Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407

    Hi all 👋 better day than yesterday, it sort of nosedived after the morning for some reason, the tiredness 'got me' - being up briefly in the night for milk delivery or whatever doesn't usually, but just one of those things.

    All deliveries fine thanks frog 👍️ but the moment HAH went & I was going in the garden there were more comings & goings next door yet another unidentified set of people so that put me off, as they were muttering & on mobiles just the other side of fence. Did a bit today instead though, glad you had a burst of Bayleaf 😄👨‍🌾, it was rather nice in the sun 😊. Anything interesting to see? 🌱🐛🌼. Yes some loft poking-about for me too, dusting in one of the darker corners 😱 then I can move on to another bit of tidying. Sleek was a huge help with the shopping, she did indeed remind me to put back stuff I totally forgot, as well as making some interesting suggestions of her own 😂. She is very sorry for poor mummy, hope you are over the worst soon now 😘 nasty thing, nobody wants to drip on their cross-stitch 🤧🙄. Aw dear little duck what a sweetie 😍 and of course Ted. Mind your fingers, it's my sewing thumb that would get me. Hope Paul is getting on ok and everyone too 😘 xx btw love coffee and slippers pussycat from this morning 😊.

    Hello Joan, yes the milkman's round is always early these days; they do 3 days a week you just book the night before for what you want, though you can have a regular order. They send emails to say what they haven't been able to bring (this time exchanged a loaf for another brand) they come through at 3 or 4 something in the morning so that's about the time he's been. Handy if you want a really really early breakfast I suppose! 'Walking' postie on his round is never early 😣 but the ones in the van that pick up or drop parcels sometimes are so you can't be too late up just in case. I had a new duvet delivered today I will be glad of it and I need a nice spare blanket. My internet is behaving itself nicely thank you at the moment 👍️. You said the other day you've done wallpapering in the past I do admire that I have never tried it, I don't think I'd be any good at all 😬. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry you are feeling on the ookey side 😣 but you made it to group on the bus well done, quite a nice day here but alright for me I haven't just been jabbed, well only by myself, for my biologic. Sorry I never made it back last night my energy went downhill, maybe the universe balanced out giving you a good day before which is fine by me (don't worry I know it doesn't work like that, your gain isn't my loss etc, you deserve as many energetic days as you can get your hands on 😊👍️). At least it's a reasonable few days yet til EF+ as one might call it, so time to put a few more R Brek layers down. I myself have risked a very small monolith from sconehenge this evening, warmed, as they were getting rather neolithic themselves as to sell by date 😬. I am going to graciously retire for the night now having bade you good evening as befits well-mannered Wednesday 😀. Have as good night as poss :) xx

    You too Stuart, chin up and I hope your aches and pains desist a bit, all the best xx

    Love to anyone not around at the moment 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,840
    edited 23. Oct 2024, 21:26

    good night from the sauna everyone bye for now tc xx

    Ps Toni toady and I are dancing below the moons again - what’s in the R Brek?!😂😂

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 23

    Morning Everyone

    Knee really painful between the hours of 3am to 11am, tramadol not working anymore. Wrist still aching it feels like OA has moved in, my left ankle I cannot put too much pressure on it at the moment it constantly stings.

    Sleep is only for 5 hours in the night, I catch up in the day where I can.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870
    edited 24. Oct 2024, 05:55

    Morning Joan how are you is your throat better? I am feeling much better now thank you for asking😊You do have a good neighbour. Paul is working in London with my nephew so Kari is bringing anything I need. Thank you the cross stitch is now finished I need to organise a frame and get it framed for Arya. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Oh dear not feeling great yesterday I hope today is much better? Are your arms ok?

    Thank you for asking the good news is my cold is much better this morning😊 I will do another covid test though before I leave the house probably tomorrow.

    Sorry group isn't walkable, but well done going on the bus even though you felt a bit ookey. I am very impressed many would stay in and have a duvet day.

    Mind you at yours that means a hot hot hot sauna day. My own Dad would have said that would sweat out a cold or anything like a vaccine reaction. Mind he also sowre by a large whiskey - YUK!!!!

