Val's Cafe



  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol, well done for selling the cards. Will you be doing Xmas ones? They’ll probably sell well between now and Xmas. What beautiful children. They look as if they do have the best mummy. And teddy is adorable in pink. 21 years since you lost your mum. I doubt it gets much easier as time goes by. It’s been 6 years since I lost my mum and still miss her a lot. :cry:

    Aiden, 2 and ½ weeks with no GC. Bet they were glad to see you all. Hope you are feeling well again. Good for mum enjoying herself. Totally agree with you about letting people take their own risks. No chance of a wage rise now till the minimum wage goes up again next year sometime but thanks to Pepe and Miss Sleek for trying. I think Bill did the right thing cancelling the hall. He’s had enough on his plate to last a while. I’m sure there will be plenty of other opportunities when he feels better. It must have been amazing to see all those beautiful trees covered in their autumn leaves.

    Toni, sounds as if you had fun at the Rob Brydon gig. He said you were divorced. Does he know something you don’t? Hope your back is feeling better today. The wasps’ nest has gone now. I feel sorry for insects when we need to get rid of them too but it is often necessary for our own safety. Hope you had a lovely time with your friend although it may have been a little bit sad at the same time. No need to thank me for donating the blood. It’s a no-brainer for me. My niece had several pints when she was ill and my son’s uncle too. Makes me feel good when they text me to let me know when my blood has been used so I’m a bit selfish really. Some lovely food at Pom’s but you didn’t like the Prosecco. Don’t think I’ve tried it but I do like anything sparkly. I should have hidden under the table so you could pour it in my mouth. :lol: Hope your eyelids are ok for your h*****y. Some people can have a reaction to the glue.

    Mig, hope you had a great birthday. Brilliant cake. Such a shame to eat it but bet it tasted lovely. So Elvis is all gone. We are too late. :o

    Barbara, I got a badge when I’d donated 10 pints, 25 pints and 50 pints. I think my next one will be 100. I worked it out. If I can give 3 a year, it’ll take me another 16 years to get there. :shock: My eyes are worse at the moment. I have to be a lot closer to things to read them and often use a magnifying glass. Even then, sometimes I read the words wrong. You are feeling tired so feet up with the bush babies for a while.

    Joan, sorry to hear you have a sore throat. Hope it doesn’t last long and isn’t stopping you from eating. My eyes are very blurry now. I need to use a magnifying glass sometimes to make out the words. I have a check-up with the eye specialist in February.

    Kath, I really should get Tesco to deliver but I do enjoy a wander round and picking my own things. I heard about Lady Gaga. Isn’t it amazing that she can do what she does?

    All this talk of spiders reminded me of the other day when I was in the garden. I felt a tickle on my arm but ignored it thinking it was just a leaf but it was going up my arm. When I looked, it was a tiny-bodied, very long-legged s****r strolling along. Didn’t bother me so I just blew it off on to the soil. I have a big fat one outside the kitchen window. So far, it has had a big moth (at least I think that’s what it was. It was well wrapped up but it was moth shaped) and a tiny greenfly for lunch.

    I’ve noticed my boss’s 86 year old mum is having a few memory problems now. My boss’s wife asked me if I had noticed so they must be aware. My sister got a copy of an assessment on my dad. It said he couldn’t remember when he was born, his age, his last address or our names. He seems to know when we talk to him about those things. He always asks if I’ve seen any of my siblings using their names.

    It’s the last garden waste collection on Tuesday and my bags are still empty. Haven’t been able to get in the garden because of all the rain. I have a huge bag (the ones they use to deliver sand or gravel) so, if I get in the garden after Tuesday, I’ll just fill that and transfer it next spring.
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    afternoon to all - have run out of Sunday, just wanted to say hi and will post later.
    Been round to see Mum n Dad and BIL, checking Mum was ok with everything, seems slow and tired, but she hasn't had a nap, which makes a big difference.

    OK, something nice to go with our cuppa's.

