Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    good morning Toni

    Nice comb over lol

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) our neighbour says to me there is more fat on a chip than there is on you. He is overweight. The lady who’s gone in the home has one brother who lives too far away to come to see her. Her neighbour did her shopping and washing. Go careful when you are doing your loft improvements. You don’t want to do a Frank Spencer. Have a good day we have wind and rain.

    Toni (()) I just know the men are coming in November and putting all the plugs lower down so the cupboards can come down lower this is the only one they have to do that to this is a disabled bungalow. I’m taking things out the cupboards I can reach and putting them in Sue’s bedroom my friend will help when she comes back from her holiday on Tuesday. Have a good day. I would be no good at a quiz. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Arya (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. Sorry your mum (()) and Dad (()) are not feeling well after the injection’s. Go carful if you go out.

    Stuart (()) sorry about your finger I hope you haven’t got Osteoporosis ( your bones break easier than normal) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Mums ok bs - wise 👍

    But her arm is aching a bit now

    Dad is the same as yesterday

    I am “ fine - tuning” the poem

    Yes BR is three now

    Ok bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps Bill’s made you a late breakfast lol 😱xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi still bald Toni

    It’s a been a sleepy day for me

    My goodness probably the weather

    Haven’t been outside

    Blood test at GPs tomorrow

    Flu and Covid jabs on Tuesday 🤢

    Possibly, well indeed probably, no group on Wednesday due to glorious jab side effects

    Mum wanted me to have both jabs on the same day bless her, she suffers through so much, so I just went along with it

    👋 Joan toady and Stuartknee - how are you all?

    I’m having a very sluggish day unfortunately

    Ok this is the phantom balloon poem as promised
    (I’ve made into a poem rather than a short story)
    This is the preamble
    This is based on the true story of the phantom balloon, although I know it sounds like a product of Mima’s imagination.
    When it was my birthday my sis brought a helium balloon here and it was shaped like a cupcake.
    I’d forgotten about it, but then the cleaners found it and it re - appeared on the ceiling near the top of the stairs, it’s half - deflated and it moves around the house of its own volition (well the helium gas’ volition really but that spoil the poem)
    So this is the poem based on the true events

    It’s called ‘The Lonely Phantom Balloon”
    There was once a lonely balloon- a ghost of the cupcake he used to be
    He was stranded here on earth without the rest of his ghost family
    He and ghost Auntie Coffee Cake had parted ways
    So he enjoyed healthy herbal teas but they tasted bland to him these days
    Uncle Chocolate Cake had left but that was good because he was like an addiction
    He would eat his Uncle’s Belgian milk chocolate buttons daily - and that’s no fiction
    Ghost Father Crumpet blew his own trumpet
    But he was in essence not a bad kind of man
    In fact he was the favourite companion of the jolly baker in his van
    But Mother Currant Scone
    was the person he missed most when he was alone
    So the phantom cupcake balloon searched for his family here and there
    Mima’s room, then the littleys’ room, he searched everywhere
    He even opened the window to breathe in sone cool night air
    The poor little guy was very much in the depths of despair
    But then the young cupcake ran into Bill
    Bill said “Young cupcake, why are you looking so ill?”
    So the small cupcake explained that he was missing his folks
    And Bill said, “Look my wife has me on a diet of disgustingly raw egg yolks
    So you have my blessing to join all cakes in the sky
    But just one thing, while you’re there ask G** if he can send me down a big steak and onion pie
    Just don’t tell my wife, she’ll only scream and shout and cry.”

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi Joan

    Don’t worry I didn’t go out today

    Mum and dad aren’t feeling too bad thanks

    I have a blood test tomorrow just rheumo - routine one at GPs’

    Have a good night Joan tc xx

    👋 toady

    I ordered some nosegay chocolates but they haven’t arrived yet- pray tell, is the milkman looking rather larger than usual? Only joking of course

    Have a nice night toady tc xx

    👋 Toni

    How are you tonight?

    Yes unfortunately it’s that time of year where I lose a lot of thermostat wars lol

    Today was however better than yesterday in general terms

    I slept really well overnight but the tiredness came back much too soon it didn’t help that I stayed inside but weather was of course fairly bad and I already have a slight cold and it’s vampire nurse (or normal nurse hopefully, lol) time tomorrow so I didn’t want to take any chances

    Yes poor BR is “tantrumming” away, bless him, but he’s been so good up until now and maybe three is an age of tantrums? What do you think?

