Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi toady Joan and Stewartknee

    How are you all doing today?

    I’m a bit tired after my non - serious but somewhat nasty gastric episode

    So have a good evening and night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 👋 buckets of rain out there, ark time again 😣 tailing off before too much longer mercifully but ugh really not welcome. Nor is the fact that his nibs has just had a late little random burst of drilling 🙄 has been at it all day on & off, with someone else too, really rather wearing. It's the on & off bit that is the worst; the noise isn't fun but it's the comings & goings and sudden noise when you're not prepared. For the first couple of weeks it looked like the chap was going to go out and keep regular work hours, which would have been lovely, sadly no obviously. Sigh.

    Thank you frog glad you like my things 😊 sorry I couldn't step back & take a proper distant pic of the whole room but in a room that size there is no stepping back 😄. The little rattan thing is just a pot actually but you've made me think, a lamp yes I don't have one! Quick Sleek, back to the browsing & shopping, we can't be getting out of bed and going a whole 3 yards to turn the light off at night can we. Yes the summer motif was definitely to the fore, I am looking forward to the room coming into its best next year, for now I can see me putting the nice blankie aside for then 'for best' as we say, and getting in something even warmer and 'serviceable' for winter. I do like fan heaters I must say I like the instant heat, will probably alternate a bit. Yes I can smell the old radiant heat smell to this day, and it used to 'tick', heating up and cooling down. I love your tweedy toad aren't all his fabrics fabulous! what a super chap, really a character 😍. Hope your day has been ok and I see that maybe the shoulder is relenting a little but yes we will keep that under our hats 🤫 along with all our luxuriant hair. I combed the knots out of mine today for washing tomorrow, even less fun than usual in this weather 😣 I think the shears should come out again too 😒. I have got so far with the loft but I won't post it, that's an instagram pic too far I think 😂. Oh no not wasps, have you had a chance to peer at them closely, & see where they are coming & going - hope it's not an actual nest 😬. Have a good night love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, oh yes I wouldn't get on at all well on payg my credit is always running out or I let the number hibernate, then the battery is dead when you want it etc. I do use payg for calls & text though but the internet on phone goes on the wifi. No I didn't get outdoors really it just wasn't nice as you say and worse this evening. There are better bits to come supposedly we'll see 🤞. How is your neighbour, did you say he has a dog I think? Hope both are well. Have a good Thursday :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry not such a good day later on even though group etc was ok 😔 hope you feel 100% soon. Glad nice M had seen her son that's nice 😊. I meant to say too the other day that I'm glad you have sensible people to be in touch with on catsnap, and a manageable number of them. The FB friend sounds good to be in touch with, the internet is a help to people that might not manage social things so well but don't want to be cut off because of it, that includes people like me to a certain extent too really. Have a good night there is not much going on with me, I am still trying to shop for clothes, so far I've had another item refunded as unavailable (even though they had already marked it as dispatched 🤔🙄) and another is a suspiciously long time being dispatched so I may never see that either. People seem to see me coming and take their stock away 😂 oh well it's one way to keep your money in your purse. See you next visit :) xx

    Sorry you woke up stiff @Stuartknee but that was quite a decent innings of sleep 👍️ hope you felt better for it in yourself xx

    Hope everyone else ok 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853
    edited 17. Oct 2024, 05:42

    Morning Joan how are you? All is well here still doing shoulder exercises thanks I really hope I can get it better finally if not I will brave a scan. We had a small visitor yesterday! Yes the girls brought our Grandaughter over❤️ Paul held her for the first time too. How are the dogs? Is everything ok with them? Have a good day((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you aren't struggling too much with TOTM and your Mum is well too.

    Well done getting out to the group it is good to talk to adults it really is. Charley and Annie brought Arya over (no funny stories for me yet I'm afraid she just eats and sleeps mostly!) they needed adult company too.

    You talking to Nice M will have helped her a lot. I'm so glad she saw her boy I know she had missed seeing him so much when she was really poorly. Was her Dad with her?

    I hadn't realised RR had so many female admirers perhaps though, they are just admirers of his works if literature after a first edition signed copy of his book?

    I like some of your words for FB Chase book or Disgrace book (or substitute the book for hook?) in reference to these men who see it as a place to chat up women🙄 So annoying that you can't go about your business without hassle isn't it? Shame hassle doesn't rhyme!

    You are kind to support a young autistic man on there though and to speak to the older chap on the phone from time to time too.

    Nope we are not bald - yet I think BR knows something anyway I'll get us all in some grass seed ready just in case. Personally I think cress seed might grow quicker?

    Take care my friend have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuartknee I am very glad indeed to read that you had such a long sleep I bet you were stuck in position😣, but at least you had a long rest. Hope it carries on🤞

    Morning Toady

    I am not going my our loft I think there maybe a wasps nest up there😮 I saw some on the window outside yesterday looked above and they were going in and out. The pest control guys will fill the hole in at the right time of day that should lock them out for now. Must do it quickly so they can rehome elsewhere. Well done working in yours though.

    My Toad is called Morpeth because I found him there and fell in Love Paul bought him for me. He is a lovey texture.

    I think a wintery bedspread/blankie is a very good idea. Just be aware Sleek is often to be found inside the bed on wet/cold days on top is for spring/summer🤭 I'll try to get a photo. Yes a lampshade to match your lovely rattan pot. No-one wants to have to climb out of bed to turn the light off. Paul can reach ours from his side of the bed.

    Yes radiant heaters did tick! The smell was like burnt dust😁 Shall we get a fan heater too then? That's sort us out for the winter.

