Val's Cafe
Evening all
had a nice afternoon at a local multiple sclerosis group selling the cards as I still have lots of stock. didn't make a lot of money but was happy with the £20 I did get. and I am going to start making my own again and sell those and donating a percent of the takings to charity and now as the other company is in administration I can chose my own choice of charity.
Thank you all o you for your comments about our photos and hopefully I have worked out how to post photos I will send you one of the teddy I knitted and also a couple of the margate little people (great granddaughters)named little legs and mini legs by daddy.
Barbarayes i'm sure the weight will come of again I will make sure of that don't worry and there is no way I am giving up I have been going now for 5 years so its now a way of life for me this is just a little hiccup. no we haven't been to any one else we are happy to wait as this was where we got our Snowie from. so know they will be healthy and chipped and neutered from there.
Toni love the spider grabber I don't mind them but Mr T would need one of those. he hates S****s.
Mig Happy 70th Birthday for tomorrow that will be me in January.
Just caught you there Christine yes the 1 and a half will come off no doubt about that . yes we do still miss Snowie we had him for 11 and a half years. yes I love dressing up for evening dinner on the cruises so dose Mr T.
will love you and leave you
night allStay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening to everyone - it has been very warm today, spring like, let alone autumn.
I know Toni, gibbons. Johnny will have rescued them for sure - he was about a while ago, but may well be on a mission to rescue other lovelies? We never know They seem very happy in the trees and shrubs, ropes and all manner of things to climb.
Now Cuddles has had kitten, wow, we are blessed, much fussing and hugging of babies
Baby steps with Mum n Dad, at least the DN is very good and all the GP's are excellent, I could not fault the health center at all. They look after us very well, compared to many in the country.
People do go in steps, with looking more frail and being more fragile. I guess because we are so close and see them very regularly, we do not notice as much as other family do, when they come from further afield. B is keeping his Brothers in the loop, doing a sterling job.
We did make it to the GC and fortunately it was not in full receivershipour coffee's, scones and crumpets, brought their heads back above water
Mum enjoyed it, she was determined to, as was I. two and a half weeks since we last went, unthinkable.............. :shock: :shock:
Pepe is fine with his Dr's kit, he keeps checking that it is all there and of course it all looks the same. I did have a wet ear earlier, so I guess he had been rooting for his aurascope :roll: :roll:
Indeed, it was Hobson's choice, in the en suite, with me, spi--- and that time of day I was not going to ninny about, well, not too much.
I like the spider catcher, not that I could use it, I would miss and they would run towards me - SHUDDER - B is fine with picking them up and throwing them out.
I did hear singing, obviously the bus is being readied for the journey
"walkin on sunshine
la la" great song. Katrina and the Waves. Dolly Parton covered it too.
Hope you had a fab time at the Symphony Hall, with Rob Brydon, thought he was great in Gavin and Stacey. Also the tea and cakes for Mac Millan.
Have the wasps gone.............they should be leaving now, not nesting, eeeek. I know they are going daft on too much fruit sugars.
Hi Barbara, the D Nurses have such a case load now, how they get through all their visits I don't know. More demand, less resources............sigh.
Sorry you had a grumpy one, there are odd nurses that are grumps, no need though.
You Dad sounds just like DIL, he would do just the same.......... :roll: :roll: It is difficult, but, as times and circumstances change, then levels of care will change too.
Thank you for the veggie sausages with the birds nest mash, lovely it was.
Good to hear that Niamh is doing so well and enjoyed playing with next doors children.
Sending you extra hugs Kath, I can totally sympathise with you, being so tired and drained is just horrid, but we all carry on and you do the same. You did the Sawley trail, way to go you
I think the Bush babies will be along to have naps and cuddles
Mig I hope you have a lovely Birthday :cake: with family, how wonderful.
We are all teenagers, without a doubt
Hi Christine, yes, there is no keeping Mum back, rightly so, we are in no position to stop them doing their own thing, much as it worries us, you have to let people take some risks and just kind of hold your breath.
I see you have been seen by the vampires, all credit to you. Biccies and T, an essential. It was hot today, I was melting at the GC, mind you, it is a while since I have had strong coffee's, really strong............
Has the Boss decided to increase ones pay? Pepe and Miss Sleek are always sprinkling magic generosity dust, over their house.
Hi Carol, well done for selling some cards, that's £20 better than none at all.