    Catch all later. AB' free day, hoorah............

    XXX Aidan

    Summer Berry Bake :) Cream, ice cream, or custard, or all three :lol:


    oh let's have one of these too.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just having a shortcake and strawberry and cream stack in one go!! Yum :) Thanks Aidan

    Bet you feel good sans Antibiotics :D

    Hopefully Mum is ok just very tired bless her.

    A quick post to let us know you are ok is enough sometimes.

    Hi Christine :) I do appreciate you donating blood and think it's good they tell you when it's been used. When I think about how much Lucy had, I well-up :oops:

    I am glad someone donated for your family too :)

    Rob Brydon was funny very clever he is, but Paul and I are definitely still married :wink:

    Next time you must come along to Pom's and drink my share of prosecco!! Yes!! Great idea :lol:

    Oddly enough I too can cope with spi****s outside just like you :D

    Poor bosses wife :( Poor lady. I do think people with dementia can have lucid times too so your Dad will remember sometimes and probably not others :? but I would let the staff know you know.

    I hope you can get some garden waste out in time. Ours carries on all winter!

    Kath thank you :) I love the BBBs :) they are so sweet tonight will be better already I can tell ((()))

    Poor Lady Gaga :(

    little kittens how adorable thanks for the pic:)

    Joan I hope you're ok and not too worn out. That cold is a nasty one :(

    Hi Barbara The eyelashes would have been ok but the glue. My don't you get a GD to try you with a strip line of them? See if they suit? I am going to have mine dyed a darker colour e are too fair.

    No it was not a dig at your singing rather enough regarding Aidan's ABs!! :lol:

    Fizzy wine I am with you gross and unnecessary :roll:

    The kids appreciate being able to wear their won clothes - they feel more adult :)

    love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very late Evening all

    Saturday and Sunday seemed to disappear into the shed I think need to make a visit soo to claim some hours back. just grabbing a quick cuppa and as the cakes are calorie free here and its Sunday it have a couple of summer berry bakes. before I take myself off to bed.

    Will catch up with you all tomorrow.

    night all.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone - is Autumn over yet, more and more spi---s, enough of them already :? :?

    I thought the breakfast was very healthy too Toni, with the fruit........... :lol:

    I am glad you had a lovely meal at Pom's. I cannot see the big fuss about Prosecco, or champagne for that matter. Not that I have tried prosecco.

    Have not seen Strictly, for years now, we used to love it, but it seems to have gone off our radar now. I know they have good fun and I did see Debbie Mcgee in the papers, some made up scandal............ :roll: :roll:

    A whole day of no AB's, happy me. Hopefully my very sore mouth will now start to heal, keep checking that I have not got Thrush, seems ok at the moment.
    Perfect song choice, "enough is enough........."

    We went round to Mum n Dads, after lunch, stopped a while had a natter, Mum had run out of one of her pills, fortunately I have the same, so we made sure she had enough until I can get the Px sorted today. I was being very Matron, when I was on my own with Mum, asking lots of questions, in a nice way....................making sure I was up to speed, no pain, etc etc.

    Yes, Miss Sleek saw Lucy doing some packing and was on the crustal ball as quick as a flash. Pepe has been keeping her concerns at bay, saying that Lucy is sorting clothes out and putting them in a special safe place. :roll: :? not sure how long he can fend off her worries..............He was gliding again this morning, but has been quiet this evening. It is blowing a gale outside, they all tend to lay low when it is stormy weather.

    A no fly zone for 24 hours, due to our weather warnings. Pepe went into the cupboard and turned the broom off.

    Oh dear, lashes were not a success, good job your eyes didn't react too badly.

    Remember the picture of the ginger puskin - I found the picture of me, with the puskin, I cannot be more than 5 or 6 and I was as black as soot.

    Hi Barbara - we have seen those bee houses at the GC, might get a couple, but we are very exposed here, despite trees nearby, the wind howls round our park home. All the spiders in creation must come out of the woods and find their way into ours.

