Traffic lights - what colour is yours today?

Hi all

A particularly bad day here today and my hip pain is unmistakably at red today.

Currently lying on the floor with pillow between my legs waiting for a call back from GP to review pain meds. The floor is probably not the best place to be but currently the most comfortable. I'll tackle getting up when I need to.

Trish xx



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,149
    edited 11. Jan 2023, 13:12

    Hi Trish, sorry to hear you’re on the floor. Been there myself and it sucks doesn’t it?

    I guess my light would be amber with a tiny flicker of red, but better than last few days. Too cold for me out today so I been alternating between hiding in music bunker and laying on bed.

    I hope the doc calls back soon and gives you something better for the pain.


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    Thanks @Keef

    Have spoken to my GP who has ordered an x-ray and wondered why that hadn't been done previously. I think she will also chase the MUSIK referral. She's increased my gabapentin which I taking for my C6,C7 issues and I can take with extra codeine/paracetamol as needed and we will review in 2/3weeks. I hope it works. I'm at the point where on top if everything else this has tipped the balance and I can't cope.

    I felt so good yesterday as well after seeing my neck surgeon who said I can go to the ball after over 10 years and have my surgery. Hopefully within 12 weeks that would will give me a bit if relief

    The floor is comfy but cold lol and yes it does suck. I hope your pain eases today

    Trish xx

  • Stuck on amber, I think.

    Hope you're off the floor soon @Trish9556

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    Thank you....I moved to my bed, got comfy and still there. Pain down to a pale amber but not moved yet

    Trish xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,149

    Hi Trish, glad you’re off the floor and somewhere more comfy.

    My colour is never anything less than amber. I think the bulb blew in my green light about a decade ago. And it’s never gonna get replaced with a new one.

    Please try and stay away from floors in future my lovely.


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    Hi @Keef

    Thank you. I am around the mid amber this morning. Worst hip day so far yesterday and it's probably a good thing that I was in tears to the Dr. Makes them realise how bad you are feeling but it's not something I like doing.

    I wil try to stay off the floor but it was the only place I could get comfortable. Mr was still in bed and can't cope with my pain so I always get up and go downstairs.

    I hope you have a good day, stay amber, pouring with rain here since Tuesday and that doesn't help.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • @Trish9556

    Where are you today?😀 What are you lying down on?🛏🛀🏼🚽🏔🏝? 😃😘

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    Hi @movingslowly

    So far today I've got up dressed and followed Mr round Tesco very gingerly for some exercise 😂😂

    Made sure he got the right stuff too lol.

    A restless night and yesterday made me determined to do something other than sleep!

    I hope you're having a good day?

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Better frame of mind today so the stiff neck, aching shoulders and puffy knees aren't winding me up as much.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    I'm glad things have been better for you today Hopefully my stiff neck and aching shoulders will vanish in the next 12 weeks

    Hope tomorrow is just as positive for you @movingslowly

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 360

    I am a bit Amber ish today. Fell whilst walking my dog on Tuesday. Bit sore at the moment.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763


    I hope you're ok and tomorrow is a better day

    I've been stuck in amber bordering nearer the red tonight as wired myself up to my faithful tens machine..

    Trish xx

  • Moon
    Moon Member Posts: 28

    Currently stuck at deepest darkest red ...

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    Oh @Moon

    That is awful, I've had quite a lot of those lately, what you need us lots of hugs (((((())))))) a lazy day with all your favourite things..

    Chocolate, hot chocolate, hot chocolate with marshmallows and lots of cream with a huge slice of your favourite cake and of course keeping warm and your meds. I hope you feel better soon

    Love n hugs

    Trish xxxx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    Back at red and back on the floor

    Trish xx

  • Moon
    Moon Member Posts: 28

    Sorry to hear that Trish, sounds as though you need that chocolate!! And a big hug which I send to you. Chocolate doesn't do it for me at all, I don't have a sweet tooth so my comfort food is always toast and marmite which I am currently tucking in to!

