous my feet got completely soaked may need to buy new trainers I think they’ve got the holes in them again and also did some steps with my new step box maybe not as many as I should’ve done but at least it’s a start also wanted to say regarding moving about at home I know I did have this little fall on the stairs but generally the stairs help me I think because going up and down is doing something exercise was better than nothing, anyway and also one thing I wanted to say even though I may not be going outside some days some, I sort of tidy things up even though strictly speaking they may not need a lot of tidying up so basically I go from room to room doesn’t involve stairs can be done on one level so it’s just a bit of movement for when you’re feeling sluggish or tired or a bit too achy just thought I’d mention that in case it helps. HV , I know I do joke about it but it really does get me down sometimes and okay appreciate that message that methotrexate can affect anyone badly mentally I wasn’t clear on that before but thanks for telling me that, but the thing is I have been extremely mentally in the past I’m just alert for any signs and anything that might potentially set it off it’s just like warning bells for me but I will I raise it with the nurse that’s all I can do really nurse, also go once made me take Co-Codamol once have you ever had that? I took it one day and I really felt horrifically ill in my mind and then I stopped taking it looks like we are living in the hands of the rheumatology nurse that’s all I can say hi Joan Thanks very much for your nice message Hope you and Sue have a nice day. Hi Barbara have a nice day also k take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 4. Jan 2022, 18:09

    Hi Kitty how are you? that sounds like a very nice recipe I must admit bread is one of my vices, I know this lady who has some kind of food intolerance and she never eats bread at all, very self controlled and very slim oh well, I never Buy things like baguettes anymore as I have a tendency to just keep eating and eating them, how’s the weather where you are? It was pretty rainy and horrendous here but at least no snow or ice and not quite as cold as it was meant to be. bye for now. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all It's just started snowing here 😐

    Will keep this short if you don't mind eyes proper squiffy

    Toni won't mention the wedding ..bit Hope all goes ok ..and glad to hear kari and dil are ok so far xx

    Reshmi fancy the vary getting hid own back bless ..

    its good you know what can trigger your mental health half the battle xx

    Joan I'm not going anywhere thankyou 😁the curry was lovely like you say good for this weather xx

    Kitty what a hood recipe thankyou ..I take blood pressure anything that helps xx

    Love yo Mike and Vixen


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Barbara thanks, how was the curry cooked by your gd? I had a kind of fish stew today, was lovely. Tc xx.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone!

    Mike I hope Sue was ok yesterday and the cakes arrived in time 😊

    Joan all is well here thank you we had some snow last night, but not too much thank goodness - what about you? ((())) Sue and Joan xxx

    Kitty that's great that recipe for my brother with his kidney issue (IgA nephropathy) he is only recently diagnosed and I am still trying to find things to make his life a bit more tolerable bless him.😊

    How are you doing today? Is Chris behaving himself? Sleek said not, but no more when I asked her.

    She is doing a BB swap today so you'll have some new ones and the old ones will go back to the sanctuary for now😉

    Reshmi Go baby R!!!! I am extremely proud of him (I bet Auntie Mimi is too!) the worm has turned. Even though he adores Lord A I hope he'll grow up to stand no nonsense from him! Auntie Mimi is a lovely very sweet name for a Goddess of an Aunt!

    I am glad you aren't too battered from your fall. Is it 'more speed less haste'? the saying? I'd just say you be careful ((())) You did your physio and some stretches too. Yes shoes don't last do they? Maybe you need to treat yourself to some new walking boots instead? Mine are not pretty, they are from hotters so for feet like ours, but they are pretty well waterproof. Luckily in this village we all have to wear ugly footwear due to it being so muddy with the 4 farms.

    Pottering about and tidying is ideal for keeping you moving. I read somewhere that 'they' want us moving more of the time not just one long walk a day. Better for our health so good idea.👌

    Co-codamol send me a bit squiffy I have taken it in the past only when I'm in trouble and not going anywhere anyway i don't think i'd be safe to drive or anything. Trial and error medication I think. Some things suit some people some don't. Some go squiffy on gabapentin some it is fabulous for me it did nothing even at the max dose of 3600mg a day! I hope you can cope on your MTX it is just so good for our joints. Anyway number 1 on your list to talk to the ever powerful nurse next time!