I bet you make lovely cards and as you say, you can choose who you donate to at the end of the day. There are so many worthy causes, all in need, far more than we realise.
You are very welcome, the photo's are really great.
Looking forward to seeing more pictures, now you are a dab hand at posting them
I am with Mr T, not liking our 8 legged dearest Miss Sleek calls them.
I had my 6 month check up with one of the practice nurses, (who I know quite well), so we talked shop, in between talking about the last 10 days being so horrid. She said I looked pale :shock: I have not gained any weight, so that's good, not lost any either, but am ok with that.
Her room was SO SO SO hot, I had to have the fan straight at me. I had my flu jab while I was there, so that is done and dusted.
2 more days of AB's, hoorah.
I had better have another potter, my bones are shouting the odds. Miss Sleek and Pepe have been down in the ravine, for quite a while today. I think there are spells being cast, only for good, but we might jump if they backfire............practice makes perfect.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Charrisse, Joan and all. Take lots of care. XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
MY goodness me it's chucking it down out there :shock: :shock: :shock:
Rob Brydon was great really funny we were on the absolute front row!! Luckily he didn't pick on us other than saying we were divorced!! :shock: You have to take it don't you?
What a great night it was I am exhausted now. Back agony and knees well. Better rest up properly as it's Benidorm on Wednesday. Tia and Charley on duty for the bungalow and Miss Slimkins.
As yet she hasn't sussed it Aidan don't breathe a word near Pepe :shock:
I am so pleased he thinks his Dr's kit is normal. A wet ear yep that would be him
So good that you have B to help you 90% of the time with the sp****s :?
I only spotted the wasp's nest when the chaps were sloping that bit. It's close to a hedge so I didn't take too much notice. No sign of them this morning, but it is chucking it down so??? Hope so. I had to shut Miss Sleek in while it was being done as it was very close to her cat-flap :shock: They were ANGRY!!!
The minibus is coming to ours - we were talking about it yesterday. Pest-control man is the main holiday instigator. I am quite exited
A VERY Happy special birthday to our mig who is 18 today!!!!
:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:
I saw Johnny and he said the Gibbons had had a terrible life so I am glad they are in our sanctuary now they do look happy, but supervet had had to treat them and give hem extra vitamins and other things
Cuddles has had 6!!! kittens 6!! and Marigold ha had a calf not sure how??? it's a girl so we can keep her.
Yes people do seem to go down in steps, but they stabilise on those levels if we're lucky. I know you have a god surgery and DN that is good and of course B is keeping all family informed bless him :shock:
I bet you were treated like royalty at the GC when you all arrivedI bet you and Mum enjoyed it the most. See? all we need are small things to make us happy
Barbara I was great see aboveYou would have loved it. I hope you can get a spider catcher yourself. Lucy has caught about 6 now Paul about the same. Me? None still can't get that close :?
Christine it really is lovely having such great village friendsOne of them came and got rid of a wasp's nest for me in the eves outside our bedroom yesterday :shock: I am stupid I felt sorry for them :oops:
I did a tiny bit of gardening too Christine, but today it's too wet and anyway I am meeting my friend for our annual trip down memory lane she's been widowed for 9 years now and it would have been their wedding anniversary.
Thank you for donating that pint I'm glad they gave you nice biccies I would happily give a packet to everyone who donates. I know I go on, but Lucy had so many pints.
Carol Mr T doesn't look to be scared of spidersYou are brave yourself to catch them.
I cannot wait to see photos of Little legs and mini little legsHow adorable and of course Teddy!! Have you started the mermaid yet?
Woo-oo!! Hello to Joan!! Hope it's not too wet to walk the dogs today :shock: :?
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Morning all..chucking it down here has well Toni..and very dark
A front row you say at least he didnt pick on you much..the only time I dont like to be on the front row when watching comedians...not long then to Benidorm..
now the spider catcher I would have to use..but a bit like Aiden if it ran so would I
good to have house can then relax ..yes we are pleased with Niamh the school has been brilliant ..along with mum and dad..
Aiden I am glad to hear the GC has not gone they were all smiles ..including you must have been so nice to get out and about to your favorite place..and lovely for mum..glad the checkup went well apart form the heat..think I would have fainted :shock:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mig...hope you have a lovely day with your sister.. sfl sfl
Christine gave blood again..I remember my late mum getting badges for that they still do them..good for you getting out in the garden and doing dome tidying..not easy after work..I hope your eyes are behaving..
