Val's Cafe



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh look at that Toni, a beautiful spread for breakfast - but, well, may I put some mince pies in to warm too?

    I do so feel like a mince pie and cream for breakfast today

    Hi Chris K, hope your Christmas is beginning exactly the way it should, it’s nice that we too get to chat on a very special day

    Love to everyone
    Yvonne x

    Hi Yvonne. Things are going along as I planned it. Just opened my presents and I am overwhelmed with what people have given me. I've been a very lucky lady.
    Hope your Christmas Day will be successful and you have a great day. It's nice to be able to chat to our buddies on this day.
    Gentle hugs
    ChrisK xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Happy Christmas Toni Barbara Kathleen Carol DD Bill and is Dad Toady Christine Mig and all the Moderators and everyone's family thank you for your help this year ((((((())))))) and
    Aidan we won't forget you (((((())))) t8011
    Toni we both bought each other the same jumper without knowing it. have a lovely Christmas ((((((()))))
    . Barbara I hope you and your family have a lovely day(((((()))))
    Kathleen hope you your family have a lovely day and Holly ((((((()))))
    . Bill and your Dad thank you for letting us know how you are we are thinking of you and Aidan take care (((((())))))
    . Joan xx t79122 love to you Yvonne thank you for the forum ((((((())))))
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all.
    And a Merry Christmas to everyone hope you have a good a day has possible...
    Thankyou for calling in Yvonne and Chris K.
    mince pies would be very welcome.. t4591 t4591
    Toni thankyou for the lovely breakfast..Aidan trained you enjoy your curry..
    Not sure yet if Niamh is coming ..but she will be here tomorrow.. .i am sure... t4591
    Joan thankyou and the same to you and Sue..and your little doggies..I wonder if they hot a stocking..(((()))) t4591
    Carol thankyou and you just post when you want ...hope you have a lovely day with your daughter... t4591
    My thoughts
    are with was so kind of you to post..and not easy I imagine... t4591 t115006 t4591

    Sorry this is short..our son is coming round to pick up food to cook
    Love to everyone
    t7313 t8011 t4591 t115006 t4591
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone, just a quick pop in to wish you all a peaceful Christmas.

    Bill, what a bittersweet pleasure it is to hear from you. I have been thinking of you a great deal and a candle will be twinkling away on the hearth for Aidan. I dont know how to load pictures on here but I know a woman who does and I am sure she will oblige: yup, Frog, I am volunteering you.

    Take care, one and all. DD

    PS I remembered what I forgot. Ice cream. Ain't got none :D
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily Poem

    Untidy Classroom
    By Kathleen

    There are crumbs scattered over the table
    and orange squash spilled on the floor.
    Somebody tore up some paper
    and dropped it, just there, by the door.

    The tin for the crayons is empty,
    to find them - we're all at a loss,
    so no-one can draw a nice picture
    and teacher is looking quite cross.

    So you fetch the brush and the dustpan,
    and I'll fetch the waste paper bin.
    Everyone search for the crayons,
    and put them all back in the tin.

    Let's make our class clean and tidy,
    keep it as nice as we can.
    Clean up the mess and put things away,
    so everywhere looks spick and span.

    :D t69044 t69044

    Oh how wonderful,a party for Aidan on Christmas day. So pleased to see all our friends and mods. Especially happy to welcome Bill.

    Thank you for the breakfast oni, now for a Vegan feast.

    t79122 t79122 t79122 t79122 t79122 t79122 t79122

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi there,

    Bryn is just driving my Mum home, we’ve had a lovely gentle day together, it will be a bit different tomorrow when we have our son and his family joining us, though an easy dinner as the turkey etc is all cooked now

    I hope everyone has had a great day too, see you tomorrow

    Yvonne x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone! It was busy in here yesterday!

    Fied eggs this morning photo-1515481774243-98fd57ff2bd4?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&w=1000&q=80

    Who brought in mince pies? Was it a mod? Thank you very much :D You know where the cream is kept? always in the fridge :)

    Joan you and Sue!!! Every year you do this so in tune with each other :D:D ((()))

    Kath I loved the poem - did you write it when you worked in education? I bet you did.

