Sleeping with Foot Arthritis – Anybody with similar problems?

webman Member Posts: 10
edited 22. May 2020, 13:30 in Living with arthritis

I’m self diagnosed with RA in my right foot but can’t get a full diagnosis with the current Covid 19 problems in the NHS.  Last night was a bad night for me, almost constant pain and difficulty finding a comfortable position for my right foot so I could get more than a hours sleep.

 I had been sleeping on my back with my feet outside of the duvet to keep the pressure off my right foot. This has worked in the past but not last night, pain in the foot accompanied by bursts of a burning sensation in the big toe.

I am thinking of making a bed cradle that will raise the duvet above my feet to see if that helps.

 Has anyone tried this approach, with any success.

 Also, I have been switched from paracetamol to co-codamol by my doctor, with was good effect the first day but now, single tablets aren’t having much effect, should I be taking a regular course of co-codamol to control the pain.


  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    It could be a circulatory problem, but having said that R/A could be the cause of it. In the interim I suggest a foot tent, as poor circulation could make your foot cold and having the duvet over it could ease the pain.

  • webman
    webman Member Posts: 10

    I do have circulatory problems as I suffer with Atherosclerosis in both legs, the right leg is considered as critical by the cardiovascular disease specailists.

    Thank you for your comments on the foot tent.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    In your researches have you dismissed gout or psoriatic arthritis (PsA) as a possible cause? Is your toe swollen, hot to the touch? I have PsA in all my toes but the immuno-suppressant meds are controlling disease activity. I also have trouble with the weight of bedding on my feet but sleeping on my side alleviates that. When I am awake in the night and reading I then have to have my feet outaide of the bedding so wear loose socks. My mother used an old bed tray at the bottom of her bed to raise the covers.

    My husband has the occasional blast of gout which affects one or both of his big toes, a few days of naproxen sorts that out. Both gout and PsA are on the wide spectrum of auto-immune inflammatory conditions, there are around 300 so self-diagnosis is maybe not that straightforward. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • webman
    webman Member Posts: 10

    Yes my big toe is swollen and the joint is hot and sore to the touch. On both feet the toes are stiff across all joints where the toes meet the feet, I also have problems with the weight of bedding on my right foot.

    I have spoken to a locom doctor this morning and have managed to get a face to face appointment with him tomorrow morning and possibly a blood test and perhaps an x-ray because the problems have been ongoing with treatements that aren't working for three weeks now.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    If you have only been taking pain relief then no wonder things haven't improved because that does not deal with the underlying cause. If gout is the culprit then a course of anti-inflammatory medication may do the trick: please let us know how you get on. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • webman
    webman Member Posts: 10

    Yesterday I spoke with a different doctor who gave me a face to face appointment this morning. I have had bloods taken and will get a telephone call on friday from the same doctor with the results. I have also been able to make an appoint at my local hospital for a foot x-ray tomorrow morning.

    In the meantime I have been told to stop the Clopidogrel I'm taking and to take Lanzoprozole and Diclofenac for 3 days until the blood results are back as the Diclofenac should reduce the swelling in my foot.

    @dreamdaisy thanks for your interest and help with this.

    Will update later in the week.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    You're more than welcome and that sounds more promising. I found diclofenac an effective anti-inflammatory and the lansaprazole is necessary to inhibit damage to the guts. I hope these two help, I will look in again after Friday in case there's more news. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • webman
    webman Member Posts: 10

    I have just spoken to the doctor and the blood tests indicate that it is NOT Gout; the big toe joint is not so painful so I can get more exercise now. I am sleeping a lot better (without pain and discomfort) and the foot is almost back to normal when I first get up but later on in the morning its a little more swollen, I think bucause I am walking on it. The swelling in the ankle has gone down but remains a little swollen and the swellling extends about 4 or 4 inches up the leg.

    Hopefully the x-ray results will be back by the middle of next week.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    It's good things are being elimnated and also improving, I am pleased for you. I wonder if it is osteoarthritis but time (and perhaps the Xrays) will tell. When sitting it may help your ankle if your leg is up with a cushion under the ankle. Take care and I hope you have a pleasant Bank Holiday. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853
    edited 23. May 2020, 07:06

    Just read your thread from top to.... dare I say it...toe!

    I so sympathise with you when I have bad flares i can't even tolerate a sheet on my bones 😕

    I am very glad to hear things are settling down for you now and that you have a Dr who is listening to you and trying to get to the bottom of it for you.

    Do let us know what you find out in the end

    take care

  • webman
    webman Member Posts: 10

    Well, just spoken to the G.P. and the diagnosis is that it is just wear and tear arthritis.

    I have emailed the help line to see what they suggest but would welcome any suggestions on the best way of managing this and are there any ways to prevent amy deteriation in the condition.

    Thanks for your help and support.

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,468

    I’ve had two two ops on my feet, unfortunately you don’t get something for nothing, all the foot pressure is now on the rest of my joints which are very painful. I have one fusion and a replacement which was removed to leave me with a space in my foot.

    After a lifetime of arther I got to see a pediatrist about four years ago and now get made up insoles, supported by carbon inserts and cushioned. This also means I buy trainer type shoes which in turn are supportive and cushioned (Pavers at present). I suppose that with due thought to the state of my feet, I get by.

    I do not do a lot of walking, I need to wear the same shoes or my ankles and knees hurt more.

    Currently I have suspected heel fracture and other issues so I’m fed up, big time.

    its a grin honest!

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,468

    I find the modern diagnosis of ‘its just wear and tear’ particularly frustrating, I’ve had arther since I was young, do doctors really want to tell me it isn’t a problem and to give me a damm good ignoring, which is basically what’s happened!

    what do you think?

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Get your GP to refer you to a Podiatrist, failing that you may be able to self-refer. Check out your local NHS website.

  • webman
    webman Member Posts: 10

    @Mike1 I am already registered with the Podiatrist becuase of the poor circulation in my feet (Atherosclerosis). The only problem at the moment is that Podiatry is shut down due to Covid 19.

    @Airwave! I fogot the other day when I was speaking to the doctor; but I do intend to ask for a copy of any report that was sent to the surgery with regard to the x-ray.