    I have found one picture of me, with my name's sake, St Aidan. It must be about 40 years ago.

    Mum was quite tired today. We will go out for a coffee this morning all being well. Nothing too strenuous, we will have to shield her from the wind and rain.

    No, you carry on singing Barbara, we can all join in with the chorus, you take the lead.............. :D:D

    Glad your GD is enjoying sixth form, as you say, wearing their own clothes makes a huge difference.

    Hi Joan, I hope you and Sue are feeling better, sending extra hugs your way. Take care if you are out in the stormy weather. I feel a lot better than I did thank you. So glad the ABs have finished. Now I have a cough, but I am sure that will go of its own accord.

    I bet Migs cake picture makes a good jigsaw puzzle.

    Hi Kath, Elvis has left the building, Mig has eaten him :lol::lol: 8)

    Ah, so that's where Cuddles and her kittens are, they are uber cute, bless them.

    I did read about Lady GaGa having Fybro. I can sympathise with her, as can many of us. I love her to bits, great voice, amazing shows, works so hard and always has time for her fans.

    Hi Christine - it was unthinkable, no GC visit for over two weeks, everyone was in shock :lol::lol: I imagine it will be quiet this morning, with the weather warnings.

    B was right to cancel the stall at the fayre, he has had a rough time these past few weeks and we need to catch up a bit.

    Pepe and Miss Sleek will carry on sprinkling magic dust over your boss's house, they are determined to work on your side, for a little more £.

    Upstate New York was just stunning in early autumn, I was blessed to be there and see it for real, just gorgeous.

    My Uncle was saying they are going out to dinner, for donating their 100th pint of blood, courtesy of the Blood donor service. Hope you are treated to the same.

    Spiders outside are fine, don't mind them at all, I know the ones you mean, they are all spindly legged, they don't bother me one bit. It is the big black horrors that lurk indoors, that give me the heebie jeebies.

    Extra hugs, gentle ones, for those eyes of yours. ((()))

    Toni doesn't mind spiders in the garden either.

    Glad you liked the cakes Toni, I forgot the vacuum, so I will clean up later :wink::lol::lol:

    Will see you in the secret garden Carol, when we are gathering hours, from the shed.

    Well, I had better do some more pottering, check for more spi---s, shudder..............

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all. Everyone take lots of care. XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I thought we could have breakfast on the Yacht this morning

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Monarch Airlines went bust overnight.

    We aren't going to Benidorm :(

    Speak later - hairdressers.

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all I'm trying to go out before it rains.
    Toni sorry you are not going on holiday.
    Aidan I bet they were pleased to see you at the garden.centre.
    Christine sorry about your eyes.
    Mig thank you for showing us your cake lovely.
    Kathleen my cold is going now thank you.
    have a good day
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all just been for repeat bloods..must say its much easier at the new and out instead of getting a ticket and waiting for hours at the hospital..
    Oh no Toni..the fist thing I thought of this morning was I hope Toni and friends aren't going on Monarch..I am really sorry..its awful how people can just be dumped like this..and the poor people that work for them..I just hope you all might be able to get new flights..but its the expence.. :( xx
    Aiden the last AB dont you just appreciate not having to take anymore..hope your mouth soon improves..mum sounds like a strong lady that will just plod on regardless bless her has long has she can get the GC with you and have visits.. :) bless I love the pics..I remember my mum not bothering one bit if we came in black has coal.. :lol: and so nice to visit the statue that you are names for some healthy cake ..then on to the yacht for breakfast :D thankyou..hope you both have a nice relaxing day
    Joan thankyou for asking.. our GD is still caring in London..back to work today after there holiday..hope you are both recovering..
    Kath the kitten are adorable..I could scoop them up :D
    Mig that was some cake... :D
    Christine we had our last green bin day and we missed it.. :shock: at least they are keeping an eye on your bosses thats good to must have been a shock when you got he report on your dad..its so sad..but has long as he is being looked after..thats what counts now bless him..I have an assortment of magnifying glasses here.. :o thank goodness for have done so well with the badges.. :)
    Hi to Carol.. I think we all need to visit the shed for more hours.. :lol:
    Better get moving or I will set
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's upsetting Joan when Paul gets home form work we'll have to think what to do :(

    Barbara I am glad the new Drs is so much easier :) At least we aren't stranded out there I suppose....