    Redbull in the ready brek sorry I ran out of cows milk! Still it was a lovely dance wasn't it we did?😉

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Oh no! Infuriating🤬the minute you are free to go out someone else is outside. At least it was quiet for me outside. I collected seeds hollyhock ones and hope I labelled the envelopes correctly fingers crossed. Cut the side grass and yes started the tidying. I will take some photos some things are still flowering beautifully😊

    Well done you also not wasting the day by going up the loft though. More titivating up there in readiness for the boards going down. Are you putting that vile insulating stuff down yourself or getting help with that bit?

    Sleek as I said has a great memory for lists especially food lists. She is also full of ideas when it comes to food bless her! She has been very caring while I've been feeling rough - Paul is in London now until Friday so it's just us girls. I have at times actually had to stick half a loo roll up my hooter in order to protect my work which is now finished

    I just need to get a frame sorted 🙂

    My thumb too yes it and my fingers and arm (shoulder a tiny bit) have said "Toni enough is enough now"!

    Take care Toady the cat with the slippers I know😍 ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuartknee You are doing exactly the right thing catching up n sleep in the day when you can is very wise indeed.

    I do hope your OA isn't moving to another joint just when you know where it is. Sorry the tramadols aren't working anymore they are really strong tablets. How many days now before you have your consultation with the GP?

    I don't mind this sort of sp***r at all 😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) that’s early for the milkman could anyone pinch it if you didn’t get there in time. Have a good day the sun is shining here. It’s so dark in the morning. You are doing good I would never be able even in my young days be able to get in the loft.

    Toni (()) that good your cold is going. Thank you for asking I managed to eat mashed potato and Broccoli and cheese yesterday. I drink lemon juice it helps I can’t have any medicine because of my tablets. I’m taking the things from the kitchen to Sue’s bedroom ready for the men when they come. I saw on the news last night cats are more intelligent than young children. Have a good day. Your cross stitch is good. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Arya (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you are good going on the bus. How is your mum (()) have a good day take care

    Stuart knee (()) sorry about your pain it can wear you down. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,840

    hi Toni Joan toady and Stuartknee

    How are all?

    Mums ok 👍

    She had hospital phone appointment today

    Diabetes is getting better under control

    Mxt plus ookey side effects today

    But at least I have opportunity to rest today

    👋 toady sorry saw your post too late

    Saw it on well mannered Wednesday but now it’s thermal vest Thursday - at least it was early morning

    Energy levels really not so good

    So bye for now all tc xx

    Ps Bill is on the caffeine again 😱xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 23

    Afternoon Toady

    My consult is on 5th November. Im only on 50mg of tramadol 3 times a day

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407
    edited 24. Oct 2024, 20:49

    Hi all, just a quick one - not much going on with me it can be summed up as 'the usual', bit of loft, tut at noise next door, bit of internet shopping, teabreak, etc. I have managed to rummage up a few items of clothes frog so won't need to call upon you for dressmaking 😄 (I happened to see a couple of old paper patterns on nosegay in passing, and shuddered, omg school sewing 😱). Nosegay gets worse & worse, I bought a jumper and after checkout a huge popup box came up (this is new) might I like some pet hair lint rollers? and get this, click for 'go and make this extra purchase now?' or 'no thanks' 🙄. No thanks, I should say so (except I never click any boxes, they file all such responses away for the AI to chew over for useful data no doubt. Ugh). Your sewing is a little triumph especially under the circs, glad you have stopped dripping a bit 👍️ and test will be all clear I hope. Look forward to seeing the frame. Didn't get in the garden 😳 I need a major rethink for next year I really do. Ooh seed collecting, lovely 😊 and other things too. I will follow your example I must, I have done some agapanthus, that's it. The loft insulation isn't the horrid stuff it's just polyester-y, no need to handle it at arm's length etc though I'll still be careful. I can't run to something lovely like sheep's wool 🐑 so this is a 'will do' option, no doubt not super effective & a bit amateur all round but that's how I roll (pun intended 😄). Must then move on to the boards especially as they are right in the way in the hall 😬. Have put miceland off a bit so Sleek has plenty of time to think of any late additions 😺 love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, yes I do wonder if anyone has their milk etc go missing 😬 hopefully there's not too much of that goes on, but it's why I get up in the dark if poss; the odd early-hours jogger or dog walker is probably not too much of a threat to your hovis 🤞 but I wouldn't like to leave it til morning. Once upon a time I left the porch open and he'd shut it after him but that's when he came at 6 or 7 so it was ok to do it. The loft, well it will never be my favourite place, someone asked me how much I'd have to be paid to spend all night up there 😱 good question!! Much happier in the garage poking about 👍️ but I don't want to leave too much up the attic just being practical. Have a good day Friday already, glad you had a decent lunch hope you feel better tomorrow too :) xx

