Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Thinking of you I hope everything is alright there.

    Toady (()) Did the roof man come. Did the wind blow him up on the roof. I hope he fixed the roof. You go careful today. Sue came home last night. Thank you for thinking about her.

    Barbara (()) take care love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Tigger looks happy in her baby gro. I hope everything goes well for her appointment today. Go careful when you go out. Your friend is doing well she’s bound to get down some days. Thank you for thinking about Sue she came home last night she has broken a bone in her ankle I have to give her the injection every night for blood clots. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) That’s good you and your mum are feeling a bit better (()) I know it’s not nice to say but do you think your Dad made the Tuna pasta because he was hungry. Have a good day be careful if you go out.

    Keef (()) I’m sorry your pain is so bad you were good to suffer the pain to go to see Sucr’e but it was worth it. Go careful if you go out. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (( ))

    Julie (()) take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all doing this afternoon?

    mum has tested negative for Covid but she says she has to test negative tomorrow too to be sure

    she also needs to wait for kidney blood test result to know that her kidney’s still ok

    her b test is in 8 th November

    but still it’s a v good sign 👍👍

    hi Joan

    yes I think dad was hungry and also mum told him to make the pasta lol

    hi Toni

    lt was actually BR who befriended the biter - lady lol, but I think you could be right about LA, he really likes ELT lady baby.

    LA “became massive friends with mima”, as mum put it, when he visited, he would leave little offerings outside my room when I went to sleep / rest etc, like a massive Dino toy who was meant to look after me - aww - but also sometimes to scare me - ookey!

    he also left a “turbo charger” he made out of sheets of paper and some sticky labels I think.

    I’ll go for now I’m a bit tired

    bfn everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi folks 👋

    Kind of shattered tonight considering all I've had to do is see someone for half an hour, but it's the preamble yesterday and the leftover tiredness from the last lot of workmen I guess 🙄. Yes frog we missed a trick there not being born as mini builders, especially as I was reading an endless stream online the other day on a forum of terrible times people have had with hopeless/disappearing builders &c, with the same conclusion, an awful lot of people saying they'll learn to do things themselves rather than go through it again. Anyway, upshot is that as the roof will probably need properly scaffolding & the ridge tiles re-bedded (as I more or less knew), I've got a rough quote but as they couldn't do it this side of xmas I will turn tail and pencil this in for spring after the worst of winter. Thank you for sending reinforcements over today, especially tea-making ones, it amused me that Sleek's little friend had a pink feather duster, I was using my green one on the cobwebs up the attic 😄 I left he or she doing much more dainty dusting downstairs. 👍️ At least your Saturday person or persons shouldn't be too long? but ugh all the same. Hope little Tigger got on well 😽 and love to all, I have no-one coming and nothing to do now so I am taking myself off with my jammie dodger, pink wafer and digestive biccie like I said and going to curl up in my dog basket for quite some time to come 😄👍️ woe betide any disturbances. Will have a better catchup soon, have a good Friday :) xx

    Hello joan, oh not Sue's ankle, that's horrid 😔 how long will the plaster be on, do they know or does it depend. Injections too, oh gosh. Poor Lexi and Pepper will be confused won't they. I won't be going out in this thank you, people have had it badly down South haven't they, & Wales too. The roof man only looked at the job and quoted, it will probably be Spring now as he's been able to assess it and it probably can wait til then, I don't feel like having it done before then as it's a biggish job and Jan and Feb are so miserable I will probably be hibernating. Thank you for asking. Love to both :) xx

    Hi bosh, well done your mum testing negative now too that's all good news, & glad not too long a wait for the bloods. Sorry that Bill has a mild dose of it/is at death's door depending on who you ask, hope it is no worse than that over at EF. Nice that LA was showing the sweet side of his nature when he visited 😊. No news from me I did sleep ok thanks, well in a couple of chunks, I was worried the alarm wouldn't wake me up, but at least the man was here & gone quickly then. He's a nice chap but you can't get a word in edgeways 😬. Yes I think we are definitely not up to the literary possibilities of the ups man. Have as good a night as poss see you soon :) xx

    Wave to keef, hope the ups man turned up and it was more like 'the postman always rings twice', and not the delivery man says he has rung twice and no-one was in but didn't leave a card and who knows if he actually tried to deliver at all.. 😉 that seems to be a thing with all couriers at one time or another as you've probably had before by the sound of it. No energy this evening so it's tea & bed & will make a proper visit sometime. Have a good night :)

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi everyone.