    Thank you for the vegan roast, Kari and I both had a slice it went well with my curry!!!

    I hope all was well with you Chris and your Dad and the kids who are adults :lol: ((()))

    DD no ice cream?!! No ICE REAM??!! What a disaster! Not cream will do every time!!

    A candle for Aidan? I shall oblige no problem at all :D


    Barbara I hope you had a lovely day and either saw Niamh or will see her today ((()))

    The cats all got stockings here Sleek, Rosie and Oreo Jessie my three Grandkits.

    I hope I didn't miss anyone - not feeling too great I have a cold! This is a rarity for me! Once every 2/3 years, but must be careful due to my chest :?

    I heard from Bill yesterday he was doing ok quiet day, but worried about Dad who took a fall and was admitted. Bill is hoping his lack of eating and drinking will be addressed there and maybe some extra help when he is discharged.

    My heart so goes out to him. Such a tough time of year to have lost someone precious. t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 ((()))

    Love to everyone

    a germy

    Toni xxx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning Toni,

    Eggs sound good, well the beautiful weather from yesterday has turned blowy and very wet. All the fields are absolutely sodden, I hope no floods anywhere.

    Have a good Boxing Day everyone, good food and family and friends to share it with, virtual and non-virtual :wink:


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone
    Toni I hope your cold soon goes and not on your chest I hope you all had a good Christmas. It was strange without Aidan at least he's not in pain anymore he had so many problem's (((((((()))))
    . Barbara I hope you and your husband had a good day ((((((())))))) and your family (((())))
    . Kathleen thank you for the poem very true. I hope you and Chris and your Dad and Holly had a good day ((((((())))
    . DD I hope you and your husband had a not too painful day ((((((())))))
    Yvonne thank you for the forum I hope you and your family had a good day (((((()))))
    Bill I no you were very lonely but we were thinking about you ((((()))) I'm sorry your Dad fell over I hope he's not in hospital too long ((((((())))
    . take care love to Carol Mig Christine ((((()))))
    . Joan xx t8011
    take care
    joan xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Happy Boxing Day to all the members of this forum.
    Hope you all had a low pain day yesterday and that today is relaxing, and again low pain.
    Gentle hugs
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..only just...its pouring down here..we will be staying put anyway...yesterday was a long day..but loved it..our middle gd came full of a cold so here's hoping we dont get it..but live seeing was her dad that cooked our meal..our eldest there were 6 of us in all..
    Chris K.thankyou and the.same to you..hope it's a relaxing one..xx
    Yvonne..I hope mum got home safe..and you all had a lively day xx
    Toni eggs for breakfast ..thankyou.. :) I hope your cold dosent develope..especially not on your keep warm and plenty of fluids..that's from out Aidan
    I heard from Bill yesterday ..he really does need dad was the same ..he refused but we got there in the end...I hope Bill does ..xxand I hope Lucy is recovering ok.. t4591 I think Niamh is coming today to open more presents.. :)
    DD you remembered it was icecream..never mind..the one thing I forgot was a trifle..I used to make them ..but didnt this what did everyone want..trifle..xx
    Joan thankyou.. we had a nice day thankyou..what did Kexi and Pippa it Pippa or pepper...sorry if I have it wrong
    Love to all of you (((())))
    Kath another brilliant poem ..I do love to read them.i remember well tidying my desk at school.. :) .hope dad is ok..and a nice vegan breakfast buffet..Aidan will be happy xx
    More hugs and Love for Bill..I am watching out for white feathers.. t4591 t115006 t4591
    Right better move
    Love to all
    t8011 t4591 t115006
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily Poem

    Jennifer Bream
    by Kathleen

    I used to envy Jennifer Bream
    her long red hair and skin like cream
    her eyes that sparkled like Emeralds fine
    I used to wish these things were mine.
    But you wanted a girl with cheeks like a Rose
    and freckles across the bridge of her nose
    with glossy brown hair and dark chocolate eyes.
    You wanted me - much to my surprise.
    So now I don’t envy Jennifer Bream
    her near perfect looks are no longer my dream
    because Jennifer Bream doesn’t have you —
    but I do.

