Val's Cafe
Sorry I am late
Hair cut and colured this morning ..then neighbour back form court..things went better than she thought but she was distraught with it all..the judge has awarded her cost so that was one in the eye for him..
Aiden you mum made me laugh are we going for coffee..there no holding her back..bless her cotton socks..I hope she is all settled and her breathing is a little easier..yes it must have been hard for you being so poorly ..but mum knows you are always there when you are better..I wondered what was in my pocket..I forgot to put them to bed..
thanks so much for the cake it really was needed..
hope you soon feel much better..
Toni I have got the before and after pics so will have a look in dropbox..we will there tomorrow under the cloak...I am sure you will be fine...xx
Kath its so frustrating when we lose a post never mind I love the pic of the first..oh to b e there for a week or two
Joan we keep saying we are moving..but we are not overlooked so that is a bonus..hope you are both feeling better..
Right will put the kettle on to go with the cake...
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 - - Shortcut.lnk?dl=0
lets see if this works..flag stones before and after..
oops try again the top one was suppose to b e after..will be back in a moLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Oh dear went to my slimming world group this morning have gained another 1 and half pound taking me to the top of my target :roll: must be careful this week I must bring it back down don't really want to go out of target if I can help it. have not heard from rescue centre any more since last Tuesday so still waiting for pusskins to be available. cannot believe that it is 7 months today since we lost our Snowie It has gone so quickly
Aiden Glad Mum is home sorry to here about dads knee poor Bill I should think he is a bit frayed at the edges after the last week. with all that has gone on. I see the pygmy possums have learnt how to disappear like the bush babies I had one of each here with me this afternoon
Toni we had said 2 years upwards it is the rescue centre who are saying from 6-7 upwards to 10 would be better after us having to send them pictures of the garden, and at the current moment there are only 2 available in that age group.
Barbara yes there pusskins is out there somewhere but not sure where hopefully it will appear soon.hope your flu jab was ok and no side affects. what a difference between the 2 photos. it looks lovely now.
Kathoh no lost posts again its a pain when that happens . the enchanted forest looks very inviting so quite and peaceful.
its now time to love and leave you all. will pop in again soonStay positive always👍xx0 -
Back from ENT. It isn't my sinuses it's my nose. Two issues one is growths (Not polyps, but bone/cartilage) inside my hooter (needs surgery to remove) and the second is like a kind of inflammation of the lining of my nose due to environmental factors. So (because I am a coward) I opted to try a new spray which might reduce the inflammation first!!!
Returning two pygmy possums and two bush-babies thank you for being under the cloak everyone much appreciated
Last night while I was asleep there was a definite tickle up my hooter and what did I see Aidan? Pepe rooting around. Miss Sleek informs me that I didn’t need to leave her to go to ENT as Pepe made the same diagnosis….and can do the surgery himself no anaesthetic needed. :shock:
I am so glad to hear Mum is home with DN visiting today, (and already been to podiatry!!! Go them!!!), I know you would have liked to have gone along so you could check things are ok with her, but you were wise not to. Bill had enough on his plate bless him. You being ill at the same time was just bad luck - he is a good man you’ve got there!
The next few days will pass quickly now and you’ll soon be off those nasty AB’s and hopefully all back to normal.
Cake was lovely thanks yum
Joan thank you very much I cannot wait for my hols next week. Lucy is already packing!!!
Kath I saw you in the enchanted forest!!! it was definitely you!!
Hi Barbara – so it’s been court today for your neighbour of course it was the same day as my ENT!! It was today under the cloak, but don’t worry I had half of the zoo with me as well as Aidan and Joan. Pepe and Miss Sleek too read above for details of Pepe’s nocturnal visit last night! :roll:
I bet the judge awarded her costs! None of it’s her doing grrrrr. :x
Your hair looks good girl mine on Monday can’t come soon enough before my hols
Carol Cats can live well into their mid even late teens some even do better than that so you’ll get a good few years out of a cat of a similar age to Daisycat.