    Hope you feel better soon

    Moon xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    Thank you!

    I had my indulgent hot chocolate earlier but might have another later.

    I hope you've got a nice doorstep of toast with your marmite?

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • I've cycled through all three repeatedly during different parts of the day.

    Sending everyone good vibes and warmest of hugs... and a question.🙂

    Are there certain things you will do for yourself when you hit certain colours?

    For example, I've noticed @Trish9556 is on the hot chocolate deluxe and tens machine at amber but favours the floor on red 🙂

    @Moon is on the marmite at red🙂

    @Woofy is sore. Do you have any 'Go-to' type spoils when you're amberish Woofy?🙂

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    I have many coping strategies for coping with pain and may use a combination of any or all of them

    When I'm in the wide awake club at night it's additional painkillers. headphone on and classic FM on the radio and shut my eyes. 90% of the time I manage to nod off again.

    During the day it can be listening to books where I can immerse myself in the adventures being told, hot chocolate, tens machine, music, grandchildren and being their nutty nanna, favourite films. Lots of escapism tactics really.

    I also enjoy baking but that involves eating it unless the family are around or if doing it with grandchildren. Saying that, if your hands are good, baking bread is excellent because you can put all your anger and frustration into kneading the dough. Homemade bread is so good too especially with your favourite topping or soup.

    I could probably think of many more but these are my usual ones @movingslowly

    Where does the floor come in? Something I've always done and I think it goes back to the days when my epilepsy was my main problem. If you're in the floor you can't fall down. Admittedly it's now harder to get up but it's supportive, I can stretch out as much as I like with blankets and cushions as necessary.

    Wishing everyone a good day, I'm amber at the moment and have grandchildren for a sleepover later.

    Love n hugs to you all

    Trish xx

  • thanks @Trish9556

    I guess I'm looking for something other than gritting my teeth and cracking on, frustrated and cranky 🙂

    I love the grandchildren comments and couldn't agree more about helping them learn in all manner of ways.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763


    Thanks, had the eldest and middle grandchildren for a sleepover, baking biscuits with my granddaughter this morning and snuggles with my grandson last night and now a deep red so will probably go to bed and sleep this afternoon now they've gone

    Love n hugs


  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 360
  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763

    I think somebody has stolen the green and amber with red as I have three red lights today. Took 2 Tramadol and wired myself up at 5 this morning and they took a while to work. 🥺

    Definitely a PJ and sofa day. Might go back to the floor if it gets that bad again.

    Trish xx

  • Lisbeth
    Lisbeth Member Posts: 46

    Hi @Trish9556 I feel the same way today. I have been so active since last Monday that I thought I was past the worse of the post op blues. I have signed up to walk 56 miles in February for “Refuge” I think that I must have been over enthusiastic with my training, using my step counter to record up to three miles a day. This morning my body is protesting so I’m taking a day off. I like your “red, Amber and green light” way of measuring your daily coping mechanisms. I hope you didn’t find it necessary to end up on the floor and your Amber and green lights have been returned.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 763
    edited 30. Jan 2023, 10:44

    Hi @Lisbeth

    I hope you're feeling better today? Please don't overdo your recovery...remember it's baby steps not giant leaps.

    I've had a moderately good few days on the lower end of amber so fairly happy with that. Yes, I did have a floor morning. The tramadol knocked me for six and took about two days to get over having two. I think I'll stick with one in future unless it's really necessary.

    I always get annoyed when doctors ask for your pain levels on a scale of one to ten. It's too big a scale to get your head around when you're in it a 10 or a 9? Everyone's perception of pain is different so I always use a visual comparison that people will understand.

    On the plus side I'm scheduled to have my foraminotomy on the 7th so hopefully that isn't delayed and works and after 10 plus year I can get rid of the gabapentin.

    Have a good day

    trish xxx