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Well it's been a very quiet Christmas, we haven't see a soul but had lots of pain, well at least we're suffering together. I'll pretend it's sunny, although even though it's only half past one, it's like midnight outside You'd think we were having an eclipse here and not in Asia. :roll: Thanks to our lovely mods for popping in again. It'always lovely to see you. It's been a mixed up sad/happy time of year a010.gif

    Joan, I hope you and Sue had a wonderful Christmas. Did you get each other the same present again? a beautiful sweater each. :D

    Toni, EGGS scrummy, ta luv. Yes I wrote it for one of the classes I was assigned to. I'm sorry to hear dad had a fall, and that you have a cold.

    Mushroom and leek pie
    Creamy mushrooms and leeks encased in a crispy, golden pie crust. Delicious, filling and a great choice to serve for everyone! Serves 4.

    IngredientsMushroom and leek pie
    1 tbsp olive oil
    2 medium leeks, trimmed and sliced into discs
    3 cloves garlic, minced
    500g button mushrooms
    1 tsp dried mixed herbs
    A pinch of salt and pepper
    For the sauce:
    1 tbsp vegan margarine
    2 tbsp plain flour
    350ml dairy-free milk
    1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
    A pinch of salt and pepper
    1 roll vegan puff pastry (or gluten-free, if needed)
    4 tbsp dairy-free milk, for glazing
    Add the olive oil to a large saucepan on a medium heat. Fry the leeks and garlic for 2 minutes, to soften.
    Add the mushrooms, herbs, salt and pepper and stir for a minute. Place the lid on top and cook for 8 minutes.
    Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, melt the vegan margarine on medium heat. Add the flour and stir until combined. Slowly add in the milk, a tablespoon at a time and whisk, until you have a smooth thick mixture. Stir in the nutmeg and season with salt and pepper.
    Combine the cooked leeks and mushrooms with the sauce and leave to cool completely.
    Make sure your puff pastry is at room temperature (if using frozen, leave at room temperature overnight) and preheat the oven to 200C.
    Add the leek and mushroom mixture to a pie dish and top with the puff pastry, cutting off any excess pastry around the edges.
    Crimp the edges using a fork and score a criss-cross pattern on the top with a sharp knife. Finally, dip a pastry brush in a little dairy-free milk and brush the top of the pie, to help it brown.
    Cook for 25 minutes until golden brown. Serve straight away.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone t8011

    Breakfast: eggs again this time omelettes with mushrooms!photo-1494597706938-de2cd7341979?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&w=1000&q=80

    Kath I love Jenifer Bream! Great poem honestly you are amazing! How many poems have you actually written?

    I thought you might have done yesterday's for one of your classes :)

    I have a bad cold and oddly enough it seems to have set of my knees of all things - anyone else find this with inflammatory Arthritis? I am very sorry to hear you and Chris have had pain for company over the festive period how horrible :( Sleek said she'll be over and bring some possums and maybe bush-babies for you.

    Thanks for the leek 'pie' yummy scrummy :)

    Barbara isn't it hard for poor Bill I know a problem shared is a problem halved so having Aidan would have really helped him with the worry. Matron nagging Bill's Dad would have made his eat and drink a little at least :(

    Your poor GD I hope she feels better soon. I feel pretty rough myself so bless her.

    Enjoy the lovely Niamh I bet she can't wait for more presents!!

    Joan you're right our Aidan is not in pain anymore, but you wouldn't have know would you he was so upbeat and such fun :) t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006

    Nice to see Yvonne and ChrisK popping in to the café always welcome :D

    I expect we'll hear from Carol soon after their techie-ban is over!!! Hope she had a good Christmas.

    Love to everyone hoping Bill's Dad is doing as ok as possible. I'm sure his brothers are supporting him and I know Mandy will be too.

