Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())

    Toady (()) I bet your new hinges are nice and shiny. I had a chocolate pudding yesterday we don’t have pudding’s very often. Have a good day. Down town we now have a 24 hour Bingo hall we won’t be going there.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope everyone is as well has they can be. I have an appointment for a spine check the Doctor said he thinks the pain I have is coming from there. If I haven’t heard by Dec 24 I have to ring. Yes the car park looks like a river. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi Love to your mum (()) what I put yesterday was To wise you are to wise you be I see you are to wise for me. Take care

    Keef (()) I hope everything is alright there (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you this afternoon?

    mum and I aren’t too bad thanks

    mum tested negative for vid today

    more later bfn tc xx

    ps blue tea - why blue? Tea maker toady is having a mini meltdown- or maybe that’s bosh 😂 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋

    Tea please ☕️ have had such a frustrating few hours at the hands of paypal nosegay the bank authenticating apps etc, just to book in my couple of parcels 😖 a plague on all tech, I am going to live in the woods 🌲🌳 (after tea). This was the robot world's revenge for me dissing their lovely AI descriptions, I swear. Hope your day has been better frog & you got some stuff done 👍️ the only two times I went into the garden were to escort an unwanted non-human visitor.. 😱 and to poke about with the cold frame a bit more. Yes the hinges were my own fault, I bought them for the look of them not the quality 😳, fatal of me not to go with straight up stainless steel or something - I did think they'd hang on a bit better than that though. I've got brass plated hope that will be better and will keep a better eye on maintenance. Glad you saw Charley, and that Lucy is ok & going nicely through some lovely bruise colours. Turning out our make-up bags, omg, it would be like spot the brands you can't even buy any more 😂 unless we sneakily faked it with posh new stuff 🤥 too late for that I think, I've Said Too Much now to be believed. I will find the little bathroom stuff sometime & style a little pic, it's a little china sink & wc, I think that's all there was 🤔 haven't had it out for a while. What happened about the motorhome drive man, considering it was A&E morning, I never asked how it went. Have a good day tomorrow hope we can all get round to our potting & repotting by degrees :) xx

    Hello joan, the hinges are brass plated 👍️, I will have to oil & look after them a bit better this time. They're in the post should be here soon. I remember the 'Two Y's You Are' thing, people used to put it in autograph books etc I think, I had to have it explained to me first time probably. It's a bit like the old joke about MTGG being a hungry horse, one of the earliest jokes I remember. Bingo, no not for me (24 hours as well 😮) I suppose it would be somewhere warm to go though! Shame to have that when what you really want is your shops back. Have a good evening love to both :) xx

    Hi to bosh, hope you're ok this evening, I hope I have not upgraded you into a tapir or a tortoise instead of a toad. Especially a tortoise, it would be a very long walk to WR 😱. Must go and stick parcel labels on but will see you again at my earliest convenience 👋 :) xx

    Hope keef doing ok today 👋 xx

    Love to all 😘

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toni, and everyone, yes I’m okay, just a bit down. Tinnitus and ear infections are stopping me playing a note as it is painful to play guitar and piano isn’t much better. Even having the radio on is difficult. Nurse said it was really bad infection so I guess to be expected. I think it’s just starting to respond to the spray but I am sleeping a lot and haven’t been online much. Sorry, I should have posted sooner, but like I said been a bit down.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    how are both today?

    I see that’s interesting about the saying thanks 🙏

    thanks about mum and I

    mum has her kidney blood test tomorrow morning

    she’s quite worried

    otherwise we are ok, thanks so much for asking 👍

    Have a great evening bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    ..I was just editing a couple of things into my post and missed by half a min, and got the you need elite privileges to do that message. So it wasn't worth hurrying then, have come back to do it in my own time. One being good luck to your mum for tomorrow bosh she's bound to be anxious hope she gets seen promptly at least it's the morning. Guess you might get the results this week too? why did I think the 8th was a Thursday btw 🤔. Anyway fingers crossed🤞xx