Carol I understand its what you know..the cat will be thoroughly checked over for you..I can wait to hear about it..hopefully not long now..
Right better get moving around...
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Mig Toni Barbara Aidan Carol Christine Kathleen and anyone else I missed.
Mig have a lovely time with your sister enjoy your birthday.
Toni have a lovely holiday all of you.
Barbara it's nice to dream one day you will find the home you like.
Aidan I'm pleased your Mum in law is enjoying herself again. I hope you feel better now. I feel worn out I have a sore throat I got some medicine at the chemist the cold is on my chest they can see what meds I'm taking so I have the right one.
Carol I hope you have a good day.
Christine how are your eyes doing.
Kathleen you rest I hope haven't got the cold.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
a couple of pictures of the little people for you hope you like them the tee -shirts say yeah I have the best mummy. will post teddy when I get picture onto my laptop at the moment it is on my phone I also have some I took of the little people on my phone as well that are not on my laptop yet.
this one is for you Aidan
Aidan and Toni no Mr T certainly don't like our 8 legged peeples he always calls me to remove them he hates them. glad you and mum enjoyed the garden centre. yes must start to make some more cards I am already doing some small Christmas cross stitch bits for making cards. as well as knitting mermaid. Glad to see Pepe is still looking after you Aidan.
well its dinner out with Mr T at lunch time and its his turn to payand then off to costas for coffee and a bit of knitting with my friend.
Barbara yes your right we know and trust Battersea but if we don't get anywhere with them we will consider another rescue place.
Joan I should have a good day today hope you do too
Will try to pop in later.
I must have some cuddles with the kittens bushbabies and pygmy possum a lot of cuddling to do me thinks .Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Yes, the Bush Babies are here, all cute and cuddly. I don't know how they got here without getting drenched.
Carol, lovely photos.
Joan, thank you, but I don't think I have a cold. :?
Tesco are due, and my hip feels rather sore. :roll:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Oh bless Kath I love the pic..and need a cuddle with all three..
Joan I am sorry you are still noty well..its sounds very much like the infection Aiden had..I really do hope you are being looked after with your GP or nurse..glad you have been to the chemist they are usually my first stop.. hopefully you will feel better very soon..(()) xx
Carol sorry I forgot to mention the card sales you did well there..the picture of your GGc is so lovely what beautiful children they are..oh I could hug them...
yes a pic of the teddy would be nice
Not done much today ..feeling quite tried so I am listening to my body for once
Hope everyone's doing ok xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Wow 2 posts in one day I hear you say have just popped in for a nice chilled out cuppa and to wish Mig a very happy 70th Birthday hope you have had a great day Mig. all a good day today now a busy day at church open day tomorrow morning and service on Sunday morning so a busy weekend. then on Monday I must visit the cematary where my mum is laid to rest to put some flowers on her grave, as tomorrow is 21 years since she passed away. think my sister is coming up from Ramsgate tomorrow to put some flowers on and my youngest daughter is also going at some point tomorrow. but we have four pots on her grave so plenty of room for all the flowers.
ok for those who wanted to see teddy complete here we go
now off to have some cuddles from all our cuddlies bushbabies if any are around pygmy possums and kittens off we go.
hope you all have a good nightStay positive always👍xx0 -
Aww Carol Teddy looks adorable
lovely neat stitches too.
The little girls look so sweet! Little angelsYou have certainly got the hang of the photo links!
Poor Mr T he is like me with those 8-legged creatures :shock: :shock: At least it's his turn to pay for your lunchWell done with the card preparations.
21 years since you lost your mumIt won't be an easy day ((()))
All animals available for cuddles and are at your disposal.
Barbara you have had a stressful time you know recently with neighbour trouble so take it easy :?
School have really helped Niamh as well as having a good family she has come along a treat.
Agreed front row seats are not safe with comedians
Kath look at those Bush baby bubbas!!! I wuv themMaybe Pepe and miss Sleek brought the babies to you to keep them dry. They have mackintoshes and sou'westers remember.
Joan you poor thing the chemist is the right place to start I hope you feel better soon ((())) Can't wait for our hols
I am shattered been to Lichfield with my friend had a great day bought a new dress for my hols.