    Ryanair are after pilots so they might get jobs. Not good for the rest of the staff though :(
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni I will have everything crossed that you can all get on this holiday..I really do..people that booked by credit card will be reimbursed by there bank..but this doesn't make up for not being able to go on holiday.. :(
    Joan I hope you got out and about between the rain..its been an horrible day here..
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Coming home from a few hours out with hubby our daughter who had the day off work said dad get the plastic jug from the back garden will you she had thrown it outside when she found a spider in it.
    Barbara the cake was delicious,hated cutting it but needs must.
    Aiden its Goose Fair week hubby and I are going for a walk through and a hot dog and blow my healthy eating for a day.
    Very chilly here have got the fire on.Mig
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mig :) Goose Fair is it? I hope everyone has a great time I know I had many a happy time there :)

    Barbara I am not going to complain. We are lucky - I keep thinking about those poor people in Las Vegas. What have I got to moan about :( We're all alive and well.

    Maybe Miss Sleek and Pepe did a spell to stop us going on holiday :?


    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all - the day has vanished :?

    The awful massacre in Las Vegas, is just mind numbing. I am lost for words. Sending all our love and caring thoughts to those who have passed and those who are are injured and all their family and friends.

    The day started with the same news Toni, of Monarch Airlines going bust, our neighbour appeared, in floods of tears, having received an email at 4am, to say that their flights to Tennerife, next week (honeymoon) were no longer available owing the Monarch going bust.

    We sorted her some more flights with another carrier, done within minutes, so that settled her down. They will have to fight for the refund from the credit card company, as will thousands of other people.

    I guess there is always an option to book new flights Toni, but, as you say, given all that is going on, home is not a bad idea. Things move in mysterious ways. The disappointment must be aweful for you all. Maybe our feline lovelies might well have cast some magic dust.

    I hope the trip to the hairdressers went well. We both had cuts yesterday, ( I am still not back to salon Junior yet) :roll: :?

    Hi Joan, I am glad to hear that your cold is improving, good to hear. Is Sue feeling better as well, I do hope so?

    Did you manage to dodge the showers, well, pouring rain and high winds, not a pleasant day at all.

    The staff at the GC were pleased to see us. We went today (Monday) with Mum n Dad, but it was too much for Mum to be honest.

    Hi Barbara Definitely easier to have bloods done at the GP's, in and out in a flash, as you say. Phlebotomy at the hospitals are always packed to the rafters and I used to loathe those ticket machines............

    Mum is a strong lady, but the strength is fading, sad to say. As I said to Joan, the trip to the GC was far too much for her, she was nodding off within minutes of being there and not really interested. We didn't stay so long, it was more important to get the chores done and get them home.

    Glad you liked the pictures, I will have to post the one of me having a bath in the kitchen sink !! :lol::lol: that is a LONG time ago and I was only a mini me then.

    Oh Mig, a spider in the kitchen jug............I have found them in pots and pans before and sent them flying.

    Goose Fair, oh I used to love going round there with friends, we would wander round for hours, park up off Gregory Boulevard. It used to be packed, shoulder to shoulder. It is quite a sight to see. It is one of the biggest in the country. I think they go to Hull from Nottingham and that is even bigger. Well, they used to, I am going back a fair few years now.

    You enjoy your hot dogs :) Candy floss too perhaps :)

    Christine, I hope your eyes are not too bad and that the Boss's house is not a tip. ((()))

    Kerrin, thinking of you and hope you are as ok as possible.

    Carol, I am sure I saw you popping into the shed, to gather some hours back. Time and tide eh, but why does it go so fast, the more mature we get?

