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  • Hello Yvonne,

    thanks for your message. I have already checked the links, thanks. it does feels like side effects. unfortunately won't be able to see my rheumatologist as we are going back to stricter lockdown and interprovincial travel is not allowed, but trying to contact her online. I am already taking folic acid (and lots of ginger tea!) and unfortunately medical aid won't cover meth injections, that's why I am curious to know more from other people who may have experienced the same. will check the other groups ! thanks again. have a good week x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Hi @MarieSouthAfrica

    Good to meet you welcome to this lovely community.

    Sorry to hear your MTX is causing some side effects for you. Top ten tips are (in my non-professional opinion!) rest rest and rest g=again the day afterwards and eating savoury seems to help a little too. If you only have folic acid once a week that might be incresable if your Doc agrees.

    When we are in 'proper' lockdown (and still pretty well here) we couldn't see our Drs either on the whole, but video apts and telephone consultations are doable now.

    Might be worth sticking Methotraxate side effects into the search box and see what that throws up?

    Take care

  • Hi everyone . I’ve just joined today, as I have osteoarthritis. It would be nice to have a chat.😊
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Greetings! Jump in and natter away. A photo of your dog in Pets Corner would be nice, although I am a cat person.

  • DonnaC
    DonnaC Member Posts: 12
    Hello, I’ve joined but don’t know for definite whether I have arthritis. Neck started to feel stiff during December 2019. I noticed whilst driving that turning my neck to the right was uncomfortable. I went to the GP in January this year, told him I think it may arthritis. He said there’s not much that can be done. If we operate we can make things worse & you could be disabled. He said I can send you for physio. I had about 5 visits to the physio. She told me there is a little arthritis in my neck, she also noted I had an over compensating shoulder. Gave me a resistance band & exercises to do. What I want to ask, is there a blood test or scan I need to have to confirm if it is arthritis? I still have pain, even when exercising. My head feels too heavy for my body.
  • MoWW
    MoWW Member Posts: 75

    Hello and welcome to the forum @DonnaC

    I am sure you will find information and support from other forum members.

    It sounds as if you are doing all the right things, speaking with your GP and physio. Neck pain can be really debilitating, and worrying if it is affecting your ability to drive. For some types of inflammatory arthritis there are blood tests that can show markers. There’s no blood test for osteoarthritis, although your doctor may suggest you have them to help rule out other types of arthritis.

    X-rays aren’t usually helpful in diagnosing osteoarthritis, although they may be useful to show whether there are any calcium deposits in the joint. You could ask your GP or physio if they feel you require further investigation into your symptoms.

    I have added some links below to information on our website:

    Understanding neck pain,

    Exercise and arthritis


    Getting help

    Driving and arthritis

    I hope this information is of help.


  • KazandNoo
    KazandNoo Member Posts: 136

    Hi MarieSouthAfrica

    I'm sorry to hear of your problems with MTX

    I tried methotrexate twice and couldn't handle it at all,15mg per week gave me bad nausea,headaches and made me feel really down and "off".I tried to stick with it,tried folic acid every day apart from mtx day,ate crystallised ginger etc but then I developed cough and breathlessness so was taken off it for a while then restarted at only 7.5mg which made me feel just as bad.

    I had to come off it,I felt a bit of a failure as I know of 2 other people in my village who take it with only minimal discomfort but the rheumatology nurse said it doesn't suit everybody, 1 in 10 can't take it.

    Hopefully as time passes the side effects will ease for you as you say it is helping your arthritis.

    Do let me know how you get on.

  • DonnaC
    DonnaC Member Posts: 12
    Thanks Mo for the links. Think I’ll look into having a private x-ray just to check for peace of mind that it’s not cancer. Big sister died at 59 from neck cancer after having her voice box removed. I do low impact aerobics that I found on YouTube, this hurts my neck though but I stick with it. I do the head against the wall head press, again this hurts. I’d like to know for definite if it is arthritis, which one it is, will I get it in other areas, will my children get it? My late Mum used to say her father, who I never met was riddled with arthritis. It definitely effects my mood, gives me headaches, I sometimes wake up groggy. How do people cope with everyday pain? Tried freezer pack, hot water bottle & volterol which is useless.
  • Julie2258
    Julie2258 Member Posts: 3
    Hi all I'm Julie from w mids I have fibro myalgia and 3 compartmentalise arthritis in my knee and think it's coming in other knee, I also have Raynaurds disease.
  • AlanM
    AlanM Member Posts: 46

    Hi Julie

    welcome to the forum, it's good to see you here.

    You have fibromyalgia, arthritis in your knee and Raynaud's phenomenon. If you haven't already, it's worth having a look at the information on our website, which may answer some of your questions and raise others.