Love to Aidan hope today has been good and you are all well
Toni xxx0 -
Evening to everyone - Gosh, our little cafe has moved on a pace today, like a step back in time, wonderful
Toni I am so glad you enjoyed the show, brave you were to be on the front row, always a vulnerable "target" area for comedians, at least you were only divorced:shock:
I am sure you were in agony Ivy, sitting for so long and knees, yes, all my sympathies with the knees..........some cuddles from those baby bush babies that Kath has.........oh my oh my, I need to have those at home, right now..........................bless.
I know nothing of the impending holi--- to Benid----, Pepe knows nothing of your travels either. Even their crystal ball has been put on hold by Hermione, it is only showing voles and flying tricks, so they are both quite happy.
I am sure Miss Sleek will soon suss things out and be on the phone to Pepe, left, alone, no food, not a crumb............ :roll: :roll: Don't worry, we have crossed the bridge before, he will distract her I am sure.
Yes, B is chief spi---- catcher and I am chief hunter of mosquito's, which he loathes.
Hopefully the wasps are gone, I bet they were angry, very wise to keep Miss Diddicat indoors. She said to Pepe that she had been locked in :roll: due to yellow striped peeples.
The Gibbons are wonderful, how people can be so cruel to animals I will never know. Johnny is off on travels, so I think he will be coming back with many more rescued lovelies.
Kittens, Calf, baby possums, baby bush's all too gorgeous.
We were welcomed at the GC, coffee was already being preparedIt was lovely to go, I am sure Monday will be another trip out, if Mum is up to it. The small things make a big difference in life. You are quite right.
We went round this morning and B cut their hair, which they were happy with, as always. Mum was tired by the time we left, ready for her naps.
Did the algae stuff arrive? ready for making safe the Church steps.
Hope you enjoyed your visit with your friend for a trip down memory lane.
Hi Barbara It has been raining here, some very heavy showers, which we managed to avoid.
You would be like me Barbara, with the spider catcher, I would miss the spider, it would run, I would squeal, cats would freak, B would have to come to the rescue...............what are we like eh.
You would have fainted at the Drs, the Nurses room was stupidly hot - she did apologise, as I sat there sweltering :? :shock: fsmile
Hi Joan, sorry you are feeling poorly. I hope the chemist and or the Dr can sort out some medicines or AB's, we don't want you with a chest infection or strep throat, there are so many coughs colds and the like, everyone seems to be dropping like flies.
I am only one day off finishing my AB's, I seem to have been on them since time began. :roll: I do feel better, thank goodness, just need to shake some of the fatigue away.
Hi Carol, the pictures are lovely and thank you Mr T for the picture of St Aidan, I have stood there many a time in the past. Very grateful for you posting that for me. Way to go Mr THope you had a lovely time on Lindisfarne / Holy Island.
Of course, Friday, lunch out and then coffee and knitting time. I hope you had something yummy, always tastes better when someone else pays
Kath I hope the delivery from Tesco was ok, nothing missing, nothing put in its place. Hugs that your hips are not ouching. Those bush babies are beyond adorable and then some. Pepe and Miss Sleek did help with their arrival, they have all weather gear and cast a spell to keep rain off the babies...............oh bless, I cannot stop looking at them.
I don't blame you for listening to your body Barbara, I know, I am the worlds worst, well, Toni is nearly as bad as me, we do tend to push on and on..............then almost keel over.
B has cancelled his stall at the village hall, he is exhausted, so there is no point pushing and pushing and standing there for 8 hours while it is pouring with rain and blowing a gale outside. We have weather warnings for Sunday and Monday. There will be more opportunities. We need some us time too.
Thinking of you Carol for today, the number of years does not make up for the loss of a loved one. It will be 3 years on the 1st Jan, since my Mum passed away. Bless, lots of strength coming your way. You have a busy time again this week end.
Teddy is wonderful, I love him to bits.
I can see Toni and I are going to be asking the puskins to smuggle the babies out of the sanctuary, for cuddles, using spells for the greater good.
New dress for the holidays too, very nice, not long now...........did I say, I didn't mean that at all.............. :?
We went to LIDL, for a nosey round, not been in ages, B got a new worklight, an LED one, very crisp and bright. Bought some veggie wellingtons, I forget what they are, but they look SO good.
OK I must potter, be back soon....................
We have had a chillled out evening, B busy with a PC, updating something..........Watched Jane McDonald on her Cuban Cruise, boy, what a time she had, love that lady. We used to go out every Sunday night into Wakey (Wakefield), where Jane lives.
I think we have missed out on some breakfasts so given the season, I thought of something from Vermont. I was fortunate enough to be in upstate New York at the beginning of Fall and the forests were just stunning.
Buttermilk waffles with chocolate drizzle and vermont maple syrup.
I had better move, Pepe has just woken, so will be in need of more food. Fire has just gone on, it has turned chilly tonight.
Love to all, those here and not about at the moment, thinking of everyone.
Take lots of care XXXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Overcast but dry here. We've been invited to Pom's tonight for dinner with my two choir-buds and an old boy and of course Pom's husband.
I shall be spraying (Paul will) the flags at the Church tonight on our way so it's dry for any visiting pusskins or doggies/wildlife. Pom wanted to pay me back!!! No way of course I can use it anywhere we need it too.
Do you know I do think poor B didn't need the stall in the village hall yet. He probably needs a rest!!! Bless him
Nice that the GC had the coffee on ready for you all and a welcome. Mum and Dad need that interaction. Well we all do. Oh and a decent hair-cut!!
My back still isn't great after the theatre, but it was totally worth it anyway
Ah that's what Miss Sleek was watching in the crystal ball!! She loves flying tricks!! Good old HermioneAny trips outside of the country must be kept secret...shhh!! :? We all know she will be spoiled rotten by Tia and Charley and their OH's, but the fuss :roll:
So Johnny is off on his travels rescuing animals in need bless him. I don't know how we could harm animals I really don't
The yellow and black striped peeples seem to have gone I am most relieved I was sacred to open our bedroom windows :shock: Now these :bee: are welcome
Are we having a 'finished antibiotics 'party?!! I bet you'll feel like it and soon be back to normal. You did need the high does for a good while Aidan I am sorry
Those waffles were heavenly!! 3,000,000 calories/mouthful!!
Vermont looks lovely in the Autumn
Better get on holiday eyelashes later :shock: I know :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'd better wave to Joan who will probably be along any minute....
Anyone seen Kerrin? Miss Sleek said they have seen the cats, but no news about her.
I saw on fbook that Elizabeth's hip op may be looming FINALLY!
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Carol Kathleen Aidan Barbara and anyone else I missed
Toni I'm sorry your knee's hurt I hope it soon goes off a bit.
Carol have a good weekend.
Kathleen I hope you feel a bit better.
Aidan I'm pleased you are beginning to feel a bit better.
Barbara I have not been to the Doctor sue had the cold before me
the med from the chemist is helping. I hope you have a good day.
have a good weekend everyone
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..raining again
Toni your poor back ..they like sitting for long rest has much has you can we need you well for your holiday..I see you have been shopping and bought a nice dress..I always like new things to go on holiday with ...
Carol I love the ted , you are very the GGc are loving it..and all made by Grandma..My thought qill be with you today..we always miss our mums...sending some hugs for you (())it will nice to have your sister there..
Aiden one more AB I hope you are feeling much better and the GC would have done you wonder B is tired it is more stress than anything bless at least her can not relax a little and sorting the comp will take his mind off you know my OH is :shock: terrified of spiders after all the time I have only just found out..we have gibbons..awww the poor things have been mistreated..its is awful I always say if you find a person that loves animal then they are good uns...
Joan I am glad to hear the chemist has helped with your meds and they seem to be working..I hope you feel better very soon..
I had better go and check on all the lovely animals we have while Johnny is off on one of his safaris..wonder what he will bring back with him..
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Toni, I did wonder whether the puss cats had ferried the BBBs to me. I didn't see them - or hear them. :?
Sat beneath the gazebo, it rained a bit.
Carol, the ted is a real cutie.
Aidan, all the Tesco order was delivered thank you. It was a young lady who delivered it. I watched enviously as she carried it in for us, and I struggled with lifting a couple of cans of beans. :roll:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
This is/was my birthday cake,look at his little lip curling,I hate cutting it up.0
Afternoon to all...................
oooh, out for Dinner at Lady Wysteria's, very nice Toni. I hope you enjoy, which I am sure you will.
So the steps at the Church will be getting a soaking en route, that's good, as long as it doesn't rain for a few hours, I think it's fine. As you say, you can use it anywhere. Even a coat on the new ramp, will keep it moss free for many months.
We definitely need to have some down time, we don't mind popping round to Mum's tomorrow, Bills brother is coming over, so we will pop in and say hi. There will be other opportunities for jewellery sales, I am sure of it. He certainly has a large collection now, ready and waiting.
Mum n Dad popped in for coffee and croissants this morning, which is the first time in ages. That was nice. Mum was tired, but ok.
Extra hugs for your back, I did see the baby possums being "transported" your way, they will be in a pocket somewhere. Bless them.
No, there has been no mention of anyone going on hol---ys, Pepe is none the wiser, but, I suspect there will be a fuss and some minor hysteria once you have abandoned Miss Sleek. :roll: :roll:
Oh bees, we love bees, encourage them with almost every plant we can think of. Wasps, not so keen, although they do eat loads of greenfly, early in the season. This time of year, they dive bomb me, just for fun :shock: :shock:
Johnny will be back at some point in the next few days, I hear there are transport arrangements being made, for some LARGE animals............ :?
I have just counted the AB's, they don't finish until Sundaybut there will be a party on Monday, cakes and balloons etc.
The waffles were rather nice, I did work out the calories and you were almost spot on !! Still, a little bit of what you fancy eh. Or a lot of what you fancy even better......
Holiday eyelashes, oooh, very nice. Pepe said Miss Sleek was out with the blusher this morning and some catscara, lots of batting of lashes..........bless her.
No, no words from Kerrin, I am sure she will be ok, tired and probably pretty drained from term starting and then getting over all the wedding and family visits.
Elizabeth will be having her op soon ish. Hope she is as ok as can be.
Hi Joan, I am glad that the medicines from the chemists are helping with your cold, sorry that both of you have been plagued by nasty bugs. May they vanish asap. ((()))
Hi Barbara, there was me thinking that today was my last AB day, no, tomorrow, but, better finish the course.........might as well, for the sake of another 24 hours.
So Mr B is not a fan of spiders either. We need a self help group, to try and overcome our fears. No point sitting us in a room with big spiders, none of us would be there for more than a second.:shock:
It would have to be catnotherapy.
Pepe located another spi---- last night, it was under the cats papers, where their water dish is on the hearth. He must have ears like a bat. Billlllllllllllllllllllllllllll, pepe has found another one. There is was, under the kitchen roll.............eeek. He will be telling Miss Sleek all about it and his remarkable bravery.
Hi Kath, so you managed to get to the Gazebo and have something yummy. Hope you didn't get cold.
The Bush babies are so quick and can hide very easily. I think Hermione does the transportation, but Pepe and Miss Sleek take the credit.
Glad your order came through ok. I know how you feel, when you see people carrying things with ease........those where the days eh.... :roll:
Mig, that is one SERIOUSLY good birthday cake, I love it. It is a shame to cut it up, as you say, but, needs must, when there is cake, it has to be eaten. I hope you had a lovely day.
I won't need to put any cakes out, to go with T, that's if it is ok to sneak a little of Migs wonderful cakethank anticipation.
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Charrisse, Elizabeth, Carol and all. I can feel myself getting a bit noddy. I was awake every hour last night - no idea why.
Will go check on the drying. Everyone take lots of care XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Kath it has not stopped raining here...glad to hear your Tesco order arrived..what would we do without this online ordering..
Mig an Elvis minion I love it..and the little turned up us all a piece please...
Aiden I read through post then forget,,has Toni gone out for a spraying the church steps on the way :? good to hear that mum and dad called in..a little bit of normality is goodyes B will have more opportunity to sell his lovely jewelry
especially near Christmas..could just see us all in a room with a large spider..
this year seem to be really bad for them :shock: so a party on Monday ..after the last AB....maybe I could be the entertainment voice really has come on...
Hopefully it wont be to long for Elizabeths hip....
Right better go middle GD on her way here
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening to all
Yes Barbara, Toni and P have gone round to Pom's for dinner, the lady who "knows" about wisteria's. I think the path cleaner was being put down en route.
Yes, it was nice to have Mum n Dad here for a coffee, Mum was pretty jaded, but managed half a croissant. They walked round home, not far, but far enough if you are pretty fragile. I am sure she will have had a nice nap when they got in.
B will have other doors open to sell his jewellery. Tomorrow was just a no go really. I know it is only in the village, but if Mum or Dad needed us, we would be stuck.
I have had all I am going to take of the AB's, I have been on them since the 18th and now it is the 1st Oct, that is more than 10 days in my book. Party today, cakes a plenty. :cake:
You can certainly supply the entertainment, with your new found voice. What songs are we requesting?
Hope your middle GD enjoyed her visit
We had our naps, much needed. A pretty chilled out evening / morning. It has been drizzling a bit, but no rain to speak of. Yet.
All the puskins are asleep. Miss Sleek told Pepe that she had seen things, ready for packing. Pepe consoled her and said you were just having a tidy round, nothing to worry about :? :? :shock:
He was gliding and performing, seeing as Miss Sleek had her blusher and catscara on.
Well, time is a marching and I am fading. So I will wish everyone a good night. Everyone take lots of care XXX Aidan
I thought, with the fruit, these would be a healthy option :?XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh yes very healthy! fruit and syrup and pancakes
thanks Aidan!!
We had a lovely meal out at Pom's ate too much and had some prosecco don't tell her, but I can't stand this new stuffToo bubbly - don't like champers either :?
Watched strictly and had a good laugh over thatThe chap off EastEnders is good and there's a chap who has a blade instead of a leg - did the cha cha wow!!
Couldn't put the path cleaner down it was raining. It's still rainingOff up to Stoke to see my friends late b-day pressies.
I totally agree with you about tjose AB's!!! They worked many days ago so enough is enough. That can be one of our songs!! "Enough is enough"!!!
party time!!!
Down time is the next prescription yes pop in to Mum and Dad's for a cuppa see BIl, but not more for now ((()))
Oh dear have we been sussed? Has Miss Sleek seen Lucy's packing? Oh dear
Reassurance seems to be working although she was all over me when I got home showing off her makeup!! She likes to look good for PepeWhat an expert glider he is for her too!
Half the night she needed to be stroked. I think she really has seen the case :?Telling tales of HUGE arach**ds which brave Pepe is protecting you and B from :shock:
Oh my lashes!! :oops: Well Lucy looked fabulous, but after an hour mine started to STING!! :shock: straight back I had to go have them offEyelids are ok took antihistamine and all seems well. I was a bit worried then :shock:
Barbara I think you must have sent the rain down here it's STILL raining! :roll:
Of course you can sing I've started a playlist see above
Hope middle GD is well and you enjoyed her visit.
Wore new dress last night and didn't spill anything on itamazing!
mig!!!! WHAT a fabulous cake!! I would never have wanted to cut him up either
Kath the pusskins did bring the BBBs to you they aren't keen on rain, but inside Pepe and Sleek's mac's nice and warm and dry
Rained a LOT here
I hope Joan is ok no sign of her yesterday :? Joan get well soon ((()))
Toni xx0 -
Morning all..
Aiden mentioned bees..just remembered..we put up a couple of bee boxs a few years ago and it was lovely to see them going in and you I don't like wasp...nice for mum and all of you to pop round and have a little walk home...
she is well looked after by all of you and that is what counts..yes some us time for you and B...much needed...and I forgot to mention the statue of St nice ...and I remember you saying that you have been to see it.
thankyou for the pancakes yes they look very healthy...
Toni the night out sounds so nice, now I don't drink anymore but I have never liked fizzy wine..and I remember when we were young my late dad coming home with a bottle of champagne for Christmas..Yuk...I think the path cleaner is safe for pets after its has the eyelashes made you eyes itchy..our Dil has them done and I have been own are so sparse...glad the antihistamine worked for you :shock: so Miss sleek has sussed you are going away.. she will have more time with that a dig at my singing enough is enough....
and there was me thinking I had improved...
Middle GD in bed ..she is enjoying 6th form ..think it has something to do with going in there own clothes..
Now I might just try a couple of pancakes...
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Kathleen Mig Barbara Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen try not to get the cold it wears you out.
Mig that's a lovely cake have put it I n jigzone so it's a puzzle.
Barbara how is your granddaughter who was training to be a career.
Aidan that's good your Mum and Dad getting out and about. how are you feeling now.
Toni have a lovely holiday I hope it won't go to quickly for you.
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Mig, is Elvis still in the room?
I've decided to let the BBBs visit you Toni, I know you'll send them on to someone else when you're all cuddled out. We have Cuddles and her bubbas at the moment. Too cute for words.
Joan, I hope you and Sue's colds will soon clear up.
Aidan, love the fruit.
I see Lady GaGa has Fibromyalgia. :shock:
Cold and rainy here, but all ready for tomorrow.
Hope all are keeping warm."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afraid not "elvis has left the building "0
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