    Toni xxx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all and apologies for not looking in over the festive period. Truth be told I expended so much energy on decorating the tree and the house that by the time the big day came I was wiped out. :roll: Will I ever learn? Probably not. :D I had fun though - I bought some elf slippers complete with bells so irritated everyone (including me) until walking in them became somewhat problematical :wink:

    'Im Indoors and me had a quiet but lovely time. Two friends came for Christmas lunch (he baked salmon) then yesterday we had roast chicken plus the traditional works. The absence of ice cream has not been a problem! A long lie down on the sofa was followed by gratefully falling into bed at around 5pm. I finally managed to drop off around 2am - I utterly dislike being too tired to sleep.

    I think today will be another quiet one. I am thinking of buying a new kettle, I love the one we have (it's the second of its kind) but its opening mechanism is beginning to fail, just as it did with the first one. I need to go to a kettle shop and play with them in real life but there will be other people. YUK. I am not fond of other people en masse.

    I wish everyone well, look after yourselves and especial thoughts go to Frog, Bill, Joan, Sue, Kath, Mig and Barbara. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all,We will be home from our sons later today totally lazy time all I did was peel the potatoes and carrots wasn’t allowed to do anything else.
    I hope you all had a good time and was as pain free as possible,my thoughts were with Bill and the family.

    God Bless you all and a Happy New Year.Mig X
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily Poem

    Contemplating A Snowy Morning
    by Kathleen

    Our garden's covered over white
    with snow that fell throughout the night
    and now a pair of hungry Dunnocks
    in their search for food are flummoxed!
    Hopping hither, thither, yon,
    where have all the breadcrumbs gone?


    DD, Isn't it awful to be so tired you can't drop off. And then when you do along comes pain and wakes you up again. :roll: We too are anxious about the lid mechanism of our kettle giving up the ghost. We do have an ordinary one, but having to lift it to fill or to pour is painful and difficult. :shock:

    Toni, MMMMm Mushroom Omelette, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed Jennifer Bream, I think I've written well over 100 poems or so, then a few short stories which aren't as good. I'm watching out for Sleek coming through the secret gate with her box of tricks to use on me. I think most of us with Inflammatory Arthritis feel fluey and decidedly painful in the knees. I once spoke to an older lady in hosptal who said she rubbed Vicks on her knees and then bandaged them up. I think I'd prefer Olbas Oil.
    Yes, dear Aidan was always upbeat no matter how he was feeling. I really miss sharing my aches and pains with him as he would always suggest something helpful, bless him. :cry:

    Sending (((()))) to Bill and dad, Barbara,Carol, mig, all our lovely helpful Mods and friends on VA.

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
    Apple roly poly
    Don't be put off if you're not a big fan of apples, try substituting with another fruit such as plums or apricots.

    Serves 4

    3 oz (85g) vegan margarine
    6 oz (170g) wholemeal self raising flour
    1 tbsp red jam
    2 medium apples, thinly sliced or grated
    Raw cane sugar to taste
    Rub margarine into flour, mix with a little cold water to make a dough and roll into an oblong shape.
    Spread with jam and apples, sprinkle with sugar and roll, sealing the ends.
    Place in an oven dish and bake at 400F/200C/gas mark 6 until golden. Sprinkle with sugar. If you like, you could smother it in creamy custard.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kath,

    Lovely role poly, I shall have a go at that for sure x

    The poem is good, somehow soothing that all is going as it should with the world xx

    Yvonne x
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Yvonne, I try to provide Vegan food as Toni is Vegan, as was Aidan. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. it does make the world feel normal again, but not too normal as Matron will always be present with us. Enjoy the roly poly while there's some left. t8011

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all...sorry I'm late..must say I feel drained and not done much..