    Bad 24 hrs so haven’t been on.

    Got docs tomorrow at 9:30.

    Tigger is lovely Toni.

    UPS man turned up this morning and I unboxed amp. Very well packaged, seller is obviously dealer as had all proper amp packaging. All seems okay but haven’t tried it yet.

    will catch up with all the posts shortly.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I hope everyone 'down south' was safe after yesterday's storm and none of us have too much mess to clear up.

    Morning Joan poor poor Sue I imagine that means no twon for you two today. Lucy broke her ankle if you remember during lockdown that wasn't much fun for her. Hopefully Sue will heal as quickly. Go steady with that needle! Take very good care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    Sorry you had a rough 24 hours I suspected as much. Good job you have a appt with the Dr this morning I think it's time you asked to be referred to a consultant.

    Hoorah for the safe arrival of your Amp. I also value my items being well packaged and notice effort put it. In the case of something as delicate as an amp it is extra important I think.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi How are you today?

    how adorable is LA loving his Auntie Mima so much💜 I wonder whether the turbo charger will be any good for zapping away COVID germs? Worth a try surely🤔 Isn't he just adorable leaving you protective gifts. You can always tell him that the turbo charger helped while you were all ill.

    Great news your Mum is clear and if she is clear today she is free to go out. What a relief to hear her kidney bloods are due soon so she'll know that no damage was done to them by the virus.

    Also how is BIL and has he passed it one to everyone else yet🙄

    Oooops of course it was BR who has befriended 'the biter girl' (TBG). Obvious really given his sweet forgiving nature bless him.

    Keep resting soon you will also be COVID negative. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady who was also very tired yesterday.

    Sleek reckons it was 'posed tarmacic stress' Close, Sleek close.... Cats do seem to favour pink would you believe? No idea why but often if you give them toys they will choose pink.

    I cannot believe you were feather dusting your loft! I am so so so impressed 😮

    After the bad weather for the proper roof job yes very wise. It will not be fun scaffolding no oh Toady😣 Sleek will come every single day and said she'll bring Tigger too. Tigger got a clean bill of health and can 'undress' as of Sunday or whenever Lucy is there to supervise. Thanks for asking after her.

    I have another man coming to look at the bathroom again this afternoon. This one recommended by a neighbour so if his price is good he's got the job. His face looks nice on his WhatsApp pic with his wife and children too so that's good.

    walking with Kari on the chase today I hope there aren't extra trees down.

    Pink wafers are also vegan well certain makes for definite. I hope you have a better day today.

    Just realised that's a man this afternoon and another tomorrow morning 🙄 Make some room in that dog basket will you?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are alright after the bad weather. Love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) How are you after the bad weather. That’s good leaving the roof till the spring have you got a bucket ready. I saw a Daddy long legs in our passage the other day. He was by the front door. Have a good day enjoy your Bickie’s.

    Barbara (()) I hope you are all alright after the bad weather. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How are you getting on with your nasty tablet (()) that’s good Tigger passed her check up. have a good walk with Kari (()) take care. Sue’s leg is in plaster for 6 weeks. Yes I remember when Lucy broke her ankle (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) That’s good your Mum is now negative (()) let’s hope you won’t be many more days before you are negative as well (())

    Keef that’s good you have the Amp (()) i hope you don’t have to wait too long for your appointment (()) take care love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    I just wanted to write a few things while I remember them.

    I read a bit of your post to Toni, tiny builders, what a great idea! Like tiny Twixes maybe? Or tiny brother in laws?Two to be consumed daily, with plenty of water infused with stupidity lol, one after lunch from kangaroo, lunch must be extra rich and fatty, but preferably not batty, battiness is my domain or possibly yours 🦇 only joking

    In the Balzac reading a character is described as “fat Sylvie” which seems a bit blatant, i may have stolen your jammie dodgers and stuffed my face but I don’t do it daily and being referred to in international literature as “fat bosh” may be a bit too much of a slur, lol.

