Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    don't worry I contacted nurse and was told not to have leflunomide and mxt for 2 weeks

    bye for now tc xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())

    Toady (()) Good luck with the phone. Have a good day. Sue hurt her foot on Friday she is going up the hospital now we are waiting for the Ambulance. I. Will let you know what happens.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That’s good Tigger is feeling better. Sue drove her wheelchair into the side of the wall and she hurt her foot she going for an ex-ray today. I will let you know what happens. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m so sorry you have Covid I hope it’s not too bad (()) how is your Mum (())

    Keef (()) have a good day with not too much pain. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Mellman (()) yes I remember you. How are you.

    Julie (()) thinking of you

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Afternoon all 😊 sun is shining for a minute or two.

    Good to see you bosh you're doing so well, well done sorting out with nurse about meds too, you'd just had mxt so maybe that's quite good less long a gap maybe 🤔 hope your mum's continued to improve and is feeling not too bad (and the grumpy patient as well). I suppose Toni has a point you don't have to do complicated isolating now, one less thing to think about it, hope you feel as ok as possible🤞xx

    Thank you for the doughnuts frog I think I got the best end of the bargain there this morning 😀 me and Sleek have been sharing very nicely you'll be pleased to know. Glad the little one is chatting away 🐱 and doing ok, eating etc, good luck for the Thurs checkup. Nothing planned for me today, I won my auction thank you (just one other opening bidder), so as long as I have not bought a pig in a poke I should soon be back in good old 3G olde android version land, home sweet home 😄. I'm not totally stuck without it but I will be glad to get some of the annoying bank type apps back onto something. I had a bit of a nosegay nightmare packing a parcel last night, will save that for next time rather than rabbit on. I remembered what the expression on the 'face' on that caterpillar reminds me of btw and it was a clockwork snake I had as a child, and that always was a bit scary to be honest 🐍! Have a good day love to all :) xx

    Oh dear joan, poor sue 😔 what a week in the cafe! It would be just before the weekend too. Hope it hasn't been too painful and fingers crossed you did not have a long wait at the hospital and got back quickly, thank you for promising to let us know. Nice cup of tea I think ☕️. I did get the phone, it was just a cheap one so I won't lose much if it isn't any good, though I trusted the seller to be honest that it's working condition etc so it should be ok for what I want. Love to both :) xx

    Wave to keef will you have an extra halloween for when you're all together 👻 hope everyone ok today xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Happy Halloween toady Joan Toni and Keef

    im not doing too badly thanks

    neither is mum

    but quite tired atm

    bfn tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Thanks bosh - sorry yours has been so ookey 😱 and not just spooky 🦇 xx

    More tea I think ☕️ xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Good to see you Reshmi very reassuring that you are doing so well and had already contacted the rheumatology nurses.

    Yes I was very very tired when I had COVID too. All you can do is rest up.

    Love to you, your Mum and the grumpy patient too😉 ((()))

    See you all tomorrow

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan hope you are ok. Oh no! Not again Sue😣 Let's hope the X-ray comes back ok. Tigger is doing well she's such a good girl for her meds. Tomorrow she has her check up. Take care both of you. Better get Sue some

    ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    White rabbits to you too! November already when did that happen?

    Hope you are doing ok? Have you all chucked off that cold yet?

    I just got my magnifying glass out (well it was my Dad's) and looked at your avatar. I think it's part of a 🎸?

    Have a good day ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you all? Time your Dad got out of bed and looked after you and your Mum! Ok only joking I don't expect that to happen any time soon.

    Loved yesterday's Halloween pic. Today is a new month already.

    The best think you can do is rest up and take it easy. I don't know the latest COVID advice. Are we allowed out of the house if we have it? Are you allowed a brief walk outside if you felt up to it?

    Maybe your sister will ring up with some funny LA or BR tales or facetime with them to cheer you all up.

    I'm off to the foodbank this morning.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    How are you? All seems well here Sleek is out having her morning trip wherever she goes. The washing machine is on and I have to wash my hair🙄

    Foodbank later, then Tigger's meds, then visiting my friend who is very low ATM. Lots of memories of this time last year to get through.

    You won your phone!!! Yippee! That will help so much. It won't be a duffer it will be a great little phone and so much better for the environment that getting a new one😊

    Sleek confirmed that you and she shared your doughnuts really well yesterday. She has already packed her supplies to bring over later. No surprise if I tell you she raided the biccie tin?

    I am not going too google a clockwork 🐍 snake even though I actually want to. The other thing I never quite got over was a tiny shell on a beach in Devon one summer. Lucy asked me to hold it for her (she was about 7) and the crab came out and tickled my palm! oooh! I can still feel it now😯

    Hope no nosegay parcel issues today. Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all.

    Hi Toni, yes the avatar is the headstock of one of my Clapton strat (Fender Stratocaster). If you click on it it comes up so you can see it slightly better. Leo Fender made the strat in mid 1950s and it hasn’t really changed much since, he got it spot on the first time. In fact the custom shop ones made to the exact same specs are about £5k to buy now. An original from 1957 (the holy grail year for strats) are about £50k. Cheap compared to a 1959 Gibson Les Paul which go for anywhere from £100000 to a million depending on who has owned it and the provenance.