    I washed my hair the day before yesterday the amount that comes out I really should be bald like BR says! Could you have a go at Sleek's lugs too please she hates it, but if I don't keep on top of it she could easily get dreads.

    Well onwards and upwards I reckon. Time to get ready for my walk.

    Take care and have a good day 🙂

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Everyone in the street are having new cupboards. Mine are being put down lower because I cannot reach them so the plugs are going down as well. He came yesterday for me to pick the colours not nice bright ones they are dark. It will take a week to do each one. I don’t know if this one will take longer has it’s a disabled one. They start in November. It’s luck we have a patio window in the living room I can let the dogs out there.
    Toady (()) sorry about your neighbour. I hope he’s quiet at night. You don’t need that. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) sorry about the 🐝 I hope you can find the nest you don’t want that inside. What about Racebook everyone is in a hurry to get there. That was lovely you having a visit from little Ayala. I hope the shoulder exercises are working (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Ayala (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day you do so well. Love to your mum (())

    Stuart knee (()) that was a good time to sleep I hope it helped to make you feel a bit relaxed

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    I’m feeling a lot better thanks

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m going to answer questions later

    As it’s mxt day etc
    But I am putting a poem in the bank

    Ok just kind of checking in otherwise I’ll run out of energy again

    Yes nice about nice M’s son 👍

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps pic courtesy of the vampire dentist maybe lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 👋 bit tired today so might be a bit of an IOU, but knowing me I'll say that and then go on & on anyway 😄.

    Ooh the wasps are loft-related then frog 😬 it's the theme of the week apparently. None in mine I do hope! You will feel happier once their 'door' has been locked, hope you haven't had too much activity from them today - what's your loft access like actually? Hope it all works out. Haven't done much up there today but I have some hardboard coming tomorrow I thought I might board off a section of the eaves it will look tidy and a bit less dark & s**dery. Really very warm today! 😮 I expect it was the same for you, even a nice bit of sun, wish I'd done some washing. Tomorrow may be ok too though. I was saying to bosh that I suspected I might be about to get a clothes item refunded as unavailable, but I was wrong, it was in fact two items refunded 🤨 both different things. That's 3 in a week or so and the ones I couldn't buy again, very bad of people to not know if they have stock or not 🙄 what is a poor toad supposed to wear 🤷‍♀️. Yes combing out & washing out hair is a big disincentive to wanting to tackle it, for sure, me too 🙄 I will have a turn at Sleek's lugs, only fair, we can both yowl it will be company. In the bed is the proper place for cats in cold weather - wet weather, hmm, well I will be prepared now thank you 😄. Morpeth is a super toad name, part of my ancestral roots are round that way 👍️. Hope everyone well love to all and little visitors :) xx

    Hello Joan, gosh what a shame not to have nicer colours for the kitchen, is it for the cupboard doors etc? Why pick dark ones? 😔 I wish you could have what you liked. Glad you will have the access to the garden that's handy, I wish I had one. Next door has been in & out and doing things again but no noisy drilling etc, also out most of the afternoon 👍️. Seemed to be having a bonfire of some sort later, in a suitable container I hoped, who knows, your guess is as good as mine 😬 - the tip is at the end of the road so why burn stuff? 🤔 Hope it has been nice where you are it was so much warmer today 🌞 :) xx

    Hi bosh hope things going ok with you, poetry banking and so forth, hope there were no queues 😄. Love the pic you posted, bit of a classic isn't it, would it kill you to smile etc 🤨. Smiling, I mean, didn't they prove it's an urban myth it takes more muscles to frown? How about expressionless, if it's good enough for Whistler's Mother it's good enough for me 😄. Not much going on here, it was surprisingly nice and oddly warm, which helped. The PN and his shadow were both here at the same time so what that tells you about their relative ghostliness I couldn't say but it did not set off a matter/anti-matter explosion, so there are no ST alien forces at work at any rate. Have a good night I hope, see you anon :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni Joan toady and Stuartknee

    How are you all tonight?

    Sorry for the communal post style today

    But I really am shattered today

    👋 Toni Yesterday’s stomach debacle was quite terrifying really it wasn’t “call the ambulance “ serious thankfully but I was in a lot of pain and at one point I was just wondering if the pain was ever going to stop, may have also had a fever didn’t take my temperature but it felt like that

    The elderly gentleman did want to me to phone him but it was late evening and like you I’m not at all the nocturnal type so I’ll maybe try with him another time

    👋 thanks Joan how are you? Mums ok today thankfully 👍

    Have a good night tc xx

    👋 greetings toady I see a possible plethora of ghosts how exciting

    I had a mxt day today but quite frankly it was quite joyous compared to yesterday’s “Fall of the house of mima” type stomach pain day ( as written by Poe and LA of course 🤥)

    Yes more muscles to frown, that sounds about right, lol

    Oh I’ve got one joke - it’s terrible but it’s relevant lol,

    poor Captain Kirk has aged a bit like us all, but he still “baldly goes” and so on

    Yes remind Toni to buy cress seeds for him too - I’m just a bit concerned about the intergalactic delivery charge - can you consult with the relevant nosegay department please?

    The poem is definitely in the bank no problems there👍

    I’m just rather exhausted really plus brain -forest thermostat issue

    But I’ll try to complete the financial transaction tomorrow lol

    Good night everyone tc xx

    ps I know not time - relevant lol but he’s using his facial muscles lol xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 16

    Thanks Toady. Woke up early today cramp decided to pay me a visit I had it in both legs & one hand, this pain sleeping for 5 hours has got to change. I use to sleep for 8 hours straight not anymore, I sleep when I can.

    Have a good pain free day everyone