    Bill had to look after his own kids briefly today and they were both in tantrum - mode, sis had the car so dad plus littleys walked to McDs in the rain to eat chicken nuggets and Gallic fries - oh dear! What kind of parenting is that Mr. Bill? A short walk- but in the middle of a storm to satisfy kids’ junk food cravings?

    What happened to the air fryer? Was Bill using the surplus oil in it to style his glorious hair?

    I don’t know what’s going on in Maidenhead Toni, you’ve done well distancing yourself from that location lol

    I may have to move somewhere- or just save up till I can become official owner of toady’s biccie and R Brek cupboard

    Ok good night Toni and everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407
    edited 20. Oct 2024, 21:49

    Hi all 👋 have been in the nosegay packaging corner & time has ticked on now I see.

    Hello frog all fine here today, and 'himself' has been out most of the time, oh joy 😊. How did I cut the hardboard? 'with a hacksaw, dear Liza' 🤭 a vintage metal one, the long blade in handle sort not the little ones with a frame type. Ok for something like this, only 3mm. I did wear a dust mask but even then I was tickling & sneezing like I'd been at the snuff later 😄 it gets about, however careful. No place for small cats, willing or not, she was excluded from the garage pro tem (but we both had a team teabreak all the same ofc, honorary workers count 😺). Oh I see a spiral basement staircase, no not that much simpler after all 😬. Sorry about the quiz, ew photo questions, no thanks 😣. Hope you have had a good day, very breezy here! hardly surprising, glad not to be where it's worse. Have a good new week, no I'm not doing my xmas stuff early, it's much more probable it won't get done at all, I seem to have become really quite allergic to correspondence etc, used to do so much more! Oh well maybe the festive spirit will come upon me 🤨. Aren't those spooky eggs so simple btw, and I loved the little cake mummies too, just a few little stripes of icing! So effective though! Love to everyone 😘 xx

    Hello Joan, I thought of you when I saw this: that's a Frank Spencer job if ever I saw one 😮😄. Not the weather for it at the moment either! not for me thanks. No chance of me coming through the ceiling from the loft, it is all sturdily boarded 👍️ I have been tidying some things up there pictures and old boxes etc, nothing interesting unfortunately. Yes I would be an 'air-fried' chip according to your neighbour, not even a deep fried one 😂 is he the one with the four sugars or was it more 😬. Sorry about the lady's brother being far away, maybe your neighbour that used to help might be able to go and visit her? Have a good night, Monday already - looks like a fairly fine week, anyway 👍️ :) xx

    Hi bosh, I absolutely love the Lonely Phantom Balloon poem 😍 I have just read it over twice, I am very smitten with it. You made the whole family live for me I love Ghost Father Crumpet so much 😀 lovely thank you for posting. Did you happen to see the unfortunate fate of the chap's Fallen Moon sculpture - also feeling very deflated, a victim of the bad weather 😔.

    Certainly quite brisk out there today🌪️ 😬 I haven't been out either. Hope your day has been ok other than the sluggishness and sorry you have to have your jabs soon, good luck for them 🤞. See you next visit 👋 :) xx p.s. all the best for vampire nurse tomorrow as well, and sorry about the chocs - hope I haven't passed the curse of the nosegay non-sender on to you 😱.

    Wishing Stuart a better night 😴 xx

    Love to everyone ☕️ xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870


    Hi Joan hope you are doing ok today. Good idea to start early emptying cupboards that's all a kitchen is really storage and how much clutter do we all actually have? Quite a bit. Glad your friend will help you when she comes home this week. Then you will be ready. I know how much we actually need in a kitchen and it's not much really - just what is in the motorhome that's all we need to manage, but we all have lots more don't we?

    I mean you'd think we'd win the quiz as my own brother is the quizmaster!!!!

    Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you are feeling well. I also have a cold starting and not a very nice one either I shall share by 🤧with you Reshmi we can binge watch some rubbish on TV while drinking my homemade hot lemon with vegan honey in it😊

    I was due to have my flu and covid jabs too this week, but not sure they will let me if this cold carries on. I really don't want both on the same day though. If you do I think you are very brave.

