Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Joan

    How are you this bank holiday?
    yes my headache has fully gone now thanks

    I think I just got too cold yesterday in the kitchen- type area

    Have a nice day Joan tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi C

    Glad you are having a nice day

    The builders haven’t started painting yet

    But they put a chemical coating on the walls or something like that and it gave me a bad headache

    But at the moment I’m ok thanks and so is mum

    We’re going out to eat for our evening meal today

    I always forget who says supper and who says dinner so I said “evening meal “ lol

    Have a nice BH afternoon tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi SK

    How is your head feeling today?

    Is Loanda still feeling stressed?

    I hope you and your family are all having a nice bank holiday

    Bye for now tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi young- at - heart toady

    How are you this BH?
    im not too bad thanks, same with mum👍

    We are going out for supper or dinner or whatever people call it lol

    Sort of nice pub food style meal 👍

    I’m feeling better now thanks

    No headache

    BR held on to the table edge to facilitate his shouting lol

    He said he went to the party because even though he doesn’t like K the birthday boy, he likes cake haha

    Which reminds me I may need to buy a safe for the cake just in case the no neck monster comes to visit lol, does that phrase ring a bell with you by any chance? Tennessee Williams?

    Mind you he’s no really a no necked individual lol, he’s a very slender young cake - eater, at this age anyway

    Ok I’ll go for now, but if I were to place a retainer on your biccie - cupboard aka spare room, would payment in cake be acceptable currency please?

    Take care toady have a good afternoon xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    good night toady

    My stomach feels like I’ve eaten a lead weight 😱

    Even though I didn’t touch any chocolate today

    I did share a dessert though

    So I’m hitting the squash as it were lol, but not in an aggressive or violent manner naturally

    If that doesn’t work I’ll have to inhabit your antacids’ cupboard sorry I’m a bit behind with the rent

    Have a good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    'night all 👋 far too late and silly for me to post properly so will resume ops tomorrow when I've taken a hold of myself 🤪 no drama no problems just started late and let the day get away from me. Lots of interesting chat for me to catch up with too 👍️ someone wake me up at a sensible hour with a cup of tea tomorrow thank you, don't want another late start, shout at me while holding on to the cafe table if necessary 😂😂.

    Sorry to default, love to everyone 😘 xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 7. May 2024, 05:08

    Morning Joan of course I am going to think about you and the dogs this week will be especially difficult. I am glad they are enjoying the neighbour visiting with treats😊 Peanut was ok yesterday and my friend is bringing them both over today so I'll be able to see for myself. The weather was spot of for the clear up yesterday we got a lot done and lots of people turned up which was lovely. It rained only when it was all over. At least the kitchen is being done finally - I still think Sue has organised it from up there😊Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? Has the headache has stayed away l hope so and that your Mum is ok too.

    I bet it was a relief being able to eat out no struggling with washing up/cooking with the kitchen like that. I hope you were able to eat nice stomach friendly cheese unlike the person in that picture. Ouch they have my sympathy😣

    Loved the poem! It was just spot on. I can picture LA there holding onto the table to help him shout louder😁 Of course tables are excellent for support when your lungs need extra power - every one knows that🤭

    Loved the pic of the small boy face-planting in cake. Aren't they cute at that age? Mind I wouldn't fancy being his mummy and having to clean him up🙄

    It's Tuesday but feels like Monday so all very odd this week.

    Take care and have a good day. ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown

    So for now it's anybody's game then? I shall hold the egg-cup until we have a clear winner in the (read in loud man's echoey voice please) 'War of the Potatoes'.

    Oh dear I think even 5 minutes was too much on the bike? Check the height seat to handlebars ratio I have my handlebars higher than average it helps my back.

    I love Bessie she is such a big help pottering about all day sleeping for half an hour here and there. We could not manage without her that's for sure.

    You've been shopping again? Good for you as long as you enjoyed yourself that's what matters. I have trailing begonias for my baskets cheating really as they don't need deadheading😉

    have a good day!

    Morning Skinny Keef

    I love all those flowers Loanda is a woman after my own (and I suspect Toady's and Charlestown's) heart! Cottage garden flowers all over the place so pretty.

    I hope you are all ok?


    Morning Toady I hope your late posting meant you were in the garden until the rain yesterday afternoon.

