Val's Cafe
I used to do that Barbara. Lie awake during the night then fall asleep as soon as the alarm went off. I decided to do away with the alarm and wake up naturally. Now I wake up at the same time every morning, work or weekend. It does make me laugh when you say your GD empties the toy box so she can get in. I've been wondering how Hileena was. Sounds as if maybe she is on the mend now. Thanks for letting us know.
Glad you were itchless last night Kath. Must have been driving you nuts. Hope you can get an earlier appointment with your rheumie if you need it.
Catie, I think that too, if the snowdrops are out, the spring must be on it's way.
Karen, I'm sure damp does affect asthma. Hopefully, your doctor will be able to help.
Mig, I don't like the way the sugar sticks to my fingers with doughnuts but, as they are virtual, I don't mind if I do. Thank you. Can anyone eat one without licking their lips?
It rained so heavily today and the wind was howling through the keyholes in both the back door and front door. I wanted to do the RSPB's Big Bird Watch but there wasn't a single bird out in that weather. I managed to get the sitting room curtains changed today. I'd put red ones up for Xmas and only just taken them down. Also with quite a struggle, I took down the bleeping smoke alarm and put up a new one I'd bought from Arg*s. I could have got the firemen back but you can't change the batteries in the ones they put up.
Hope Lucy and Toni are doing ok.Christine0 -
We should set a competion to see who could eat one without licking their lips OR eat a fruit pastille without chewing.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend ,the weather has been awful hope you all have kept dry. Mig0 -
Hello all you lovely girls ,just read back and missed you all very much yesterday its a new week and fresh start .. pain tiredness can be so bad I know that and we dont need itching broken bones houseing stuff on top of the pile of bad things we already have ,Thank goodness for here for the cafe for the forum for the mods for keeping us all safe ,I think you can tell by this post I am a little bit yuck but heigh/ho .. with a little bit of luck I might get my anti t n f .. this week and hope I can post with cheer
meanwhile you are all doing brilliantly you certainly keep me from that pit of depression . and still smiling about little baby giving Christine a very old fashioned look
bless they really do make it all worth while and yum yum we have some very posh chocs and other tasty things in the tins at the moment so I will be back ................oh MIG I wouldnt last seconds a cruncher 3 in the mouth at once no way could I mannage your chalenge
hugs to all((((()))))Marrianne ....................oh and boys to Toady and Mr Optomist ((())))
0 -
Morning all
Trouble this morning..middle GD gone home without her blazer...I have a check list for there uniforms...but for some reason the blazer is left hanging on the door...unusual for her to go home Sundays and not go to school form here... :shock: so Iam in there bad books she will have to go in this afternoon...
Christine the only birdie I saw was a pigeon having a rest in the feeding tray..good for you changing those curtain not an easy job...think mine will be up all year
Marrine..sorry you are struggling...but you keep talking to us lot..I do hope you get your new meds long do you know..sorry if you have said mi brains goes I am sure its the amys....thanks for the chock all mine have gone now...
Mig I would be the same wouldn't last a min...wounder whats on the menu today...
I hope Coco is doing okish not seen her around...
Right I had better get ready for a good telling off from my ex dil...
See you all later xxxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Oh Barbara ,Sure she wont tell you off . you had a lovely but busy time last week with the lovely GC . I do alsorts to rile ..not on purpose my worst is shrinking clothes
not ME not my fault the dreaded tumble drier but mum always gets the flack bless em ,The thing about the birds there are not so many these last few years ....looked it up ? Well aparently I am not on their flight path so must do better and not give up at the first ignored fat ball ,I know exactly what you mean about the amytripiline Barbara I dont like the next day the sleep feels less than refreshing and I find my mouth so dry so hope you get some well earned rest today think I might not do to much either hugs to you and everyone Marrianne (((())))
0 -
Morning Barbara, Marrianne and all
Well I must be losing the plot Marrianne because I hadn't realised Toady was male before you saidI will blame all the meds lol Hope you feel a little better soon.
Barbara, you are wonderful with your grandchildren and I'm sure your ex d-i-l will realise that. Have you had any more thoughts about having your hands done first? I'm managing ok thank you, but will be glad when the plaster is off. I am counting the days....