    I am weak with bread too....any kind I love it, but pretty sure by stomach doesn't - nor the waistline!!!

    Barbara lovely to see you even if it was a short message with those eyes grrrrrr!

    How much snow did you have? we had some but not much and this morning loads of ice I had to scrape the car.

    Did loads of wedding stuff yesterday Tia is coming over tonight to talk weddings and maybe some surprises for Charley and Annie.

    You should also try the no salt bread just got to work out how long in the oven as i don't have a breadmaker😕

    More healthy food will be back on the porridge and ready brek soon if it gets much colder...

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike I hope Sue was ok yesterday and the cakes arrived in time 😊

    Yes and yes thanks.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (((())) how are you have a good day love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((()) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) not long till the 10'th now I hope it's not too long after that Mr B has too wait ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) no we have not got any snow I like seeing it. I was alright with co-codamol but they were not strong enough that's nice talking weddings tonight. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie (())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) how are you feeling now ((())) take care love to everyone

    Mike and vixen ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 5. Jan 2022, 10:21

    Morning everyone, lovely and sunny here, but cold.

    First things first:

    Antoinette, I am a member of Blood Pressure UK and get their magazine (available online to download) It's called Positive Pressure, and each month they have a low salt/salt free recipe which you might like to look at in case they are suitable for your brother. Here is the link for it

    Joan, thank you for being so thoughtful, I'm feeling rather good today. 😊

    Barbara, I'm sorry your eyes are squiffy today.

    Reshmi, I adore bread. My dad always used to eat bread with every meal and I'm getting like him too.

    Vegan ramen

    35 Minutes Serves 2Easy

    This coconut ramen is made simple with the addition of curry powder – so you don’t have to have a storecupboard full of spices at your disposal to create depth of flavour. It’s a deliciously creamy, spicy, slurpable bowl of noodles

    By Anna Glover from Olive Magazine


    • vegetable oil 1 tbsp
    • onion 1, finely chopped
    • carrot 1, grated
    • garlic 1 clove, crushed
    • ginger thumb-sized piece, peeled and grated
    • medium curry powder 2 tbsp
    • coconut milk 400g tin
    • white miso 1 tbsp
    • soy sauce 1 tbsp
    • ramen noodles 200g
    • spinach 100g
    • spring onions a small bunch, finely sliced
    • sesame seeds 1 tsp
    • nori and silgochu to serve
    • lime 1, cut into wedges


    • STEP 1
    • Heat the oil in a stock pot over a medium heat and fry the onion and carrot for 10 minutes until very soft. Add the garlic and ginger, and fry for a minute more. Stir in the curry powder.
    • STEP 2
    • Tip in the coconut milk, miso, soy and stock, then bring to a simmer. Cook for 10-15 minutes or until thickened slightly. Remove from the heat and blitz with a hand blender until smooth.
    • STEP 3
    • Cook the ramen in salted water following pack instructions until al dente, then drain. Stir the spinach into the coconut broth and leave to stand until wilted.
    • STEP 4
    • Divide the noodles between two warmed bowls, then ladle over the soup. Scatter with the spring onions, sesame, nori and silgochu, then squeeze over the lime wedges to serve.

    daily beetroot juice boosts stamina from Positive Pressure Magazine

    January 2022

    Drinking beetroot juice could boost stamina and enable people to exercise  

    for longer, according to a study from the UK. Many of Andy’s volunteers were fellow scientists who, after they had 

    consumed 500 ml beetroot juice per day for six days, they were able to cycle significantly longer than when 

    they had been drinking a placebo before they got tired.They also had lower resting blood pressure during the time they were drinking the beetroot juice which supports the earlier findings of London-based researchers who reported blood pressure reductions on consuming the juice.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 5. Jan 2022, 12:13