    Toni your cold has a proper hold with sounds of it...(((()))I do find if I am poorly my joints join in...I hope you feel better very soon... t4591
    Niamh is coming she will be looking forward to more presents..sorry forgot to say thankyou for the are getting good at this..dont worry if you dont feel up to posting.. we will all still be heryes a problem shred for Bill..I saud we are always here..
    DD it's nice to have a quiet day after Chrstmas and Mr D us cooking..even better...xx
    Kath the poems are so nice..keep them sorry you are both suffering...I really am..((((()))) hope they help xx
    .apple rely poly how nice and I have custard...
    Hi to Yvonne..hope you had a good Christmas..xx
    Joan how are you all doing..are the new meds using the pain...I do hope to you all ((((()))))
    Better go Niamh on her way
    Love to everyone..especially Bill t4591
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara your eyes are playing Up I can tell ((())) I hope Niamh has come along and made you all happy :D

    A job she doesn't even know she has!!

    Yes this cold has taken a hold. Kari got me a jigsaw for Christmas, but if I lean forward my nose runs :oops: :shock:

    Sleek should have visited Kath by now with her box of tricks. She has her won cupboard at Kath's so she'll soon sort her out. I know the side car was full of bush babies and possums. The jammie dodgers were in her back-pack though or they'd be eaten before they arrived!!

    Yes Aidan was full of helpful idea :( Ah well. ((())) So are you...vicks for my knees :shock: :?

    Over 100 poems! Wow but you're not so sure about the short stories :?

    The omelette was a mushroom one especially for you :)

    Hi mig! Good to see you :) A tiny bit of peeling won't do you much harm sounds like you have had a good Christmas :)

    DD Mr DD can come here and cook ANY day!!

    I think this cold caught up with me due to overdoing things prior to the big day too you have my sympathy.

    A wee test of a new kettle in the shop isn't a bad idea it's just there may be people there!! Dreadful!!!!

    Some sheep for you to count tonight g034.gif

    Yvonne I too am going to have to try the roly poly it looks fabulous!!!

    Right it's Friday today so takeaway night!! Paul fetches it too so I can sit on my BUM!

    Hoping we hear from Bill soon and that Dad is on the mend love and ((())) t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Love to Joan and Sue who ought to have been out today ((()))

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone. Had a bit of a rough night coughing and trying not to sneeze...why do you get that feeling of wanting to sneeze 24 hours a day with a cold?? :roll: s010.gif

    I am making a fuss aren't I it's just so rare I get a cold :oops:

    Poor Paul works all year looks forward to a week off and I am ruining it :(

    Don't worry I'm cooking this breakfast after washing my hands and with gloves and a face mask on!


    vegan French crepes - Aidan loved all things French. t4591 t115006

    Still thinking of him very much Bill, Bill's Dad and Tosca I hope they are all ok t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 (((())))

    Joan I am pretty sure you and Sue were out yesterday hope you had a good day ((()))

    Love to everyone else

    a snotty

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone I hope you all had a lovely Christmas
    . Toni I'm sorry you have a cold I hope it don't stay too long ((((((()))))
    . Barbara I hope you and you family had a good day (((((()))) yes the tablets are working my legs feel lighter.
    . Kathleen I hope you and Chris had a good day (((((())))) and your Dad(((((())))
    . DD I hope you and your husband were all right and you had a good day ((((((()))))
    Thank you all the Moderators for the forum ((((((())))
    Bill I hope it was not too bad for you and your family (((((((()))) thinking of you
    . take care. love to Mig Carol Christine
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily Poem

    by Kathleen

    They were taken:
    stolen away like a thief in the night,
    who crept along in the fading light
    and tip-toed up to where they lay
    before the start of a shining day.
    They left the beds they slept upon
    and no-one knew where they had gone.
    Their robes still hang in the closet - there
    and the brushes, which untangled their hair
    still lay on the dresser, unused, forlorn,
    as the silvery sky welcomes the dawn.
    We searched the garden, we called their names,
    we peered all day through the window panes.
    Oh, how we longed to see the trace
    of a smile upon a much loved face.
    But never a sight and never a sound,
    as though they'd vanished into the ground.
    Each day the sun sends out his rays
    to warm our empty, lonely days
    and the feathery moon travels across
    the tilted sky in search of the lost.