    I was too then came in and had a shower (no sp****s to be seen phew) got my jimmies on and remembered to take this pic for you:

    Ma coos at sunset☺️Great view a can see from the wandoo but had ta go oot in ma dressing goon!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) i hope you have a better night tonight. How about a tea’s made by the side of the bed I don’t know if they still sell them. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) the day before sue went in hospital I hade like a voice in my head I don’t know if I was thinking it but I heard it say something going to happen. I keep remembering her talking to me Tuesday night saying I ve been screaming because of the pain. I’m just pleased she’s not in pain anymore. Sorry to say to you but it helps saying things.
    That’s good peanut is feeling better. How about the other little Yorkie is he 3 years old. It’s nice to have the sun people always seem happier. I send a text to Barbara every day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope you’re mum has a lovely time tonight (()) I hope it doesn’t upset your tummy.

    Skinny Keef (()) thank you for the photo. Are you and sucr’e feeling better. Love to Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) yes the neighbours comes every morning then he goes up the shop he always asks if I want anything I always say no. I hope you have a good day. I remember making holes in a tub with a skew driver.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314
    edited 7. May 2024, 12:51

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mums bs is ok thanks but she’s in a terrible mood

    I had to delay my walk so when I went out it was hot and nasty

    Stomach is better 👍

    Also almost forgot to mention the builders have vanished! Ookey 😱

    Emergency ablutions-time

    More later bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 7. May 2024, 14:20

    Afternoon all 👋 bit more with it today, at least woke up at a sensible time, thank you for the shout 😄☕️

    Out in your jammies & dressing gown to take a pic frog, well that is going the extra mile, or the extra half the garden anyway, much appreciated 🤭. They are lovely 😊 and no mistaking they are there, for you, even if when you can't see them, with muckspreading going on 😬 definitely the full countryside 'atmosphere'. Just occasionally get a touch here but that's very dilute I imagine comparatively. Yes 'we' have a lot to answer for and I really do hope it all comes back on us when it's the animals' turn, unfortunately being the hateful apex predators we are, not sure what can get the upper hand maybe the 'were-rabbits' 🤔. Is there much more village-ing going on you mentioned? or was that a one-day clear-up. I was reading about somewhere-or-other in bloom where they were being obliged to do a H&S thing before putting their hanging baskets on lampposts, not happy 😬. Also reading this morning that they are still without water in places in Sussex, heaven forfend 😱. Afraid I was not in the garden as much as I should have been yesterday, no 😳 and no rain either, but I did do a little. Was hoping to get out later for a walk maybe into town for change, but have HAH coming somewhere between 5 and 7, bit of an obstacle 😣 hoping they'll be early. Just nicely overcast out there & no wind. Still haven't caught up with GW, Catriona was the lady who used to tidy things and clean her brickwork and doesn't now 👍️ look forward to the rest. Although Monty planting out his sweet peas was a bit crushing 😣😄. One day. Have a good afternoon, all the best to your friend & Peanut 🤞:) x btw I loved "I'll see you outside with a cuppa and a cat in an hour or so", and especially that cat, what a lamb. Maybe a naughty lamb hard to tell from that expression, but lovely anyway 😊.

    Hello Joan, I do have an upstairs kettle 👍️ you can probably get teasmade's or similar but I don't mind making it myself, or if I'm up early for the milk delivery or something I'll just make it downstairs. I'm not particularly quick at the parcels or at anything 🤭 do you remember the Mrs Pepperpot stories, I always say life's like that with arthritis & tiredness, nothing is like when you are the 'proper size'. But at least I've got organized over the years and have my methods. Have a good afternoon, overcast here but that's better for outdoors. xx

    Hi bosh, I do love the holding onto the table story (and poem), I am trying to think of any occasion suitable I could try it out but I don't think there is one sadly 😂 I can do British laughing though, I ended up with a slightly posh accent through no fault of my own, don't know how, my parents had regional accents 🤷‍♀️. Hope things are going ok so far with you today and work is progressing (edit: actually not progressing but vanishing, I see! 🧐). Also hope the supper/dinner/evening repast went down ok 👍️. I was actually in the antacids cupboard myself in the night, don't know what the culprit was 🙄 didn't see you there so hope that was a good sign. I did however manage to avoid the hitching hour 😱😄 all I had in the post was a letter to say the interest rate is going down on an account, an invitation to covid jab, and some vitamins, so postie isn't trying very hard to be honest 🙄😄. I think it's awful that you have eau de dog to contend with to that extent, sounds like there are 3 dogs to every person but more to the point, 4 people not picking up after themselves for every 3 dogs, that's inexcusable 😠. Don't suppose your local posties are very happy either. Have a good afternoon I might try and get to al fresco later & stock up the biccie cupboard but don't worry there is still room for a sitting tenant if required 😉. Hope I haven't missed anything, sorry if so. Btw the no-neck reference only rung a faint bell so I needed the TW clue; I was looking at t shirts yesterday with 'Drink Tea Read Books Be Happy', apparently I only excel at one of those 😂 xx