    hi T , yes baby R indeed did a good thing, I’m feeling a bit energetic today even though my back isn’t really 100% , the energy may have something to do with half a mug of no added sugar Vimto but I haven’t had that for ages and it has nostalgic qualities like ready Breck of course not as good for us anyway it was a nice one - off I have to really stay off the cakes and any nice food today because it’s baby R’s birthday tomorrow and There’ll be a cake situation and also a lunch situation oh my goodness I just hope I’m feeling okay stomach wise when tomorrow comes. I also managed a nice walk even though it was freezing cold. Yes more speed less haste could’ve been part of the problem, anyway I am being careful now thank you. Walking boots are waterproof, I didn’t know that thanks for the info Toni I might look into getting some at some point. Thanks you’ve got a good point there, that people should be moving at regular intervals not just one big walk or workout in the morning that’s very true but I remember when my arthritis was far worse than now and one walk in the morning even a fairly short one really would just take all my energy for the whole day now it’s a bit better at least some days, so you’re absolutely right just keep moving whatever form the movement takes I read that some people think it’s good to exercise just before bed that’s not really practical at least for me because if I did that I’d forget to take my meds and just collapse on the bed unmedicated so that’s really quite a stupid tip for a lot of people, lol, I have noticed recently that if I do some pottering about or going up and down stairs or whatever around 4 pm and it helps with me getting a better nights sleep but then all these things are good in theory for me it depends on whether Vesuvius is blowing up again, how my mum is feeling healthwise and a whole lot of other problems with yes bit of movement every now and then got it. Thanks for The info about meds. Yeah bread is not a good thing in many ways wholemeal chapattis are good for you though, even for diabetics okay I’m running out of steam bye for now. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi K, bread is great indeed I agree, I also like potatoes but of course am careful with potato consumption unlike LA and his dinosaurs , lol, but Rice is my favourite carbohydrate to fill up on though, white rice ideally, I do like brown rice but it does upset my stomach unfortunately bye for now.xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 6. Jan 2022, 07:22

    Morning everyone


    Proper chilly this morning.

    Is the site or is it my laptop but things like my pics are playing up? I had to log out and back in to even post this morning which is very odd.

    Very thick Ice this morning to scrape off my windscreen too.

    Mike did you manage to remedy the issue with the base for your diorama yet? Glad your cakes arrived in time for Sue's visit.

    Kitty thank you for that I will have a look and maybe forward to my brother. He has to really watch his blood pressure because of his kidneys not sure which came first; BP or kidneys but I think kidneys. He will definitely 100% add beetroot juice to his daily regime he is quite good at doing as he is told. Gave up caffeine straight away, salt and now uses almond milk too in his drinks.

    That vegan ramen! Yes please I'm all over that!😋 a large portion for me and Kari if you don't mind I have everything to make it except the miso.

    How are YOU doing now though? Sending ((()))🌈

    Joan you got on ok with co-cos? That's good the worst ever for me was tramadol. I took it before and after my back surgery, but if I take one now I am sick. I think it's the boost of the medication which affects me I was better with patches as it was constant if you know what i mean. We have been invited to our lovely neighbours for Sunday lunch we order a takeway, but we can get in their's with 2m space between each couple and open windows it will be lovely! ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Reshmi how are you today? Is the neck holding up and your back? I expect you have done your physio and stretches already. On the subject of walking when you are really flaring I can't always. I do my best, but sometimes you have to listen to your body and if it can't cope then maybe stay inside and to range of movement (stretches) instead. I don't think I could exercise before bed I think it would heat me up too much (or cool me down in this weather!!) how very odd. 4pm would be ideal for a bit of movement (H-V allowing in your case of course!!) and if I fail with my morning walk is when I very often go.

    I like sugar fee vimto! Surely it's ok being sugar free? I hope so because when it's hot in summer I drink quite a lot of it😯 It will be cake cake and more cake today i hope your stomach is ok to cope with it

    Happy Birthday Baby R

    Oh yes how naughty was I yesterday? I had a Mcplant (McDonalds vegan burger) which finally arrived at Lucy's work yesterday! It was yum. All the staff were given one to try and Lucy loved hers as did all the staff except some reckoned they were still hungry🙄 My Dad used to say that if my Mum gave him food without meat!

