Newly diagnosed 20 year old

Liv20 Member Posts: 11
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis
Hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis after being in extreme pain in both wrists/hands and shoulder. I’ve lived a perfectly normal life until around 6 months ago when the pain randomly hit me like a truck! I’m now on Methotrexate and steroids and was wondering if my life will ever be pain free! I’m on week 5 of the methotrexate and I know it can take a while to work and just wondering what it actually means for it to ‘work’. Will I be in a lot less pain and actually be able to do everyday things? At the moment I can’t even lift a pillow to move it at nighttime when the pain is at its worse! Just want my life back without being a swollen mess!


  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    Hi Liv20 and welcome to the online Community.

    I'm sorry to hear that you have recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis which is causing you so much pain. The sudden onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis can be a real shock.

    Methotrexate takes 3 - 12 weeks to start working and so you may not yet be noticing any effect just yet. The degree of relief can be different for each person. You will be on a starting dose while your rheumatologist tries to bring your condition under control, but this might be increased if it isn’t helping your symptoms.

    We have a really good page of information on this:

    If you feel you need to talk to someone in person, our free Helplines are available on 0800 5200 520 ( Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 6:00pm).

    Many people in the Community take methotrexate and I'm sure they will provide you with some information of their own experiences.

    All best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    Oh Liv that sounds really awful i am sorry 😕

    I totally relate to your story I woke up one day stuck in position in agony! Such a shock and that took a lot of getting over.

    With most health problems you go to the Dr get a course of 'something' take the course and all fixed! With these inflammatory/autoimmune arthritides it's not as simple. It's a case of trial and error finding the right dose of the right medication for you.

    I am glad to hear that you are on meds to try to control the disease though which is good. The idea is that yes medications such as MTX will help a lot, but as you know take a while to work. The idea is you should be in a lot less pain once your medication is right for you. I am presuming you are on some pain relief too.

    Sometimes the Drs have to play around with our meds for a while before they find the right combination for us.

    I don't know whether MTX alone will be the right treatment for you, but I hope it is and you start to feel the benefits of it very soon.

    Sending you ((()))

  • Struddie
    Struddie Member Posts: 6

    Hi Liv20

    So sorry to hear your story of pain. I remember when I first got diagnosed (I've been on MTX for 18 years now) I just needed to hear someone say that it will get better!

    Truth is, as Brynmor says, it is different for everyone. My experience is that it will be better than where you are now, but it might take some time.

    Hopefully you're under a good rheumatologist at the hospital? If I could give one tip it would be - always tell the health professionals dealing with you what is, and what isn't acceptable to you. For instance, you may have a pain threshold much lower than other people - the doctors will only know what you can tollerate if you tell them.

    Give the MTX a chance to work, then if it isn't working for you, tell them you need something else. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe some of the medicines to someone young like you, but there are options out there

    Hope it improves for you soon. Take care 🤗