    Love to SK & family; those beautiful aquilegias gosh, I can't grow them, v envious 😍. I love all her own touches too ofc especially the small gargoyles (frog-goyles? in previous pic). Hope things are going as well as poss with you 🤞xx

    Hi @Charlestown I'd lost track of who's ahead in the taters war tbh but yes I have 2 tubs sprouting now one to go. Still the proof of the potato is in the eating there's a way to go yet 🤭. Nice stuff you bought, sugar snap peas etc, yes get potting 😄. That was the problem with the nice bin I bought for the garden, it was too nice in the end couldn't bring myself to make holes in it 😂 it was a 'seconds' I was hoping for a few scratches etc, so I wouldn't mind drilling it, that's the way my mind works. Are yours metal or plastic? I buy seaweed food for tomatoes but it's suitable for a lot of things like the agapanthus and sweet peas too apparently, just seems like a nice unchemical type of thing to buy saves researching things. Someone makes their own I buy it off nosegay. The houses aren't being built on that land (yet 🙄) but where I was standing the new houses are behind me, that was greenbelt before, downgraded, don't know how they get away with it. People don't kick up a fuss either and I'm not exactly fit for chaining myself to trees 😕. Good luck with another go of the bike, I'm glad you are trialling it for us 😄 xx

    have a good afternoon all 😘 xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314
    edited 7. May 2024, 16:03

    hi Toni

    I forgot to mention that really made me laugh when you said a religious pledge would involve sharing cake with builders and neighbours, neighbours of course I get that reference but I’ve a yet to read any religious literature about sharing cakes with builders 😂

    My worry is that they work so hard - when they condescend to be here that it is, that that the cake will last all of 5 seconds with nothing left over for me or VC catty bag purposes - oh dear

    We finally heard from the builders, mum thinks they made some excuse so they can work 2 jobs simultaneously and they will apparently be turning up tomorrow 🤷‍♀️

    Thanks about the poem

    LA sat down on purpose in another muddy puddle, in PP style, poor sis she probably has to buy him a new coat daily - ookey 😱

    Ok bye for now Toni tc xx


    Glad you’re on no more than friendly terms with the postman

    The meal was nice thanks fish and chips, sponge pudding that kind of thing

    And my stomach is ok now 👍

    Sorry you had some stomach issues yourself

    Yes ratio sounds about right, I agree people don’t pick up dog mess as much as they should

    LA has learned how to spell “explode”

    Let’s hope he’s not learning explosion creation techniques with Lorenzo, if he’s learning a risotto recipe that’s fine, it might heavy for our stomachs though

    Ok bye for now toady tc xx

    Ps ELTB related pic xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi C

    Sometimes it’s good to catch up on your rest / sleep 👍

    The meal was nice thanks I had fish and chips and sponge pudding but the main course was enormous and then my stomach felt really full and bloated but I’m ok now thanks 🙏

    My mum is ok too but you’re right a massive chaos in this house right now

    Have a good night tc xx

    Ps baby elephant pic as my nephew’s friend is a little girl who I refer to as an “elephant expert” lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    The meal was nice thanks my stomach did suffer a bit

    But I’m ok now 👍

    Mum enjoyed it too 🙏

    Have a nice night tc xx

    Its getting late now for me so I’ll say

    👋good night SK as I don’t remember seeing a message from you but I may well be wrong lol

    Good night everyone tc xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 7. May 2024, 21:35
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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    anyone for a midnight brew?

