Val's Cafe
Daily Poem
by Kathleen
Eeeny meeny macaracca,
Malted Milk or cheesy cracker?
Its Garibaldis for Uncle Roger,
but Aunty Sue likes Jammy Dodgers.
Granddad's in his garden hut,
nibbling on a Ginger Nut,
while Gran prefers a nice Rich Tea
she sometimes shares a pack with me.
Jaffa cakes are Jane's delight,
she even eats them in the night!
Chocolate Chips, just try a taste
not one crumb will go to waste.
Wagon Wheels, Toffee Pops,
Cousin Joe thinks they're the tops.
For me, before I go to bed,
some Ovaltine and sweet Shortbread -
mig, I've put both poems for Aidan in a message for you. I'm not sure which of the 2 was read, possibly the first one.I hated it when my hair came back. It was the same old dull brown and not a curl in sight.
Toni, How wonderful to see the cafe packed and buzzing again. Proof if it were needed that dear Aidan is watching over us. t4591. I think it's only natural that you feel out of sorts and sleepless after the last week, and then Lucy having 3 seizures. Camomile tea might be helpful.
Barbara, I think you might enjoy today's poem, make a cuppa and break out the biscuits.
Christine, your tree fell asleep? Have you been giving it Horlicks?
Some of you may know I had my 3rd and final Zoledronic Acid infusion on Wednesday. For 3 days my spine and hip were agony. Better now and I should be getting a drugs holiday now.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
Vegan Strawberry Mousse Cake
Light and airy vegan strawberry mousse cake made with a delicious jelly topping. An impressive yet simple vegan dessert!
650 grams (16 ounces) strawberries, divided
4 tablespoons sugar, plus more to taste
Pinch of salt
5 grams (0.18 oz) agar agar, divided (see conversions above)
60 grams (2 oz) pitted dates (Should be soft. If not, soak them in warm water)
60 grams (2 oz) graham biscuits (Read ingredients to be sure they’re milk and egg free)
2 tablespoons coconut cream (place a can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight and then scoop out the hardened cream on top)
3 tablespoons aquafaba (the liquid from a can of garbanzos)
You’ll need some kind of a bottom-less mold. I have two squares measuring 10 x 10 x 4.5 cm (4 x 4 x 1.8 inches). I cut my cakes in half to get four rectangles. If you don't have squares, you could use a circle mold or even make the cakes in wine glasses.
For the mousse: Take 250 grams of strawberries and roughly chop them using a food processor or a knife. Put them in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. Measure out 3 grams of agar agar, put it in a separate bowl and cover with 1/3 cup of hot water.
For the jelly: Take the remaining 400 grams of strawberries and roughly chop them. Place them in a third bowl with 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. Measure out 2 grams agar agar and put it in a separate bowl with 1/4 cup hot water.
Leave all four bowls for 30 minutes, stirring the strawberries occasionally.
In a food processor, chop the dates and graham biscuits to a powder. Press the mixture into the bottom of your molds.
Take your mousse strawberries and strain the juice into a small pot, pressing the pulp to get most of the liquid out. Simmer the juice over medium heat until thick, syrupy and reduced by half. Meanwhile, blend the remaining pulp in a food processor or blender until smooth. Return to the bowl and add the strawberry syrup and coconut cream. Add sugar or other sweetener to taste, for me 2 teaspoons was enough.
Put your jelly strawberries in a bowl lined with cheesecloth or some other material you can strain through. Use your hands to squeeze out all the juice you can into the bowl. I got about 1 cup of juice from this. Add sugar or other sweetener to taste to the juice. The remaining pulp can be blended and added to the mousse strawberries.
Whip the aquafaba into the consistency of firm peak egg whites using the whisk attachment of an immersion blender or a balloon mixer.
Put the 3 grams agar agar with its 1/3 cup water into a small pot over medium heat. Warm it gently, while stirring, until the agar agar has dissolved and formed a thick gel. For flakes or strands this could take 10 -15 minutes. For powder it only takes a couple of minutes. Warm your mousse strawberries slightly in the microwave and mix through the agar agar gel. Now gently fold through the whipped aquafaba a few tablespoons at a time. Pour the mousse into your molds and place in the fridge to set.
Put the 2 grams agar agar and its 1/4 cup water into the pot over medium heat. Dissolve it in the same way as previously. Pour in your cup of strawberry juice for the jelly. Optional: Simmer gently for about 5 – 10 minutes to concentrate the flavour and get a more compact jelly. If you choose not to do this, you’ll have a thicker but softer jelly layer. It’s up to you. Pour the jelly into the molds and place in the fridge to set.