    What is the upshot of the Benidorm trip Toni? I just want everyone to be safe, all of us.

    Hi to Elizabeth, Charrisse and all. I had better potter a bit, make sure I have checked everywhere for spi---s :shock:

    Everyone take lots of care, love to all XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all ..the sun is shinning..
    Toni you are right ...there is so much much more going on in the thought go out to all the people effected by the shooting..its so hard to get your head around someone planning doing such an horrendous thing...I still hope you can get to Benidorm..
    Aiden your poor neighbours but you both came good in the end.. :)I understand how it feels to see your mum looking frail...its so very hard...(())...I say again she is lucky to have you both must really put her mind at ease....
    I would love to see you in the kitchen sink... :lol: I have one of my eldest brother in the dolly tub...mind you he was in front of the fire.. :lol: so you have seen the ticket system..its horrible when you are fasting and your num is 70 something and they are on num 3 :shock:
    Thankyou for the morning message .. :D hope you both have a nice I will go and checked all of our lovely animals..I love to whisper to them..mind you I have a captive audience.. :lol:
    I to am worried about Kerrin
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Went to Derby Royal Hospital yesterday. Arrived at 12.30 for my 1.45 appointment. Sat until 2.15 then got out of the wheelchair and pushed it to the desk to ask what they were going to do with me. They asked my name, checked a few things, then told me the doc I was supposed to be seeing hadn't started yet. 5 mins later I was taken through to another waiting room, when a nurse specialist came to get me. She had asked receptionist if I'd arrived yet (three times). I'd seen her, but didn't know she was looking for me, she was just about to look for her next patient and was shocked when I told her how long I'd been waiting. She wasn't very pleased with reception, neither was I. I can't have a colonoscope, as I wouldn't be able to DASH for the preparation at home the day before. So I will be having a Scan instead.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to everyone.

    Hi Barbara
    The news of the mass shootings in Las Vegas is beyond horrific. It was close to where we stayed when we went to Vegas.
    Quite how someone can have such an arsenal of weapons if beyond me.

    Oh yes, we are always bringing calm to our neighbours 8) 8) No matter what the problem, we normally solve it, be it medical, technical, personal, etc.
    B went round to Mum n Dads this morning, Dad has run out of pills and said nothing yesterday when we were out. Anyway, B has sorted it and he is collecting them later from the surgery. Mum still very frail, very sleepy. It is hard, I remember it well with my Mum.
    So you want to see me in the kitchen sink :lol::lol: :shock: let me see if I can find the picture. Oh, it is not the sink, more a big washing up bowl :lol::lol:

    We had a dolly tub in the outhouse at the Rectory.

    Those ticket systems are horrid, just watching the numbers tick round........... :roll:

    Hope all the animals are ok, I think we have Rhino's, Zebra, Buffalo. there is a HUGE enclosure, acres of land for them to roam freely and safely.

    I hope Kerrin is ok, she will pop in soon I am sure to let us know.

    What a performance at the hospital Kath, all that time, no one seemed to know what was going on. Not surprised the nurse was miffed with reception. Waiting around is just draining.

    No, one needs to be swift, if you have the prep for a colonoscopy, deeply moving shall we say.

    A scan is far easier for you, without a doubt. I hope you are not too ouchy, after your hanging around yesterday.

    Hope Toni is ok, sorting holiday, or getting refunds, sending extra hugs ((()))

    Hi to Carol, Charrisse, Kerrin, Joan, Mig, Christine and all.

    Apart from sorting out Dads pills, we are not doing much else today. A bit of down time is needed.

    Better go sort some clothes, the dryer has finished. Let me find something nice for afternoon T.

