Val's Cafe



  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The cow was called marigold but cannot remember the cat. Toni would know (and correct me if Marigold is wrong).

    oh so much news and I just cannot reply to it all-not to say its not interesting- I'm just exhausted and haven't got the brains to concentrate. I could never ever sleep in the day a few years back but now i just seem to sleep in blocks of 4-5 hours.

    well i had respite wednesday but today was a training day so had my Son all day. He's been good though as far as I know (I haven't looked in the bathroom yet). He went through a stage of soaking the floor and one evening he covered the floor with flour/water paste and then I showed me a video of him pouring water and flour over his head.

    love to all, good luck for the weekend Coco. hope it goes well

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elizabeth good for you yes the cow was marigold..not a clue what the cat was...Im glad you son was good for you...he must sense sometimes..that you need amin
    Toady are right they catched me at the wrong time..I'm so glad your meds are working for you..the tiredness must be awful for you
    Kath we have had so many partys on here like that and had such a laugh.. :lol: once we found quits a few people under the table in the cafe...wont mention names
    And we used to have a yearly cruise ..we go anywhere we wanted... :D
    .I hope that Hilleena is ok she had her second THR today..I did get a text earlier..but nothing since I hope she is having a good nap..
    Right I am off to bed hope you all sleep wellish..xxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I agree Toady, you can only order a small amount of fresh food online. I prefer to cook most of my food from scratch and hardly use canned or jarred food so would need to order twice a week. I did think about ordering things like toilet rolls, washing powder every couple of months maybe. Great idea of yours to swap symptoms now and again to let someone have a day off.

    Hope you enjoyed your trip to the hairdresser Mig. Great getting your nails done for free.

    Barbara, I'm sure it must get to you every now and again although you never complain. Hope you feel a bit better now. Hope you were ok changing the bedding. I know I have to do mine a bit at a time.

    Catie, it would be very difficult for you to go for your breast screening at the moment. Can't believe you weren't allowed to make another appointment. Could your GP arrange it for you when you're ready?

    Kath, we all say that now and again. When it is busy in here, there is so much to catch up on so don't worry about it. Sounds as if they've ruled out the worst things that could be causing the itching. Hope they get to the bottom of it soon. A porch party sounds like a great idea. it must help to take your mind off things for a while.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend Rosie. You are looking very glamorous.

    Karen, nice to see you here. Think it might take you a while to read through as it's been very busy so don't worry if you can't. Sorry you're not coping. Hope you are getting plenty of rest.

    Thanks Marrianne. Didn't know whether I was coming or going today. I go to my boss's mum's for a couple of hours once a week. She changed the day twice this week then changed the hours today. Then said I'd done enough before I'd finished and insisted on taking me straight away to her son's house, which is where I work all week. I kept thinking it was afternoon when it was morning. :lol: She is 80 so I forgive her. Wonder where the cow has gone? Is she curled up in front of the fire with the Cuddles?

    Hi Elizabeth. don't worry about catching up. We know how busy you are. Glad your son was good on Wednesday. It must have taken some time to clean up the flour and water but I guess he doesn't realise that it is wrong.

    Wonder how Hileena is doing?

    The prisoner was captured at lunchtime today in the next town. He had been in prison for an armed robbery. They are allowed out to work when they are near the end of their sentence. I can never understand why they would run off at that point as they will then get extra time. It is worrying because we never know where they are headed or how dangerous they might be.

    Crikey, the wind is really whistling through my front door despite the fact I have a porch.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all got mi positive head today... :D and thankyou everyone for your kind words..
    Christine glad they caught the prisoner... :o like you say they will extend his sentence now...
    Kath ..I bet you had a good time at the virtual party..I used tolove them on here... :)
    Rosie you enjoy your weekend you look lovey..
    Today I have 2 GDs here 16 and 12...hopefully they will do some jobs for is still in bed....
    Hubby is working not sure for how long...its is quite dark here... :roll:looks like it poured down in the night ..
    I will make a cuppa and later I am making lemon drizzle cake ..with extra lemon in..
    See you later xxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Barbara I am glad you have a more positive head on. I certainly wouldn't want to be you.