    Morning Barbara. Tia came round for her tea and we did a wedding playlist to the alexa to play on the morning of the wedding while we are all getting ready.

    Phone calls, bills to pay, hair appts, dress fittings etc it's all go!! HELP!!!!

    Bill is doing some lovely wax melts as favours for the guests.

    I hope all is well for you all. Countdown has started for mr B's pre-op!

    Toady is AWOL you better call her!

    Right best get on porridge for breakfast it's really cold and SNOW is coming

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike did you manage to remedy the issue with the base for your diorama yet? Glad your cakes arrived in time for Sue's visit.

    Morning. Sort of managed to sort the base out BUT when gluing the perspex cover together my hands let me down and I now have superglue marks on the inside, I have ordered some stuff which will hopefully sort matters out. Have a bigger issue now anyway, the other day my mobility scooter would not start and had a fault notification which, when I referred to the handbook, required the attention of the dealer. He came to take it away a couple of days ago and phoned yesterday to say that it needs a new control box for about £450 plus a service plus collection and return plus, plus so I am facing a bill of about £700 which will halve my paltry savings! Having had to buy a new fridge freezer last year I am hoping that I face no other significant bills this year. Anyway, at least it will be back in a couple of days all tickety boo.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) that's nice to know you are feeling alright ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Toni ((())) patches give me a itchy rash. one of Sue's carers sister is a nurse at the hospital in the Covid ward the trouble they have is they have no where to send people to so they have to stay there. That's nice you have been invited for dinner how his is hip ((()))love to Paul ((()) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Barbara ((())) not long now for Mr B's ((())) pre op (((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day

    Mike and vixen ((()))

    Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 6. Jan 2022, 10:44

    Good morning my lovelies, boy it is so cold. No snow or ice here though, I'm just nesh! Although there was a lot of frost earlier. We might not get our bins emptied today because there are so many bin men off with Covid or isolating, they are behind in the whole of Derbyshire.

    Joan, dad is getting fed up with being stuck in the house, He hasn't been outside since his fall last year.

    Reshmi, being on steroids permanently makes me crave carbs. bread, spuds, cakes and biscuits!

    Mike, I'm sorry for the expense you have to lay out for repairs to your scooter, I think we will all have to tighten our belts with the fuel bill rises. 🤔

    Barbara, Mr B must be getting nervous, but he will feel so much better after his op.

    Antoinette, Perhaps your brother would benefit from all the information on BP UK. He's a good boy. Thank you for the porridge and the rainbow.Two recipes from the British Heart Foundation, and they're VEGAN.


    Aubergine, chickpea & spinach curry from BHF

    Category: Main meal | Serves: 2

    Prep time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 25 minutes

    1. Heat rapeseed oil in a non-stick saucepan. Add red onion, aubergine, red pepper and green chilli; cook over a medium heat for 6–8 minutes or until vegetables are softened, stirring regularly. Add curry powder; cook for 1 minute, stirring.
    2. Stir in tomatoes, chickpeas, stock and black pepper. Bring to the boil; reduce heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    3. Stir in spinach; cover and cook for 2–3 minutes or until wilted. Remove from heat; stir in crème fraîche (if using). Serve immediately with cooked wholegrain rice.