    I hope you enjoyed the virtual biccies by the way?

    oh yes Under Par Shipping - haha - as some call it, I definitely have a story there, but I’ll put a down payment on it for now.

    bye for now toady tc xx

    hi Toni

    how are you today?

    im not too bad thanks

    I tested negative

    mum tested positive but then she phoned the nurse who asked about her symptoms and said that the symptoms are her guide, not the home covid test, as test can pick up on dead covid cells, so things are going in right direction with her, thank G*d.👍👍

    LA told me “just one thing” before I went to sleep recently, but it turned out to be about 25 things lol, as he gave the MA in Canine Animation Studies guest lecture on Paw Patrol genealogy and pup name history - oh dear lol.

    Sis has covid too now, but I think it’s mild luckily.

    T charger zapping covid cells, it’s a good idea lol, maybe they can zap certain dads too? Well one at least lol.

    bye for now Toni and toady have a good morning tc xx

    👋 also to Keef and Joan xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi all. I saw a lovely lady nurse practitioner this morning. I emailed the surgery after my consultation to commend her.

    Basically I have a nasty ear infection times two which accounts for the extra tinnitus and muffled sounds. It was so bad she prescribed two lots of spray and told me not to mix them up left and right. I must admit i have not been using new ear plugs each time on bike so it’s my own fault.

    However i was extremely relieved when she told me it wasn’t the tramadol causing the hearing loss and that my ears were extremely red and infected. Also accounts for why I’ve been feeling so rough and hot and cold lately.

    i also got Sucré checked over by my normal doc as he has had a cold for two weeks. Dr. said it would be normal for him to have one cold after another until May 😳 as there are a lot of viruses about. 🦠

    I am just having a horizontal half hour before i do dinner. Bangers and mash tonight. I was coming up earlier but Sucré joined me and asked for paw patrol on my fone. I’m such a softy i just can’t say no. Loanda is hard as nails with him, rightly so, so guess who he always runs to. He does take the micky a bit though and even I sometimes have to be Mr Nasty Dad which really startles him. Daddy told me off 😳☹️!!!

    Hope we all okay. Negative yet Reshmi??

    still have yet to read back over what i missed.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi again toady

    On the subject of Under Par Shipping as it were lol,

    this may be another repeat of a bosh original, but I thought it was funny so I’m relating this true story again.

    When I worked for an unnamed college in admin, one of the lecturers gave me a delightful extra task of tracking a lost parcel delivery from the aforementioned, tracking meant nothing fancy and I.T. - related, not tracking a La rainforest style or anything like that, it meant phoning millions of design technicians etc and trying to figure out why someone would sign for a parcel and then hide it away or apparently forget about it, the mystery was solved eventually after about a month - no waste of my time there then!! Someone had indeed signed for something from the wrong department and just left it lying around in storage or whatever- how nice. Part of this anonymous college is quite famous, that’s all I’m saying, but the way it’s organised is a mess, so if anyone wants any spare mdf for bunker purposes or whatever - a note for Keef 👋- lol - I have a secret stash - infused with the intelligence of the Vulcans too it seems - this may or may not be true 😂.

    ok bye for now toady - leave a few virtual biccies for bill - the first lobster - infused tea bag user to suffer from a lethal blocked nose apparently 🤷‍♀️tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I could do with some Vulcan intelligence please Reshmi, I need to sway more towards logical and less towards emotional.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 3. Nov 2023, 19:39

    Hi all 😊 tea please -

    I am indeed still suffering from posed tarmacic stress 😂😂 oh brilliant Sleek, you must be too, in spades - and shovels - and now two lots of people 😱 the horror! I do hope bathroom man was as nice as his whatsapp pic 😄 facing up to the work being done is one thing but at least if you've made the choice of person it's one less grim task. Thank you yes I do hope offputting my roof work is not a terrible idea but we'll see, I have shored up my flood defences, if things get worse I'd have to recall him I suppose. Whisking down attic cobwebs with the (non-feather) feathery duster is not fun, at all, but I'm working on the theory that less cobwebs even if scary now means a less scary less attic to be in, so it's the lesser of two horridnesses 😬. I've ordered a few loft boards, for the not boarded very well end, it needs doing properly one day but obviously a not damp attic is key, I'm not putting down insulation to end up damp & mingy. I keep thinking of fantasy handy uses for the scaffolding while it's here 😄 I know it would be strictly forbidden but one can dream 🤔. I will budge up in the dog basket 👍️ you should be free to join me for elevenses biccies tomorrow🤞. Well done dear Tigger 😘 all the best for her 'release' glad it's going well. Hope your walk was ok. Nothing too windy here, heavy rain tomorrow a.m. so I did a few quick things outdoors, my cup & saucer vine has a bud 😀 will post pic. They don't like frost but in a mild winter can flower up to xmas apparently so will keep a close eye. Have a good weekend and a quiet Sunday I hope :) xx