    Things seem to be going downhill here. Sucré was sick all over me and my bike jeans yesterday afternoon at nifnan’s. Poor little guy, had no warning at all. I suspect he got too hot yesterday before I got there, coupled with a rubbish sugary fast food type fruit drink we never let him have. He was quite poorly and sick several times more, the cough he has seems to be leading to being sick.
    I had to borrow some trackie bottoms to wear whilst we washed my jeans which is an ordeal as all the body armour has to come out and then in all the confusion I lost my bike key, yes it was in the washing machine, not to forget before all this my bike blew its headlamp when I left mum’s earlier so I had to swing by home to collect spare en route to Niff’s and change it once there. (My old Beemer started to do exactly the same on a regular basis, pop the bulb on start up, I hope this one isn’t headed down the same route.) Then it was off to the 24 hr laundry on a nearby garage forecourt to tumble dry said jeans so I could wear them home. All this whilst my pain levels were elevated and I was really grumpy, although not with Sucré. He just needed lots of hugs between bouts of being pukey. Jeans needed a wash anyhow. And everywhere I went yesterday the traffic was a NIGHTMARE! I have never done so much filtering through traffic around here before, plus about six sets of temporary traffic lights.
    now I can’t sleep due to pain and I maxed out my pills before bed so i a bit stuck.

    Thanks for the likes on the flower pic. Better to post a pic than lots of D&G, although this time I just needed a rant. 😡

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan how are you feeling today. I expect things are all spinning round in your head at the moment. Please don't ever think you can't say anything to me I understand of course I do. Poor poor Sue I wish things have been different, but as you said at least she is not in pain now. She was, but she is resting now your dear dear sister 😓((())) on a brighter note my friend brought the dogs over and Peanut is 'ok' not 100% but on the mend I think. Pippa is as fine as ever bless her playing fetch. Take care Joan much love keep talking to Barbara she's lovely ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown

    Thank you we are rural yes but only 5 miles each way to decent sized towns so quite perfect! Our 'garden' is the best I've ever had because it has that bit of green-belt in the boundary so it can never be built on.

    I shall wait until next door remove their trampoline and put one up myself in front of their kitchen window😂

    Not to worry about the typing I do it all the time! I can work it out.

    Aqua-swim again for you I am so pleased you just look after yourself though won't you? I was aching after cleaning the car, but I didn't wax it or anything used the car jet wash which is quite gentle and plenty of car soap.

    Take care ((())

    Morning Skinny Keef

    Oh dear poor little Sucré (and poor your jeans) sounds like the little lad was sickening for something with his coughing and nannie's treats didn't help! Just don't catch it yourself if you can help it.

    Good job you are Skinny K or you wouldn't fit in those tracky bottoms!

    What a day! looking for a dryer and weaving through traffic. We are the same here for roadworks in fact the main road into town is closing for a YEAR soon and our own lane here will be trouble for 50 weeks (at the same time) while they build 8 new social houses.

    Rant away what are friends for? I loved the flower pic it was just so pretty just what i love. certainly made me smile.

    I hope you got through the night and you are feeling better. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Your Mum too?

    Love all the Elly pics they are adorable ETLB would love them I'm sure. I know LA would ahve to pretend not to like her now he's at that age, but he did love her didn't he?

    Yes the builders will be doing 2 jobs and dodging between that's what they often get up to. So annoying when you just want your own job done and finished. Love thy neighbour and builders (who become like neighbours when they are at your house I think maybe?) - give them cake so they keep prioritising your kitchen!!!!

    LA😣 not another coat!! Your poor sister!

    Group today I bet you'll be glad to escape the mayhem.

    Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    The coos were nearly in my garden yesterday! They were a-climbing to reach the fruit trees which are not yet in fruit! Cheeky things. I still love them though even though I know I can't save them all. I doubt the poor things will ever get the upper hand, paw or hoof…..

    Clear up first Wednesday of the month here anyway and nope we do not H&S anything we just get on with it🤭

    Catriona was like P she used to let things do their own thing too. Her garden was lush and green all year round. Sarah Raven is on later in that episode - she is also a super sustainable gardener. Interesting use of seeds wait till you see it.

    I will see you outside today yes? Sleek was at yours yesterday because my friend brought the yorkies over (Peanut is definitely on the mend) and she was fuming I expect? Today she might spend some time with me I hope after yours.

    Well maybe!

    Did I tell you Tia and Mikey had shut one of their cats in a back bedroom by mistake? Yup she was calling me when I got there to feed her. Ooops! I will tell them when they get back from their hols. Sleek told me where to look for her apparently she had sent her a catsapp may day message….😣

    Have a good day!

    toast anyone?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) You can only do your parcels the speed you can has long as they are done that’s all that matters. There is a lot of advert’s on tv asking for money. I heard the weather yesterday it’s going to be warm for the weekend. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) Thank you. How old is pippa are they sisters. We have fields by us that are green belt. It must be lovely living in a village everyone knows every one. how many houses are there. Or are they all bungalows. That was good you rescued little puss at Tia’s house. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that was good you and your mum (()) enjoyed the meal. Have a good day