    Cook’s Tips

    • Try using butternut squash (peeled, deseeded and diced) or courgettes (cut into small chunks) in place of the aubergine.
    • Stir in a little chopped fresh coriander just before serving


    2 tsp rapeseed oil

    1 small red onion, chopped

    1 aubergine (about 225g/8oz total/unprepared weight), diced

    1 small red pepper, deseeded and diced

    1 small fresh green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

    3 tsp medium curry powder, or to taste

    227g (8oz) can chopped tomatoes in rich natural juice

    210g (7½oz) can chickpeas in water, drained and rinsed

    175ml (6fl oz) homemade or reduced-salt vegetable stock

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    85g (3oz) baby spinach leaves, rinsed and patted dry

    4 tsp half-fat crème fraîche (optional)

    Apple and apricot scone wedges

    from the BHF

    Category: Starter/snack | Serves: 8

    Prep time: 20 minutes, plus cooling time | Cooking time: 25 minutes

    1. Preheat oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6. Grease or flour a baking sheet; set aside. Mix flour, salt, baking powder and cinnamon in a bowl; lightly rub in sunflower spread until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in brown sugar, apricots and apple; mixing in enough milk to form a soft dough.
    2. Turn down onto a lightly floured surface; knead gently. Shape dough into an 18cm (7in) round; place on prepared baking sheet. Brush with milk; sprinkle with granulated sugar. Using a sharp knife, mark top of scone round into 8 even wedges, cutting deeply into dough.
    3. Bake in oven for about 25 minutes or until risen and golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Break into wedges; serve warm or cold.

    Cook's tips

    • Use half wholemeal and half white plain flour in place of just wholemeal flour.
    • Try ground mixed spice or ginger in place of cinnamon.
    • Swap apricots for dried sweetened cranberries or some dried blueberries.


    225g (8oz) plain wholemeal flour

    A small pinch of salt

    2 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp ground cinnamon

    55g (2oz) sunflower spread, diced

    25g (1oz) light soft brown sugar

    85g (3oz) ready-to-eat dried apricots, finely chopped

    1 medium cooking apple, about 250g (9oz) in weight, peeled, cored and coarsely grated

    About 4 tbsp skimmed milk, plus a little extra for glazing

    1 tbsp granulated sugar

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Everybody I’m just aiming for a short message today as there is not a lot of time how are you Toni? I have done my neck physio thanks and a little bit of stretching back is still not so good really I think it may be the cold partly if not mainly I spent less time in the cold room today and I did put the portable heater in on that room even though it gets really very much too warm in there and hurts my skin oh well I’m departing in about an hour to see baby R in the inferno house heating wise that is not stress, lol, thanks so much for that cute picture of the first birthday cake I know baby r will very much appreciate it when he reaches virtual cake eating age, bless. I thought I’d mention regarding physio exercises I know I’ve said this before but there is a very good physio therapist on YouTube called Dr Jo and she has a PhD in physiotherapy allegedly, she really knows what she’s doing and she explains as well past how certain exercises are used to loose patella/ knee bone and so on I really like these exercises they help me a lot. Did Some steps on the step box but not that many due to cold room problems and so on. Your vegan burger sounds nice what was it made of? soya protein? just curious. Hi Barbara KItty and Joan, how are you all? I’m not feeling too bad today thanks Joan just my back is not great but that is just a temporary thing. LA asked why he wasn’t in the photo of his parents when they were getting married he said he must’ve been lonely oh bless that innocent little lord, lol, baby R has been eyeing his presents but he hasn’t pushed anybody else and is just waiting for us to come and for a chance to taste gran’s modified Indian rice pudding that simple enough for baby and not for sharing ! Oh yes this is For baby R and not LA , oh no don’t tell LA and the dinosaurs. Ok Bye for now everyone have a good day. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Morning all but it will ge afternoon by the time I finish typing 😅

    Toni wiw it is all go exciting but I know you are very nervous..I'm sure all wilk be nice to have the wax melts that Bill has made ..I ordered candles for presents they are amazing the snow didnt stick but we gave more at the min xx

    Reshimi happy Birthday to baby old will ge be I thought that I was the only one that brown rice caused tummy probs ..xx

    Joan rhankyou yes not long now for his preop he is terrified if hospitals and doctors but we will get him there to all of you xx

    Kitty thankyou I wilk gave a look at the link .I have ti cut salt right down but it's not always easy do find some good recipes ..I bet you understand how dad feels 😔me to xx

    Mike that is awful ..would it not be better to buy a secondhand one ..mind you I know you will need the backup of the dealer xx

    Love to all


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike, I'm sorry for the expense you have to lay out for repairs to your scooter, I think we will all have to tighten our belts with the fuel bill rises. 🤔

    Hi Kitty, I have turned my central heating down to 17C so that may save a bit!!