    Christine, you had an escaped prisoner. Thank goodness he was caught. Reminds me when I was quite young, working but still at home. Our house backed onto a hospital field. I was off sick one day and luckily I was out cold. Apparently there was an escaped patient with severe mental health issues, going into every ones garden and banging on their windows. Our neighbour said it was very frightening. Glad I did sleep threw it.

    You're all right, I just haven't been able to read back through much. So I do apologise to anyone I haven't mentioned. Think I will take a while to get back into it.

    Hope you all have a good day. Oh I did want to say how lovely it is to see new café dwellers.

    Sending big hugs to all of you.
    Karen xx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Karen ,its lovely to meet the cafe people ,new here but its a lovely place to be ,Barbara I am glad your feeling better your always positve and help us all we are sad when you are hope your having a grand weekend ,Rosie hope the visitors are fun and not to tireing Kath dont scratch :lol: and Catie keep resting up .Christine you put in some hours as well as all the travel,I got a lift to swimming today but it took me 0ver an hour to get home and had to stand partway I do miss the car but as you say its the expence and 2 lots tax insurance ,I cant justify it at the moment ,.........Oh Elizabeth said the cow is called ..............forgot again :lol::lol: and yes Barbara the cat could be called cuddles or snuggles but shes very nice .. Mr Optomist and Toady I have not seen today but hope all is well just had a huge thunderstorm ..power went off for a spell but its back on I have pie in the oven so fingers crossed . it stays on now hugs to all (((())Marrianne
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We have just had the most horrendous storm ,wind ,rain ,hail,thunder and lightening ,didn't like it one bit.
    Kathleen I go to what is called " the new treatment centre" it's within the queens medical campus.
    Got gammon steaks for tea with mash and peas .
    Cuppa time ,hope we don't have anymore storms. Mig
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to Mig and Bubbles to ,and anyone else ,Are you cooking something nice today Mig .. the power is off again then on .. think I might have to give up on the pie it will be spoilt hard crust :lol: ..Marrianne (())
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    just read your message Mig ..gammon is lovely might have bacon and fried egg as can cook quickly in between the power cut
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Karen, Kath, Elizabeth, Barbara, Marriane and everyone else who I have forgotten to say hello to.
    Not been around for a while, time just slips away so fast when you are here, there and everywhere, keeping tabs on family, with health and bereavement problems.
    You wish you could make time pass (not that you ever forget a loved one, but time does take away some of the raw emotions). Also it is frustrating as an ex nurse, I want to be offering advice on maybe some anti depressants, but you don't want to be pushy or step on toes.
    I do remember the cruises, I was ships nurse but I think I had to be air lifted off, due to having very bad sea legs.

    Day trips out on the bus, mass pocket duties, picnics, we certainly got about !

    Marigold and Cuddles are ok, as is Yack, bless. We did have a dog, Snowy, but he was adopted to a loving home as I remember. I have checked Cuddles' tray, all clean and proper, she is not for going out, we are having all four seasons in an our here.

    Arthur is biting, tramadol increased, but it messes with your head, alongside all the other darned pills. Still, while you are out of the tree, thee pain does ease a little and for a short time.

    Met a lady I have known for years yesterday and not seen in years, she was asking how I was and of course you say "oh, fine, not so bad" she said, your eyes are telling me different, you cannot hide pain. Bless, it was lovely to see her, we had a hug and a natter while was v nice.

    Leaving hugs to one and all, along with some Thornton's chocolates, 5 kilo box I think it is :) xx Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mig, I know the QMC very well, I did my training there, small world isn't it. xx Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Karen you are kind but I never forget we are all suffering in someway or another...sorry I missed you..
    Bubbles...what a kind lady...bless she must have seen the pain you are in..what a small world we live in doing your training at the same hospital that mig goes to..the cruse nurse I remember that well.. :D
    Marianne what a shame it took you so long getting they not have ring and ride near you I am thinking of joining ours..
    Mig I am coming round to yours...gammon sounds lovely...we got the was awful ..this weather is so up and down
    One GD here not and I think the baby is visiting later ....think hubby is going for an indian that is what we are having....
    Will see you all later xxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yep, the good old QMC treatment centre. My rheumy is lovely, I've been with her for several years now. We also had that thunderstorm today. It was as black as night outside when it happened.