Shame there aren’t many coming in. Do you have to check in with them or is it vice versa? I cannot believe it’s 7 months since you lost your beloved Snowie ((()))
A well behaved week eating-wise is in order then for you. You’ll do it I know
Better get off to bed it feels like it’s been a long day today
Toni xxx0 -
Evening to all, it has suddenly gone quite windy out, after days of calm and quiet, shocked I was
Hi Barbara, looking good with the new colour and cut, very nice.
I would think the Judge would award costs for your neighbour, rightly so, horrid man, the things he has been doing. Karma. You are very kind to look after them so well, they appreciate it so much I am certain. The world needs a lot more Barbara's
Oh I know "let's go for coffee" Mother, not tomorrow, another day, let's get you all sorted first. Bless.
Mum keeps asking how I am doing, it is 10 days since I saw her now. Don't worry about me, just concentrate on being ok yourself, I am big enough and daft enough to sort myself :roll: frustrated with being off colour still, but hey ho.
They are little tinkers, those baby posums, so tiny. Glad you found some, I see Carol found some too, goodness, how many did we take with us to ENT.
You got there with the pictures of the flags, what a difference, good stuff, Toni will be out to the Church steps in a flash.
When flags are green like that, my crutches are like skates on ice, frightening.
Hi Carol, don't you worry, you are still on target and you will be just fine by next weigh in, sending lots of positivity and encouragement.
7 months since Snowie passed, goodness me, it seems like yesterday.
Mr or Mrs Puskin will be there for you, not long now, I can feel it in my bones.
It is nice that Mum is home, B is keeping tabs on appointments and making sure that everyone knows what is going on. He is doing a sterling job, keeping tabs on us all, bless him. Dads knee is much improved, which is good.
We must have had half a dozen posums and bush babies with us today -
So, it is your nose then Toni. :shock: overgrowth of bone / cartilage, yes, that can be removed by surgery, no, I don't know what they do, :? :? or how big the hammer is................ :shock: :shock:
Inflammation of the lining, right, ok. I am with you on the trying of the new spray, all for it. :? :? No way are you a coward, I would be for the spray all day long.
You are welcome, we had a comfortable time under the cloak and Pepe is insistent he is an ENT surgeon now. Hence your experiences.
So, he was rooting about up ones hooter, with the light, little varmint he is.
Between them they have decided that he can do the surgery, with no anaesthesia at all, really.......................ok............................I will have words.
He has put his Drs Gladstone bag away, with the broom. I wonder if, no, I tried, if I go near it, the broom starts fizzing, they have put a spell of protection around it.
I think a call to Hermione is in order.
B is a very good man, ties himself in knots sometimes, trying to be all things to all people, but I usually calm things, as needed.
D N Is coming today, to do warfarin, save mum trailing off to hospital - :roll: :roll: yes, they were off having their feet done, no stopping that from happening.
I think I have another 3 days of AB's left, or just over. There seems to be a never ending supply :roll: :roll: I am looking forward to being more back to "normal".
The cake did look lovely
Not long now until Holidays, Wed is it? If I am right in guessing.
Oh Pepe is mr big brave boy..........sitting on bed, having a cuppa after nap, looking down hall to lounge, said, Pepe is onto something in the lounge, flat to floor, bum wiggling. Yes, it was, a very big S*****r, they were both going round in circles, boy could that arachnid move. Well, he managed to get it into hiding, under the sideboard, where I sit at my pc. :shock: :shock: B hunted high and low, but no sign................I said, no, don't worry, it will be under my bed, waiting for me.................but everyone will know when it appears................. :shock: :shock::roll:
:animal_busy: he is very pleased with himself, lol.
well I guess I had better move and potter, (check for spid***) Turn the fire off, I was frozen 10 minutes ago, now I am lathered.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all
Take lots of care XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aidan did I tell you we have something to catch our 8 legged friends with? It's got along handle and at the end a brush you open the bristles and close them over him. Outside open bristles no harm done at all. I can't do it, (can't get that close :shock: ), but Paul and Lucy have both caught them
I do rather think you are sounding better that's good, but finish your Ab's to be on the safe-side. I know yukky
I bet Mum is a little worried about you - 10 days without seeing you must be unheard of! Good the DN will do her INRand that Dad's knee has eased off
You'll all be back at the GC soon
My stuff like Barbara had will be here today I hope then I will nip over and do the flags at Church
I was wondering whether, until Hermione sorts out our budding-surgeon-cat, we ought to hide all sharp instruments??? What do you think? and maybe any chopstick too????