    Mike that is awful ..would it not be better to buy a secondhand one ..mind you I know you will need the backup of the dealer xx

    Hi Barbara, my current mobility scooter cost me £3.5K just over 2 1/2 years ago as it is my only form of transport (other than my wheelchairs) due to the DVLA withdrawing my driving licence on health grounds. I have no option but to keep it going for as long as I can.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 6. Jan 2022, 14:40

    Hello all

    I am not proper awol, frog, just have had a run of those days where you don't seem to get a minute spare but somehow achieve hardly anything 😕 just grocery shop, waiting around for postman, emails to reply to, couple of ebay parcels to pack, that's about it.. late xmas post to send.. &c. Anyway here I be. Yes, really cold today and glad not to have anything particular to do! Except all the tidying I haven't done yet.

    Thank you for the wedding recap & do hope everyone involved is ok especially having been to the covid hairdresser, eek! As you say at least its now a good few days between the appointments & now. All the best with it all!! Also thanks for the info re Christine, I don't use Facebook at all, but glad of the update. 😊

    Barbara & everyone, don't worry, I promise I don't feel anyone expects me to dot all my i's and cross my t's replying & mentioning people - if I do it will be because I want to or have particular things to say 😊 I will still be in & out a bit randomly anyway I expect - if I do have any interesting news of what I'm up to haha I'll be sure to post it, it's always a bit thin on ground after xmas, it's the New Year doldrums.. anyway I am mostly just tidying.. I have been trying to convert a video of some family slides off and onto dvd but it has been much more trouble than I thought, my technical expertise is obviously not what I thought it was 😂 hope you are keeping warm and things as well as can be expected xx & best to Mr B & family

    Hello Joan and hope not too cold or frosty where you are, best wishes both xx

    Must go and think of some lunch, I'm another one that fancied your bubble & squeak cakes Kitty, I went so far as to buy spring onions this shop haha, but don't think I can't get up the energy today so it will have to be something even quicker! 🍳

    Love to everyone else & anyone who comes in later, kettle will be on almost permanently today!

    (Will quickly return to the tree-cutting-down subject in a post below, to get it off my chest, at the risk of winding us all up including myself! so skip it by all means!)

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 6. Jan 2022, 14:43

    🌲🌳🌲 Just wanted to thank the cafe for the solidarity on this subject! - I know there are like-minded people out there but it's nice to be reminded that you're in the right, when you're in the minority among all the people immediately around you, 'vandalizing' their gardens willy-nilly & putting down plastic grass. It's different if you have to trim trees back for safety or maintenance, but I know that mostly they just do not give the birds or anything else a thought. Old things & overgrown bits of garden & ivy are just untidy to them, but it's habitat, to all sorts! The chap at part of the end of the garden here just drags his fence panels out when they need replacing without notice, or the courtesy to ask if you have anything growing up your side, because 'it's my garden'! Not to mention the guy who cleared his garden to put up a huge workshop, half the garden, and worked on it all through lockdown.. drilling and hammering.. so that all you could see when you went outside was him on his roof, because.. no trees to screen him off 🙄. Grr to them all. Anyway, worth remembering that it is against the law to disturb nesting birds (most people don't even know when they nest, & think it's in the springtime and that's it..🙄 ) so you can quote the Wildlife & Countryside Act at people, if you have the bottle! I did try it once.. did not go down too well.. but really, all these firms gleefully cutting down trees & hedges all year round, should not be. As you said, frog, why don't people just buy somewhere with no trees?! The people will probably move on anyway, but the trees are gone for good. 😟

    Rant over thank you! Why can't all we nice people live in the same neighbourhood and the silly fools all together in another..