    Hi keef, sorry the infection's taking a while but afterwards music should be better than it has been lately 👍️ hope family ok. Tea? (Don't read back btw, like we all say, not mine anyway there is nothing newsworthy - save your energy 😉) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    opera / ballet tickets in the Chappy meals? That sounds like a great idea lol

    thanks about mum, she has her kidney blood test early tomorrow morning, so we’re a bit worried about that

    yes mum sometimes feels cold but now she’s worried dad is cold even though he’s told me he’s not and the house temperature is about 23 degrees- oh well we all have our crosses and all that, just a shame I can’t go out of the house for longer periods of time, but that’ll of course change in time 👍

    WR vouchers also a good idea, if I’m lucky I’ll get some C*lpol vouchers lol, but don’t tell BR he may add the medicine to the protein shakes he consumes after a session of ducking and diving in an attempt to avoid as many bites from ETB as possible- even though I have repeatedly told him that’s not C*lpol is for, lol.

    Yes Bill was doing some lazy work avoidance in his usual spoiled brat manner, he does indeed need to get back to work, I saw a sitcom ( that was made pre - covid) about a man who didn’t go to work because someone sneezed on him and he had his wife wait in him hand and foot, he also made her make soup for him, but he didn’t like it, so then he phoned his mum and she made some instead and brought it round for his lunch, it really reminded me of bill.

    A danish shaped as a snail! Please don’t show LA, he’ll probably refuse to eat anything else!

    my day was ok thanks Toni, my stomach seems a bit better at the moment thanks, but the oracle hasn’t spoken yet unfortunately

    have a nice night Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    A tech plague day, oh dear, still, better than bubonic, or tectonic lol, unless certain holiday destinations like “Slug” and other less glamorous locations have become earthquake zones overnight, but I doubt it, unless Ellie The Biter is threatening any people who walk outside curfew hours, like your good self, with a rather scary alternative to a conventional blood test- no telephone calls required however - and people are stomping around like elephants to avoid being punctured by the fangs of a toddler, splitting paving stones and causing such tremors that boxes of frozen chicken nuggets crash out of the windows of McDs of their own volition and the inhabitants promise to revert to their traditional and historical diet of cabbage and cabbage alone - apart from the odd monthly cauliflower of course, everyone’s needs a break sometimes 😂

    thanks about mum, yes good in a way that she’s getting it over with👍

    I wouldn’t mind being a tortoise actually, but not ideal for travelling to WR, maybe I can utilise Bills private jet for the journey? I’m sure I’ve got his written permission somewhere, if not may i borrow some psychic paper please? In return I may give you some psychic security codes- but I’d better not give away all my secrets online 🤐

    I hope you have a good night toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good night to Keef and anyone else who’s around at this time tc. x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 8. Nov 2023, 06:53

    Morning Joan. Aha! I see what the Dr is thinking. Maybe the pain in your leg is actually coming from your back. That often does happen. Either way as long as they can do something to help that's the main thing🤞 love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef I hope today is a better day for you and that that ear infection starts to ease off soon .

    Toady is right no need to read back when you feel rough just let us know you're ok occasionally is enough while you recover.

    Hoping the family are well they'll be back before you know it your little boy in his PJs wanting dad's attention❤️

    Morning Reshmi I'm so glad you sound so upbeat in spite of that last couple of weeks at yours which really have not been great.

    Will you go to the group this week?

    I will be crossing my fingers for your Mum's bloods to be spot on. I'm sure they will be then you can all breathe out. 23 degrees is a bit warm, but as you get older you move less and so feel the cold more. Hopefully your parents got that extra cold weather payment so can relax a bit about putting the heating on.

    A bit much for you though 🔥

    Honestly BIL get back to work!!! I'm sure he will be testing negative by now🙄 Are you 100% sure that sitcom wasn't made about BIL??? Sounds very like him🤭

    Do you think LA would enjoy this for breakfast? instead of snail?

    BR is wonderful isn't he putting up with ETB. I think your sister can't be too happy about it though really can she? I mean she needs to whip up the protein shakes for him. Has he thought about adding spinach? I mean it worked for Popeye.