    Just as I read your advice 'don't scratch' I was doing just that :lol: only a bit though.

    I missed the porch party :cry: I was on the phone to my YD who has just moved house. She loves it.

    we have a soup maker and buy fresh veg to make our home made soup - yummy. I've bought a large container full, so if anyone wants any, it's nice and hot - chicken and vegetable.

    I hope you all have a good weekend.
    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Mig, I think that storm is heading our way. Or so I've been told. And we have damp in the girls room. We reckon the other bad storms has loosened some tiles. Contacted our housing association and all they say is for us to complete a form of what we should do and return it after 1 month. Would you believe it. I did explain that hubby is disabled and I am not that good, but they still said we had to try all the form says.

    Anyway, hope you all have had a goodish day. I have just taken all my meds, including tramadol(it's never done anything to me) and diazepam along with the nytripoline. Hopefully should have a good evening.

    Hope everyone else has a good one. Oh the fun of concoctions of meds.
    Karen xx
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie, a letter of complaint should be made to your hospital, as Rosie suggested.
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all, just making a quick appearance, having an ok day apart from weather, thanks for asking marrianne :) it has been awful - sorry about your pie! hope your power stays on now things have calmed down. Sorry about your damp as well, constable, not something you want to put up with for a month; have had water coming in in the past & it's not a nice feeling when you are just on edge hoping it won't rain (especially now the weather seems to be turning wetter).

    Sorry you missed your party Kath, I have never been to a virtual party (probably because I'm not a party type in rl either lol) but since getting RA I do play virtual fantasy type games where I get to run around, go on quests, wield some nice hefty weapons & fight off a few monsters (well it's not a substitute for real life fitness, but we have to make do as you say, so why not have a super-strong alter ego :D). I would have to pass on a cruise for the same reason as bubbles.

    Bubbles who is 'Yack'? I will be glad of a chocolate or two, thank you, I mistakenly bought a (real) box over christmas that isn't suitable for vegetarians, I always check but this sort I'm sure always used to be ok. :(

    Glad you are doing ok today Barbara and hope the GDs have done some chores for you, have a good Sunday everyone :)
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    After the storm it went very cold and had to flick the heating back on.
    My consultant is a woman too Kathleen wonder if we have the same one ?
    Am now just in bed with hot water bottle and iPad so I'm going to play cards or maybe dominoes for a while. Mig
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good to see you feeling better today Barbara. Hope your GDs did some jobs for you. Enjoy your takeaway.

    Yes Karen. It's the fourth breakout in 2 years. There were 4 prisoners one time. They are all nearing the end of their sentences so I can't understand why they do it. That must have been scary for your neighbours. As you say, just as well you were out cold. Hope you don't get any more rain until the roof is sorted out.

    Marrianne, I hope you managed to get your pies cooked. We take our services for granted, don't we? Can't do without them. I like a good thunder storm.

    Mig, although I like a good thunder storm, yours sounds a bit too much with hail as well.

    Good to see you again Bubbles but sorry about your health problems and loss. It was lovely of your friend to notice your pain. As you say, we all say we are fine when we're not.

    Kath, hope the itching is easing off. Chicken and veg soup sounds delicious.

    Toady, you bought a box of chocolates that wasn't vegetarian? I was told M&S had gluten-free bread so I went to have a look. Couldn't believe how cheap it was so bought 2. It wasn't until I had finished it that I noticed I'd picked up normal loaves. Only the top shelf was gluten-free.

    Quite a few of you have had storms today. We had a slight downpour just after lunch time but nothing else although the sky has been dark grey all day.

    My smoke alarm started beeping the other day. I had 2 put it by the firemen which were supposed to have 10 year batteries. I've had them replaced twice already. This would have been the 4th ones so I decided to buy some from Arg*s. That way I can replace the batteries when they beep.

