What to eat and what not to eat? RA advice

Hey all,

I have recently been diagnosed with RA and just wondered if anyone can recommend any food they found helped and also food that made inflammation worse etc... I have been looking online and there are so many mixed views on different foods and RA!

Just interested what you all think 🙂

A family friend who also has RA said when she eats lots of chocolate it causes havoc with flare ups!

Many thanks in advance,

Abbie ☺️


  • Bic1982
    Bic1982 Member Posts: 31

    Hi @Abbs06,

    I also have RA and find that if I eat a lot of dairy I will suffer with stiffness and pain more than if I dont. I still eat it but limit myself so that I can still enjoy it but not get the after effects. I think we are all different though and somethings may not effect others in the same way.

    Take care

    A x

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    A sensible, Mediterranean-type of diet is best. Keep weight down and don't smoke. Whisky is now a very rare pleasure and the second glass of wine doesn't help😆

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Debbydo
    Debbydo Member Posts: 6


    I've had RA for 20 years and found if I control sugar in my diet I feel much better .also I cant drink red wine as I get a flare .I agree with another comment earlier a Mediterranean diet is really good to .

    I supplement with turmeric and omega and I also drink pure aloe gel .

    avoiding stress also helps as if I get upset worried or over tired I flare

    All the best too you

  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399

    Hello Abbie,

    In my early days of being a rheumatoid I obtained a book from the library which recommened a diet that claimed was a cure for RA. It was very strict and cut out all dairy and fresh fruit though you could eat fish and chicken. I was 8 stone when I started and believed the diet was doing me the power of good though weight fell off me. When the scales told me I was below 7 stone I got frightened and stopped weighing myself! I stuck to the diet for 4 months till we went on holiday and Mr Legs suggested I eat as I used to just for a treat! I did and realised how much better I felt just eating a normal balanced diet so that's what I've done ever since.

    I would suggest that you be cautious and cut down rather than cut out at first. If you feel cutting down helps then cut out and see if it makes any difference. We're all different and so I hope you find something which helps. 😊

    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'