    Well have a good day today I am at the foodbank this morning. Missing my volunteer partner who has had his knee done 4 weeks ago. I think he'll be back soon though he gets bored easily.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady you are quite right only mods are allowed to edit after 1 hour. I suspect to remove any blatant advertising or spam or any other unsavoury posts. Do you remember he days of the kitchen spammers? About 12 years ago what a nightmare they were. Spam filters must have improved.

    I also remember when some members would argue and write nasty posts to each other and then edit them so no-one could prove they had really written nasty stuff. That has stopped now which is such a good thing.

    Oh dear did the visitor have 8 legs by any chance? Brass will look lovely on your cold frame though really lovely. No I failed to get in the garden ending up instead ironing in the morning, sorting out charity clothes for Charley's Gt Ormond street bag and helping out with the foster babies.

    Feel free to move into 'the hermitage' I'm sure we can arrange for a stove of some sort so you can have tea there. A cave do you think? Oh no a tree house😊

    Don't worry Paul dealt with the motorhome post man all is well there they were only discussing 'where' and when it will go in no-one told me the outcome.

    A sweet little bathroom set😍Oh how adorable. I think maybe we could actually just bin our makeup bags as they are and start again????🤭

    have a good day

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day I hope everything is alright there.

    Toady (()) I read yesterday we are going to have more heavy rain and we could have snow.did you escort your visitor out with a broom. Sorry you are having a problem with your parcels. Have a good day with no unwanted visitors.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Sorry to ask did Lucy (()) have a new hip I remember her having pain in one of them. I read yesterday we could have some snow. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) i hope your mum’s test went well. And she doesn’t have long to wait for the results. Have a good day. Take care

    Keef (()) I hope your pain has calmed down a bit (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 8. Nov 2023, 13:39

    Hi all 😊

    Quick early visit in the dubious hope I will be good and have an internet free afternoon & evening, after yesterday's hoohah. Have solved some if not all of my tech problems, and some solved themselves. The last straw was booking in the 2nd of the 2 parcels, 5 minutes after the first which was fine, nosegay put up a thing saying it was not possible to generate a label, "Something Is Wrong". Simultaneously ominous sounding and utterly unhelpful. Then later it was fine 🤷‍♀️. No need to be online much today hopefully but I think will still hide away in the treehouse to be on the safe side. Yes the visitor had 8 legs 😒 mr speckly he was not, unfortunately. Say no more. Hope your charity bag sorting went ok, are you taking it back to Charley and they pick it up from her sort of thing? May get outdoors for a while if it's dry but this morning I nerved myself up for a bit of prep work with a view to painting a radiator. Not my kind of job really. Sorry your foodbank partner is awol hope his recovery is straightforward 👍️. Any sign of a thaw in the village feud or doesn't one ask 🤐. I wasn't here for the kitchen spammers but yes there has to be proper control ofc for forums, it was always a valid argument for why no edit button on twitter, they were always resolute on that front but with Mr X in charge heaven knows now 🙄. Lovely breakfasts this week, teddy pancakes and the hello kitty ones, think I am still tempted to the snail though such a clever idea but so simple. Hope all well today, Lucy, Tigger, etc etc. That's a significant amount of flood water still, I meant to say yesterday 😮 you almost forget people are still up against it when it's not you. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Rain and snow, joan? 😬 oh lawks. Must we. Will have to keep an eye out for some better bits then as I must go for some walks 😳. Did you see about Daisy the dog that helped its owners find one of the family's cats who had fallen down a mine shaft in Cornwall 😮 clever girl 🐶. No I don't escort my visitors out with a broom usually there is too much risk of it going wrong 😱 I use the put something over it method although I don't enjoy the slide something under & take it outside bit. Bet the broom would work well on unwanted people though 🤔😄. Hope you both have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi to bosh and hope everything went ok this morning. Sorry it is a bit Saharan at yours at the moment you will definitely be glad to get out more, even if as joan says we get some snow, eek at which point 23 degrees sounds a bit more appealing. Even I have put a jumper on today, yes me 😄 not a chunky jumper I must say, but a jumper is a jumper is a jumper as someone once said. My tech plague has desisted somewhat but no doubt it is just biding its time. Yes better than all the other plagues 😱 poor old Slug has quite enough to deal with without finding it never knew it was sitting right on the berkshire leg of the San Andreas fault 😬 I might move it ever so slightly further down my list of holiday destinations, no offence to cabbage. Although I don't think the gastric oracle would think much of me having 30 days of cabbage and cauliflower for christmas, so best avoided on those grounds alone. I will take my chance of running into Ellie the Biter instead, at least there is only one of her. The biting saga is fascinating all round, what next I wonder 😄. Yes very true there are things to be said for being a tortoise. Injecting oneself in the leg may not be one (my day today for that sort of thing), but definitely good for avoiding people 👍️. I will lend you my psychic paper as soon as I have finished using it to convince various websites I am who I say I am, it knocks spots off a system where your 2FA has gone to pot and you can't turn it off because you can't log in to turn it off.. and so on into infinity. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi to keef and love to everyone not around at the moment, mig, Carol, Julie and of course to Barbara and Kitty. 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 8. Nov 2023, 14:12