    Skinny Keef (()) I’m sorry all your problems you had a lot to cope with all at once. Sorry Sucr’e was sick I hope he’s feeling better now (()). Love to Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) you’ve done well. Have a good day yes the dogs like our neighbour it’s is titbits really I think.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Toni

    How are you?
    mum and I are ok thanks

    I went to group It was good tired now

    Bye for now tc

    Ps the apples mutated lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 8. May 2024, 17:42

    Afternoon all ☕

    Thank you for the lovely toast frog, just the ticket a nice sunny start 😊. Feeling a little gloomy today as I didn't enjoy my walk at all yesterday, it was a bit long probably 😳, but you have to go that far to get anywhere otherwise it's just the end of your own street & back. Itching to get out of my four walls half the time so it's disappointing when it's no fun 😕 going out & shopping &c has a fixed meaning for me, a lot of that is about how it used to be, but that's not something you can step back into 🙄 the area has changed too much & so have I. Not nice to have that feeling of being a ghost in your own old life 😱 👻. Back to short walks to the cows for me I think, build my walking up, rather than one too-long one; with more stamina hopefully I'd feel a bit more like myself🤞🤞. It was gardening stuff in 'piddle' again but I resisted. Did get some beans in today and potted some salvia, but I need April back 😣. Sleek assisted I did ask nicely and there were tea & bics at the end of it 😊. Yes she was very unimpressed about even more dogs at yours.. muttered something about 'Piccadilly Circus' I think..😾. Thank goodness for catsapp! poor kitty. Glad Peanut is doing as well as can be. Hope your day has been ok so far. No H&S for you then, long may you get away with overreaching on rickety ladders and they won't 'come for you' too. Your cows heard me apparently and have their eye on your bungalow 😬 well maybe David Attenborough (Happy Birthday Sir David) still has a trick up his sleeve to help the animals overthrow u, let's hope. Look forward to Sarah R on GW when I get there 👍️ love to all :) xx

    I don't watch much tv now Joan and I don't really miss it much, I will watch some things back on repeat on the laptop, or some old comedies on the main set when they're on. Yes I don't miss many posting deadlines 👍️. It would surprise your neighbour one day if you said he could get you something at the shops (or is it a running joke between you). We're all thinking of you very much for tomorrow 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, not so young at heart today more like existential crises day 😬 had a glum sort of walk yesterday, couldn't even get very interested in L*dl, and when a man is tired of L*dl he is tired of life as I believe the saying goes 😉. I also dreamed that Paul Merton was unfortunate enough to step in some dog's 'leavings' so that's what you get for dwelling on that sort of topic 😱😂. Hope you get your builders back on track at least you said they are quick when they are there and it's better than some of mine who swanned off to better jobs altogether and never even started 🙄. I was saying to Toni it's David Attenborough's birthday, I do hope certain littleys have not managed an invite to any proceedings 🎂 😬. Talking of sweet courses yes sponge pudding not the lightest is it, glad it behaved itself as far as possible. Have a good evening 👋 :) xx

    Poor Sucre and you too SK, a malfunctioning kid and a malfunctioning headlamp on the same day, v unfair. Hope he's feeling better now 🤞 D&G and garden pics it's what we're all here for 👍️ hope you did get some sleep. xx

    Hi Charlestown, you got a lot done in the garden 😀 have been out today but only pottering, it is too hot in the sun now, never a happy medium is there. Sorry about your climbers 😔 did the wet do for them or the cold. You were saying about the housing, I made the mistake of looking at some of the other plans for the area and felt really angry reading the 'justification for (whatever it is)' bits because basically reading between the lines all it means is 'the justification is we've found a square yard or two we can get our hands on' and yes money is always in the equation somewhere 😠. There are genuinely so many better planning options here but wheels within wheels as they say. It's not a matter of saying no houses but the greenbelt should always have been properly protected. Grr. Hope your day is going ok :) xx

    Off for a pot of tea and a subcutaneous procedure, can I interest anyone? No? Just the tea then 😂

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi C

    How are you today?

    How are your pains?

    I wasn’t implying that you’re lazy

    I just meant that sometimes with the arthritis we get really exhausted and feel better after resting

    Sorry I haven’t read back properly

    Busy day with builders and the group

    Have a good evening tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    thanks about the meal

    It was very nice

    We had fish

    Do you like eating fish?

    Have a nice evening tc xx