    Hello joan, plaster off in time for xmas then 😬🎄hopefully, not the best present but then again I suppose it will seem like one to be without it. How long do you have to do the injections? I have got various inventions involving plastic and buckets and old blankets in the loft, yes 😄 whether they will work, unfortunately it's not a simple drip, more of a dribbly down the wall thing, harder to just put something under. Will check after tomorrow's downpour 🙄. Perhaps nasty weather will put people off too many fireworks, hope you & the dogs aren't disturbed🤞:) xx I meant to say those biscuit assortments like in the picture remind me so much of christmas & occasions etc, there were always some that got left more than others, do you remember the lemon puff, was never quite sure if I liked them or not. Can still get them I think 🤔

    Hi bosh, nice to see you are feeling fairly ok (super that you are testing neg), ie well enough to post fun stuff about twixes and Spock 😄, that's a good sign. Have you seen the twix ad with the bears? Yes I enjoyed my virtual biccie assortment thank you, I do love that dog picture 😍 so clever. Custard creams seem to be biccie du jour round here at the moment, I just chucked any old thing into my last al fresco shop I was under duress 😄 not my most carefully constructed shop but I did end up with lots of very nice tomatoes so it's been tomatoes with everything this week. I haven't had any rich batty lunches 🦇🥘 haha, not even any bat-tenburg cake, which I used to be rather fond of, but is often not vegetarian friendly 😕. Anyway I have digressed, onto cake, like digress tarts, no that's congress, oh well 😉. Fat sylvie in Balzac 😬 eek, well one of many non pc literary allusions I'm sure, Boule de Suif for another example, well the only example I can think of. Then again Rubenesque figures were not a negative thing anyway were they, so perhaps less insulting than it sounds. That is a v good ups story (have I heard it before? maybe), and I love that acronym 😄 I'd like to say you surprise and shock me that a well known college is run in the way you describe but one's illusions about all manner of things are not what they used to be, so I can believe you all too well! Fancy giving you that job though, no doubt having shuffled it around looking for someone to fob it off on 🙄 and oh so annoying that someone didn't try and track down where it should have gone to, people are so lazy/sloppy/lackadaisical. Grr. Have a good weekend if poss and hope not too many fireworks round your way (worse even than unauthorized laughing!) Sorry sis has a mild case too, should have said that sooner, hope all family will soon be free of it. Take care :) xx

    Hi keef, sorry to hear you have nasty ear infections but hurrah that it is not the tramadol causing problems! Hope the left & right drops work quickly and look forward to hearing that you are noticing the difference! Don't like the sound of wall to wall colds until May 😣 stupid germs, really, who do they think they are 🙄 hope it's not quite that bad. Glad the well-packed amp is here 👍️ good luck with it. have a good night :) x

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Keef

    Sorry for your ear infections, glad you’re getting it treated though.

    That’s a shame for Sucre - that there’s so many viruses about.

    I have tested negative thanks

    Mum has tested positive however, but the nurse said that the home Covid tests often pick up on dead cells so they are not always accurate and said that from the sound of her symptoms she does no longer has Covid.

    I hope you have a nice night, bye and tc. x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 4. Nov 2023, 06:32

    Morning everyone


    Morning Joan hope Sue is coping ok with the plaster and you jabbing her. The pharmacist said to go ahead and take the nasty tablets in a glass of squash so l am using ginger squash as it has a strong taste. The tablet does work well so I am pleased with it.

    Lucy had a seizure just after I posted yesterday morning so it was clothes on and straight over to the flat. She had cut her eyelid in two places on the bedside cabinet and blood was pouring down her face. I rang 111 to see which A&E was open gosh they are a waste of time! I gave up in the end and googled it. Went to our local downgraded hospital A&E opened at 8am so we were first in. She needed 2 small steri strips to hold the cuts together and has a lovely black eye.