    If you are worried or feel that you need to talk through some of the issues around your arthritis, please phone our Helpline team, who can help you look at some of the information that's out there and possible support.

    And, of course, the online community here will have many members who have experience of some or all of your own diagnoses.

    Good luck, Julie and we look forward to seeing you here.

    Best wishes


  • Seath
    Seath Member Posts: 1

    Hi All,

    May I share my story, of hip problems.

    I am a 42yr old electrician and for the past few years hip pain has slowed my extremely active lifestyle down and affected my work. I would always be running around, dancing, gardening and cycling everywhere. To be honest I have used exercise, over the years, to deal with low mood. 3 Weeks ago while lifting a large heavy box I experienced sudden pain my right hip. I got checked out at hospital and the x ray showed slight progression in osteoarthritis from an x ray 4 years back. I was prescribed exercises and pain relief. I continued working and on Friday while lifting, I had another sudden pain incident in the right hip, which felt far worse than the previous one. I went to A+E, where the prescribed more exercise and pain relief.

    The early hours of the next morning I woke in great pain, got up to relieve myself and my partner found me passed out in the toilet. An ambulance team arrived, they ran some obs tests and took me to the hospital. This time they took several x rays and blood tests. The young nurse shared how she believed fainting is a thing with severe hip pain.

    The doctor in the hospital said that because I could ambulate (walk) and my pain (whilst not moving was moderate) they would have no choice but to discharge with a referral request sent to my GP albeit an urgent one. So I may get an specialist osteo appointment in a couple of weeks rather than a few months which I had been told after the first incident.

    I have built my whole life and career around being physically fit and now this last week I am now wondering what I will be able to do.

    I am disappointed that I was referred back to the GP as my business and therefore whole life are on hold. The hospital doctor said that joint problems are one of their most common patient complaint and that criteria for immediate referral are;

    -severely restricted joint movement

    -high level pain etc.

    but not the need to make a living seemingly!

    From my perspective I argued that, yes the phsio could manipulate the joint, and I am able to hobble with crutches, but the severe pain comes when under load, particularly when bending. I am unable to resume actively running my business and as the last 3 weeks experience has demonstrated, carrying on as usual with supplementary exercises and pain relief has not helped and in fact brought the issue to a head.

    As I said to the doctor, it seems you have to be practically crippled to qualify for treatment, ie an MRI and who knows then possibly, surgery, yet wouldn't prevention be better than cure? Or do I now throw away my business, all the training, let my apprentice go, and try to start a new career which accommodates limited mobility? Desk work etc?

    I will wait and see what the GP says in the next week or two, and make use of this forced rest to do my tax return.

    I know it is early days but my gut instinct is telling me this is not a rest and recover situation now.

    Thanks for hearing my story and I look forward to learning about these conditions with others.



  • Wendy_G
    Wendy_G Member Posts: 2
    Hi everyone 👋
    I've just joined the forum, I'm hoping I can use it for tips and positivity! Feeling a bit low today.
    I'm 39 (40 in Sept), I was diagnosed with PsA a couple of weeks ago and had a steroid injection in my knee. It temporarily made a difference but my knee flared up badly again on Thursday morning and I could barely walk on Friday/yesterday, the inflammation and pain has been awful and my knee doesn't bend much. I've also had pain in my right hip, thigh and lower back the last few days. I'm now using crutches to walk and am very tired and need to rest lots.
    I'm trying to get my head round what's happening with my body and what this diagnosis means for me going forward. And also what might be triggering the flare ups. I am not overweight (although top end of BMI 'healthy' scale) and was training to run 10k before this happened, plus I usually do pilates and lots of walking. I have two young children, age 6 & 3, and at the moment I'm struggling to do much with them and I feel awful about it 😔
    Can anyone please tell be about their experiences of PsA flare ups, triggers, tips on how to manage pain and immobility, what exercise they do and how/when? I can't see how I can exercise while my knee is so swollen but I keep reading that it makes it better and won't make it worse??
    I'm feeling tired and down today, I just want to get under my duvet.
    Thanks for your time 🙏
  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 856
    edited 16. Aug 2020, 15:51

    Hi @Wendy_G

    Welcome to the forum,lovely you have found us.