    I went to my son's for tea today. My littlest GD (10 months old) was sitting next to me. She picked up her cup a bit too quickly and hit herself in the face. Mum picked her up to cuddle her and Ruby turned round and gave me such a look as if she thought I'd done it. :shock: :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..
    I got up late..keep waking up then when its time to get up I go to sleep.. :?
    Karen have I missed something are you having trouble with the housing...hope it gets sorted...I hope those meds worked for you
    Kath you missed the party...oh well there will be others.. :)
    Mig glad you got that pie cooked... :) it was a rotten evening weather wise
    Hello MrO have you now got all the boxes unpacked..
    toady we are the same with damp just in one place between next dooss extension and ours its a pain
    Chrsitine glad you had a good day at your sons...I had to laugh at Ruby giving you the look like they do..naughty Gran... :lol:
    It is pouring down here and very dark so wont be going far...have one GD...and the baby will be here later
    Who has made this delicious soup... :)
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, I had a itch free night last night. I've only taken one Loratidine, so it looks hopeful. The steroid cream is helping my shins too.

    All this rain and dampness is getting to my hands, elbows and shoulder. I can't see me being able to wait until August to see my rheumy at this rate. I'm beginning to need a bit more than just 10mg Leflunomide. I never thought I would say this but GIVE ME BACK MY METHOTREXATE!! Although I don't fancy injecting again. :(

    I also need more hot soup, I think I'll have tomato this time. :P

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Afternoon :)

    What a miserable day out there - rain, rain, and more rain. Nice to see the snowdrops are now showing their liitle heads. When I see them I always think that spring is just round the corner. Then summer won't be far away and Barbara will be getting the bus out again :). Right, so where shall we go this year? Any ideas?

    MrO, yes I will write that letter :)

    Kath, glad that itching has eased a little. My mother-in-law suffered from an underactive thyroid and that made her itch - poor soul. Tomato soup sounds just the job for a day like this - as do the chocs, but I think I must be too late as they have all gone. Bet it was MrO :) Hopefully Mig will be in later with a nice cake or two.

    Christine, little Ruby sounds a little character :) Lovely to hear that she's doing so well.

    Toady, ref fighting super heroes etc - really made me smile. I think the most adventurous game I play is spider solitaire lol

    Karen, I was wondering if a letter from your GP to the council might help. Damp is a horrid problem and perhaps a letter might explain that it's affecting your health.

    Love to Elizabeth, Bubbles, Marrianne, Rosie and anyone not mentioned xx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Catie, sorry I did not realise about your poor foot. That will teach me for missing days and weeks out wont it. And yes, my daughter suffers with asthma, along with other problems and we have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, so I will ask if she could maybe do a letter for us. It is getting worse so obviously there must be tiles gone or damaged.

    Mr.O, nice to see you. How is your new home. Hope you have settled in nicely.

    Barbara, how are you today. I hope still thinking in a possible way. Sending you hugs.

    To everyone I have not mentioned I am sorry but also sending out hugs to all.
    Karen xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    catie, my GP arranged for blood tests to check out my thyroid as she also said that can cause itching. What does your MIL take for it? Just in case it turns out to be that, but as there is some relief since I changed my anti histamine, it probably isn't.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's doughnuts,daughter went to London with her god daughter they had got a deal on the doughnuts so we have a box full sat on the table ,help yourself.Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Kath glad you had a itch free night....I just hope they can find out what is causing it
    Karen yeah I am trying to keep my positive head keeps slipping but I shove it back..I hope things are going okish with all of you..or is that a silly question
    Catie..yes wont be long I will get the bus all clean for spring :D ...hope that foot isn't to painful...and how are you managing...
    Mig lovely doughnuts..I just like the ones with jam in or plain...I will put the kettle on
    our middle GD gone home..and the baby has just visited for a couple of hours....all the toys out the box again then she can get in.....
    Think some of you might know that Hilleena had her THR on Friday..she had a couple of bad days but today was better for her thank goodness..
    will see you all tomorrow xxxxx