    Back to nursing duties for you and me! Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    I am so very pleased to read that your tinnitus/hearing loss was nothing to do with your much-needed pain killers! So now you can take them as needed to relieve your arthritis pains. Good.😊

    To be fair when my kids were Sucré's age it was very often cold after cold after cold as they built up their immune systems. Poor little lad though by the time he starts school it should be way better.

    As you can see above in my post to Joan I had my own share of medical intervention yesterday too. What a day eh? On the upside Lucy and I both had a fabulous vegan sausage roll from the hospital shop on our way out to pay for our parking. Paul also treated us both to a curry from our favourite curry house which was lovely.

    Loanda is quite right to be firm with your boy she can't afford to be too soft unlike Daddy😉 Bless him they do push you at his age don't they? Never mind you can be firm when needed I'm sure and the shock factor probably really works.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Negative? Wow that's interesting you have done incredibly well. In fact you all have. Reassuring to hear how the tests can show a sort of 'false' positive even after you have recovered though. Good to know.

    Aww LA does love his Auntie Goddess Mima! Just one more thing eh? That sounded like quite a lot I hope you have understood it all and committed it to memory? I mean Paw Patrol genealogy is essential knowledge for Aunties of small boys.

    I am sorry to hear your sister has COVID again hopefully it will be mild as she's had it before hasn't she?

    You can see from my post to Joan that i spent the morning yesterday at A&E, but all seems well now.

    Take care of yourself and if you want to get back to walking start of gently I was washed out when I had the virus for a good few weeks.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Ps love the pusskin looking at the 'moon'😊

    Morning Toady

    Well if you read my post to Joan you'll see I had an unexpectedly busy day yesterday with poor old Lucy in a proper pickle. I do a have a photograph, but am not posting in case it 'triggers' anyone. So no walk with Kari just a lot of sitting around at A&E.

    The plumber was a no show. The Builder won't be so that is this morning at 9. Now I have my doubts about said plumber, but hopefully I am wrong to worry; things do happen.

    Shoring up the roof from the inside for now should hopefully be enough for this winter if not you'll have to ring the roofer. Absolutely a 'not feather' duster is the way to go. I have found a lady who sells genuine 'shed' feathers from her own two white ducks which l am using for my Christmas baubles this year. The ones we are making and selling at the advent market in Church.

    I am so impressed with our Bosh's recovery from COVID she is incredible isn't she?

    Once the roof is done next year you can insulate the loft and put boards down that will be much warmer for you.

    Hoping for a good and quiet weekend here and for you too. See you anytime for a biccie and cuppa.

    Sleek will be over later she is with Lucy ATM and keeping an eye on Tigger too.

    Take care

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all.

    Battling Migraine City again this morning with some aggressive neck stretching, I am obviously winning or I wouldn’t be typing.

    Hope Lucy is okay Toni. Dwindling times with NHS and Police. I live in a town where there was a Police Station AND a traffic office with a big shiny traffic car and a motorcycle. I know because I was one of the four Traffic Officers. Now the Police Station is apartments. Anyway like I say, wishing a speedy recovery. Black eyes can take a while. Should foto each day to keep a record lol.


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    Hi Toni - very sorry to hear about L.

    wppl xx

    ps pic of church in Leipzig Germany xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Wheelchair is back in bunker again 🙄

    went to use it to go to docs, took cover off and it was soaking with condensation. So had to go on bike. Even I am not stupid enough to sit on a soaking wet electrical device and turned it on lol.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day take care.

    Toady (()) You have everything ready for your roof when needed. Sue has to have the injection’s for 6 weeks she cannot go out in the rain the plaster would dissolve and go back to a bandage. The hospital can give you a plastic bag to put your leg in but it would be difficult for sue to do. Have a good weekend take care.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m so sorry Lucy had a seizure it’s a worry for her (()) you you don’t know when they are going to happen. I know some people say a smell does it. That’s good the nasty tablet is helping you. Have a good weekend and take care. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m pleased you and your mum are feeling better. Have a good weekend and take care.

    Keef (()) yes you sit in your wheelchair you would feel a few electric shocks. I don’t think that would help your Arthritis a bit. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()). Have a good weekend.