    For my playing in my humble little bunker I can get a spot on 1950s tone as per SRV or Clapton with my PRS Silver Sky which is a modern take on the strat with the few faults sorted out. Although I put some Joe Bonamassa pickups in that were a copy of ones from a 1957 strat named Bonnie which Joe says is the best strat in the world. They were a limited run made by Seymour Duncan who is a specialist pickup maker who started out in Denmark Street in London, and made a set of pickups for a certain young James Hendrix before he was famous over here when he was just starting out in the UK.

    I have a little 1 watt valve amp that goes through a home made speaker cab with a speaker made from Cannabis pulp paper. Sounds amazing and is the first time I’ve actually achieved the tone I wanted that I could hear in my head, which bizarrely enough is the slogan of the amp manufacturer that makes my tiny amp. The sound in your head.

    So there you have it. Years of tone searching condensed into one page of babble. If anyone wants the best guitar tone at studio volume of about 80db this is how you do it lol

    my other amp hasn’t moved from the UPS drop off point since Friday. UPS have always filled me with dread whenever they’ve been delivering to me. I much prefer DPD. And trying to contact UPS is a nightmare.

    I was panicking about my hearing again last few days as my left ear was hurting and my hearing was very poor that side. I was thinking the tram was doing its worst but I think it was the cold which is mostly gone now as it has eased this morning but i have cut down to 4 pills a day from 6, but I get so miserable not taking so many. Especially on a Monday when I wake up here on my own. Anyway I’ve been up since 4 am and done the washing, cleared out the fridge of the left overs that didn’t get eaten, and even done a load of washing up by hand (tried sitting down to do that but it’s more awkward than the pain of standing up). My amp is warming up in the bunker and as soon as my pills kick in I’ll be out there.

    glad little Tigger is feeling better photo maybe??

    Hope you feeing better Reshmi. Take care xx

    hi everyone else.

    sorry the post is sooooo long.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Take care today. Love to you and your carers.

    Toady (()) Have a good day take care if you are going out. That’s good you got the phone. Sue is still in hospital the ambulance didn’t come till 4 00 she phoned at 8 00 she has broken a small bone in her foot she has her leg in plaster. She could be coming home today.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) take care if you go out today. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Take care when you go out today. That’s good Tigger is happy. Yes your friend would be down thinking of last year. Your friend has done so well (()) it’s been so hard for her she has done so well she is bound to feel down at times. Sue has broken a small bone in her foot she has her leg in plaster. She could be coming home today.

    Reshmi (()) How do you feel today take care if you go out today. I hope your Mum is a bit better (()) you do so well.

    Keef (()) Have a good day. Take care if you go out today and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Keef

    I’m glad the cold and your ear pain have eased.

    My mum and I are not too bad thanks

    No need to apologise for long posts, have you read some of mine? Lol

    have a good morning tc x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Oooh love that foto Reshmi, reminds me of my Kung-Fu days.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Yay!! Just checked my tracking for the amp and it’s Finally been picked up from the drop off point by UPS. Only taken them 4 days 🙄

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Just having a break from bunker as my pain levels have really gone up and I can’t even hold the guitar. No doubt due to lack of pills. Might take an extra lot and go back to 6 today then try and cut it down again tomorrow. Although i did ride the bike yesterday evening for first time in a week as I wanted to see Sucré for halloween. So extra pain is to be expected after bike. I made the mistake of letting him pick a lolly out of the trick or treat sweet bag. It was blue. So was his mouth, tongue, teeth, chin and t-shirt after he finished, and then he was HYPERACTIVE for about an hour. Krazy.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I think mum said we can go out 5 days after positive testing, but I don’t quite feel well enough and only tested p on Monday anyway but thanks

    mum and I are not too bad 🙏

    dad is negative now

    LA dressed as a handsome red D**il yesterday, BR was a yellow pumpkin- but special non - toxic mutation lol.

    bye for now just need to have some paracetamol tc xx

    👋toady Joan and Keef

    Ps Cezanne inspired art apparently xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋 was just on my way in and have had a text to say roof man will be here v. early tomorrow, so I'm afraid it's going to be a 1 minute sit down before I go and pull this face a few times 😱 and go straight to bed - wasn't the best day anyway so I definitely need some sleep.

    Quick wave all round then, love to all frogs, hope all's ok with you, you can imagine the state of me 😬. Well done bosh you are doing brilliantly sounds like you are all getting there with your dad being neg & you & mum not too bad 👍️. Coming back to keef's posts when I have a minute to call my own again 🙄 the UPS man cometh I see, or is inching his way along 🐌, jolly good :) xx

    I hope Sue is home now joan! 🤞so sorry it meant having to have plaster on it, poor Sue, love to both, will be in tomorrow to catch up I hope xx

    Love to everyone and I hope to come in and emulate that dear dog and his biscuit assortment next time 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Keef

    sorry to hear your pain levels have gone back up again

    LA is the same as Sucre with sweets I think, that’s one reason why my sis dreads his friend’s birthday parties lol, he’ll run around for hours doing naughty things, as high as a kite, you could say haha.