    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Joan, we had a very quiet day and Holly and her girls loved the presents we gave them. Just so fed up of it being cold and dark. It depresses us. :(

    Oh Toni, you are not a fuss pot, you have an awful cold. Another tip for Vicks is to put it on the soles of your feet, then put some nice bed socks on and go to bed. Never tried it myself but it's supposed to work a treat. Oh, and slice a raw onion up and put it inside your vest tied to a piece of string like a pendant. You won't smell very nice though, so Sleek might not want a cuddle. :D Thank you for the crepes. X

    Sending hugs for Barbara, Carol, Bill and dad. mig, DD and all our fantastic mods.

    Now what's for supper? Oh yes, Aidan's favourite.

    Vegan Cauliflower Cheese Gratin

    For the vegan 'cheese' sauce:
    60ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil
    1 white onion, finely sliced
    120g (~3/4 cup) peeled, cubed potato
    130g (1 cup) cashews
    375g (1 1/2 cups) water
    1 tsp smoked paprika
    1 tsp garlic granules
    3 tbsp nutritional yeast
    1 tbsp marmite, soy sauce or miso (my fave is marmite)
    1 tbsp yellow mustard
    2 tsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
    Black pepper
    For the gratin:
    1 medium head cauliflower, cut into medium florets
    150g (5.4 ounces) tenderstem broccoli (optional)
    3 tbsp breadcrumbs
    1/2 tbsp olive oil
    For the 'cheese' sauce:

    Heat 4 tbsp of the olive oil in a large pot over a
    medium-low heat. Add the onion to the pot and saute until it starts to brown
    slightly – about 10 minutes. Add the potato, cashews, water, smoked paprika,
    garlic granules, nutritional yeast, soy sauce/miso, and mustard to the pot.
    Bring to the boil and turn down to simmer – leave for 15
    minutes so that the potatoes and cashews can soften.
    Pour the contents of the pot into the jug of a high-speed
    blender along with the apple cider vinegar and blitz until completely smooth,
    adding more water as needed to get the right sauce texture (I added about 250ml/1 cup to get it thin enough). Taste and season
    with salt and black pepper.

    For the gratin:

    Preheat your oven grill to a medium heat and place an oven rack in the top third of the oven.
    Pour a few cm (1-2 inch) depth of water into a large pot and set over a high heat on the stove. Once the water is boiling, add the cauliflower and broccoli to the pot. Cover with a lid, turn down the heat to low, and let the veg steam for 4 minutes until tender but still with firmness to it.
    Drain the veg and add to a roasting dish. Pour over the 'cheese' sauce and stir to coat. Mix the breadcrumbs and oil in a small bowl until coated then scatter this over the vegetables.
    Place under the grill in the oven and watch carefully. You want the breadcrumbs to toast and the sauce to brown slightly. This should take around 5 minutes but will depend on your grill.
    Once finished, remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..
    Kath we have sun I hope you you say the dark days depress us...I know you like your little walks...hopefully spring will be early...
    The poem is so true...and very clever..gosh how many did you say you had wrote..thankyou for the cauliflower cheese gratin..,xx
    Toni you are never a fuss pot..its not like you to be poorly... t2507 I really hope you recover soon..we have Niamh here who is full of a cold.. hopeung it dosent spread...and I am sure Paul will understand ..and maybe play nurse...x
    Joan thankyou ... I am glad the meds are heping your leg pain..and I hope Syes mouth is not has sore ((((())))
    Mig I am so sorry missed you out yesterday..and I am glad you all had a lovely Christmas..xx
    Like I said earlier we have niamh better go
    Love to everyone and special hugs for Bill (((())))
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone.

    You won't believe this news but Bill has been in touch to let us know his Dad died in the early hours of this morning. So very sad poor poor Bill.

    What we must do is take some comfort in the fact that he is with Aidan and Bill's Mum. Apparently he never got over losing her 2 years ago.

    It just seems so incredibly unfair for Bill to suffer so much loss. Sleek has been over to see Tosca and told her she needs to look after herself as she must look after Bill now.

    Bill when you look in please know we are all so very sorry and send you love and strength (((()))) t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006

    RIP Bill Snr :cry:

    Toni xxx