I expect B is feeling a lot happier now with you all recovering nicely from your illnesses?
What a brave boy was Pepe!!! I told Miss Slimkins, (who despite saying that spi***s are peeple too), is now saying "My Hero!! he is sooooo brave"!!!!!
Barbara the flagstones really look much improved. Is it pusskin-safe?? :shock: I forgot to check I will read the label when it comes - maybe today.
A quick wave to Joan
No sign of Kerrin for a bit :? hmmm nor Elizabeth nor mig....hmmmm :?0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen I'm sorry you lost your post.
Aidan I hope you feel a bit better now a sore throat takes a long time to go.
Barbara one day you might find the bungalow you like.
Carol I hope you have a good day.
Toni I hope they can help the problem with your nose.
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I am just sat looking through the posts and out the corner of my eye I saw a spider it was huge it stopped in front of me as if to say "now what you gonna do"I climbed over the chair arm and got hubby to deal with it ,I'm hiding behind the door and I heard him say "b****y hell.Its now outside hope it don't come back in.Mig0
Morning all
Hope this works Mr T and myself in the restaurant for an evening meal on our recent cruise. positive always👍xx0 -
Good picture what ship and where did you go.0
A very good looking couple Carol
mig is Mr mig ok with taking them out? Paul can do it, but he's not always here hence the sp***r catcher I mentioned above :shock: :shock: :shock:
Toni xx0 -
Hes ok with doing it,he uses a piece of paper towel though to scoop them up doesn't like the tickling of their legs.0
Afternnon all
Toni you are certainly not a try the spray first..I am working my way through everything before the hair cut then nice ..and I think its just you and Paul...a second honeymoon maybe..yes it was a lady judge ...
he has to pay for everything..
I am sure the church path will be much safer
Aiden not long then with the ABs..glad that mum is settled at home..I do think you recover quicker..B is on hand..bless her for asking about you...yes karma apparently he stormed out the court when it was over ..they have to go back in 8 weeks for the police report..thankyou I look 10 years youngerI am ashamed at the pic with the algae on ..would you believe that was 4 weeks after we power washed them..not the treatment has last 6 months so far
Mig we have so many spider outside..sort of stripey ones everywhere ..but not many indoors yet... :shock:
Carol what lovely both looks like you enjoyed the cruise..I am sure you will get little bit of weight off and stay in target its worth doing..has for the cat have you not tried cats protection or you happy to wait for on from Battersea home
Joan we might move one day...not easy after 42 years...
would be nice to be on one level...
I hope you are feeling better..
we have Niamh coming after school and her sister..our step GD she has asked for sausage with birds nest..mash made to look like a nest filled with beans and grated cheesenow Im hungry...
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
That sounds nice Barbara can I have a veggie sausage though please?
Holiday is 8 of us from the village including Lucy who will be in the room next door to us for safety when she wants a back/shower with the epilepsy.
All leaving in a minibus from ours as we are in the centre of the village
Mig I am glad he can do it, but sometimes the paper hurts them this thingy doesn't I will take a photo tomorrow
Toni xx0 -
Afternoon has now turned into late evening... Blink and the day has gone...........
Hi Toni, I remember you mentioned the spi--- catcher and that Lucy had used it to good effect.
I do feel a bit more human, but so tired it is not true. This infection has completely washed me out.
B went round to meet up with the D nurse, she was lovely, spent a good time with Mum (dad was fussing with the appliance delivery, bed grabber and loo cradle etc). The main problem is that everything they have been offered so far, has been met with a refusal. ie. Mac Millan, no thanks...........we don't need them at the moment.