    Terrible twos and 3s are quite normal yes bless little BR he will return to normal soon. He really will. He is the sweetest little boy at heart.

    Love the poem about the phantom balloon!! They do that don't they? Floating around the house until they finally run out of gas….. How many desserts you managed to get into one poem! I am so impressed😊

    I especially loved the part where Bill is concerned for the cupcake's health. Hopefully they came to some mutually supportive arrangement.

    Perhaps better than walking to Maccie D's although i don't know whether I blame the errant father at all. Sometimes with two small children (one in the middle of the terrible 3's after all!) a trip to a fast food establishment is the best option. With or without storm Ashley!

    Having said that i am mildly horrified that such a civilised place as Maidenhead even has a Maccie D's! I mean it really should be full of posh cheese shops delicatessens and unique coffee establishments.

    With such sleek locks as BIL's he needs all the air fryer oil. He doesn't want to need cress yet.

    Love the cat building it's fabulous!

    Have a good day and get well soon ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady.

    Hope all is well with you and the loft is progressing steadily? Sleek said she is doing the measuring? "Mezzer twice Mummy cut wunce" But your saw is bigger than hers. She is a tad jealous, but happy enough measuring and making copious cups of tea.

    Down a spiral staircase is tricky yes and a bit scary when you are carrying something. The basement is however a real asset to the bungalow.

    Wasn't it windy yesterday?! The garden furniture is all over the place. No breakages though which is the main thing.

    I am walking in the dark again now with my hat light on so perfectly safe and light by the time i get back.

    I know - photo questions that no-one knows the answer to🙄 Stupid! My own brother how could he? In fact our own brother Kari is on my team. Hmmmph!

    We had the earth balloon thingy in Lichfield cathedral for a while. It was amazing.

    Glad you appreciate the Hallowe'en breakfasts. I do miss @Skinny Keef ah well.

    Have a good day Toad. Yes let's leave Christmas cards a while longer😉 like 2027!

    Hope all is well with you Stuartknee and you got enough sleep last night sending ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) Some people make a room out of their attic. Yes that’s my neighbour the one whose tummy has dropped. He’s said I can go to him for Christmas. Have a good day so they say the weather is quite good this week.
    Toni (()) could your brother have answered the questions if he was in your place. I had both injections at the same time because I knew they would call me back to have the other one. I had a sore throat the lady said has long as I felt alright I could have it. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Arya (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry your Mum (()) and Dad (()) are still not well. The weather is good they say this week.

    Stuart knee (()) I hope your pain is a bit easier.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m ok thanks

    I went to the town centre today

    So a bit busy and tired

    👋Joan and toady

    Bye for now Tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407

    Hi all 👋 not much going on here today, just poking about in miceland in a half-hearted manner at the moment.

    Frog I most certainly did need Sleek to mezzer for me 😳 (true story) I often use a certain 60cm ruler, that is therefore 25" on the inch side, I am for some reason convinced it's 26", and have a terrible habit of counting back two inches from the end instead of looking at the markings properly 😬 so yes for my first go I measured 23 not 24, then gave up and handed it to the better cat 😸. And her tea is of course 'the business' 👍️☕️. Sorry the wind threw your things around a bit, I don't think it did anything much to me as far as I've seen, but it was v noisy and disturbing last thing. Hope your hat-light walk was ok, how are you off for street lights or do you walk partly where there wouldn't be any anyway? How's the blister btw - bound to be in an annoying place so hope it heals quickly. Oh well your bro setting the questions, that's a bit of a wolf in the fold then isn't it 😒 I suppose it all has to be above board so what can you do. Did you see the Moon thing yourself then? 😊🌒 It's the first I've heard of it, I are a philistine apparently. Hope you have a good rest of day and the cold does not come to much 🤞 I have HAH tomorrow and I feel I am going to forget, must not toady. Love to all 😘 xx