    Let's have some ultimate chocolate cake, why not eh.............XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni Kathleen Mig Barbara and anyone else I missed
    Aidan you are a good neighbour that's nice helping the lady.
    love to your Mum in law and Dad.
    Toni I hope your holiday can be worked out you need one.
    Kathleen i'm sorry you had to wait so long at the hospital.
    Mig I hope you've had a good day.
    Barbara that's good having a blood test at the doctors.
    I went to the doctors I've been having a sharp pain in my hip so I have to go for an ex-ray I had to cancel my flu injection I still have the cold on my chest.
    take care
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have a shocking head cold runny nose sneezers ,don't feel ill and I've just polished off a big bowl of chicken curry and rice so fingers crossed it won't get any worse..
    Don't nobody eat that chocolate cake till I've tested it. 8)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Aiden like you say how on earth can anyone have so many guns..that is one thing I like about Obama he stood up for gun control..not easy in America..
    Oh bless I love the pic you haven't change one bit :lol::lol: that little cheeky face.. :lol: so you had a dolly tub..did you have the posser to wash the clothes in it :lol: glad that B was able to sort mums meds..
    Mig sorry I had a very large slice of the you say neighbour and my OH swear by curry when they are poorly..I think it must be the turmeric it is very good for you..hope you feel better soon..
    Joan poor you that cold will not leave you alone..there are so many things going around at the min..and now your hip is painful..I know you had the new one quite a long time ago, but one of our neighbours had pain in is 20 years old..but it turns out to be her back..I do hope all is well when they xray it..(()) x
    Kath that is awful, you must be shattered..dont think I could do the its good to know that they can scan instead..hope all is well..
    Did I tell you when we went for our flu jabs..OH hates needles..but after years I have got him to come and have the jab..the nurse said to him which arm would you like it in Mr ..he came back with yours.. :oops: I cant take him anywhere... :lol:
    Chocolate cake and a cuppa..I think..
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    hope you have all had a good couple of days as usual I have been busy and not on here very much Sunday always disappears very quickly yesterday I went visit my mums grave as I mentioned in my last post it was 21 years last since she passed away so went to add some more flowers and a small plant there to the already mass of flowers put on by my my sister and my 2 daughters on Saturday so now there is quite as large supply of flowers up there. I then did some shopping in the nearby Asda and of course after the shopping a coffee in their café. and today has been a mixed day was very annoyed this morning when thinking about slimming world and would I lose this week as last week I gained and was at the very top of my target so did my usual quick weigh at home and to my horror according to scales I had gained another 1lb since my home weigh last week and would have been out of target so I didn't go and will just see what happens next week. however this afternoon I had an appointment with Dr for the results of my blood test and weather my sodium levels had stayed static and not dropped happy to say they have actually risen in the last 4 months and are now in normal range dr is quite happy, and I can remain on my water tablets everyday for a while.

    Aidan lovely picture of you by St Aidan and the one in the big bowl I had to smile at I remember I washed my daughters many times like that. Glad mum is a bit better

    Toni Sorry about your problems with your holiday flight hope something can be sorted out for you.

    i'm off now to see our lovely animals and see which ones are around for cuddles and a bit of fuss and I will take a good supply of fruit with me and other nice treats.

    bye for now
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all  :)

    Sorry to be late on, but today has been very manic trying to see if there is any way we could book another holiday with no luck at all. Apart from the Canaries which is a bit chilly ATM  :( Lucy’s insurance contacted me by email offered to compensate for her holiday if the bank don’t reimburse us. How good is that? :shock:

    We have decided to go and see my sister up in Scotland at the beginning of the week instead that will do us all good  :)

    I do hope you feel much better soon nasty virus you’ve got ver wise to avoid your flu jab for now.

    Mig whose nose is running like mad!! You get well soon – I always think a good curry helps too ;)

    how lovely that your Mum’s grave was a mass of flowers she was so loved!

    I would have dodged SW too if I was you!! I am very, very pleased to hear your sodium levels are normal and you can stay on the water tablets :D

    your OH was bang on about which arm to have his flu jab in hahaha!! Go him!! :lol:

    The animals like being talked to as do plants. I think/hope maybe that the man in Vegas was ill and the balance of his mind was disturbed. :?

    I have had a large slice of chocolate cake and I needed it too  :roll: I was trying to get a holiday and starting the refund process how did you know?