Once set, gently slip off the molds and serve your cakes however you would like!
t7313 t8011 t7313"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..quit a nice day here till around 3
Toni you and Paul have a safe must be so tired after not sleeping,but its mot surprising , I hope that Lucy is recovering well when you get there... sending many hugs and love for you all.. t4591 Aidan did like butterflies..bless..he will have his wings one way or another...xx mind races at this time of the year..I keep telling myself it's one day..but there always that nagging feeling..xx
Kath yes I love the poem..proper cafe one with cakeI am so pleased the infusion had brought you some relief..I really am..and thankyou for the mousse cake xx
Joan you are so kind with all you have going on..Niamh does keep us occupied it's a good distraction..I hope you are all doing ok..(((((())))).
Love to everyone
t4591 t7313 t8011Love
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone
I am back from my trip up North and Lucy is fine now and discharged from the hospital. I think she may have overindulged shall I say after a night out? Still, she is only young isn't she? She had 3 seizures in total one when on the way back from X-ray. Bill sent a hug to Lucy from himself and Aidan saying Aidan would have wanted that. t4591 Made us both bawl.
Kath the poem was 'How I wish' That was hard going back to find the page it was posted. It was the same page as I had to tell you all the dreadful news
I loved the biccie poem especially the first two lines! Eeny meenie macaracca!
Thank you I could try a camomile tea before bed you know it's certainly a thought....
Yes the café has been busy which is lovely and I am certain Aidan is indeed watching over us all, all those who loved him, but mostly I am sure his beloved Bill, Tosca Dad and family God bless them.
Thank you for the vegan pud if anyone wants to know garbanzos are chickpeas so the aqua-stuff is chickpea water that they've been cooked in.
I am so gad you have coped with that last infusion and are now getting a break from Alendronic acid.
Barbara did you have a good quiet day in the end and did you sing at the Christmas service with choir? As you know I missed it being on way back from Scotland.
I have no doubt Aidan's Sisters, Immaculata and the rest of them were there with Mother superior in their Santa hats....
Lucy is fine now the usual bumps and bruises, bitten tongue, but thank you she is fine.
Any news on your bro's bloods?
DD yesterday was dark all the way up to Glasgow, but dry. On the way back really dark and raining :roll:
How very kind of your husband to try to lift your spirits with some tea on the carpet most thoughtful :shock: bless him.
Thank you for your thoughts about us we got there and back in one piece and Lucy is absolutely fine, just the usual post seizure injuries.
I'm sure whatever you have forgotten is not too important probably just the sproutst79122
Joan I had also hope that was the end of Lucy's seizures, but she had had a night out and she really can't drink at all. She'll have to learn that for herself though sadlyBill sent a hug from himself and Aidan yesterday to Lucy which was lovely. I think he is just keeping on going doing Aidan proud. Dad is under the Dr still as his eating isn't great.
Right better locate us some breakfast:
porridge I think is best in this wintery weather.
and an earth angel for Aidan
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello everyone
Joan can’t get on at the moment she will try again later
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
.sunny here for now hope it stays dry..
Toni poor Lucy..she is young like you say..but such a worry..bless her..I hope with the news yesterday has to new treatment on the way for epilepsy...that Lucy will get it in the near future.. t4591 t4591 thankyou for the kind of breakfast...xx How kind of Bill..just like Aidan..thinking of others..
Glad you got home safe and sound...thankyou for asking ,my brother will have his next treatment between Christmas and the new year if all is well...
Sue thankyou for posting I hope you are all ok..please tell us if you are not..we are all here for one another
Will send Bill more love then he know we are all thinking of him dad and Tosca... t4591 t115006 t4591
Right off to visit ohs Niece to take her an hamper..has she dosent go out..
Speak later love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t8011Love
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem
by Kathleen
Clock hands creep at a very slow rate
at the station full of people who wait,
peering anxiously down the line
hoping their train will arrive on time.
Checking their watches,
checking their bags,
checking the details on the name tags.
Holiday makers with buckets and spades,
cool operators in sharp suits and shades.
Mobiles jangle and shatter the nerves
of commuters travelling from the 'burbs;
Carrying laptops,
carrying 'brollies,
swerving to miss the porter's trolleys.
The distant thunder down the track
as travelers leave and then come back.
The clank of wheels as they hurtle by;
the mournful echo of the horn's cry.
Where are you going?
How long will you be?
Will you ever come back to me?