Mig, I wouldn't win any of the competitions - that's for sure lol
Kath, my mother-in-law found that once the correct dose of thyroxine was taken, the itching virtually stopped. She did have a 'very' dry skin and was told to use emulsifying ointment. Hope your doc gets to the bottom of your problem soon.
Karen, hope your appointment goes well and he is able to help
Christine, we must have had all the birdsThe sun shone at about 9am and that's when they arrived. An hour later the rain came and the birds must have taken shelter.
We see you all later. Love to all xx0 -
Thanks for that info catie, but it's beginning to look as though she might have cracked it already - fingers crossed. Talking of fingers, I thought you might like some chocolate fingers with whatever you favourite tipple is. We always have some over Christmas and never finish them so one tin of chocolate fingers, well in date I hasten to add, is now sitting on the table top along with some more kitty treats - don't get them mixed up
Marrianne, I'm sorry you're feeling yuck! I hope things improve soon. I hope things improve soon for all of us
Sun has just come out again after a quick shower. I thought we were going to wake up to snow after last night's weather forecast - thankfully we didn't."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Catie wrote:Well I must be losing the plot Marrianne because I hadn't realised Toady was male before you said
Nor had I lol, I'm not actuallySorry marrianne, I thought you mentioned me along with MrO the other day just because we were the 2 people you had not seen post, not because we're the gentlemen's section of the cafe (maybe the light is not too good in the corner here
) Hope that will give you a laugh, don't worry, no offence taken! Hope you are having some of this sunshine, and fingers crossed for your anti-tnf..
Catie I like solitaire type games as well & play some games on my mobile etc but they are v addictive & unfortunately don't count as 'resting', would be nice to at least use your brain as much as you want if you can't use your body, but reading & using your eyes/head is tiring as well I find. :x
I will have a doughnut please (nom nom) I had some very nice mini ones over xmas so less problem with sticky fingers if you stuffed them in with a bite or two.
Nothing much to report, I seem to get less & less done this time of year because it takes a while to 'pay back' what xmas etc uses up with extra things to do even though I don't fuss. Trying to get a few jobs done in a day otherwise all I do is basic housework and of course that is the stuff that doesn't stay done. Must go and sort a cupboard out, or something that will show for doing. Being a hoarding type doesn't help, I inherited a lot of things from my parents and they were just as bad (worse in fact), so I have way too much 'stuff'.. should be more ruthless but I also hate waste, & throwing things out that will just go to landfill so that doesn't help.
See you all anon for tea & maybe a chocolate finger or three..0 -
Oh dear ,Catie just read back after a long sleep ,Did I write as though Toady had suddenly become boyish
? Reading my previous post yes it did seem to be written in that way Well apologies to all and especially to our lovely Toady who didnt seem to cross at all ,I think I am makeing an awful lot of typos and the spelling mistakes at the moment to , :oops: :oops: I cannot even blame my meds as I am still very much cold turkey until my hospital appointment wednesday ,So HOPEFULLY I will be cheerier and not so slow very soon many lovely temptations on our shelves these days might have to ajust my new trousers before then .love to all Marrianne(((())))
0 -
Afternoon all
I actually managed to go through all of your names and left some lines for each............AND IT HAS ALL GONE. Where did it go.
I Hope you have all had a goodish day. Barbara, I am sure she understands just how much you do for them.
I am going to sit, have a cuppa and pinch some of those chocolate fingers.
Sending hugs to one and all.Karen xx0 -
Hello all
Karen never you mind Its hard enough keeping up without losing the post.. :roll: will have a cuppa with you...and thankyou...
Toady sorry I thought you were a we know
Kath once I start with choc fingers there is no stopping me..
Marianne you are not on the flight birdies have one....we put all sorts out for them... but there are so many cats around... :roll:
Catie glad you are doing okish...and thankyou I do try with my GC in fact we brought the two eldest up..from being babies...its a along story...
Just had lunch out..with my niece....what a breath of fresh air she is..she is 30 next month...and had a baby at 17 ...but she has been such a good mum and is still with her partner..most people said it wouldn't last....
right I am having a cuppa will see you later...were are these chock fingers..Love
Barbara0 -
Having Chinese for tea tonite ,chicken chow mien ,crispy duck and curry and rice .