    I am very sorry to hear Mum is weakening. She needs to rest more, but I expect you’ve told her that and to drink plenty to I bet too.

    Silly Dad running out of meds we don’t need him getting ill now do we?

    I heard Miss Sleek on the broomstick talking to Pepe. “They aren’t going anymore don’t tell Hermione….” Then she spotted me and started chirruping instead….hmmm…. :?

    The holiday matters not. We are all well and will visit my sister and her pusskin instead for a few days next week. We can go to the village quiz now and the pub meal out over the weekend.

    I am so glad your neighbour’s hol was rescued I think we left it too late to try today, but I didn’t have Paul until today.

    I’ve also spent some time in the sanctuary with the rhinos buffalos and Zebras. The Rhinos are lovely aren’t they so gentle (Johnny must have hypnotised them??) like dinosaurs I got really close up.

    That little boy was adorable!! What a sweetie I have to agree with Barbara you really haven’t changed much at all! :D

    I can’t even think about Las Vegas and unlike you haven’t been there - so dreadful poor people  :cry:

    they had my Mum in hospital for her camera the night before due to her heart and arthritis and to make sure she was ok for the loo. I think a scan might be better anyway. So annoying the desk didn’t tell the nurse you were waiting grrr!!!

    Right off to bed I am shattered.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx

    Unpack cases tomorrow :roll:
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone, quite chilly out tonight. Even the heating decided to come on for a little while.

    Hi Joan, sorry you are still troubled with a horrid cold and cough. Right not to have the flu jab, they avoid giving it to people if they are not quite up to par. Hugs for the pain in your hip to go away. Let's hope the X ray can be helpful in diagnosis and treatment.

    We are always looking after one neighbour or another. People say we are never allowed to move, as they don't know what they would do without us. Bless. Mind you, if we win the lottery, never say never.

    Oh Mig, you have the snotty cold and sneezums as well. Good that you don't feel bad with it and I am sure the curry will throw off some of the germs.
    Are we ok to taste the cake now........oh, I see Barbara and Toni have already attacked it, it is one of those face plant cakes :)

    Hi Barbara, not changed a bit, lol :lol::lol: I would be lucky to get two feet in the bowl now, let alone be bathed in it.

    Yes, there was the posser and some huge dolly peg things for dragging the clothes around. Dad had some dolly blue I think it was called, in his garage.

    I hope the cake was ok, I know Mig was very cautious and wanted to test it first :? :lol::lol:

    Turmeric is very good for you, but it gives me chronic indigestion, which rather defeats the object :roll: :roll:

    LOL at Mr B, not liking needles and telling the nurse he would like the needle in her arm.

    Hi Carol, you have had a busy time. How lovely that your late Mum's grave is carpeted in flowers, from all who loved her so much.

    Don't beat yourself up over the mini weight gain, it will soon vanish. I know what it is like, after being on many diets in the past. It is only 1 lb, won't take long for it to go away.

    Good that your blood results are ok and you can carry on with your diuretics :)

    Glad you liked the pictures, one slightly more grown up than the other :shock: :lol:

    You might need a wheelbarrow for the treats for all the lovelies, we have an ever expanding sanctuary.............we have extra keepers and vets on duty, which is good to know.

    Hi to Mr T :)

    Hi Toni
    I had an inkling you might be late today with all the sorting and the like, of holidays, reimbursements etc. That is really good of Lucy's insurance company.
    How did I know, well, I just kind of did, I always trust my Psychic abilities and to be honest, I am so relieved you are not going and are off to Scotland instead :)

    Yes, Mum needs lots of rest now, for sure. All her meds are now in blister packs, for each day, which is much easier. Dad is going to have the same.
    One of us, or both, will be there every day at some point, even if we don't overstay our welcome. Glad the D Nurse is coming today. I am sure she will note the changes in condition.
    Niece is coming on Sat and Nephew and his wife / kiddies, are coming on Sunday. We said that it might be prudent to come over.