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    How are you all today?

    Sorry for checking in so late, it was a tiring morning due to mums early blood test, had to resort to gluco - zade in the end, but it’s of course good that she had it done so quickly, she said she’ll get the results online tomorrow which is good 👍👍

    Hi toni

    im not too bad thanks

    how are you?

    mum is more or less ok too thanks just understandably tired

    I had a very nice takeaway from the local cafe, fish and chips and hot chocolate, the food items were were both tasty and not greasy - I think they cooked it in the air fryer👍

    also a lot cheaper than the local chip shop which is even pricier than bills lunchtime trip to WR lol.

    Hi toady

    glad you haven’t resorted to a Slough - influenced diet lol

    hi Joan

    Thanks about mum, hope you’re both ok?

    hi Keef

    how are your pains today?

    good afternoon everyone

    more later, bye for now tc xx

    ps pic of some bill - related prejudice- oh dear lol xx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 8. Nov 2023, 19:15

    Hi everyone

    I am back again I know I’ve been away so long it probably seems strange seeing my name again, in fact I cannot even remember the last post I made on here it’s been so long. So many things have happened when I stopped posting I was in a very dark place life kept throwing all manner of problems at me health wise both for me and mr T, I got to the stage where I just could not cope with it all. A lot of things have happened and changes made and I am in a much better state of mind now. So I thought I would pop up and see how you are all doing these days,

    our ever growing family now stands at 8 great grandchildren now.

    hope you are all coping with this nasty weather we have been having and are not in too much pain.

    take care and I will pop in again soon love to you all.❤️

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you doing this evening?

    I forgot to thank you for LA’s nutritionally balanced and interesting breakfast 👍

    a vast improvement on a sat fat snail indeed lol

    i think my mum gets the winter fuel payment, not sure about dad, I mean he probably does but he’s so disorganised and his mind is always on the cultural society 🤷‍♀️

    Toni the problem is that in my room could well be 24 degrees- anyway this extreme heating obsession can’t last forever.

    Yes spinach is good for us, not sure about raw spinach though, at least for the communal stomach of toady and I, as it were, lol.

    I told LA exactly that the other day, I mean about popeye and the value of spinach, but headmaster/ Lord A gave me a very patronising look and said, “ mima when you were young Popeye was a cartoon, now he’s a superhero, superheroes don’t eat spinach, you should know that”, so I stood corrected, lol, I wanted to add that I myself am not a massive spinach - fan, but I do eat it because it’s good for me, but I realised that wouldn’t help my case, the real problem of course, is that mima has become so old she thinks Popeye is still a sailor- man! Outrageous, also fancy this mima imagining that superheroes eat anything other than Chappy Meals for lunch, as for the current free toy, at the moment it’s a code - breaking device, free to everyone country wide- with the exception of toady - oh no, i didn’t make the rules, let’s hope her nosegay profits are sufficient for her to purchase this device 😂

    I hope the food bank went ok and that your f bank partner feels better soon.

    bye Toni have a great evening and tc xx

    ps Indian Bengali beetroot chops, not vegan unfortunately, but could be if you used an egg replacement maybe? Was just writing about ace matters, mind went to purple, then to beetroot basically lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    'night all - I am off to bed with a hot drink, I don't mind if it's blue or frothy or topped with marshmallows or just good old tea, as long as it's hot. Such a chilly day ❄️.