Spotted a top on next on line so going to have a look to see if its in the shop in town ,there's a pub that do golden great meals for lunch two courses for 4.95 there's about 6 options to chose from so no cooking for me on Wednesday. Mig0 -
Barbara, have you finished off the choccy fingers...oh well not to worry. And I remember everyone thinking me and Tony would never last because of our age difference. It just goes to show doesn't it. Mig, can I join you for your tea, I love Chinese.Karen xx0
Oh mig .. I love Chinese but hubby likes Indian and we dont have any good Chinese nearby so it always Indian..hope you get that top and enjoy your day out
Karen now you got me wondering am I being cheeky asking is Tony a toy boy or are you a toy you say it goes to mum and dad had tens years between them my dad being the younger..and they lasted....
sorry I got carried away with choccy fingers..Love
Barbara0 -
Marrianne, sorry you're not feeling so great. Hope tomorrow is better for you. My GD, Ruby, often looks at me like that when I first see her. It's as if everything is my fault.
I was reading that there are 85% less starlings and I think it was 65% less sparrows. All the food I put out yesterday had gone by lunchtime today so they must have sneaked in when I wasn't looking.
Barbara, surely you won't get a telling off. These things happen. No-ones fault really. Glad you had a good lunch with your niece. Well done to her for still being in the same relationship from a young age.
Catie, so that's where all my birds went. Good to see you had so many.
Thanks for the chocolate fingers Kath. Hmmm, they do taste a bit funny. Have I picked up the wrong ones? :? Apparently, there was a light dusting of snow not too far from here so guess it won't be long before we get it.
Toady, you sound like me. I aim to do at least one thing each day, apart from the every day things. Doesn't always work. I feel less likely to do anything at the moment because it isn't very warm. By the time the house heats up, I'm too tired. I've hoarded things because I, or someone else, might use them later. Well I've decided to have a good clear out but it's taking forever. I've already taken quite a bit to the charity shop and my son has taken quite a bit that he had stored here when he left home. Have you tried advertising things on freecycle? I put the heavy things I can't carry to the charity shop on there.
Karen, some of my posts have disappeared too. I think what happens is I write the post, click submit but someone else has posted in the meantime. It gives you the chance to check that first then you have to re-submit. I think I sometimes miss that and go to another thread therefore deleting my post.
Mig, the Chinese sounds tasty. And how cheap? Think I'd be using them a lot. Hope you find the top in town.Christine0 -
Evening, well, just morning now, to one and all. Hugs to those who need them, Marrianne, extra hugs coming your way.
Hope there was not "upset" over the missing blazer Barbara.
Thanks for the chocolate fingers Kath, they are vanishing rapidly, every time I pass by, another one goes missing. A bit like those Pringlxx, once you pop, you cannot stop, oh so true, I have to stop myself from buying them, unless they are on buy two, get third free :roll: then it is just a lost cause until they are gone. I am sure they are coated in mystical powers that force you to eat more and more.
I should be good and put some veggie sticks out with some humous and that other one with txkis and lots of other letters in it.
Hope the Chinese was good, sounds wonderful Mig. Crispy duck, another thing that I would have no control over. We had a very nice curry from M & S, they really are good.
Trying not to think about Arthur, but it is being a pain, more and more tramadol at the moment, lots of back spasms, oh those facet joints, or what is left of them.
Off to see friends who are leaving to go to Lincolnshire this week, then visit family in hospital, quite a drive (not that I drive any more) so we have to stop so I can move about a wee while.
There is a small mountain of M&S scones, for all to enjoy, with blueberry jam and clotted cream. I seem to be obsessed with food tonight.
Everyone take lots of care, marigold and cuddles and yack are all fed and watered, fire is on low, weather is horrid here. Be safe XXXX BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Got up this morning to pouring rain (again) fed up with it now,hope everyone is managing to keep dry.Its a staying in day for me think I shall make a few cakes what's your fancy ? Mig0
mmmmmmmm, cake! How about coffee and walnut?? Or lemon drizzle? Maybe both!! Raining cats & dogs here too; roll on spring!0
Morning all
Christine good luck with the jobs...I did get told a sought of way... :roll:
bubbles good luck with the journey...hope the hospital visit goes well...did you leave any chocy fingers
Hello Sharon...good to see you in the cafe...spring wont belong.... :? it keeps me going anyway...
Mig yeah its pouring down here....ummm cakes could you make coconut macroons...please...
Today is a staying in day for me has well mig
will get my long feather duster out and grab some cobwebs....