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone😊

    Oh Mike!😖that's such bad news. Mind you at least you will know your scooter isn't going to give you any trouble for a good while. It will come back like a new machine. Judging by your reply to Barbara it must be a pretty good scooter. I remember the fridge-freezer issue. That is enough now for a while I very much hope.

    I am sure you will sort out the (now after that minor) issue with the perspex cover for the new diorama. That's why I'd never attempt such fine work as you do because I would ruin it I am so clumsy.

    Hi Joan that sounds dreadful about the covid patients. We have a state of emergency at our hospitals here I think in Staffs I heard on the radio.

    My neighbour's hip is still very bad you can see how he is suffering he has already had one pre-op, but it's gone 'out of date'🙄 Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Kitty I am also nesh. We say nesh here in staffs too! It has been chilly but taking Lu into work later this morning it was definitely milder than yesterday. Sleek might bring another blankie she's just read your post over my shoulder.

    Poor Dad he must be bored😓

    My brother is a good boy he has really gone into the condition in detail to make sure he does the best he can. Not great life expectancy to be honest longer term. He is after our spare kidneys😁 I am going to recommend the BP site to him I know he will have a good look.

    Thank you for those LOVELY vegan recipes they are so nice (a pud!!!!😋) and as you know I love curry especially with chickpeas in it.

    Kari will have some too if she may?

    Charley and Annie sent me a huge box of vegan sweets to say thank you for all their help with their wedding.

    Morning Reshmi well done doing your exercises and stretches and some steps too! Tricky being in a cold room - yours needs to be just right or it might hurt your bones - my back hates cold. For you though too warm will make your skin prickle 😕

    How was the birthday 'do' I don't imagine Baby R (yes too young for virtual cakes just yet) didn't really know it was his special day and maybe por Lord A struggled a bit? Hope it wasn't too hot and your belly let you have a small piece of cake?

    Oh the burger was YUM super yum so I need to not have another for quite some time or i will want them every day as I have to go to macdonalds to fetch Lucy! They will be calling me...."Toni Toni eat me!"

    It's made of: The McPlant burger patty is made using ingredients including pea protein, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, potato starch, rice protein, stabiliser, flavouring and water

    Hello Toady please could you send out my late Christmas post too I am so ashamed of myself 😳 You are selling stuff on ebay? Wow! I haven't done that i get my step daughter to do it for me.

    The wedding plans are going ok I really hope. My sister and her DIL are now 9 days post seeing COVID hairdresser so starting to feel safer🤞

    My daughters' natural father has covid again and is letting Charley down for suit fitting for the second time. He has only had one vaccination the idiot.

    I agree so much those poor poor birds and other wildlife who are losing their homes to someone's whim. Fair enough if the roots are upending your house but otherwise trim them a bit! Or as we said live somewhere with plenty of concrete and no trees.

    I have learned by my mistakes as far as growing things against 'neighbours' fences our poor plants!!! You don't need to worry we all care very much about wildlife here, plants etc we are 100% with you😊

    I never trim my hedge - and we have loads - until after the birds have nested never would! I think I'd be scared to say anything to someone who does it you were brave. 😮

    Morning Barbara I hope all is well - 3 days until Mr B's pre-op!

    Good idea to order your candles from Bill you know they will be made with care. He is busy doing our melts and says the house smells LOVELY!!

    Fingers crossed all will be well and the wedding will be the best ever. I think we should take at least one photo with us all masked 😁

    I hope all is well with you all - I haven;'t asked but are the girls enjoying their jobs now?

    The snow came here twice and luckily did not stick either time. I hope yours has gone?

    Right l am still cold even though it is definitely warmer today so out comes the ready brek!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) i hope someone can walk with your Dad ((())) have a good weekend love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good weekend all of you ((())) are you going up the hospital on Monday. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) was Tia's wedding in the winter has well. we want some snow how is your back getting on ((())) have a good weekend love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))

    Toady ((())) have a good weekend

    Reshmi ((())) have a good weekend take care

    Mike ((())) I'm sorry about your scooter our scooters last 3years they are worth it when it's your only means of transport like us love to vixen

    Carol (((()))

    take care
    joan xx