    Julie have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    How are you both today?

    thanks about mum 👍

    Mum and I we are not too bad today thanks, mum is resting at the moment, I’m tired but definitely feeling better than a few days ago 🙏

    I hope you both have a nice afternoon tc xx

    hi Toni

    how are you this afternoon?

    poor Lucy that must have been shocking and traumatic for you both, hanging out in A and E - I know that one 😔- I’m really glad she’s better now though

    mum and I are not too bad thanks, she has tested positive again but that’s still not accurate it seems, she has blood test for kidney in 4 days

    dad went to al fresco and got tired and weak - no one told him to do that 🤷‍♀️

    LA wrote a card for bill saying, “geg well soon Daddy”, great effort - but geg? Does geg mutate into gegg- also known as “Gregg’s” ( vegan sausage roll)? He may be dropping hints, good job he’s too young for a credit card lol.

    ok I’ll go for now bye Toni tc xx

    hi toady - how are you? Maupassant- I didn’t know that, very interesting

    I’ll write again later

    just need to have some paracetamol

    hi Keef

    bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps don’t blame me for the pic - it’s LA and Toni collaborating in my mind lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi again toady

    how are you this afternoon / evening?

    yes i understand about bad organisation etc, but there should be some limits to it, I remember someone shouting at me because he’d misread the catalogue or something similar, he said, “ why is the paint arriving in 49 days?” I replied that it was 4 - 9 days and I went on to explain what that meant in even simpler terms, politely of course, though in my head I was shouting louder than BB lol. Yes, I know the college- shouter was an artist, but 49 days?? Did he have no idea how businesses worked? Or just some common sense really ? Extremely odd, my supervisor said he was also acting in an unpleasant manner as he’d just suffered a bereavement and acted like I should have known that, of course that was a very sad situation for him, but I was just a humble administrator- I couldn’t read minds to be honest lol. This supervisor- type lady wasn’t a bad person but a bit of a jobsworth, every single official and informal rule had to be obeyed to the letter, anyone one minute late from lunch was reported, also she made certain, “ external academic visit procedures” etc were much more complicated than necessary, with such minimal reliance on computers that even Maupassant would have been somewhat perturbed, lol, my opinion is she did this so that she could be in ultimate and complete control of the situation, however I found out near to the time I left that workplace that she was having a relationship with “quite a senior person”, that’s the most diplomatic way I can find of putting it, some people (including myself of course) knew about it but we were so terrified of her that we pretended we didn’t haha, oh dear one rule book for the blessed jobsworths it seems, and quite another for the jammie dodger - orderers and thieves of the aforementioned stomach - unfriendly sweet baked tempted foodstuffs that we consume in the freezing cold Val’s Cafe wearing Toni’s resplendent home - knitted ear muffs.

    My goodness I have waffled on, fireworks, we’ve had a few, very much unauthorised you’re right there lol, how about you?

    ok bye for now toady tc xx

    ps this is a pic of you, with hair miraculously tamed!! What’s in those vegan sausage rolls / custard creams anyway? Miraculous properties it seems, can they prevent unauthorised verbal sniping I wonder? Let me know 😂

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 4. Nov 2023, 19:06

    Hi all 👋 ugh, what a dispiriting sort of day. Cold dark and damp, didn't get much sleep, the fireworks weren't too bad but topped off by some idiot's car alarm running 5 minutes solid round 11pm, followed by a bizarre on/off beeping from something else in the house, no idea what. Too tired to get up & hunt. Not doing it all day needless to say 🤔. Oh and one of my (less than tactful) relative's regular postcards on the mat, just to say how far they've walked on this break and that it is a nice relaxing place 🤷‍♀️ cheers you up no end don't it. Ok not that I begrudge them that, but I personally wouldn't harp about walking and relaxation (what is that? 🤔) to someone in my shoes, every single time - couldn't you use a whit of imagination and tell me about something else.