    You say that you have only been diagnosed with PsA a couple of weeks ago and you had a steroid injection at the same time, but the knee has had a flare up again.Firstly I would go back to your Rhumatologist for the flare up to see what else they can do. I also have a link with some information that may help you

    Take a look round our forums the most popular being Living with Arthritis, Chit Chat and Vals café.

    please let us know how you get on Christine

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Wendy_G
    Wendy_G Member Posts: 2
    Hi @Chris_R
    Thanks for your response and the popular forums, I'll take a look.
    I am going back to see the Rheumatologist tomorrow so hoping he can suggest something different. I was trying to be positive a couple of weeks ago but as the steroid injection hasn't really worked, I'm now feeling more pessimistic. I know it's early days though and I ought to be more patient!
  • Alexc26
    Alexc26 Member Posts: 3

    Hi I’m Alex and I’m 26. I have arthritis in my hip and spine still going through diagnosis. My dad and nan have severe arthritis which has led to wheelchair use and joint replacements and honestly I am a little scared I am going the same way because I have a 9 year old and I want to be a fun mum. I’m hoping to talk to people who can support and help each other 😊

  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 856
    edited 21. Aug 2020, 18:54


    Welcome to the forum good to see you contacting us

    You say you have Arthritis in your hip and spine and still going through diagnosis.

    Here is a link that may help in explaining what is happening to you.

    also on the forums you will find people who are going through what you are at this moment.

    I remember being pretty scared after I was first diagnosed so I know what you are going through.

    the most popular forums are Living with Arthritis, Chit Chat and Vals café.

    Please let us know how you get on.


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Jayman29481
    Jayman29481 Member Posts: 2
    edited 28. Aug 2020, 13:24

    Hey Everybody,

    I am 64 years old, had arthritis in both my hips and both hands for over 15 years. It has been not only painful but debilitating as I am sure you all understand.

    I am going to keep this short and sweet, I have tried many different treatments over the years and nothing has really taken even the edge off. 3 months ago my son was talking with his naturopath, he told her about my arthritis and she told him that I should try cannabis oil. From the first day I tried the oil within 2 hours the pains in both my hands were gone, however I put that down to me wanting it to work (placebo I have just been told is what thats called). However, I have now been taking the oil for 3 months and it has changed my life. I don't feel any pain at all now (touch wood) and I have not slept like this for years. My brother now takes the oil and so does his daughter (both also have arthritis in different areas) and they would tell you that what I am saying here is gospel.

    I wanted to share that because, I am sure there are people who have had enough of the constant bleeding nagging pains it causes, my moods have been so much better (my wife will testify to). I could not recommend the oil highly enough.

  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 772

    Hi @Jayman29481 and welcome to the Versus Arthritis forum.

    So you have been suffering with arthritis for over 15 years and have found that cannabis oil, which you started taking 3 months ago, has helped alleviate your pain.

    For your benefit and those of other forum members Versus Arthritis’s thoughts on Cannabis Oil can be found here

    Here is an extract:

    “Cannabis oil (CBD)

    CBD is type of cannabinoid – a natural substance extracted from the cannabis plant and often mixed with an oil (such as coconut or hemp) to create CBD oil. It does not contain the psychoactive compound called tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC) which is associated with the feeling of being ‘high’.

    Research in cannabinoids over the years suggests that they can be effective in treating certain types of chronic pain such as pain from nerve injury, but there is currently not enough evidence to support using cannabinoids in reducing musculoskeletal pain. We welcome further research to better understand its impact and are intently following developments internationally.

    CBD oil can be legally bought as a food supplement in the UK from heath food shops and some pharmacies. However, CBD products are not licensed as a medicine for use in arthritis by MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority) or approved by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) or the SMC (Scottish Medicines consortium).

    We know anecdotally from some people with arthritis, that CBD has reduced their symptoms. If you’re considering using CBD to manage the pain of your arthritis, it’s important to remember it cannot replace your current medicines, and it may interact with them, so please do not stop/start taking anything without speaking to a healthcare professional.”

    If at any time you fell it would be useful then please do call our free Helpline on 0800 5200 520, or email (Mon - Fri 9:00am – 8:00pm) if you ever feel they could be of help.

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Hey Chris,

    Thank you for your message.

    I just wanted to share my experience as I felt obliged to.


  • Bex
    Bex Member Posts: 1

    Just to say Hi, and looking forward to joining this forum.

  • Shell_H
    Shell_H Member Posts: 548

    Hi @Bex and welcome to the online community.

    There's a lot going on here, and the members are friendly and wonderfully helpful. Would you be able to tell us a little more about yourself and how arthritis affects you?


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Hi @Bex

    Nice to meet you🙂

    As Shell says do tell us a little bit about you if you feel comfortable doing that or ask us a question if we can help we will.

  • Jillsewing
    Jillsewing Member Posts: 2
    edited 23. Sep 2020, 13:00

    Hello everyone pleased to have joined 🐶

  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    Hi @Jillsewing welcome to the Online Community, lovely to have you here.

    Do join in across the Community, tell us a little about yourself and experiences with arthritis. Feel free to ask questions or request support, call in for a chat or just let us know how you are getting on.

    All best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Hi @Jillsewing

    Lovely to meet you. let me take a your name Jill and do you love to sew?☺️