    Hope everyone well this evening, that's very good your mum's bloods will be back so quickly bosh🤞I will catch you next visit xx

    Nice to see you Carol @Turbogran 😊 just talking about you today, sorry things have not been brilliant for a while but you do sound like the changes in your life are positive and things are much better 👍️ . Hate the cold weather but just grateful not to be caught up in the awful flooding etc. All the best to everyone :) xx

    Love to keef and all cafe people xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good night everyone tc xx

    ps this is brought to you by heating Vesuvius and house Vesuvius where the thermostat matches the hotheads 🤢

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 9. Nov 2023, 06:58


    Ducks on a recent walk with my sister. Moorhen approaching at the back.

    Morning Joan Lucy had a new hip and a core decompression on her hip. Your memory is good! Gosh snow I suppose it is starting to get colder for definite. Hope you're ok you and Sue? ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef we'll keep posting hoping things are improving for you maybe you need oral antibiotics too for that ear🤨

    Sending love and today's coffee

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope the blood results come back soon for your Mum. You'll just have to resort to shorts and T shirt if she carries on with her heating obsession. Your dad probably did get the money too I think it was for all older people.

    I have looked up the beetroot chops and found a recipe. I am going to give them a go. I have egg replacer😊 thank you I love trying something new.

    Oh gosh we are just sooooo out of date Mima! Really we are I too was under the misapprehension that Popeye was a cartoon, but he is now a superhero? But surely not? He has a wife and a baby Sweetpea😍 Mind you I do stand corrected much like yourself I am in awe of the superior knowledge of the Lord A😁

    A code breaker? I am off for my chappy snappy meal this very day. Can I get a vegan one do you know? I hope so I think I need one. Poor Toady she may get one on nosegay maybe?

    The Vesuvius photo is actually rather beautiful Reshmi! Hope all is relatively peaceful at home.

    Are there plans to see the EF this weekend now everyone is COVID free. Even BIL must be by now even if he is still trying to drag it out!

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Carol how are you! long time no see. How are all 8 of those littleys too? You were having a tough time when last seen family fall outs and I'd say you were definitely struggling yourself with your health.

    Lovely to see you not much has changed. Barbara's eyes are so iffy now she rarely manages to post and Kitty pops in less often, but it's still our café. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    How is today turning out? Glad you have been enjoying the breakfasts. Trying to make them fun but remotely nutritious.

    Hopefully no need for techie issues today you can remain in the hermitage. Much better in there.

    I suspected the 8 legged person might be one of Carol's friends. Interesting she should pop in just after your visitor left🤨 Not Mr speckly indeed.

    My foodbank partner is doing very well thanks. I thought he would, he has the right attitude, but I am missing him quite a bit he is a funny man and so good hearted.

    I dropped the clothes off outside Charley's so hopefully it's been picked up. Radiator painting? Oh dear not my thing at all either.

    I don't use twitter (X), but think yes it is safer to be unable to edit you just have to apologise for typos if you spot them. Good job you missed the kitchen salespeople I think Joan will remember them. They were such a nuisance as were some of the nasty arguments which needed sorting. People here are lovely and civilised. Unlike in the village🙄 fortunately one party is currently out of the country.

    Take care and enjoy your day

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    Mums blood test results came back, they were all good, including kidney function, thank G** for that 🙏🙏

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Thinking of you and your carers.