    Hello Joan ah yes your neighbour would be bound to see people thinner than him as skinny, I suspect his xmas dinner might run to several courses might it 😬. That's another reason I can't be bothered with meals out etc with people by the time they are just getting started I've had enough 🤷‍♀️ nice of him to ask you anyway 😊. Just like Toni says I have many things I don't use in my kitchen cupboards, she's quite right, I take out the same few things in daily use the rest is just 'there'. Yes people make nice spaces out of their lofts, you probably could here but I don't like the feeling you are going to stand up and bang your head on the angle, you would need a bit more headroom. And better access of course. It will be more help when I've finished though than it is now, and when I drag a few more things down to get rid of 😬. Have a good day it is fine here for a spell ahead now if they keep their word 🤞🌤️ :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope you're ok albeit tired and busy and unavailable for extra shifts. Did you buy anything in town, or have any tea/toast/scones etc after bloods? #nosey. How is the missing chocolates scenario, I have had troubles today myself, my bid would not 'take' so the item I wanted went unsold & I have to wait a week 🙄 also nosegay auto-messaged me that if I offered more for a buy it now item than the asking price it would increase my chances 🤔😂 thank you for the handy hint! Not much doing here the PN has been out all day thankfully which helps make up for banging the doors at all hours. I love helter skelter man, that is the way to dress for fairgrounds gosh I would rather see that any day than shorts and flipflops. Have a good night I hope everyone ok today and good luck again for the jabs 👋 au revoir etc :) xx

    Love to all might pop in for late tea 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    I’m having a much better day today, I felt energetic

    Also better weather, no wet leaves 👍

    Mum and dad are feeling a bit better now thanks

    They went out for some tea

    My morning blood test was ok thanks - no vampire nurse

    Only “downer” is vaccines for me tomorrow

    Have a good night Joan tc xx

    ps orange hot chocolate xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi toady

    How are you?

    I’m glad you liked the poem

    I would say that Father Crumpet is partly based on my dad, but he’s a much better person than my dad, I suppose that he has a little of the dad I used to know, before the pure cruelty and / or potential dementia set in.

    I hesitate to say it but grumpy bosh actually had an energetic and good day today 👍

    Also my C*sta hot chocolate powder arrived in the post, it’s so yummy toady!
    I usually buy the Green & Clack very healthy stuff - but this makes a nice change - it’s better than the shop version as you can make it a bit richer if you want

    Double vaccination for me tomorrow 😱😱

    Hope your day went well?

    Good night toady tc xx

    Ps another gentleman caller toady? Oh dear 😂xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Sorry you’ve got a nasty cold

    Binge watching etc sounds great 👍

    At home I mostly have to fight dad for the tv 🤷‍♀️

    My slight cold isn’t as bad thankfully for me

    Good energetic day for me thanks

    I might not be able to get to group on Wednesday so I went out today instead

    New phlebotomist- she was very good - much better than syringe - happy vampire nurse of the past

    My goodness dad was grumpy when he dropped me off for blood test- I’d said I’d make my own way if necessary- anyway there’s no point arguing with the paternal grump

    Thanks about the poem 🙏

    Ok I’m about to do at least one more productive thing before energy runs out 👍

    Double vaccine was mums idea not mine - anyway we can but persevere

    What are we binge watching then?

    P*ppa Pig? Or Father Crumpet Uncut? Or dear even the baker wouldn’t want to watch that one lol.

    Have a good night Toni and tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407
    edited 21. Oct 2024, 21:29

    'night bosh 👋 the gentleman caller theme is far too close to home tonight, I have three before the morrow morn as Coleridge would say 😱 (well the midnight milkman will be, the rest will be in daylight hours I hope), then the postie, then the HAH meds delivery man. That is far too many 😣. Tabby cats welcome though ofc. I'm sorry about Father Crumpet that's very sad 😔 people are very difficult and complicated, and 'family' is often far from what it's painted, isn't it. Sigh. Hope you have an ok night and will see you tomorrow at some point after the jabs, glad that at least today's nurse didn't go at you like a jousting lance 👍️ take care 😘 xx

    Night again everyone wish you a good sleep 😴 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Morning Joan

    how are you doing today? I hope not too bad. They always ask me if I am well before they jab me so I will wait and re-book for next week i think that makes sense. My brother can only answer the questions because he has the answers in front of him I think. They seem easy only when you know the answers already don't you think? I am doing some more cross stitch for Arya. At least this way I am learning how to spell her name right!!!!