    I hope you feel a bit better tomorrow

    bye for now, take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    mum and I are feeling a bit better thanks

    I haven’t gone out yet, but I will be careful thanks

    I hope you both have a nice evening bye tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Anda’s latest acquisition.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi again Toni

    how are you this evening?

    mum and I are not too bad thanks

    yes the idea of dad getting out of bed to help anyone is quite laughable unfortunately

    when my mum was pregnant with my sister and told dad it was time to go to the hospital he said he’d had some paracetamol and needed to sleep and maybe she could wait or something like that lol, I know i might have mentioned that before, but it’s still my dad’s attitude unfortunately, he did condescend to make some tuna pasta for lunch today though, which was unusual and nice, don’t tell my sister of course lol.

    how was the food bank?

    no video calls recently but mum told me LA’s new word is “infinitely” and he fits it into all the porky pies he tells her lol, like “I don’t run in the car park Aarbabu, I’ve told you this infinitely, I infinitely share all my sweets with BR, I have never infinitely bullied my grandparents and mima into letting me watch Paw Patrol cartoons all day in my 5 star hotel in tourist destination Reading” and so on lol.

    BR has made friends with Ellie the biter / hitter lady baby, she’s not violent now and he holds her hand and shows the sights in the nursery, like the Bleario - eating station, don’t worry the Blearios are all vegan now, or actually possibly just vegetarian, but any rate not made of human or Peppa - related constituent parts, so ELT Lady Baby can have the day off to cook us some nice daal lol - coconut chutney may be a bit rich for our stomachs, well mine at least.

    Ok I’ll go for now Toni bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    I hope you have a good sleep

    and enjoy the virtual biccies of course

    Bills got mild covid now but he told his mother who’s in India that he’s dying because he’s got a blocked nose or something like that 🤷‍♀️

    she phoned mum who set her straight

    the advent of the ups man! There’s definitely a story there, but I’ve got a feeling we’re both to tired to begin this literary collaboration of great minds today lol

    have a restful night toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 2. Nov 2023, 06:33

    Morning Joan. My friend is doing better than she believes. Oh SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no I am so sorry that she broke her little toe please do send my love and some extra ((())) bless her heart. I am glad she'll be home hopefully by now you will miss each other ((())) xxx

    Here you are Keef

    Little Tigger

    Sorry it's sideways it was a snapchat pic. Isn't the post op babygro cute! Bless her she looks quite sorry for herself. Check-up today.

    Finally your amp moved. They are all pretty awful these delivery services so frustrating.

    I am glad it wasn't your pain meds causing the ears rather the cold and even better the cold is on it's way away 😊 Today you can take what you need I think. I suppose the bike ride could also have been relevant, but your mental health is also important. Imagine you handwashing get you! I did a load of ironing yesterday.

    Thank you for the lesson about guitars of course I'd heard many of the names, but it was interesting to hear their origins and gosh the value of some of them😮 Your set up will be as good as any I am sure when you finally get your hands on that amp. Fingers crossed it's today.

    Are your two home today? I do hope so you miss them so much and they you I can tell.

    Morning Reshmi

    Wow you are doing so well I am amazed you are one strong woman👏 To be fair your Mum is too. Did you actually say your Dad cooked tuna pasta? really?! Wow that's incredible. How naughty is he trying to get your Mum to stop her labour when she was having your sister🤣 like that's possible!!! That is a tales which must go down in history for definite.

    It will be a good few days before you have much energy I'm afraid certainly enough for going on walks and to group even if the 5 days comes and goes.

    Oh dear so BIL has caught it again?! Was that from the 'do' too do you think? Imagine him being so dramatic that his mum had to ring your mum to check he is actually ok!!!!

    I am so very very glad to hear that LA is friends with Ellie now and they are holding hands💗 cute. He can be sweet can't he, but I hope he still loves Elephant trunk girl best? Yes some bleerios are 'sort of' vegan although they contain a vitamin which may come from an animal. Of course some have honey in them too so definitely those aren't vegan.

    I'll have a small quantity of ELT baby's daal please that sounds YUMMMMY!

    I think a certain young man's language skills are infinitely better than most of his age. Wow! I can almost imagine him actually saying it too. Wait till BR starts copying that word! That will be infinitely cute💕

    Well you keep on doing what you're doing and get well soon ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    How are you? I bet exhausted from having 'someone' there early today😣 Paul has arranged for the builder to come and put a safety post thingy in front of the motorhome on the drive. Good idea I think but first thing (and I mean first thing) Saturday morning. Wouldn't it be great if we had been born builders ourselves?🙄

    The good news is Sleek is already on her way. She'll let herself in and make you both a cuppa ready and has brought a small friend who is pretty nifty with a duster...

    Take care everyone

    See you later maybe.

    vegan option available of course!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx