Val's Cafe
Evening everyone
Hope you have all had a good couple of days. it has been all go here for the last couple of days. on Friday Mr T and myself had our usual Friday dinner out, what a performance that was I went to order and they have stopped doing that particular meal. so back I go to find out what Mr t wanted instead, off I go back again passed to ladies one of whom decided to make a comment that was not well received by me. one the way back she is sitting in the seat behind us and as I passed she really glared at me. and I could not help but have a go at her, poor Mr T was sitting there cringing he hate confrontation like that. I then went to meet my friend for coffee. in the evening our circular flourecent light in the kitchen decided to give up. so Today after our church open morning Mr T had to go and get a new one.
Joan Yes Tap all finished now and working. and mermaid is causing me some problems but will be finished in time.
Aidan the flood was only a little so the was easily mopped up. new tap is fitted and working well. Don't think we have time for grumps at the moment. yes 2 weeks to Margate and mermaid is not behaving at the moment I keep making mistakes at one particular point, but it will not defeat me it will be done befor ewe go. Lillie certainly wont forget.
Toni Yes mermaid knitting before anything else at the moment. Nothing ruined in the cupboard all was well. Yep i can identify with the fact it seems they want you to say something.
Kath the rollator didn't land on me i landed on top of it
Barbara yes tap again but all is well now.
Ok so its off to bed now so night all t98112 t98112Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening to one and all
The Roe deer made me jump the other night Toni, crunching gravel, thought, who is THAT. But yes, the picture of the stags was fitting I thought.
This evening has been quieter, after a busy day, as I have already explained. Just one call from BIL in London. We are pretty exhausted, as Dad will be too. Just dotting the i's and crossing the t's this coming week. Then visit Mum in the Chapel on Thursday afternoon.
Parking was madness in Skipton, so we had to park a walk away, I made it though, I was determined to get to the Church. In fact I was leading the field at one point, :shock: no idea where I got the strength from. Now, payback time :roll: :roll:
B's Brother and family from London will be staying nearby, for 4 days I think, so that will be nice, they said we can have some down time while they look after Dad.
Things do quieten down after the funeral, which is our own way of helping to reflect and recharge the batteries a bit. I know you will be thinking of us on Friday ((()))
A shame that we could not locate a cat buddha.
Pepe has been telling me about all the land and houses that she owns or has laid claim to. He is most impressed at her Dowry
I am told, by Sleek and Pepe, that the toad is one for casting helpful spells and not to go in the mix. He has a little wand as well, bless him.
Hi Barbara, things are coming together well, for the funeral. Emails to send off with directions / parking etc for family and friends. The chapel at the funeral directors, although beautiful is limited on space, only 30 seats.
The camera sounds like a great idea, if Mr B loves photography, the new instant cameras are excellent, not quite the same as the old Polaroid ones, where you had to pull the picture through the rollers and time it and then it was all blue when you peeled it apart :roll:
They make a pocket printer too, about the size of a pack of ciggies, I could do with one of them, not that I need one, they are just cool.
We avoided the high street in Skipton, for the most part, knowing all the back alleys and short cuts, we kept away from the crowds.
Self defence club, I must ask, do tell...............
Hi Joan, plodding along, I like that, we are all doing the same really. Not too much plodding at the moment, I am almost at a standstill. But we are getting there. ((()))
Hi Kerrin, I will send some little possums over to help with the ouches, some extra ((())) as well.
way to go finishing the 400 mtr swimming race, I would still be there, floundering.:roll:
Hope you have as restful a week end as possible.
Go Carol, you tell the frosty woman in the cafe, I would have been there to put my oar in as well, passing comments, how very dare she. Poor Mr T, did he hide behind the menu:? :?
Then coffee with your friend, very nice.
There are mermaids all over the shops at the moment, they are this years in thing I take it. Naughty knitting, not behaving, but I am sure you will conquer it.
You have a new light too.
Glad it was only a mini flood and not a deluge when the old tap went Kaput.
Well, I am all out of steam, so I will say n night. Hi to everyone else, many hugs.
Everyone take care, it is pretty chilly out there, snow I hear, in Bonnie Scotland.
XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Aidan Carol Kerrin. and anyone else I missed.
Aidan the heating is working well but the thermostats on the radiator's are not fixed so we can not turn them. I hope you all have a good as can be day ((((((((Aidan Bill Dad))))))))
Carol I hope you have a good day. We've had the Christmas light's
switch on in Swindon.
Kerrin. You did well swimming with all your pain's I hope you have a good day.
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Christmas lights on already Joan?! So long as you are
warm enough that's all that matters
Imagine swimming so far when you are in pain Kerrin I commend your perseveranceUse those possums they will hug your poorly bits better for you.
Rest up now.
Carol - I hope you will be able to finish the mermaid? Have you enough time?
I expect you have got clever over the years and don't rise to Mr T's naughtiness to often. I still make mistakes and fall into the trap!!
If the woman said something rude you have every right to tackle her!
Aidan I love the red squidger!! He is lovely
Wonderful seeing the Roe Deer. Me being me I would have thought it was Mum passing by to check in. I am soft like that :oops:
I am very pleased to hear the toad can make spells not be in them. I think I might need my specs to look at his wand! Cute
Ah yes Miss Sleek does have a good dowryShe met a 'new' person yesterday; my nephew's wife and instead of hiding she let her stroke her and scratch her all over :shock: :shock:
Good that you are having 'the day off' today you will need it. It will do Dad good to talk to someone else too about Mum if he wants to :? Bless him being grateful! As if you wouldn't be there 100% at a time like this bless him ((()))
I am glad the Church is lovely and the Rector perfect for the funeral. Things do sound well sorted now. You're right our 'system' here is a good one when it comes to bereavement. I think it gives time for us to adjust to the loss of someone in our lives in stages. It works. Of course we will all be with you on Friday.
Barbara the sf loos are good I agree. The shower and hand-basin are also pumped out and up through the same system. I expect OH understands too
I got Lucy one of those instamatic cameras complete with printer when she was ill and she loves itYour OH will be over the moon - perfect!!
Well a restful day for me today due to 13 visitors yesterday afternoon :shock: :shock: arranged with 3 (yes 3 Aidan!!!) hours to spare. Snacks, hoovering and furniture moving hastily managed
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Todays lunch Homemade tomato soup
Bacon chops with roast potatoes
Cauliflower cheese and carrots.0 -
Mmmm thank you mig I'll have everything except the bacon chops please
I hope everything went ok on Friday ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all..late has pper usual
Toni I am glad Lucy had the camera and likes it, I know the film is expensive but its something he would had 13 visitors... :shock: goodness me you need the rest..
Kerrin no wonder you are tired but good for you it will keep your muscles strong..
Joan my late mum always said we keep plodding on..we have to..I hope they can loosen the valves for you ..then they can be turned down..
Carol is all sorted..and had dinner but they didnt have the meal OH wanted..typical our cafe does that ...sorry we are out of..usually there soup because its home made..there are some strange people around that have to least you got your say..
Aiden there is so much to think about..especially like you say the parking..I am glad to hear that OH family will stay a few days and give you and Bill a rest..good for you getting to the church..mum would be proud...and will be thinking about at the chapel of rest..I hope mum looks really peaceful..we had one of the original Instamatic cameras do you remember putting the film under the arm to develop you say a lot had a strange hue..
A lovely pic of the squirrel in the snow..suppose we will have it soon
Mig you always make me hungry..sounds lovely...
We had the little boy form next door last night..his sister slept at her friends so he came here while mum had a night out..i say boy he is 12...and a little gem..we bought him pizza for his supper and he wanted to pay..and said I dont like to put you out...bless..they are much happier without dad..
keep warm everyone says me that is melting at the moment :shock: xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening to everyone. A very frosty start to the day.
Nice to have an at home day, I dare not say to relax, as it has been washing, more washing, drying, cleaning, pressing...........which I find relaxing, strange but true. B has kept telling me to go steady. :roll:
We are all sorted, ready to start the coming week. No great plans for Monday, coffee at GC, shopping, one form to send off.
Hi Joan, Christmas lights already on, goodness, that is early. Aunt and Uncle are coming up for the funeral so I will have to ask them if the lights are pretty. A neighbour near us, had icicle lights on in their front window....... :shock: it is November.
Glad the heating is working, does it mean that you cannot turn the heat up if you are chilly? I hope they are going to replace the thermostats on the rads, as soon as.
Hi Toni, I love red squirrels, only ever seen them up in Scotland and at the sanctuary in Southport I think it is.
I totally get where you are coming from, with Mum being close by when the Roe Deer came to visit. There are mysteries that we will never understand, until such time as we are among them.
The toads wand is like a mini tooth pick. It sparkles a lot and seems to hold great powers. Pepe and Sleek are jealous of it, so I am assuming said toad is from Hogwarts and has been well tutored in the ways of magic.
Pepe said that there were new peeples in Sleeks house, (note she says it is her house, lol) .
I think she took a shine to her, letting her give lots of fuss. Pepe and Sleek have been speaking over the crystal ball, chirruping and fussing, talking about spells and the like t98243 t98243 I think they spoke to Jericat, Tomicat and Mrs Darcy too, all had a catch up.
I know, as if we would not be there at the drop of a hat and make sure Dad is ok.
It was very good to meet the Rector, she really is a lovely lady, used to be a textile trader and designer. I will have to ask what gave her the calling to take up the Ministry.
I know you will all be with us on Friday((()))
13 visitors, with 3 hours notice. Oh my, I would have freaked :shock: :shock:
I bet there was a flurry of activity and then some.
Mig, lunch sounded lovely, we would have got the bus out and come down to share with youWas there pudding too.......I hope that your SIL funeral was a fitting tribute to her life, was thinking of you......How was the holiday to Lake Garda?
Hi Barbara - I am sure Mum will look very peaceful, as did my late Mum and Dad. Dad had a wry smile on his face bless him and the lovely undertaker said "well, he knows the answers to all those questions now". I thought that was lovely.
It will be good to have one of B's Brothers and family stay nearby for a few days, we can share in keeping an eye on dad, without crowding him out. We will all need our space and time.
I do remember those polaroid cameras, with those flash bulbs that used to melt when they had fired. The colours were "interesting" to say the least. Just amazing to think how technology has advanced, in a relatively short space of time.
How charming is the little lad from next door, offering to pay for his pizza and saying he didn't want to put you out. Bless his cotton socks.
I bet Mum had a nice time, going out and I am sure they are much happier without "him".
I have had to turn the heating down, B was lathered. The new boiler is so much more efficient and the wireless thermostat very accurate.
It is pouring with rain now and it looks like we are in for a pretty wet week :roll: Glad it is not snow. Yes, rain all the way, just had a look at the forecast. Never mind, we won't melt.
Right, I will do some more pottering. Not that I have chores to do, just to potter. B has been busy with seed bead bracelets, they are gorgeous.
Hi to Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Elizabeth and all.
Take lots of care XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Barbara it sounds as though the children from next door are recovering nicely from there father's behaviour.
Everyone got Lucy films for her camera that year for her birthday to go with it you can get 'deals' on amazon and ebay.
Aidan I can hear some normality has returnedB is seed-bracelet-ing (might be time for you to show us more photos when things are less busy) and you pottering. Having other members of the family around will be very good for Dad as well as you and B. Don't forget to post the form.
Miss Sleek sent a bag of slugs for the toad today and informs me that Pepe fainted againI'm sure she does it on purpose :roll: , but he managed to get them over to yours, (also known as 'his' house). Brave boy.
I've heard all about the toad at Pepe's house who is magical. He is indeed Hogwarts trained. An elder-frog rather like and elder-wand.....nodding head knowingly.
Yes 3 hours notice! and I still had to get to a charity do :shock: Luckily I multi-tasked and bought a load of cakes there to bring back. Those new (large-ish) Mr Kiplings in individual boxes??
Still it was worth the effort then I could relax and enjoy myself talking and laughing with everyone not worrying about dust/bits.
How lovely to hear your Dad had a wry smile on his face when he died! You are right we'll find out when it's our turn.
The Rector sounds nice what a change from textiles to the ministry!
Thank you for our blessing I wish the same back to you at the beginning of what will be a tough week((())).
Love to everyone
Woo-ooo! to Joan. no more pumpkin smilies until next year now
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Mig Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
Toni have you got house's near by I know you have the church.
Mig that tastes nice too much for me.
Barbara I hope you have a good day.
Aidan yes they are coming today to fix the thermostats (((((((Aidan Aidan's Dad Bill)))))))) I hope you have a good day.
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all...
Aiden I love that your dad had a wry smile..bless him the undertaker said he could see what the other life is all about..and glad mum was looking was always the worse part for me, what would they look like..mum was lovely..but dad..least said..a day at home and all jobs done least they are out the way..Yes the children next door are so very polite..I think its her Indian upbringing...its so nice ,a lovely morning Toni says an hard week ahead for you all..xx
Joan glad they are coming to do the thermostats that is good service at your light in town are all on..
I love the Christmas lights..not that I am out in the dark so don't get to see any.. :roll: apart from the house across the rd..
Toni so you had another charity do..any excuse to buy cakes if you ask me..that would be my what a good idea to get family to buy OH film..our eldest GD asked the other day what to get him..
Anyone for lemon drizzle cake just bought one
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
A wet wet afternoon to all. Dark already at just after 4. cfly
A wee bit of normality is hovering around Toni. A wee bit. We seem to have had a busy day, even though it was GC, shop, home for lunch with Dad, fill out forms ready for posting tomorrow, talk to neighbours through window and now it is early evening. :roll: :shock:
I will put a picture on of some bracelets that B has been doing, just get this week sorted and we can move forward.
I have been pottering a bit more, in fact we have both just sat down for a moment or two. Sigh...................
Pepe said he passed out in the hall, mentioning things with no legs and lots of slime. I think they have all gone and the toad is getting fatter. He is indeed a Hogwarts toad and well respected among the amphibian world. There was a bang last night, so I guess he was testing out his wand :shock:
Yes, this is Pepe's house, all others are invited guests, nice to knowHe was watching me in the kitchen sorting out his food pouches, i am certain he was taking a mental note of each one.
All those people and then go out to a "do" as well. Well done you. The cakes sounded more than adequate and I am sure everything was primped and preened to perfection.
I was quite surprised when the Rector said she was in the "rag trade" :shock:
It will be a tough week, thank you for the ((()))
Hi Joan, that's good, I hope your thermostats are now fixed and you can have the right temp in each room, finally, after all the trouble you have had with the boiler etc. It has been an epic.
Nice to have a day at home Barbara, getting jobs done, I think we are all in winter nesting mode at the moment, getting things in order for the darker months.
I wish mum or dad would pop back and give a little insight into what lies on the "other side" of life. I am sure they are with us more than we realise, but, some things are not for us to be knowing.
Lemon drizzle cake sounds wonderful, thank you.
The scone I had at the GC was very nice, very well done, maybe a moment too long in the oven, but it was scoffed, none the less.
Right, I had better move myself and do a little more fussing before T and a rest.
Love to everyone else, should we have something to go with the lemon cake.
a little lemon mousse XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Thank you Barbara and Aiden for remembering my SILs funeral if its not a strange things to say it was one of the nicest ones I have been to,it wasn't sad and gloomy ,her eldest son talked about their mum and her daughter read a poem that her mum had written when she was courting her dad ,there were a few laughs ,the chapel was packed in fact standing room only they even ran out of order of service.There will be scattering of her ashes in a couple of weeks that will be family only.Will be thinking of you Aiden.
Lake Garda was fantastic Aiden one of the best holidays I have been on,no more hols till next summer when we go on a longer cruise.We are going to our eldest sons for christmas so there will be 8 of us really looking forward to that.Mig0 -
Evening All
Weather here today has been wet and cold cfly tcold scold loving the new emoji just right for this time of year. went out to do some shopping and have a coffee then returned home was too nasty to stay out. hope you have all had a good weekend.
Aidan I hope that you B and Dad are all looking after each other which I am sure you are. will be thinking of you all on Thursday and Friday. I am sure you will do mum proud. and that every thing goes well. I am sure it will.
That woman was asking for it really I would of let it go if it had not been for the fact that she glared at me on my way back to my seat.
yes we sure do plod along as Joan says yes Lillie loves mermaids and my mermaid was definitely not behaving so there were stern words said.
I too was glad it only had a small flood and we manage to fix the flexible tubing to the sink top with electrical tape so that the tubing was directed into the sink, and we could get water from the tube to do things on Wednesday.
Joan The Christmas lights around where we are will be switched on this coming weekend. think it is Friday.
Toni Well I hope the mermaid will be finished in time or great nanny will not be in Lillies good books, and in trouble.
I think it was more her attitude than what she said and then the glare afterwards that set me off.
I still do make the odd mistake with Mr T even after 47 years, but not so many times these days.
Barbara It was just that what we wanted was a special for a few weeks and we had not looked at the menu because we have had it before.
as they say there is nothing so weird as people.:roll: :roll:
Oh ell its off to mermaid Knitting land for a bit will pop in again soon
Nighty Night all of I fly cflyStay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening to all.
scold I am sure we will be needing our brollies this week, with weather warnings for heavy rain and high winds then turning colder with sleet hcold :shock:
Hi Mig. I am glad that your SIL funeral was a fitting tribute, with so many attending and not at all gloomy. No, it isn't strange to say it was one of the nicest funeral that you have been to. Lovely that Son and Daughter were strong enough to read the memories to everyone.
Thank you, I am sure all will be well on Friday. We just want everything to be just right, to take the strain away from Dad.
So glad you enjoyed Lake Garda. I know my Aunt and Uncle loved it to bits. A beautiful place indeed. Oh, a cruise, we will have to come along on that one, says me who gets queasy seeing a puddle. :roll:
Sounds like Christmas will be a good time too, with 8 of you basting the turkey
The new emoji's have arrived in time Carol, just as the weather is turning wet and windy, with snow in Bonnie Scotland and heading south by all accounts. :?
I know everyone will be under the cloak on Friday, with thanks, in advance. They have a memories table in the hotel, so we have some nice pictures to put out and other things that are poignant, which will be nice, I will take some photo's.
You did right, how dare the woman glare at you, as you say, you would have let it ride, but sometimes, things have to be said, go Carol. 8) There is nowt as strange as folks as they say here.
You were lucky I guess with the tap saga, that there was not a deluge. A mini mop was better than an industrial vacuuming of water. All sorted now though.
I hope the mermaid knitting is behaving itself, after stern words were said to the wool.
I hope everyone else is as ok as possible.
Pepe and Sleek were nattering earlier, they are forewarned of the inclement weather and Hermione will disable the brooms. The toad is quite a pleasant character. Pepe seems to have taken to him, as long as we don't mention slugs. He is a great teacher, in the ways of magic for the greater good.
All the lovelies are fine, I had a little ride round earlier and things were ticking along nicely, keepers busy away, vets doing their rounds, Johnny busy arranging another rescue operation (not sure what animal is coming).
The Meerkats have their heating on high so they are happy. The bush Babies are all out and about, taking care of any ouchies.
We are off to Skipton again today with Dad, a bit of paperwork to sort out. A few things to get while out and about. Maybe brunch somewhere. Vets for his Lordships food supplies..............that will be the day done I guess.
Everyone take lots of care XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Mig Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara I hope you have a good day. yes the thermostats now work but the casing is broke he said we need new rads they are 16 years old he does not think they do those parts anymore.
Mig I'm sorry I forgot when the funeral was.
Carol don't worry about the lady your a nicer person than she is.
Aidan I hope everything is going has well as it can. ((((((((Aidan Bill and your Dad))))))))
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Did the Sawley stroll this mornong, in spite of major ouchies in right shoulder and hip as well as lower back and ankles. Quite mild, but still wrapped up warm, with hat and gloves.
Joan, I hope you get your new radiators pretty sharp.
mig, love your photos of Lake Garda.
Loving the new smilies, I think they will be well used. cfly scold
tcold hcold
Love and ((((hugs)))) to all.xxxx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all its is so mild out there..not been far though has per usual..but now the rain has come.. cfly
Mig its good to be able to say that was a good glad it all went well and your SIL was very you can look forward to Christmas then your your cruise..
Joan maybe they will leave the rads till spring when its warmer we don't want your heating off.. tcold
Carol it will have done the lady good..she might think twice before having a go at anyone else..can we have a pic of the mermaid when could take orders for them at the min..very popular even swimming lessens with mermaid tails..
Aiden hope you managed some rest..and what a lovely idea a memories would be nice for mums and dads to pop back...but would hate them to have to leave again... like you say not for knowing..they are definitely around ..certain time I still smell cigarette smoke specially on my sons birthdays..hee getting all emotional after all this time..37 years for mum..and 22 for dad..
Now you look after yourselves...
Kath glad you got to do the trail...very mild but then we have to have rain...hope you didnt get wet
love to everyone..xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all just a quick pop in before I do some mermaid Knitting not a good day today as the weather has not been all that good.
Went to my slimming world weigh in this morning after missing last week only to find I have gained 2lb, and am now out of my target for the second time in a six week period, out this time by 1 and a half lbs Don't know why it is as I am not doing any thing different than I always have so why do I keep gaining :roll: :?. I have gained double what I have lost over the last 6 weeks. I think I am putting to much pressure on my self to get back there, and stay there.
Aidan mermaid is sort of behaving now so it should get done in time if I concentrate on it at home more. yep folk are very strange people indeed. and she was certainly not going to get away with it.Noooooooooo not snow at least not until at least Christmas please I need to get a couple of more presents and of course if it snows I will not be able to get out to buy them very tricky indeed. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and under the cloak Friday.
Joan Thank you I would hope I am nicer than old frosty knickers.sorry couldn't resist that.
Barbara Guess your right it may have taught her a lesson. Yes I will take a picture of mermaid when she is finished to put on here for you.
Well I must cfly away to do more mermaid knitting
so bye bye allStay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening everyone.
Hi Joan it seems the saga of the radiators goes on!! So long as you’re warm enough though. tcold
Barbara it is mild today really mild. No vest on here – very odd in November. You now I really don’t think we ever forget our parents it was 10 years for my Mum and 14 for my Dad. They were a bit young though. I have to do better for my girls. That's my plan anyway
Film for your husband from everyone who is happy to buy it so he can take lots of photos
Kath I liked that!! The Sawley stroll instead of trail
I think the new smilies will be well used too I wonder whether we will be getting Santa soon too??
Sleek isn’t too Happy Aidan about the possibility of a no-fly zone again soon. :? She says she is perfectly capable of flying in a bit of rain. She has her mackintosh and sou’wester and if she wants to see Pepe (her beloved!) she jolly well will. :shock: She reckons the toad will help her out. I think he just might. Pepe needs her having just lost his Gran although the Toad is helping him a lot.
He has forgiven him for eating things which make him faint I think. He is quite proud that the Toad is in ‘his’ house not Sleek’s
I hope the paperwork got sorted easily and quickly for Dad and the vets had sachets with really good serial numbers. Did you pop into Nero’s? All will be perfect for Dad and Mum will have the best send-off he could wish for, for her. The amount of effort you and B and himself have put into it. ((()))
I don’t know what animal we are getting, but I do know it’s not an 8-legged one so that’s reassuring. Blimey those meerkats like it warm don’t they? :shock:
I had to search hard in the fridge to find some of the left-over lemon mousse it was lovely and would have been a face plant in larger quantities.
I am definitely in winter nesting-mode clearing out the spare room for Christmas visitors.
Please do post a photo of B’s latest jewellery when you can (no rush) I have one to upload too.
Can you see it's her own makeup range
Oh Carol Great Nanny is probably perfect in Lillie’s eyes. You’ll finish that mermaid if it kills you. I can imagine you knitting on the bus, in front of the TV, in the café, in the bath….
I’m glad you don’t trip up too often now with Mr T after 47 years – there’s hope for me :roll: As for that woman I hope you made he think twice. Her bad mood shouldn’t be passed on to anyone else!
I cannot believe what’s happened with your weight… So frustrating. I wonder if there’s a cause. Don’t worry about it you can do it again you know you can.
Hi mig I am so glad your SIL’s funeral went well ( I was also thinking of you, but I think it was on the page before this one ), it does help when funerals aren’t too gloomy. How strong her daughter was to be able to read a poem out and that you had some laughs - even better that there was a full house. ((()))
I want to come on the long cruise with you if I can. They are such restful holidays aren’t they? sigh......
I hope everyone else is well love to you all
Toni xx0 -
Morning, yes, a very early one again. :roll: :roll:
A mild day on Tuesday. We did all we had to do, sorted more paperwork, had brunch in Nero's, did a little shop of things that we needed for Friday.
So you need new radiators now Joan, well, after 16 years, I would think so too. One day, it will all be sorted for you both. At least the thermostats work now, which is an improvement.
Thank you, things do seem to be going ok at the moment. I am sure the rest of the week will be a trial, but we will get through.
I like the idea of the Sawley stroll, much better than Kath on a trail. Sorry you have the ouches, I will send some helpful vibes and the Bush Babies will be there in no time, for lots of cuddles.
Did I miss the photo's of Lake Garda? Or are they on FB?
I am sure we will use the emojis, the weather is set to become a lot colder from Friday onward.
B has been sorting things for the memories table Barbara, it will look lovely. I will share it with everyone.
Rest, now then, let me go find the definition of that word, as I do not recognise it :roll: :roll:
Our loved ones are so close to us at all times. I am certain of it, having seen so many inexplicable things, both in my nursing and at home.
As you say, for them to visit would be lovely, but to go again, no, I think that would be almost too much.
A lot of people have strong smells of perfume, or pipe tobacco, or cigarettes, etc. Usually indicating that loved ones are near.
Now don't you go getting upset, or I will be off as well. We will look after each other and everyone else too, we see it as our duty, to make sure everything is just perfect.
Hi Carol, don't beat yourself up about a little gain, the 1 1/2 lb will go away, as soon as. All sorts of things can impact, from what you drink to how mobile are you are at any one time, pills etc etc. Not a case of doing anything wrong. Sometimes, the more we try, the less we achieve :roll:
Keep you mind on your lovely mermaid and the rest will follow. I am glad the mermaid is behaving and will be done in good time, we definitely need a pic
I think most of any snow will be up in the Highlands, just seems to be cold for us, with frosty nights. Thank you for being one of the assembled, under the cloak.
We carry our loved ones with us Toni, never forgetting. I am planning on growing as old as possible too, I cannot bear to miss anything
Oh dear, Sleek is not happy, I thought there was a lot of chattering going on, over the crystal ball.
Pepe was reassuring her that the weather warnings are not in force for two days, with very high winds. I think Mr Toad, can provide a protective "bubble", but only for one broomstick, so if Miss Sleek insists on coming over, then he will cast the spell of safe and calm travel.
I know she wants to be here on Friday while we are out, to keep him from worrying too much. The vet visit is now on today's list, but I will try and camouflage the numbers on the boxes. The lemon cream mousse was very good, lucky there was any left, I will have to get some more, so you can face plant in it
The paperwork was very soon sorted in Skipton today. We did partake in Nero's coffee, toasties and cakes. We will be popping in again on Thursday after we have met up with BIL to see Mum in the Chapel. A strong coffee will be needed.
Thank you for the hugs, we have put a lot into the funeral. Dad would have been lost, but, we were here to carry him along and make it as easy as possible.
I am glad to hear that there are no more creatures with 8 legs coming into the Sanctuary. Wonder what it can be, I think there is an arrival at the week end.
The meerkats think it is just tepid warm, we would all melt :roll: :shock:
B was saying about having another clear out of cupboards as soon as, more winter nesting. Is it a sign of a cold cold winter I wonder.
Oh the make up range of Miss Sleek is just AMAZING. that is why Pepe was trying on some rouge:roll: :roll: bless him. She must be very proud.
He was doing some gliding tonight, thinking how smart he looked with red cheeks :? :?
I think I had better move. I am setting quite quickly and my back is shouting the odds.
Hi to everyone else, leaving lots of hugs and love to all. Will check in again later today. XX Aidan
The enchanted forest was very peaceful tonightXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone - another mild day here :? Could rain later though. I'm supposed to be helping Pom do something 'arty' later :shock:
Aidan the enchanted garden should be available for all of the mourners to go in on Friday to help ease their sadness. I love the idea of the memory table. You almost need to video everything people say so you don't forget.
Mig's Lake Garda photos are on the main chit chat page.
Of course Sleek needs to get to Pepe on Friday otherwise he will worry. I'm so glad the Toad can help with that. She will no doubt collect him a bag of slugs to say thank you when she arrives.
She is indeed very proud of her makeup rangeShe told me Pepelongstockings looks great in his blusher
Sorry yesterday was clearly too busy to fetch the food from the vets. Best of luck with the serial numbers :roll:
You did get to Nero's then? That's good. Thursday will be a very emotional day I will be thinking of you then too ((())) All the efforts you have put into Mum's funeral will have helped Dad more than he will know ATM God bless you all.
I am looking forward to seeing who is coming at the weekend.....
A quick hello to Joan!
Love to everyone else xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen what is the Sawley trail like is it a country lane.
Carol don't worry you will lose the weight I can picture you in the bath knitting.
Barbara the boiler men we had before used to put too much water in so they had to come back now our neighbour tops it up and we have not had any problems with it.
Toni you are a lovely mum one to be proud of I'm sure.
Aidan I hope you are coping it's hard ((((((((Aidan Bill Aidan's Dad))))))))
I hope all of you have a good day
take care
Joan xx our friend passed out in the town some one took her money she had drawn out of the post office £150 a man that stayed with her has made a collection and raised £500
there are kind people a bout.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..yes it really is morning..
Joan its good of your neighbours to fill up your boiler for you..dont worry you are not on your OH goes to many that have done the same..or they ring him up to top it up for them..hope you and Sue are well..
Carol dont you go worrying about putting the couple of pounds on..worry can add to weight I was reading.. :? you will do it..I think the target is a way of keeping your eye in it..a good idea..I need to join..
Toni you are busy again helping I like arty stuff so might pop you are getting ready for winter has well..I have been getting OH to clear things out..he thinks you only do that in spring.. :roll: I love the miss sle*k makeup range..yes we will break the mold for out family' mum was 68..
Aiden its all coming together for you say dad wouldn't be able to do it will need the rest deserved the coffee break,and good that Bill is busy with his jewellery.. and will hopefully take his mind of things for a while.he must be very emotional sorting the memory table.bless...yes its nice to look out for one another..maybe we can all visit the enchanted forest after does look lovely...
Meeting my niece today..OH picks her up from the next town and drops us off for something to eat..I look forward...
Better get to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
dachshund wrote:
Joan xx our friend passed out in the town some one took her money she had drawn out of the post office £150 a man that stayed with her has made a collection and raised £500
there are kind people a bout.
Now that is lovely JoanMade my day to hear that
Barbara my parents were similar ages! we will see to it that our kids live longer by living longer ourselves
Pom runs an art group at hers on a Friday afternoon you'll hvae to nip alongWe managed to make the fireplace frame out of cardboard (were you holding it for us while we stapled it?) I am finishing off the beam for the mantle while she is busy this week.
I hope you enjoyed the visit with your niece
Shed later if anyone is up for a tipple0
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