    There was a lot of chirruping on the broomstick earlier, I could hear miss sleek giving it large, about peeples not going away. I am sure Hermione will transport them to Bonnie Scotland, as and when they wish. Bless her.

    It will be lovely for you to visit your Sister and puskin, who already has a broom, as we know. I am sure the three of them will be whizzing up the Glens when no one is looking.

    I hope you win the quiz night and enjoy the meal at the week end.

    I think Monday must have been a manic day for re booking flights, we got in early for our neighbour, but I bet there were very few left after a couple of hours.

    The Rhino's are wonderful, their skin is just so tough, like armour plated, they do like having a good scratch :)

    So you think I haven't changed too. I am flattered :oops: :oops: :D

    Miss Sleek will be even more chirruppy when she sees the cases being unpacked. Pepe won't mention Scot---d, not yet.

    I guess I had better move - no emails have come through, saying "news about your ticket" - c'est la vie.

    Off to get the car valeted today, while we have lunch at Costa and wander round Tesco Extra, the nice people wash while we shop. It is well worth the money, they do a fab job. B is chaufeur to our neighbour on her wedding day this Saturday, so Bette has to be gleaming. I feel a cheese and mushroom toastie coming on :) maybe a LARGE cake too.

    Love to everyone and hi to those not in at the moment, Kerrin ((())) Elizabeth, Christine, Charrisse and all.

    XXXX Aidan

    breakfast courtesy of the Waldorf Astoria, don't you know, how posh.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my gosh!! What a choice Aidan! how lucky are we? :D I think I'll try a bit of everything ;)

    Poor Mum :( I am sad for you all, but well remember the fear that she wouldn't even see last Christmas - she has done so very well. I hope the DN spots things and takes any helpful action. I also hope B is ok and send you both some extra ((()))

    So if you did win the lottery where would you go? It would still have to be a bungalow wouldn't it? I wouldn't go anywhere myself I would just enjoy life more I expect, see the kids sorted that sort of thing.

    Interesting that you didn't want us or expect us to get off to Benidorm...mmmm very interesting. :? I am glad your neighbour got rebooked though we aren't to worried we'll sort something for February maybe.

    Sleek likes my cases, but will be happier when they get put away later today. I will keep a small one each packed for Scotland and my sister's.

    Of course Hermione will send them up! They will be able to fly over the new bridge, near my sister, they will probably look for Nessie :roll: My sister's cat will take them I should think. Oh I wonder whether she has a Scottish accent? I bet she chirrups in Scottish!!!

    Will we send Miss Slimkins and Pepe down to check on Kerrin maybe?

    It's true you can absolutely see Aidan in baby Aidan :)

    Enjoy your costa, toastie and your lovely clean Bette :D

    Joan I hope things are getting better and I agree wait for your jab until you are on top form.

    Lots of love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..quite chilly here..
    Aiden glad to hear mum and dads meds are conning blister packs..not easy remembering them I know to my cost..mum is getting more tired every day..I always think its natures way of you sleeping you way thorough things ..and not dwelling on them..dolly blue you can still buy that it makes whites really white.. :lol: so B is chauffeur to the lovely..and the car will be gleaming..they do the same at our tesco..but cant get OH to use it.. :roll: now I am always for an easy life..I have been reading about Turmeric..I know you cant believe everything ..but its very interesting..but no good if it give you indigestion..the cakes are lovely like Toni I will try them all.. :lol:
    Toni I knew you would be good of Lucys insurance..not many would do that..hope you win at the quiz..and getting toi see your sister is just what you need.. :D it was meant to be... :)
    Carol how lovely that your family have all put flowers on mums grave..I always think will I be forgotten when gone..silly I know..I am sure you dont need to worry about your will come down knowing you glad to hear your sodiums levels are up.. :) nice to have good news off the Doctor..
    I hope Joan and Sue are feeling better..x
    Today OH picks up better prepare... :)
    Love to everyone xxxxxx