    Frog so sorry about Lucy 😧 blimey what sort of a week is this for VC. Dash to vets on a weekend, dash to A&E on a weekend, omg, surely you're due a spell with no frights 😣 I hope Lucy is ok since, it sounded as though no ill effects other than the obvious but cuts and a black eye are nasty enough! I should be making the tea today, that's for sure ☕️ all I've had is some lost sleep and the general irritations of life, small beer in comparison. In fact have a small beer if preferred, or something, for a restorative. I haven't done much today intend to write it off and have a better night hopefully; dry for the next few days & a bit brighter, that should sort me out. Pic below of the cup & saucer vine bud, do hope it comes to flower 🌺🤞. Sorry you missed your walk, and about the plumber too 😬 yes I hope it doesn't dent your confidence that would be such a shame, perhaps it has all transpired since about what kept him. Not the covid I hope!! Yes bosh has done amazingly, I really am full of admiration, me being one of those people who go to pieces under pressure, I don't know how she's managed so well with everything. I take 5 of my assorted hats off to her 👨‍🏭👩‍🌾👩‍🚒🧙‍♂️👨‍🎓. How lovely about the ducks and feathers, hope you'll keep a decoration or two for yourself. Oh, the fireworks are off again, how nice 🙄. Have a quiet Sunday yourself I hope. Love to Sleek and keep up the good work Tigger. More tea? 😊 xx

    Hello joan, ooh a bit grim out there today but I suppose nothing to what some have had. I can see covering Sue's plaster would be fiddly 🤔 but yes has to be kept dry of course. Hope she's managing with it, and you, with everything and the injections. Doggies well too I hope. Very loud bangs from fireworks as I type, people's poor pets, not to mention the poor birdies, who no-one gives a thought to 😠. Yes I'll be happier with a better boarded over section in the loft that end is not the best end, one shop wanted £20 to deliver a couple of packs of 4 foot long boards, their charge for heavy & bulky things that might need 2 men 🤨🙄 no other store seemed to think so! Have as good a Sunday as possible love to both 😘.

    Hi bosh, I won't embarrass you by repeating how I've been singing your praises to Toni (but you are a bit of a 'ledge' as they say 😉). That's good you are feeling better than you were, mum too, and dad probably if he hadn't exerted himself 🤨. Hope your mum goes back to testing neg, would it be a requirement before she has the bloods? Fingers crossed. No other news from me, hope bill (and sis) do indeed geg well soon 👍️ and have a good night yourself :) I love the moongazing kitty too, all that perspective is so clever of those rooftops, and the lovely colours 🌘 😊xx

    'Lo keef 👋 yikes a damp sparky wheelchair, best not 😬 annoying for you to have it insinuating itself back into the bunker though. Hope migraine got bored & went away as the day went on. Same old story round here (re police station), had a station a fire station the library and one of the gp's all in one handy little area a few years ago - all either gone or moved to most inconvenient end of things. Bad times 😕. Hope family well apart from the sniffles, have a good Sunday :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Oh, missed you again bosh, soz 👋 no that wasn't just me acting in a high-handed supervisor type person way trying to do my own post first because of some complicated sequence of my own invention haha. Oh dear yes what a person to work with. I once worked at a very small place and mostly with just one other person who barely had anything to say to me 🤷‍♀️ but I was left to my own unregulated devices so on reflection I think that was preferable! especially than clock-watching and rules. Work 'intrigues' as well, eh 🤨 gosh if walls could talk etc at all the workplaces across the land. 4-9 days is a good one though 😄 but not if you are being shouted at because of it. Fireworks, well you may have seen me give my local report, still rumbling & fizzling on out there, nothing too loud at the moment thankfully. Will they carry on tomorrow, the actual day for it 🤔 presumably yes. Earphones and Doctor Who audiobook for me in a min. Ooh, look at my lovely hair 😍 I wish, especially after spending half my time in the loft, I didn't ever anticipate I was going to live up there practically, perhaps I should take some mod cons up there lol. 'Night again 😴 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady, yes thank you. Less sniffles all round today.

    Hi all,

    We went to see the fireworks from a free vantage spot this evening. Too loud for me up close. Was a very good display, even though I hate fireworks can’t deprive Sucré from seeing them.

    i had a melt down when home. Just TOO MUCH HASSLE getting all the outside clothes and shoes off and putting chair away etc etc just causing me too much pain. Going out is just too much for me. I hate the pain and hassle involved and would far rather just stay in and play guitar and have a nice cuppa. I really went into one.

    calmed down now listening to sounds of the 80s on R2 with Sucré laying on my bed having just got his spooky pj’s on. Except he won’t lay still and go to sleep as he keeps dancing to the music and having a giggle.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good night everyone tc xx