They seem to like the D Nurse and she is coming out again next week. She did her INR and sent it off.
Then we took them shopping, so it was nice to meet up with Mum after 10 days or so. She looks frail and is very slow. B pushed her round the supermarket in a wheelchair. Dad had the trolley.
Coffee for tomorrow morning, which will be nice, for a change. Profits will be plummeting at the GC.
I think the stone wash stuff is fine, once it has had time to dry off a bit, then it is ok for pets.
I left a note for Hermione and she has applied magic to Pepe's surgeons bag, everything looks the same, but pick things up and they turn to jellyso nothing sharp, the worst we could get is a wet nose, ear, etc...........
She is a love.
Never mind Pepe being so brave, said spi---- was nowhere to be seen so all went to bed.
half 6 this morning, pop to use the loo, sort out and then see something out of the corner of my eye. LARGE spi--- on the floor, next to the loo :shock: :shock:
So, it was me, the spider and a basket of cleaning sprays. It started to run, it was like lightning. I was armed with various sprays - my bathroom, my rules at 645 am.
In the end, I had to just squish it, flush it away and then had a very large mess of cleaning foam to sort.
The floor is very clean, spider gone. Goodness. Is Autumn finished yet....................... :roll: :roll:
I see Mig has had the shock of spiders too, with Mr Mig having to remove said arachnid..........
Hi Joan, the antibiotics continue until saturday evening, not that I am counting :roll: :roll: I am feeling better, but the ab's are not pleasant at all.
Hi to Sue and the doggies too. Hope you are all ok now.
I don't blame you for being behind the door Mig, t'is the season without a doubt, with the warm weather, there be monster spi---s on the march. Well done Mr Mig
Lovely pictures of you and Mr T on the cruise Carol, really nice. Bother dressed for dinner and most refined too, just how we like it.
Hi Barbara, yes, we are glad that Mum is home and the D Nurse is back in the loop, as I said to Toni, it is difficult when they are refusing most help that is offered :roll: There will be a time when that will not be an option. Small steps I guess.
I am glad your neighbour did storm out of court, all goes against him, karma, as I said before. I will have the same cut and colour if it takes all those years away
Never say never about moving Barbara, I know 42 years is a long time in one home, but as you say, being on one level has SO many advantages. If we did ever move to a house, I would have to have a lift, or stair lifts without a doubt.
I hope the sausages and mash were lovely, I bet you were kept in a whirlwind. Mash with beans and cheese and sausages, even better. I will have a veggie one please, same as Toni. Cheers my dears
You will have a great time I am sure Toni, all 8 of you from the village. Good that Lucy is right next door to you, I know you would not have it any other way. I hope there will be singing on the minibus
All the lovelies are happy in the sanctuary, there seem to be more and more.............good job we have so many keepers and vets. Did I see gibbons? I am sure I did........
Right, I am going to post this, I have already saved it once, so I won't push my luck.
Everyone take lots of care, love to all here and not about at the moment, thinking of you all.
Lots of Love XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Gibbons Aidan? gibbons.......? On my goodness we do a Mum Dad and two babies!! They are all very friendly too
I believe Johnny rescued them.
Did you know cuddles has had kittens too? She has 6 of them so we can all have a play with them Carol can practise her pusskin skills too
The DN is lovely that is good and they are reluctant to accept mush help you - as you say baby steps. The bits and pieces should help too.
It is shocking when someone seems to suddenly look frailPaul's Mum is the same - still she can talk the same which is most reassuring
Shopping will have done her good and a visit to the GC even more!!!
I hope they aren't in receivership
Thanks to Hermione for making Pepe's Drs kits 'safe' I was rather you come to mention it my nose is rather sticky :?
Listen at 6.45am in the loo ALONE what more can a body do? All is well and said Sp***r will not be back. We have Macmillan coffee morning at the next village this morning so I will happen along there later after that I will take photo of the new sp****r catcher for you all incase you want one.
How right you are about being all on one level! It's fabulous
I much prefer it
Shall I start the singing on the bus? Hmmmm....."I'm leaving, on a Jet-plane, don't know when I'll be back again..."??