    Going to add a small teddy and a small duck then edge it I think. Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Great excited face on the chat going down the helter-skelter😂

    Well done going to non- Vampire-nurse phlebotomist. I am glad she was good they usually are aren't they? So it's your turn today to have your jabs in one go? I am very sympathetic and will be thinking of you especially if you have to have a lift from Mr Grumpy.

    I am very pleased to hear both parents are doing fine now after their jabs so you will be too soon. I take it your Mum's sugars are ok now too? Are they steadier with the patch and the change in insulin dosage?

    Binge watching the crown from where we stopped watching it forwards. We watched it during lockdown as did half of the country I think. I will surely have my share of Peppa Pig to come with Arya in the family! I am still feeling pretty rough so will maybe watch some more today while I am doing more cross stitch there are one or two bits I need to correct on it.

    Very best of luck for you today my friend hope your arms are not too sore ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    A small tabby cat is on her way sorry if she is moaning about my cough😳 She reckons you might forget your deliveries unless she is there.

    Also her mezzering duties are calling her along with tea making ones. You don't mind the very occasional cat hair in your tea I take it?

    Oh dear what happened to the small bit of wood? Is it repurposed?

    We have no street lights at all in the village which I love really. It makes it so dark we can see the town centre in the distance, but here it's lovely and dark. My hat light is essential for safety and is really bright. Lucy got it for me a year or so back.

    The moon thingy was only on loan to the Cathedral, but Toady you'd have loved it. Almost scary it was spooky.

    Not my photo.

    Yes my bro is the enemy twice a year although Kari and I do do our fair bit of heckling😉

    Have a good day and take care ((())) xxx

    Morning to you Stuartknee I hope you are doing ok getting some sleep and coping with your pain. At least here we understand you.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I can’t get in the loft. I used to be able to climb ladders years ago I used to paint the ceiling or when I put wall paper up. My neighbour just came he brought me two bottles of lemon juice for my sore throat he never wants any money. I always want to buy him things but he’s on a diet he’s has an injection that makes him full. He tells me he has had a bag of crisps. Have a good day.
    Toni (()) how is your cold I hope it doesn’t last too long. It’s nearly November the months come and go so quick don’t they. How is Lucy (()) is she getting on alright (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Arya (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope you don’t have too many problems after your injections. Good your mum (()) and Dad (()) are feeling better (()) have a good day

    Stuart knee (()) when is your appointment have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407

    Hi all 👋 a novelty early visit as I have all these answering the door things 😣 up at 3 already for milk, got tea and took it back to bed. Does tend to mean you sleep on longer then, so I was glad of a small cat letting herself in & lightly tapping my face 👍 9ish is early for the post to pick up but cutting it quite fine enough for comfort. Now we are having 'proper' morning tea (what's the odd cat hair between friends 😉) & morning bic back under the blankies and she is kindly helping reconstruct my miceland basket which I somehow managed to empty 🙄. Sorry you are still sniffly especially as you won't be able to see people 😔. Lovely little cross-stitch very neat and a dear bun🐰. Oh there are no offcut bits of wood thankfully, I spotted what I'd done or one whole piece would have been too small. Looked at the panel and thought 'that's never two equal halves..' 🤔😮. Now I see 'the moon' indoors I definitely recognise it if course I do 🙄 thank you, hope it can be salvaged. Ah yes I thought you would have fewer street lights than most if at all, but maybe not none, yes that's very nice 😊 but your own light definitely needed. Even I take a torch on damp dark mornings & evenings for fear of snails &c, street lamps aren't enough for seeing where you're walking. Have as good a day as poss feel better soon! 😘 xx

    You too Joan sorry your cold is hanging around 😘 nice of your neighbour to bring things 🍋. Yes I see about the injections I know the GP wanted him to lose some weight I hope the treatment doesn't affect him other ways. I was thinking you could buy him non-food things but I expect he just likes to help without anything back. No I'm not really keen on ladders, I suppose I have it in mind that I should tidy & try the loft and keep not much up there for anytime I can't get them back down 🤔. Have a good day it's sunny here :) xx

    Love to bosh back later 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842
    edited 22. Oct 2024, 11:59

    good afternoon Toni

    How are you?