    Toady (()) yes I know the little one you put little cover over him and slide him in difficult. Yes I saw the dog that found his cat friend on the news. Have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Carol (()) it’s lovely to see you love to Mr T (()) sorry about your problems I’m sure you will find a way around them. Love to your family and grandchildren (())

    Toni (()) and Lucy (()) had a new shoulder I’m sure (()) she’s done so well (()) How are you and your tummy getting on (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and Your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum’s blood test has come back good (()) take care

    Keef (()) I hope everything is going on alright (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Morning all

    Toni. yes I was suffering health problems and family arguments, mounting hospital visits, it all just got too much. I just couldn’t cope with it all. I spent most of my time in tears over the slightest little thing. I am in a much better frame of mind now although I do still have my down days, our 8 little people are all fine the ages now range from 11yo to 6 months old the youngest being a great grandson called Jaxon know by us all as Jax. Lillie started her secondary school life in September.


    Toady. my cat Cookie loves those 8 legged persons she kills them then eats them if she gets a chance.

    We changed churches in February to one nearer to where we live and also has easier access. We we are now both very happy and very much involved in this church and are feeling much more appreciated. Which has made Mr T less of a moody person so we are getting on much better now he is less moody. Would you like a photo of my youngest 2 great grandchildren

    Much love to you all ❤️

    take care❤️

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all. Should be my first day with out ear sprays today. Not 100% better. ☹️

    don’t feel like doing anything at all still

    hope you all okay

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 9. Nov 2023, 13:40

    Afternoon 👋

    Early again, there's a glimmer of brightness I thought I may as well grab it.

    Cold for doing anything though, it would help with the radiator painting if I could actually feel my fingers 😂 but nobody made me do it at this time of the year, did they. Hope your day is going well frog - perhaps a continent or two between the village bickerers is a jolly good thing, hope the 'party of the first part' isn't using it to backbite the other one. Btw I realized on reflection I was here or very nearly at the time of the kitchen spammers, I thought not, by quite a long margin 😮 but I am very good at falsifying the passage of time to myself, to the point I believe it 😂. I suppose it helps if anything interesting enough happens so you can always say 'ah yes, that was the year I', but out of 'the arthritis years' only 2020 is memorable really, for all the wrong reasons. The rest is just like Fitzgerald's the lost decade, or two, but without the drink 🍷🙄. Quite clever of me to conjure up Carol, wasn't it 😊👍️ nice to be able to get out another tea mug. I am certainly going to be clinging to mine for the rest of the day, maybe I should start on a letter on my laptop.. or browse the shops.. no contest really but the letter ought to come first 😕. I don't suppose black friday will do me any favours at all it's usually for tech or hoovers or smart stuff as far as I can tell, but will have a glance. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hello joan, jolly cold today. I don't have a proper 8 legged catching gadget, I know what you mean I don't think I could operate those. It's just whatever handy thing is nearest like an empty carton preferably one I can't see through. If it's a real nasty I've been known to hold the carton in a gripper gadget and drop it over from a distance 😂. I was looking at one of the grocery websites people were already leaving reviews for christmas cake, I can sort of understand having mince pies or sprouts at any time but it's never occurred to me to have an actual proper cake ahead 🤷‍♀️. Hope you both have a good afternoon and Sue is managing ok :) xx

    Hi to Carol, yes cats and 8-legged persons mine used to chase them occasionally too 😬 can't think they're very tasty but maybe cats wish you could get them in gravy or jelly in little foil trays, who knows 😄 (I wouldn't be buying any!!). Yes pics of family always welcome, and cats too of course 😊. Glad to hear that you have found a nicer church for yourselves these things can be a matter of luck and as this one is nearer too that's excellent. Do hope the health problems are steadier too. xx

    Love to bosh and everyone will probably do a 2nd visit later 👋. xx Sorry the drops haven't worked 100% wonders keef, do you have to report back?

    Have a good afternoon all keep warm xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    Bill was refusing to re - test, I hope he’s changed his mind now

    EF sans Bill on Sunday if they’re all vid - free

    yw about beetroot chops

    thanks nice pic but not good to live on the top of an active volcano

    mums not too bad thanks

    need to shower

    more later

    bfn Toni tc xx

    👋 toady and Joan xx