Off to Birmingham Symphony Hall tonight to see Rob Brydon
Well better get dressed the pest control neighbour is coming to zap the wasps nesting above my bedroom window :shock: Don't know what time :?
A quick wave to Joan
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all sunny and raining...maybe we will get a rainbow..
Toni so there are 8 of you going..I must have missed that :? how brilliant ..and Lucy has a room next you know she will be will be nice to have the village around takes me back to our st having coach outings..not overseas though..
Aiden it nice when you get a good DN..I only ever had one grumpy one..but could understand her work load..its such a shock to see mum looking so frail..I remember my dad refusing help..and trying to do press ups in his chair to say how fit her was..I was fuming at the time, but looking back he was so proud bless him...
nice to be able to meet up at the GC after you have been sop poorly..I bet mum was glad to see you..dont worry I did veggie sausage for you and Toni...well OH cooked it..
The children had there tea then went next play in the little girls bedroom so all was quiet..must say Niamh is getting much better..they are still monitoring her at school ...and saying mild autistic...better get moving..cant sit for long these will check on all the animals and make sure they all have cuddles..any excuse..
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
I am very glad to hear Barbara how well Niamh is doing that is great news. She will overcome her extra difficulties I am sure
Attached links to our new SP***R catcher:
that's the brushes opened once close sp***r is safely caught, but not hurt at all
Toni xxx0 -
Oh I was so tired yesterday and Tuesday, I couldn't come on. Did the Sawley Trail though.
Still tired today, so I won't stay long. Think I'll go and have a sit in one of the gardens, or maybe visit a cuddly pet or 17.
sdrink"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Frog where did you get the spider catcher not seen one like that.
Went out with my sister today she took me to Loch Fyne for lunch as a birthday treat,I will be 70 tomorrow I don't know how it happened yesterday I was a teenager. :shock:0 -
mig you can get the sp***r catcher off ebay and amazon I got ours from our local garden centre.
I know what you mean about your age I was 17 last time I looked :?
If you don't get in a VERY happy birthday for tomorrow:cake:
Kath I am sorry you are so exhausted I should grab a couple of bush-babies and go for an hour in the secret garden ((()))
Getting ready for Rob Brydon now.
Toni xxx0 -
Our Mig is 70 tomorrow..its the new 50...or 18 in your oh is 70 in have a lovely Birthday out with your sister....nothing nicer than a good meal...
some flowers form me sfl xx
Toni I would love to see Rob Brydon live..he is so laid back and funny enjoy..the spider catcher is brilliant thanks for that..
Kath you have done well doing the trial rest up before next time
I hope that Aiden is doing ok and mum...its such a worry for them all..
And no Joan hope they are both well..
Will leave you for now love to everyone xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Aiden, Mum is home and there’s no holding her back. Off out for coffee at the garden centre. Glad to hear that the DN has things in hand. How is dad’s bad knee? You are sounding better. Hope you feel better too. Not surprised Bill is a bit frayed with so much going on.
Toni, I don’t blame you wanting to try the spray. I’d be the same. Lucy’s packing for next week. It’ll be a great holiday with 8 people from village. It’s good that you get on so well.
Kath, yes it is too much to retype a whole post. Glad you managed the Sawley trail but hope the tiredness eases off.
Carol, so you’ve put on 1 ½ lbs. It’s not a great deal so I know you will lose it again. 7 months since you lost Snowie. I bet you still miss him. Lovely pictures of you and your OH. Looking very smart.
Mig, you’re 70 tomorrow. Time does fly past so quickly. Happy birthday. Hope you have a lovely day.
Barbara, bird’s nest dinner sounds lovely. It’s good to hear that Niamh is doing well.
Joan, how are you and Sue now? Hope you are feeling better.
Had a trip to the vampires yesterday to donate another pint. They had Mrs Crimbles biscuits this time to go with a nice cuppa when they were done with me. Even managed to do a bit of tidying in the garden the other day. It was so hot today, I ended up carrying my coat and jumper just in case.Christine0
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