Hello to everyone, I hope all are well as can be, Toni, thank you for the food and the Earth Angel from Aidan. If this poem is read properly, you should hear the sound of the reain wheels going along the track. It was fun to write it - as was the biscuit one.
Fed up of TV, all cartoons and reality shows. :roll: So I'm watching a war film on Talking Pictures. If we don't manage to get on over the next few days, I hope you all have a wonderful family time with lots of good food.
t79122 t8011 t7313 t78020"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
I hope Joan is ok Sue and it was just techie issues? Love to both of you ((()))
Barbara I think you've mentioned that niece before such a shame she can't go out at all. Bless her good you've been.
Between Christmas and New Year is good for your bro's chemo extra time for his bloods to normalise a bit.
Lucy is absolutely fine Charley came over today and we both chatted to Lucy together she's not at work tonight thank goodness.
Kath the poem did read like the rattle of a train on tracks! Very goodI can believe it was fun to write
I don't blame you dodging the telly it's all rubbish atm - although we have one or two things recorded so something up our sleeves. Looking forward to the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special. Not sure what else is on over the festive period.
Thank you for the Christmas pud I shall not worry about a cake for us but maybe leave some of my best cream in the fridge incase it's needed...
Some more Earth angels for Aidan t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Oh dear it feels like a Friday :?
It's all too much for my small brain to cope with!!
Super-posh breakfast for us as it's Christmas Eve:
I hope everyone is ok? today I shall be super-busy finishing everything off :roll: shan't stop till it's done :roll:
I shall also have to find time to 'do an Aidan' and immacculise this bungalow....somehow. I still have presents to wrap too :oops:
Thinking extra hard about Bill, Tosca and Dad this is going to be the hardest Christmas they've ever got through ((())) t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
A quick wave to Joan I hope she gets in today :?
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Morning everyone sorry about yesterday I could not get in my tablet after my dinner I thought I will go on the computer our fried came and stayed so long it was nearly time for Sue's carer's to come sorry.
Toni I feel so sorry for Lucy((((((()))) thank you for all you did for Aidan and Bill ((((((())))). Have a lovely Christmas everyone ((((((())))))) and Bill and his Dad ((((((())))))
. Barbara I hope all of you have a lovely Christmas. ((((((((()))))
. Kathleen. How is your Dad I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas (((((())))) and Holly (((((()))))
. Take care t8011 love to Mig DD Carol Christine and everyone else((((((())))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all Mr Bs Birthday today..he nearly made it to Christmas day..
Toni I know how you feel my brain thinks its weekend
.🤔..I am glad Lucy is recovering must be so hard..I can imagine her just wanting to get on with life..and she will.. t4591
Thankyou for the posh breakfast..very tasty indeed..I am sure Aidan will be watching us scoff it...
We asked our niece to come here but she wont..or go to her brothers.. but we all help her out..
Joan dont be sorry for not getting on..just has long has we know you are all must have had a good chat with your friend..nice to catch to Sue and the doggies.(((((())))))
Kath thankyou for another brilliant poem it really took me back to the 50s..
Thankyou everyone for the Christmas wishes..I hope you all have a good day..Merry Christmas t4591 t115006 t8011 t7313
And special hugs and love for Bill and his dad.. t4591 t115006 t4591
Love to everyone.xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Oh know not again..this is Aidan playing silly beggers..he was naughty sometimes...xxxLove
Barbara0 -
Perhaps it is Aidan, Barbara these large emojis only started appearing after he left us.....
Just to let you know that I am also very much missing reading his posts. I wish his husband Bill and the rest of the family as good a Christmas as possible at such a sad time ((()))
Ellen0 -
Ellen I am sure its Aidan..thankyou for popping in, I am sure Bill reads the post..and hopefully they help a little xxLove
Barbara0 -
Right Barbara Im having a go
now to see what happens!0 -
Daily Poem (as it's Christmas, another spooky one).
Keeper Of The Corridor
by Kathleen
Safely hidden behind her door
in her little flat on the 13th floor,
as she spends her life in her lonely room
which she constantly sweeps with her ancient broom,
whisking the dust here and there;
under the bed, under the chair.
Cautiously she opens the door
never looking up from the floor;
along the landing, down the stairs
sweeping away her worries and cares.
When night arrives, with a star-filled sky
she opens her window and gazes high
where a full moon beams on the streets below
filled with folk who will never know
her special secret, dark and deep,
or where she goes when they're asleep.