Will leave the coffee machine on for Toni..and get extra caramel to go with it.
Hope you all have a goodish day xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all
Mig it's chucking it down here as well. It certainly does affect the old bones doesn't it.
Sharon, I'm with you. Coffee and Walnut is lovely. But also carrot cake, oh I do love carrot cake.
Barbara, Tony is 11 and a half years younger than me. Yes, he is my toy boy, but over the years with his problems he looks the same age as me, bless him. With the caramel, are you talking about mocha's. Good luck with your dusting. I am going back to bed now, feeling very grotty with my neck.
Hope you all have a good day and sending everyone hugs.Karen xx0 -
Aww Karen I have missed you again..hope you can get some sleep...poor Tony...he has and is still going through so much it just not fair....yes the caramel if for the coffee that Toni drinks ..cant spell um... :oops: hope to see you later xxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone,
Had the loveliest time with my gorgeous granddaughter. She is such a happy little thing. Always laughing, and chattering away in her own funny language. Sleeps right through the night too, which is pretty good for twelve weeks. At home they have a house cat, one of those exotic breeds that I can never remember the name of. She doesn`t meow, but makes a noise all her own.. I howled laughing because the little un has got it off to a tee, and mimics her perfectly. Then looks round, waiting for the applause. She brought such a lovely sweet energy, and my home - and my arms - feel very empty today.
Mig Would you do a salted caramel cake please? It would go down a treat with one of Toni`s posh coffees.
Oops, here`s the Asda man with my order. Back later........Rosie.x.0 -
Good afternoon. Cold and wet here but I see the sun is shining.
Rosieglow 2 of my children slept through and 2 were here there and everywhere! I prefer when they sleep through. They do sound adorable.
I had 1 hour deep sleep this morning but needed the loo and couldn't get back to sleep after that. Thought I'd get up and get on. Noticed a charge on my bt bill to Falkirk, traced it online and it is a BT internal number they gave to contact one of their own departments and didn't pre warn me its charged at £1 a minute. Glad to say I am getting it refunded after a complaint.
So the rest of my day is spent sorting out other problems including the dreaded pip forms for my Son. :roll:
Hoping Coco's uni trip went well, the weather in Plymouth was awful hope she managed to get around the campus in one piece.
Marianne you must be confusing Toady with Tody(who was a bloke).
Even if someone posts at the same time it should stay on the page and you can post 20-30 seconds later.
sorry to see many of you are suffering at the moment. I hope Catie is resting her ankle.
Who mentioned Chinese? I love it but we never buy it as the kids don't like it but my Daughter's visiting from Newcastle uni this weekend and the other is popping over from London so I'm planning on a big celebration weekend . It is Chinese New Year, year of the Horse (but hopefully not on the menu).
Well not sure what happened with the jacket Barbara (saw it mentioned but not the original post). hope she hasn't lost it as they cost a fortune. I bought a plain one from J.L*w*s ad sewed on the badge, much cheaper.
Ooh must get on,
Love Elizabeth xxxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
applerose I think you must have been eating the kitty treats.
mig, any cakes will suit me. although I'm rather partial to a nice fruit cake or tea bread.
It's a staying in day for me too Barbara. Went out yesterday and got to go for a blood test tomorrow, so keeping wrapped up warm today. Blood test is my usual Leflunomide one plus kidney and thyroid check. Although I've not had much itching at all since GP swapped my anti histamine. I had been taking the old one for years, so no wonder it stopped working :roll: also got to pick up a prescription. I've completely run out of Felodipine and Tamoxifen - only two of the most important drugs I use, along with Leflunomide. :shock:
I'll just go an help myself to the last chocolate finger and a nice hot chocolate - oh that tastes good.
Elizabeth I hope you managed to get your son's PIP forms sorted.
Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all
Rosie what a lovely post I can pick up how happy the little one made you..bless fancy her looking rounds for applause...oh bless her cotton socks GC do lift you....I hope you get to see them both very soon... GD had left her blazer here and gone home...mummy just dropped on her so we were rushing around getting everything ready... :roll: glad you are getting a refund...things have changed so much with all these different num charges mum took Tamoxifen but in those days it was taken off then after a few really is a good is still raing here and very dark I have 3 lights on...
Right another cuppa then I will go and do some more jobs...mind you I have only done I look bothered...xxxxxx
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