    Hi bosh, I am not energetic enough for a moon dance tonight so it is just a nice thought, you & Toni will have to manage 😂. Instead I have been playing the g**gle half moon game, rather good, quite hard though and I am only winning by accident more than brains 🙄. Glad you've had rest time today 👍️ and that's great they are pleased with your mum 😊. Not much happening here except PN is singing I believe as we speak, make of that what you will, it's a new development 🤨. Have a good night :) xx

    Hope your upcoming appts go well for you Stuart, and that it's helpful to have the consultant one first then the physio. Have a better night I hope 🤞horrid to have various pains, you can't settle and try to get in a good position for one thing without another suffering for it 😔 take care xx

    Night all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,840

    thanks toady

    Goodnight tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870
    edited 5:44AM

    Morning Joan

    how are you today? You ate well yesterday that is a good thing. I make my own hot lemon for two reasons one because of medication clashes with the 'real stuff' but also as vegans don't eat honey. Then I add vegan honey. I make it for Lucy too because of clashes with her meds so I totally know what you mean. So unfair isn't it?🙄 Well hopefully we are both on the mend now. The baby is possibly poorly she's suddenly losing weight the Drs are investigating.

    Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I can see you were exhausted yesterday I do hope you feel a lot better today. I don't suppose the vaccine helped without the MTX.

    It's good you had a chance to rest at least.

    I am on the mend my cold is retreating😊

    Please can you remove all caffeine from BIL and your sister's house. Maybe Sleek can sneak into all of the coffee shops in MH and swap their supplies for decaf too🤔

    Great news that 'they' can see your Mum's diabetes is under better control. You yourself must feel so relieved about that I know how much you care for and worry about her. Do you think it was the patch which helped?

    Sending ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope you are well and your little bit of this and little bit of that moved things forwards? (ignoring the tutting)

    Well done sorting out some clothing I was very worried about Toady in her jammies all winter. Kari loves those old patterns she uses them for her art. Having said that she can make clothes too on her sewing machine she really can! Though I certainly remember those lessons at school all I wanted was to do woodwork and metalwork😕 Cooking and sewing that was my options no choice.

    My covid test is clear and a good job too as Arya isn't well and I might be needed. She has suddenly started losing weight and is in Stoke.😕 Could be something to do with that gestational diabetes.

    I had a lovely lovely afternoon outside yesterday cleared two whole beds of weeds. I took some photos please bear in mind they were 'pre-weed'. Just lovely there is still so much colour outside.

    I really did enjoy myself out there. We are having a tree heavily pruned today (it is a holly and a true monster) so might go out again unless I am needed elsewhere. It will keep me occupied maybe less worried.

    Love the 'roll' pun😁 glad it's not the fibre glass insulation stuff. You can do that but please be careful getting it up there I doubt it's as light if much less vicious.

    Pet hair lint rollers? Oh dear was that Sleek using your laptop maybe?

    Anyway better get on sending ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuartknee hope you had a reasonable night. Maybe slightly more than 5 hours? You are on 50s of tramadol. They do them in slow release and do you take any anti-inflammatories too?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) Don’t forget you need time to rest and eat and drink.the day light doesn’t seem long. I know it gets dark till 3-30 and then it starts getting light again. Don’t work to hard. Years ago we had a coconut mat pinched from our front door. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) I’m sorry to hear Arya is in hospital love to Charlie and Annie. I will be thinking about them (()) Did you see the programme on to last night the awards. The little girl that had the same has Lucy she lost both legs. Your plants looked lovely what are they. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Arya (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum is doing well have a good day

    Stuart knee that’s not long write down everything you want to say

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,840

    good afternoon Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m ok

    Almost lunchtime where are my chicken nuggets LA?😂

    More later

    Bye for now tc xx

    Ps milk is a broth or something like that lol xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 23

    the tramadol is not slow release. I have 300 of 50's

  • Iwillsucceed48
    Iwillsucceed48 Member Posts: 3

    Hello all. Have just joined on Line and found you all. What is Vale Cafe please? Sounds like a safe place to vent about where the pain is going as well as what you are up to for the day - like a cuppa with old friends.