She faces the window, open wide,
and on her broomstick sits astride
then slowly glides up through the air,
while in the street, all unaware
of what goes on above their heads,
the crowds trudge home towards their beds.
A smile replaces her usual frown
as she darts away from the dreary town.
Youth returns as she swiftly flies
and new life sparkles in once dimmed eyes.
At each full moon the coven meets
and every witch their sister greets.
Beneath a tree, their broomsticks piled,
they sing their song and dance so wild.
Re-telling tales of times now past,
the magic hours fly so fast.
It's time once more to take their brooms
and fly home to their lonely rooms
back the their daytime life - so dreary
each one feels so tired, so weary.
Back to her town the old woman flies
and inside her soul the young witch dies
until the time she flies once more,
the keeper of the corridor.
What day is it? Ah Tuesday. That means it's Wednesday tomorrow - I think. I enjoyed the breakfast Toni, thank you. My head is all over the place as this week is a muddle. Dad's back on the catheter. I rang in on Sunday, he answered and said I'm in the garden. So I said three times, Can you hear me. No answer but I heard the swooshing of leaves, so I hung up. He rang me later and said he hadn't recognized my number and forgot it might be me ringing. :roll: I ring him on Sunday at !!am - every week. I was quite angry with him."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Ok that's odd...Mine are alright :? :? :? what is going on with yours? Aidan is being cheeky!
Happy Birthday to Jimmy - a Christmas baby! I bet his mum felt really special t69044
Right time for some cake
Birthday cake for Jimmy tuck in please everyone Aidan would have wanted us to.
Joan I agree with Barbara never fear if you can't get in so long as we know you are ok that's all that matters ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Kath Sleek has just been reading over my shoulder again (a bad habit really...) she said thatz trew that powim eye no wichez lyk that they are nyc laydiez.
Quiet a sad little poem I though bless her.
Your silly Dad scaring you like that! Honestly men! (present company excepted if you pop by Bill). Imagine him forgetting you'd be ringing!!
By the way Sleek, Mrs Darcey and Rosie have been to see Tosca today. They are trying to encourage her out of her room and to eat a little. Tommicat sent a small bunch of lavender too.
Toni xxx0 -
The days of the week have lost their identity, one of the things I like about this time of year. I have just wandered back from the bins (such an exciting life I lead) and the world felt poised for the excitements (for some) of tomorow. We have friends coming to lunch and are having a break with festive traditions by opting for herb-crusted salmon with Charlotte potatoes, green beans plus leek and fennel sauteed in butter.
Whatever I thought I had forgotten remains forgotten which raises the mild hope I have forgotten nothing.
I hope that everyone has as good a day as possible given each and everyone's positions regarding present family, missing family and passed family. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Evening all..Toni I dont have a clue why some smilies go big :shock: very strange..I am glad to here miss sleep and friends have been over to Tosca..I am sure they will help her to eat..bless....xx
And thankyou for Jimmy's cake..and Birthday wishes..we can all share the cake
DD.thankyou and the same to you..hope you have a nice day with your friends..xx
Kath another brilliant poem..I could use a broomstick just dad didnt answere..parents dont think we worry about them...hope he will be ok xx
Right Niamh has been tracking Santa.. she said quick GD get me home he is in Russia..
Dad us going down in the morning to watch her open her presents..not sure if she will be coing back with him..our eldest son cooks most of the dinner ..and we have quite a bit ready prepared
Have a lovely Christmas everyone
Sending more love and hugs to Bill..Tosca and dad t4591 t115006 (((())))
t8011 t78020 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hello all
just a little Christmas wave from me, I was so terribly sad to log in and read the news about Aidan
so this is only an xmas Eve hello to everyone and I will call in again. Any news of mine is just trivial stuff and it's not really the time for that so I am just going to have a sit (I will be glad of the quiet!) and a talk to anyone that passes my way (if they have the teapot with them so much the better
See you again soon and best wishes for tomorrow especially to those having a difficult time, very best to Barbara's brother for upcoming treatment (I have not read enough and am not quite with it enough to have taken on board how everyone is, so I will be more particular another time, I don't want to get the wrong end of the stick about people's current wheres and hows and whats) - Lucy looks super and very well in the snap of you both in the Bull Ring, frogmorton, so lovely to see)
Am currently "neither up nor down" on Humira still, and despite it only being a once a fortnight jab, I have still managed to arrange things so that I am injecting tomorrow. This tops off 2019 to a T; Roll on 2020, I say.
