Saying Hi!

Hi there,

First time poster! I'm currently awaiting a formal diagnosis but the consultant has confirmed I have inflammatory arthritis of some type.

I'm currently 31, I injured my left knee 7 years ago simply by crouching down. I tore cartilage, worked with an orthopaedic consultant on and off until my right knee became painful and inflammed which lead the orthopaedic consultant to send me over to the rheumatologist after sone MRIs and now we're here! I also have some pain in my fingers, toes and shoulder which are much more recent (and a little scary to be honest as for the longest time I thought I must just be being dramatic and overthinking it so i ignored it!).

Currently waiting on blood tests and I have an appointment for injections and draining on my knees at the end of March (also scary ha!).

I don't really have a reason for posting, I guess I'm just nervous about what life will look like going forward and very glad to maybe have people to chat with about it that understand chronic pain!


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,887

    Hi @Ajagpd

    Lovely to meet you and welcome you to the online community.

    It is scary to get a diagnosis like you have I hope it helped that you knew an orthopaedic consultant for some reassurance and a referral to Rheumatology.

    You have certainly come to the right place to chat to other people who understand the pain of arthritis and should get plenty of support and tips from our members.

    I don't know whether reading this might help a bit while you wait for someone to come along and share their story?

    My best wishes


  • Bowiefan
    Bowiefan Member Posts: 5

    Hi folks! Just retired 2 months ago as a nurse. Having a lot of pain with (R) shoulder, toes and the last 2 weeks my (R) knee. GP thinks osteoarthritis and that I am in a flare. Got an x ray on Mon afternoon. Hoping to listen + learn from others.👍

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,887

    Hi @Bowiefan

    Lovely to meet you. As an ex-nurse I expect you already know what you are up against, but it really is so helpful to read other people's posts and hear their tips and stories too. Just in case though I'll add a link to Osteoarthritis (OA) Still worth a read there are things you can do to help yourself in it the article:

    Good luck with your X-ray on Monday

    Best wishes


  • Bowiefan
    Bowiefan Member Posts: 5

    Hi Ellen, thanks very much for your welcome, the link and your kind best wishes