    Dad Vesuvius has started his explosions

    Mum is in a bit of a strop but she’s ok 👍

    This is house is so hot 🥵

    I’ve only just dared to put heating down

    I’ve had both jabs not feeling too bad right now thanks

    But I guess side effects will hit me in the night 😱

    EF plus family meal outside this Sunday

    So send me a stomach, no maybe not lol, send me any spare R Brek please, I’ll eat in the restaurant haha

    Can you imagine my mums face etc, “First ood socks then eating your own cereal outside?” 😂

    I may also wear pyjamas and face mask made of vegan cheese, if you don’t mind being my supplier please lol

    How’s your cold now?


    👋 Joan
    How are you? Thanks about my parents

    Have a nice day everyone bye for now xx

    Ps just an image off Bin - interest Egyptian Koshari, chickpeas etc, veggie, very possibly vegan xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi Toni

    You got my dad all figured out - sorry bit of a Vesuvius day plus sauna temps of course

    Not feeling too bad after jabs

    Hopefully will make it to group tomorrow

    Dad is just draining my energy

    Love the Halloween pancakes

    Have a good night everyone tc xx

    Ps a hungry canine eating his Kangaroo takeaway

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 23

    Had a really painful night could not get comfortable, when I tried walking/hobbling it took me 16 mins to do 10 foot.

    Got my physio app on 4th Dec don't know how that's going to help, even the new ortho mattress doesn't seem to aide me.

    My right hand feels tight & painful like the rest of me.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Morning Joan how are you? Is your throat any better? My cold is still here, but maybe a little better so annoying I can't see Arya😕 Dis some more cross stitch while I waited to get better.

    Might need to stop soon my hands are getting sore. My own fault for overdoing it! Your neighbour sounds like a good person. Maybe just a lovely card saying thank you will be enough? Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Well done getting your jabs done I hope you had an ok night and that the worst you have is sore arms. Going to group if you feel up to it might just help you forget about the ache for a while.🤞

    Maybe Mr Grumpy might take you - no maybe walk!!! Have a break from him.

    What can we line your stomach with? hmmm…..🤔 Of course I can spare vegan cheese for one of my very good friends and a bowl of ready brek. Imagine what your Mum would say! A daughter of mine eating cereal outside of the restaurant the shame of it! What will the neighbours think!

    It will be good to see the family though won't it? It feels like it's been a while.

    Is that little dog one of BIL's? I bet it is you know a dog of his will have learned to eat quickly with BIL around in order to get his share of food😁

    I have looked up the Koshari recipe and intend to make it thanks for the tip😊

    Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady well I never that was early!

    Sleek's paw on your face is indeed very very gentle isn't it? Bless her heart and I agree what is a cat hair between friends? Her tea is very good and her choice of biscuits is always spot on.

    Shopping filling baskets yes another talent. She never forgets lists for food in fact her memory is almost photographic when it comes to food.

    The cross stitch as you can see is progressing slowly but steadily. Hope you approve. I just need to do some sort of edge now I think and frame it for Arya's wall.

    Paul is in London for a couple of days now so I can cough and sneeze to my hearts content Sleek doesn't mind! I hope Joan didn't catch it from me you know some sort of computer virus.

    Hope all deliveries went well and that you managed a little more in the loft? Phew you had only measured not cut! That's a relief.

    The moon was incredible wasn't it? I also hope it's ok now though😕

    Take care Toady I am going in the garden this afternoon when it's warmed up making the most of these dry days. Going to do a Bayleaf😁

    Morning Stuartknee. Physio can help of course, but the Dr's appt is first in Novemeber isn;t it?. I haven't asked you I don't think - which type of Arthritis do you have?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) Does your milkman / postie come early every morning. Yes the sun is here for the morning. Have a good day. How is your internet now. My neighbour just came he collected my tablets from the Chemist i new they would be ready soon.

    Toni (()) sorry you have a cold I hope it doesn’t last too long. Your cross stitch is good. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Arya (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope your arms are not too sore. Love to your mum (()) take care.

    Stuart knee (()) physio helps to loosen tight muscles

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,842

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Group isn’t walkable unfortunately

    I took the bus

    Feeling a bit ookey to be honest

    Need a hot shower

    👋greetings toady Joan and everyone else

    Bye for now tc xx