Love to everyone and maybe, just maybe, it will not rain for Christmas Day. t111055
toady xxxxx0 -
I would like to start by thanking every single one of the members of Val's Cafe for their love and compassion displayed so warmly for the loss of Aidan (Bubsy, Matron), I have been overwhelmed.
As you all know, Aidan was a very special man in many ways and my constant companion through our many years together. Nothing will take that away and I am finding comfort in knowing that he is still with me at all times. I genuinely believe that we carry the soul of lost loved ones in our hearts.
I have a lot of other things going on in my life at present, difficult and challenging but even that is not diminishing my lost love.
For Dad, Tosca and myself I will, with Aidan's inexplicable help, continue on the path set out for me. No regrets, no self pity and lots of love around me.
Thank you all once more and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.
Bill XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all..somthing told me to log in..
Toady it's so good to hear from really is..and thankyou for mentioning my brother...xx
No what is going on in your life us not trivial to us,we really do care about one another..and I for one think Aidan made us all stronger.. I hope we hear again from you very have been missed t4591
Bill it so kind of you to post in the cafe,and I agree Aidan will always be with you..and no one can take away all the memories you had regrets like you said.. just all the love you had for one another.. will give you the need...and just to finish I am sure he has messed with my post...bless him..
God bless and please stay in touch with us all t4591 xxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Firstly thank you Bill for coming on here and thanking us in what is a difficult time for you, and also wishing us a merry Christmas. Yes Aidan was a very special person to us all here in the cafe. I wish you as good a Christmas as possible. Take care.
Sorry I have been so busy over the last couple of days I have just not had the time to get in we have youngest daughter. With us at the moment for Christmas staying with us too. And we have been very busy cooking this evening. I did type quite a lengthy post earlier but I pressed the wrong button in my haste to post and lost the whole thing into the big black void as Aidan would say.
I thank you all this year for understanding my not posting a lot due to the Way I was feeling a few months ago. And this is proving a very difficult time of the year as boxing day is the first anniversary of Mr T brother passing away last year. As you can imagine mr t is in a very moody period at the moment but I can understand that which helps me to to stay reasonably calm with him and not get annoyed.
It is now time for me to go but before I go I will say I will not be posting tomorrow as we have a laptop and iPad ban in our house on Christmas Day. So hopefully I will post on Boxing Day.
I wish you all a great Christmas have fun and most of all enjoy yourselves.
Merry Christmas and Happy new year. t7313 t8011 t78020 Take careStay positive always👍xx0 -
Good morning everyone I hope you all have a Merry Christmas
I think Santa has been.....
BILL!! How wonderful and kind of you to take the time to post to us all. I hope seeing us posting about Aidan has helped a little. You will keep going because that is the man you are, the man Bubsy chose and you'll get there. He is still with you of course he is because you loved each other ((())) t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
Carol not another lost post!! I expect you were rushing having so many other demands on your time ATM easily done :roll:
I hope Mr T gets through the festive season ok God bless him this first Christmas is always the hardest isn't it? Glad your youngest is with you for support.
You have had a very tough year and of course we all just wanted you to feel back to normal and you managed it! ((()))
Enjoy the technology ban
Barbara I am certain Aidan is up to mischief with your else could this be? Well you can always ask one of the techier mods if they know??
I do hope Niamh can come over today even if only for a while, but at least Daddy will be there while she opens her presents t4591
The cake was no problem at all for Jimmy I hope he had a great dayWe did indeed all have a slice ta v muchly
Oh Yes DD the days are all mixed up - I thought yesterday was Friday because Paul was finishing work!! So I forgot to do something very important :oops: :oops:
I also had to bring our bins back in we were lucky we had both recyc and rubbish! What rubbish I am speaking
It sounds as though you have a different Christmas ahead so do we we are off for a curry with everyone as Paul doesn't want the empty chair with his Mum missing this year bless her
Toady I am so sorry you had to find out about our beloved Aidan from calling in here. If we had had any way of contacting you I promise we would have done ((())) Dreadfully upsetting and I can see why you didn't feel able to post your news. We'd like to hear it though when you're ready not trivial at all most of what we talk about in here is just so, but its nice to talk trivialities and distract ourselves isn't it?
Thank you Toady Lucy is very well apart from a blip the other day when she had 3 seizures and was up in Glasgow!
I do hope we see you very soon.
A quick wave to Joan! Hope you and Sue are well.
Right breakfast a special one for Christmas day:
Toni xx0 -
A very Happy Christmas to all of you in the Cafe. I hope you enjoy your day and are not having too much pain.
Gentle hugs
ChrisK and all the Mods.
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